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Crime In The Heights


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Hi Sorry what I am going to post is not related to this topic as I can't seem to find the way to post. I just want to tell you guys to be aware of robberies as the holidays are around the corner and of course with the bad economy. My house on 14th St just got robbed this afternoon around 3p.m. in the daylight! It was not a burglary. It was a home invasion robbery!:(

Basically what happened was two African Americans guys w/ accent dressed in yellow striped uniform ringed the bell while my boyfriend was in the house by himself. He opened the door as the two men were in uniforms and claimed that I have called them to fix the cable. My boyfriend told them that he's not aware of it and the two guys walked away when one of them came back and told my bf to keep his # so that I can call him when I get home. The next second he knew, he was being pushed into the house and the two guys tied him up w/ my laptop cables.

They pulled out a gun and threatened to hurt my bf at one point when they were not able to find any cash at home. My bf told them he did not have any with him at the time but is willing to take them to the nearby ATM to get cash and they can go through anything in the house. I have three rooms in my townhouse and honestly they digged through everywhere. My house is in the biggest mess you can imagine now with stuff all over the place. I have two other roommates whose rooms have also been digged through.

They took my bf's google phone, a 24K gold necklace on his neck, his belt and he was punched twice in the face when they were not able to find cash. Thank god he's okay!!! This has to be the most horrible experience ever since I moved to the Heights from The Woodlands about 5 months ago. They left after about 40min.

I have Home Security set up at home but it was turned off when the two guys came in since my bf was at home. He tried to set the alarm again and finally were able to set it up after struggling with his two hands tied up. However, the Comcast people never came and he finally opened the front door and got help from the post man who called the cops for him. Comcast Technician came about 5 hours later and I received the worst customer service from them while requesting them to get my alarm system checked out but we'll not talk about that for now.

I just want to make you guys aware of this situation and be more aware of what's happening in the neighborhood. Please be careful and watch out for your loved ones, friends and the people living around you.

I was looking into buying a iron bar door( yes i know it look ugly but that's the last thing on my mind right now) and would like to know if anybody has any suggestions or if they are really helpful.

Thank you!



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Hi Sorry what I am going to post is not related to this topic as I can't seem to find the way to post. I just want to tell you guys to be aware of robberies as the holidays are around the corner and of course with the bad economy. My house on 14th St just got robbed this afternoon around 3p.m. in the daylight! It was not a burglary. It was a home invasion robbery!:(

Basically what happened was two African Americans guys w/ accent dressed in yellow striped uniform ringed the bell while my boyfriend was in the house by himself. He opened the door as the two men were in uniforms and claimed that I have called them to fix the cable. My boyfriend told them that he's not aware of it and the two guys walked away when one of them came back and told my bf to keep his # so that I can call him when I get home. The next second he knew, he was being pushed into the house and the two guys tied him up w/ my laptop cables.

They pulled out a gun and threatened to hurt my bf at one point when they were not able to find any cash at home. My bf told them he did not have any with him at the time but is willing to take them to the nearby ATM to get cash and they can go through anything in the house. I have three rooms in my townhouse and honestly they digged through everywhere. My house is in the biggest mess you can imagine now with stuff all over the place. I have two other roommates whose rooms have also been digged through.

They took my bf's google phone, a 24K gold necklace on his neck, his belt and he was punched twice in the face when they were not able to find cash. Thank god he's okay!!! This has to be the most horrible experience ever since I moved to the Heights from The Woodlands about 5 months ago. They left after about 40min.

I have Home Security set up at home but it was turned off when the two guys came in since my bf was at home. He tried to set the alarm again and finally were able to set it up after struggling with his two hands tied up. However, the Comcast people never came and he finally opened the front door and got help from the post man who called the cops for him. Comcast Technician came about 5 hours later and I received the worst customer service from them while requesting them to get my alarm system checked out but we'll not talk about that for now.

I just want to make you guys aware of this situation and be more aware of what's happening in the neighborhood. Please be careful and watch out for your loved ones, friends and the people living around you.

I was looking into buying a iron bar door( yes i know it look ugly but that's the last thing on my mind right now) and would like to know if anybody has any suggestions or if they are really helpful.

Thank you!



Brand. With an iron.

Steam that stuff.

