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Crime In The Heights


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Yesterday, after almost 20 uneventful years in the neighborhood, I had someone break into my North Norhill home. Thanks to an alert neighbor, an alarm, and a big dog, it was a quick in and out by the thief with nothing missing. As I was leaving my house early for work, I had noticed a 30ish Hispanic male in blue jeans and white tshirt walking down the sidewalk on the other side of the street. Don't usually see anyone but other neighbors out in the morning so I took a look back when I got to the corner. He was still walking and didn't appear to be looking at me so I went on about my business. Got to work and my neighbor called 20 minutes later to tell me she heard my dog barking and glass breaking, called 911 and the officers were there in just two minutes. The half window in my kitchen back door was broken. The door is double deadbolted, but you have to actually enter the house to set off the alarm, so apparently the thief crawled in, and when the siren started and the dog started going nuts, made a hasty retreat. Neither my neighbor or the police saw anyone running from the scene and there were no unaccounted for cars seen nearby. In the aftermath, two other neighbors reported seeing the same male walking up and down the street both before and after I left, so it seems almost certain that the guy I saw was walking around, waiting for someone to leave, and an opportunity. The police officer called me, waited for me to return home, and then with backup went in and cleared my house to make double sure no one was hiding inside. This really sucks. It's been almost 30 years since I've experienced a personal theft and it just reams me that there are people like this out there. I am thankful that I live on a block where most people know and look out for each other, and the police response was great. The epilogue to this story is that another house, across the street and two doors down, had a window broken on their front porch yesterday at 3:00 PM! I would like to believe no one could be so bold as to return to the same street after almost getting caught to try a different house on the same day, but who knows. There was someone home there and as soon as the window was broken, their alarm sounded but they didn't see anyone either. All I can say is do your part. Alarms really do seem to help, watch for anyone or anything suspicious, get a dog, and do meet your neighbors.

Alarms help, neighbors are better, and big loud dogs (even when as nice as they can be) are almost invaluable. If you make it difficult for someone to break into your house by having all the deterrents, it becomes easier for them to just go to the next house over and try them.

My dogs would actually prefer to sleep in my closet upstairs away from everything because its their favorite spot, but I lock them downstairs in the open where they can and do bark at everything they hear. It gives me peace of mind, knowing that someone has got to be pretty dang brave to come into my house with two large dogs barking as loudly as possible.

Sorry for your intrusion though - it hasnt happened to me yet, but I know I would be furious and feel very violated. I had a friend get broken into recently, and they walked in on the guy in their house...really makes you think about where you keep your valuables, and your weapons...I for one, had not been good about locking my guns up in the safe, and after they got robbed, I have not forgotten one time. Cant think of something worse then coming home, knowing someone is in your house, and not being able to stop them b/c you know that it is highly likely that they have found your gun, and you know its loaded...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last night a pack of six large dogs where in the E19th/Oxford area entering the Heights. I didn't get a clear look as I saw them at midnight, but I did notice that one was black and white and the others mostly tan and dark brown. They looked like strays that had banded together. Watch out for your cats if you let them out at night!

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Last night a pack of six large dogs where in the E19th/Oxford area entering the Heights. I didn't get a clear look as I saw them at midnight, but I did notice that one was black and white and the others mostly tan and dark brown. They looked like strays that had banded together. Watch out for your cats if you let them out at night!

Yes, this is the famous Alpo Gang.

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Watch out for your cats if you let them out at night!

If you have cats and let them run at large, you are violating city ordinance. (And before anyone tries to tell me that the "at-large" provision applies only to dogs, check Sec. 6-3. Running at large of domestic animals or fowl prohibited.). Not only that, but you are creating a nuisance by letting your cats go into your neighbors' yards and walk all over their clean cars and do their business in flowerbeds, under houses, etc. Please be a responsible cat owner and keep your cats inside where they belong at all times. Otherwise, you might be searching for your cat at BARC after I humanely trap it in my yard.

