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Crime In The Heights


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Grumpy neighbors, however, not so much.

I'm not grumpy, but object to cats using my yard as their toilet and bird killing ground. If I wanted to see a cat in the yard, I would have one. It is fun to sit patiently waiting for the cats, then hit them with the hose or super soaker.

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There was also a post on the Woodland Heights board last week regarding a pack of dogs that was out at 3 in the morning. They killed a cat a 7th and Norhill, and apparently disappeared into a yard somewhere around Bayland/Norhill. Definitely a good idea to keep the kitties inside at night, I think.

I guess I have a cat in this fight as well.... Our cats are collared and chipped. They go outside during the day. One of them did indeed get hit by a car - no, I did not blame the car driver. I am very grateful that said car driver actually stopped and picked up the cat and then called us at the phone number listed on the tag. We also had a neighbor who objected to our cats visiting her yard, and believe it or not, we are attempting to resolve the issue. It is possible to train a cat, to a point....

Have you (or your neighbors) tried using a water gun or sprayer when your cat enters their yard...? You have to get a long distance one (and you have to be sneaky) don't let them see it right away and catch them in the act right as they are doing it to modify their behavior. Also, if it's a problem with your cats using your neighbor's yard as a kitty box - cats don't like marigolds, bright colors, oh......and...lion dung.

Edited by CleaningLadyinCleveland
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Neighbor was unwilling to use the hose on them, though we told her to go right ahead.

We installed a CatStop - which is sort of an ultrasonic kitty annoyer that works via motion sensor. That was effective, until it stopped working. Shaking a plastic bag worked too - provided I caught them in the neighbor's yard.

Also, I made a point to go over and clean up the leavings in known problem areas - they tend to use the same spot, so if you remove the reminder sometimes they'll go somewhere else.

The complicating issue is that there are a lot of feral cats on the street - they're in her yard, too. We just get the blame because ours are the cats she can clearly identify.

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Feral cats need to be trapped and disposed of.

You don't "dispose" of them, just trap them humanely and then spay/neuter/chip them, and set them free. That will cause them to not only have more feral cats but less aggressive and more domesticated. Cats generally pose less than a threat than dogs do. If you're walking down a street (anywhere) and see a cat, they'll likely run away once you make eye contact. Dogs will likely attack. To keep them bay, use a walking stick with maybe a nail or something at the other end. Don't use lethal force unless you have to.

Cats never travel in packs either. For packs of dangerous dogs threatening neighbors and killing cats, it's time to get the gun. This is Texas, after all.

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Neighbor was unwilling to use the hose on them, though we told her to go right ahead.

We installed a CatStop - which is sort of an ultrasonic kitty annoyer that works via motion sensor. That was effective, until it stopped working. Shaking a plastic bag worked too - provided I caught them in the neighbor's yard.

Also, I made a point to go over and clean up the leavings in known problem areas - they tend to use the same spot, so if you remove the reminder sometimes they'll go somewhere else.

The complicating issue is that there are a lot of feral cats on the street - they're in her yard, too. We just get the blame because ours are the cats she can clearly identify.

Ha! We tried an ultrasonic cat repellant and the cats just laughed at it. After that we got a couple of motion sensor sprinklers that are designed to scare away cats and those worked like a charm.

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That does sound rather traumatizing. I take back everything I've said. I had no idea the level of criminal activity these felonious felines were committing. I just hope no children were present to witness the violence.

Wonder if getting sprayed with a water hose would take away a bit of RedScare's tiresome sarcasm and name calling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

did the cat thread get deleted? i posted it :mellow: maybe i should have put more meat in to the post but i thought it would be important for people to know...

It got moved here


On the pretext that more people would see it but I think that forum looks to me to be much less visited than the Heights forum (considering the 5th thread down was last posted in a month ago!) Is there a way the mods/admins could post a link to that thread in the Heights forum?

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Last night a pack of six large dogs where in the E19th/Oxford area entering the Heights. I didn't get a clear look as I saw them at midnight, but I did notice that one was black and white and the others mostly tan and dark brown. They looked like strays that had banded together. Watch out for your cats if you let them out at night!

...apparently the pack of dogs (not the total loser of a human that has been mutilating cats) has been in the Woodland Heights area for sometime attacking cats and trying to get to people too (in the Heights - Arlington and 8th)...it is on the Woodland Heights forum (registration required):


Edited by CleaningLadyinCleveland
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<H3 class=first>

fyi...from the Woodland Heights crime forum...</H3>To all Woodland Heights Residents,

As of late we have been experiencing a pack of wild dogs that has chosen to make our neighborhood part of its nightly scavenging and hunting excursions. The pack has already been responsible for the deaths of numerous neighborhood cats and at least one dog. There is a group of residents that is in the process of getting these dogs humanely trapped/removed, and a notice will be placed on the bulletin board and info line when the trapping begins. Any trapped animals will most likely be sent to BARC so please be sure to keep a collar with identification on you pets if you let them roam freely.

This being said, I would like to ask everyone to please help us out by doing the following:

1. Outdoor feeding of animals provides the food that the pack is looking for, if everyone could please cease this practice, especially at night it would be extremely helpful.

2. Please do not allow your pets to roam free at night, this is for their safety as well as removing possible prey for the dogs.

3. If you are one that likes to run in the early hours of the morning please be careful, and aware that they are around, they have not attacked people, but vigilance is key.

More information will follow as it becomes available.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Does anyone else find it odd that a guy was hired to catch a few dogs, but not to catch a serial arsonist?

Oh for heaven's sake....

This was a neighborhood-driven effort that coalesced after some people lost pets to the pack. BARC wasn't helping, so the trapper was called in.

If the arsons were happening within the Woodland Heights, I strongly suspect we'd have more surveillance out there and more people keeping an eye out. Also, I would hope that there would be more police interest in this case. Finally, that part of the Heights did pony up the bucks to hire the constable patrol - where's he in all this?

Besides, I don't think we can lure the arsonist into a Have-a-hart trap.

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If the arsons were happening within the Woodland Heights, I strongly suspect we'd have more surveillance out there and more people keeping an eye out. Also, I would hope that there would be more police interest in this case. Finally, that part of the Heights did pony up the bucks to hire the constable patrol - where's he in all this?

I could be mistaken, but I think that part of the Heights is not included in the constable patrol program. I think it's only East of Yale.

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I could be mistaken, but I think that part of the Heights is not included in the constable patrol program. I think it's only East of Yale.

That's be correct - the Heights CPP covers I-10 to 20th. Street, Studewood to Yale. Currently patrols 5 days a week, 8 hours per day. $255/year to sign up. The more that sign up, the more hours/days they can cover.

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That's be correct - the Heights CPP covers I-10 to 20th. Street, Studewood to Yale. Currently patrols 5 days a week, 8 hours per day. $255/year to sign up. The more that sign up, the more hours/days they can cover.

I thought so. We're on Rutland and I was disappointed to find out it stopped at Yale. But hopefully as that pack of fire-setting wild dogs gets even more aggressive, our side of the neighborhood will step up too.

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Are the dogs still running around?

Personally, I haven't heard of any sightings as of late. I do know that from the Woodland Heights forum, the person spearheading the project wrote that BARC is now coming in to do general sweeps of the area with animal control officers . They are writing out large quantities of citations for pet code violations.

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