Edited by Subdude
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You clearly failed to read the original post. I made a full stop at the light on 11th and Yale - the light was red. I drive a diesel, fast is the last word I would use to describe it, not only that I pulled over on 10th and a half, I never got to more than 8 miles an hour by that point. Wide turns are required to avoid hitting the curb, especially straight non rounded curbs like the streets in the heights. My truck is large - it does not turn like a car....where you got the getaway apart? Ill just assume your already drinking...its Friday.

Young, fairly - 29....wealthy? Not really...above average, but far from wealthy. Expensive new truck? nope - 2006 Ford...100,000+ miles.

Am I supposed to lie....I could have given him my bar card if he wanted. As to how many lawyers up at that hour? Dont know. My wife frequently goes to work at that hour, especially when doing trial prep.

I was up at that hour because I am weaning cattle 60 miles east of town in a small corral, and I have to feed them before work, because unexpected plans came up preventing me from going to tend to them on my normal day, Saturday.

I already said I had no problem with being stopped. I knew why I was being stopped, not necessarily the pretext for the stop (which is why I asked) but I knew they were looking for the arsonist. The problem I had was not with the stop it was with the attitude.

I will admit that my first post was a bit tounge in cheek. However you have mentioned some things in your posts that are troubling.

1. The F250 is not slow. It has a 6.4L Diesel V8 engine that makes 350HP, and it is not cheap. The price for a new one including destination charge on the Ford site is $38,575 with no options. Also, a 2006 is not an old truck and it probably looks new. You call it a "nice truck."

2. You are a rancher, a lawyer, and an engineer? Whoa, you must be pretty busy, and very important! Why are you telling the Internet this? blink.gif BTW, as a lawyer you should know that deferred adjudication in Texas NEVER results in expungement from state records.

3. You had a problem with his attitude? First you delayed (resisted?) pulling over, requiring the cop to put his siren on. You describe him as a "pissy little dude." You lie about being arrested. You say he "stomps" back to your truck. What's he supposed to do, tiptoe back? Despite all the fires where you are, you are incredulous that he needs to search your truck? He tells you why he pulled you over and "I just reacted unbelieving." LOL! You expect to be on your way in "two minutes?" Come on... heights is right. Who has the attitude?

4. You complain about the officer's "tone of voice." How about putting you in his position. He just pulls over someone in a big truck in a crime scene he sees at 4:15am, that he suspects is the criminal arsonist, and that probably has a gun (you had a loaded shotgun the last time). An authoritative tone of voice seems appropriate, don't you think?

5. So you're 29. Apparently you're still dumb. Just to be safe, if I need a lawer, I'm going to avoid all 29 year old SMU grads named Mark.blush.gif

Edited by OutfieldDan
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5. So you're 29. Apparently you're still dumb. Just to be safe, if I need a lawer, I'm going to avoid all 29 year old SMU grads named Mark.blush.gif

WTF is up with all the name calling!? Is there no more moderation among you people? Speaking of moderation.. Moderators?

Gary, man.. you were right.

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I don't traverse every post in every thread but I just happened to stumble back over here - if there is an issue that you believe needs moderator/admin attention, please please use the report button located at the bottom left corner of each post.

As for name calling, come on. It's not necessary or meaningful so just stop.

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I don't traverse every post in every thread but I just happened to stumble back over here - if there is an issue that you believe needs moderator/admin attention, please please use the report button located at the bottom left corner of each post.

As for name calling, come on. It's not necessary or meaningful so just stop.

Ok, I appologize. I should not be so blunt.

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I will admit that my first post was a bit tounge in cheek. However you have mentioned some things in your posts that are troubling.

1. The F250 is not slow. It has a 6.4L Diesel V8 engine that makes 350HP, and it is not cheap. The price for a new one including destination charge on the Ford site is $38,575 with no options. Also, a 2006 is not an old truck and it probably looks new. You call it a "nice truck."

It is very slow off the line. It makes lots of HP but it is all torque. They can be chipped to be fast, but mine is not. I never said it was cheap, but its far from new. On looking like new....nah, doesnt look terrible, but I use it every weekend on my family's ranch, its got plenty of dings and scratches that go with the territory.