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If you have cats and let them run at large, you are violating city ordinance. (And before anyone tries to tell me that the "at-large" provision applies only to dogs, check Sec. 6-3. Running at large of domestic animals or fowl prohibited.). Not only that, but you are creating a nuisance by letting your cats go into your neighbors' yards and walk all over their clean cars and do their business in flowerbeds, under houses, etc. Please be a responsible cat owner and keep your cats inside where they belong at all times. Otherwise, you might be searching for your cat at BARC after I humanely trap it in my yard.

If you trap a cat in your yard and don't ask your neighbors if they might know whose cat it is before you ship it off, you're a bit of a jerk.

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If you trap a cat in your yard and don't ask your neighbors if they might know whose cat it is before you ship it off, you're a bit of a jerk.

I second that. Cats don't wander in packs and attack. Unfortunately there are lots of jerks around.

I have seen stray dogs myself when walking my dog late around 11PM-Midnight one day last week. My neighbor had a cat that was killed and the body was left on her front lawn. I assume this is a dog attack.

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If you trap a cat in your yard and don't ask your neighbors if they might know whose cat it is before you ship it off, you're a bit of a jerk.

Well, here we go with all the holier-than-thou replies. I'm sure the same people that think it's just fine to let their cat crap all around the neighbor's house think it's a mortal sin for someone's dog to poop in the grass on Heights Blvd. And I'm sure if your cat got run over by a car while it was roaming the neighborhood, it would be the car's fault. Why would it be my responsibility to search the neighborhood for the owner of the cat? If the owner was responsible, he would keep the cat indoors, and also would have the city-required tag on his cat so that if it was delivered to BARC the owner could be easily contacted. You can call me a jerk all you want, but I'm still going to be taking the cats that trespass in my fenced yard to BARC -- that is if my dog doesn't get them first.

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Well, here we go with all the holier-than-thou replies. I'm sure the same people that think it's just fine to let their cat crap all around the neighbor's house think it's a mortal sin for someone's dog to poop in the grass on Heights Blvd. And I'm sure if your cat got run over by a car while it was roaming the neighborhood, it would be the car's fault. Why would it be my responsibility to search the neighborhood for the owner of the cat? If the owner was responsible, he would keep the cat indoors, and also would have the city-required tag on his cat so that if it was delivered to BARC the owner could be easily contacted. You can call me a jerk all you want, but I'm still going to be taking the cats that trespass in my fenced yard to BARC -- that is if my dog doesn't get them first.

Actually, I am an owner of 2 dogs and zero cats, but who has no problem allowing the neighborhood cats to lounge around on my front porch, as they love to do. Also, as an owner of 2 dogs, one 45 pounds and one 60 pounds, I find it incomprehensible to be offended by a 5 pound cat's turd, when I am picking up the turds of my dogs. So, no, your reply would not describe me.

Since good old-fashioned neighborliness seems not to be your forte, let me confine my reply to the habits of dogs and cats. Dogs tend to be more aggressive, necessitating their confinement, either by fence or leash. Cats are much less so. It is rare for a person to be attacked by a cat, and then, usually only when the person is trying to catch the cat. Cats are very agile, meaning that the fence will not keep it contained. However, the roaming cat is a good thing (at least on MY street), because cats are the natural enemy of rats and mice. Now, maybe you are a fan of rats and mice, which would explain your hatred of the neighbors' cats. Me, I much prefer the lazy cat on my porch to the invading rats. That's why I do not mind the cats.

BTW, Mr. Cheney, welcome to the neighborhood.

Hey, you cats! Get off my lawn! :)

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Well, here we go with all the holier-than-thou replies. I'm sure the same people that think it's just fine to let their cat crap all around the neighbor's house think it's a mortal sin for someone's dog to poop in the grass on Heights Blvd. And I'm sure if your cat got run over by a car while it was roaming the neighborhood, it would be the car's fault. Why would it be my responsibility to search the neighborhood for the owner of the cat? If the owner was responsible, he would keep the cat indoors, and also would have the city-required tag on his cat so that if it was delivered to BARC the owner could be easily contacted. You can call me a jerk all you want, but I'm still going to be taking the cats that trespass in my fenced yard to BARC -- that is if my dog doesn't get them first.

I’m not holier than you, I just think it would be common courtesy to ask around before you put the cat on the train to Dachau, so to speak.

Asking some neighbors for cat ID wouldn’t take you too much time. Although, upon reflection, doing so might rob some practitioners of your “capture and incarcerate” technique of their holier-than-thou pleasure of capturing other peoples' animals and teaching the owners a lesson under the color of enforcing some city regulations.

Not you, of course; you apparently are protecting your property rights. But I can see where some people wouldn’t get as much out of the ordeal if they actually found the owner just down the block.

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I hate it when my neighbor's cat gets its paw prints all over my car; however, I like the cat because it keeps the rodents away from the house. I saw it come out from beneath my house the other day with something furry in its mouth.

Why don't you call animal control for the dogs?

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Actually, I am an owner of 2 dogs and zero cats, but who has no problem allowing the neighborhood cats to lounge around on my front porch, as they love to do. Also, as an owner of 2 dogs, one 45 pounds and one 60 pounds, I find it incomprehensible to be offended by a 5 pound cat's turd, when I am picking up the turds of my dogs. So, no, your reply would not describe me.

Since good old-fashioned neighborliness seems not to be your forte, let me confine my reply to the habits of dogs and cats. Dogs tend to be more aggressive, necessitating their confinement, either by fence or leash. Cats are much less so. It is rare for a person to be attacked by a cat, and then, usually only when the person is trying to catch the cat. Cats are very agile, meaning that the fence will not keep it contained. However, the roaming cat is a good thing (at least on MY street), because cats are the natural enemy of rats and mice. Now, maybe you are a fan of rats and mice, which would explain your hatred of the neighbors' cats. Me, I much prefer the lazy cat on my porch to the invading rats. That's why I do not mind the cats.

BTW, Mr. Cheney, welcome to the neighborhood.

Hey, you cats! Get off my lawn! :)

Turning a discussion about free-range dogs and cats political is just bad manners.

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I don't know. How close does your neighbor live to the poster above?

The cat was killed near the intersection of Harvard and 22nd St one month ago. About a year ago when we lived on Munford, we had a cat killed in a similar manner near the corner of Munford and Harvard. Her carcass was left in the middle of my front lawn. Maybe it was "heights" who's been doing it?

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Turning a discussion about free-range dogs and cats political is just bad manners.

I would argue that Mr. Cheney has risen beyond the level of mere politics to become the international symbol of angry lawn protectors. For you to see only the political side of Mr. Cheney is an insult to all that he represents. ;)

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I would argue that Mr. Cheney has risen beyond the level of mere politics to become the international symbol of angry lawn protectors. For you to see only the political side of Mr. Cheney is an insult to all that he represents. ;)

I see. You mean like Obama has become the international symbol of American retreat and decline.

Edited by Heights CPA
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If you have cats and let them run at large, you are violating city ordinance. (And before anyone tries to tell me that the "at-large" provision applies only to dogs, check Sec. 6-3. Running at large of domestic animals or fowl prohibited.). Not only that, but you are creating a nuisance by letting your cats go into your neighbors' yards and walk all over their clean cars and do their business in flowerbeds, under houses, etc. Please be a responsible cat owner and keep your cats inside where they belong at all times. Otherwise, you might be searching for your cat at BARC after I humanely trap it in my yard.

The original poster referred to a pack of dogs roaming the neighborhood, attacking people and their pets. Heights, I realize that you are being terrorized by pooping cats. You clearly have a [synonym with cat] problem.

Edit: How does that become "puppy"?happy.gif

Edited by Porchman
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Yall, this is by far the funniest thread I have ever read on HAIF. I have tears in my eyes. I also have a liter box full of cat turds that I will share.

What do you mean by "share" exactly? Is it your plan to go about The Heights, leaving random "presents" on people's lawns, or will you be sending them to lucky HAIF members disguising them as "chocolate treats" ?? The fact that you want to "share" your cat turds with others is a disturbing in the least, but shows the nice diversity we have here on HAIF, and that even the fecalphiliacs are represented on this website. :blink::lol:

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Last night a pack of six large dogs where in the E19th/Oxford area entering the Heights. I didn't get a clear look as I saw them at midnight, but I did notice that one was black and white and the others mostly tan and dark brown. They looked like strays that had banded together. Watch out for your cats if you let them out at night!

So...the Heights is going to the dogs? :lol:

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My post was to warn people if they see the roving dogs to be careful for themselves and their pets. (Although it's pretty interesting and amusing how the threads wander so much nowadays...it's happening on all types of web sites.)

The pack looked well fed so if they aren't all one person's dogs that got loose, then they are probably living on cats, opposums, small dogs, etc. I am the owner of a cat that goes out during the day and not at night. He was a stray we rescued that was living in the streets for some time and we are trying to get him stay inside more and more. He goes bezerk if inside too much and even the vet said it's hard to get a former stray to stay in all of the time. My neighbors are cool with him and the cat has a collar and is chipped. Many pets on my street have been rescued and everyone on the block looks out for each other and their pets. I have lived in the Heights over 6 years and that is the first time I have seen a large roving pack. If I see the pack again I will report it to animal control.

Edited by CleaningLadyinCleveland
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My post was to warn people if they see the roving dogs to be careful for themselves and their pets. (Although it's pretty interesting and amusing how the threads wander so much nowadays...it's happening on all types of web sites.)

The pack looked well fed so if they aren't all one person's dogs that got loose, then they are probably living on cats, opposums, small dogs, etc. I am the owner of a cat that goes out during the day and not at night. He was a stray we rescued that was living in the streets for some time and we are trying to get him stay inside more and more. He goes bezerk if inside too much and even the vet said it's hard to get a former stray to stay in all of the time. My neighbors are cool with him and the cat has a collar and is chipped. Many pets on my street have been rescued and everyone on the block looks out for each other and their pets. I have lived in the Heights over 6 years and that is the first time I have seen a large roving pack. If I see the pack again I will report it to animal control.

I got distracted earlier by the cats on this thread (sort of like a cat toy) but I saw three or four dogs out front of the house about 3am last Wednesday (I live near Studewood and 11th). My dog woke me up to investigate, just as he does when he thinks raccoons are around. They were collarless, but clearly not starving.

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I got distracted earlier by the cats on this thread (sort of like a cat toy) but I saw three or four dogs out front of the house about 3am last Wednesday (I live near Studewood and 11th). My dog woke me up to investigate, just as he does when he thinks raccoons are around. They were collarless, but clearly not starving.

I bet they were illegal Mexican chihuahuas. Next time ask to see their papers.

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I bet they were illegal Mexican chihuahuas. Next time ask to see their papers.

Those stray dogs were 30-40 lb shorthair mutts. Although, every so often we see a skittish black chihuahua making the rounds on our block. He has a collar, though, so is probably just visiting from around the way.

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Those stray dogs were 30-40 lb shorthair mutts. Although, every so often we see a skittish black chihuahua making the rounds on our block. He has a collar, though, so is probably just visiting from around the way.

Yah, those may have been the big dogs of the operation. They are smuggling illegals up from Mexico way. There might be a safe house in your neighborhood. Look for unusual amounts of empty Alpo in the trash.

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There was also a post on the Woodland Heights board last week regarding a pack of dogs that was out at 3 in the morning. They killed a cat a 7th and Norhill, and apparently disappeared into a yard somewhere around Bayland/Norhill. Definitely a good idea to keep the kitties inside at night, I think.

I guess I have a cat in this fight as well.... Our cats are collared and chipped. They go outside during the day. One of them did indeed get hit by a car - no, I did not blame the car driver. I am very grateful that said car driver actually stopped and picked up the cat and then called us at the phone number listed on the tag. We also had a neighbor who objected to our cats visiting her yard, and believe it or not, we are attempting to resolve the issue. It is possible to train a cat, to a point....

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