2. You are a rancher, a lawyer, and an engineer? Whoa, you must be pretty busy, and very important! Why are you telling the Internet this? blink.gif BTW, as a lawyer you should know that deferred adjudication in Texas NEVER results in expungement from state records

Lets see, I did undergrad in Engineering, then went to law school...I work in house at an engineering company that I also do engineering for, b/c there isnt enough law to keep me busy. I work weekends on a ranch for fun and a bit of fun and side income. Not important, and not exactly out of the ordinary. lots of folks have jobs in town, and then leave town for relaxation on the weekends.

And - a Minor Consumption that completes deferred adjudication is fully capable of being expunged...which I did...I never said it was automatic.

3. You had a problem with his attitude? First you delayed (resisted?) pulling over, requiring the cop to put his siren on. You describe him as a "pissy little dude." You lie about being arrested. You say he "stomps" back to your truck. What's he supposed to do, tiptoe back? Despite all the fires where you are, you are incredulous that he needs to search your truck? He tells you why he pulled you over and "I just reacted unbelieving." LOL! You expect to be on your way in "two minutes?" Come on... heights is right. Who has the attitude?

I never said I was incredulous, and I never acted rude to him at all. Nor did I resist pulling over...I pulled over on 10th and a half from 11th and Yale...he didnt turn his lights on until I was on Yale...thats like 300 feet. I dont see how that is running. I acted unbelieving b/c I had no idea that was a law. Its a law that tens of thousands of Houstonians can not legally obey.

4. You complain about the officer's "tone of voice." How about putting you in his position. He just pulls over someone in a big truck in a crime scene he sees at 4:15am, that he suspects is the criminal arsonist, and that probably has a gun (you had a loaded shotgun the last time). An authoritative tone of voice seems appropriate, don't you think?

This is the part I have a problem with...He can be authoritative and polite. I was not in a crime scene either, I was on a public street. There was no fire that night, at least I dont think there was...I didnt watch the news on Friday and I havent heard about it if there was one. He could have been authoritative without being intimidating. And I dont expect 2 minutes, but I dont expect 20+ either.

5. So you're 29. Apparently you're still dumb. Just to be safe, if I need a lawer, I'm going to avoid all 29 year old SMU grads named Mark.blush.gif

Edited by Marksmu
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We just received a letter from the Heights association that says if 300 families donate roughly $300 each, we can pay a constable to patrol the area five days a week for eight hours per day.

That makes me nauseous. My math is horrible, but isn't that $90,000 for five days a week, eight hours per day? What happend the other two days, not to mention the other 16 hours? Hopefully this means it would be fulltime, round the clock protection. Also, isn't the constable part of the existing law enforcement team that is supposed to already be protecting us?

What do you guys think - do I write them the check? I want to do my part to keep the Heights safe, and I actually like the law enforcement folks I've met in the neighborhood, even the one who wrote me the ticket was professional enough. But has it really come to this? Can't we hire someone like Chuck Norris to come in and keep us safe? Chuck would would bring the arsonist to his/their knees! A constable? Maybe not so much.....

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We just received a letter from the Heights association that says if 300 families donate roughly $300 each, we can pay a constable to patrol the area five days a week for eight hours per day.

That makes me nauseous. My math is horrible, but isn't that $90,000 for five days a week, eight hours per day? What happend the other two days, not to mention the other 16 hours? Hopefully this means it would be fulltime, round the clock protection. Also, isn't the constable part of the existing law enforcement team that is supposed to already be protecting us?

What do you guys think - do I write them the check? I want to do my part to keep the Heights safe, and I actually like the law enforcement folks I've met in the neighborhood, even the one who wrote me the ticket was professional enough. But has it really come to this? Can't we hire someone like Chuck Norris to come in and keep us safe? Chuck would would bring the arsonist to his/their knees! A constable? Maybe not so much.....

That's pretty much what I thought too:


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What do you guys think - do I write them the check? I want to do my part to keep the Heights safe, and I actually like the law enforcement folks I've met in the neighborhood, even the one who wrote me the ticket was professional enough. But has it really come to this? Can't we hire someone like Chuck Norris to come in and keep us safe? Chuck would would bring the arsonist to his/their knees! A constable? Maybe not so much.....

The way we see it we have two options in the short term -

1) Do nothing and keep our fingers crossed that the dumpy house next door won't get torched, or

2) Pony up the $255 for a little extra peace of mind.

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The way we see it we have two options in the short term -

1) Do nothing and keep our fingers crossed that the dumpy house next door won't get torched, or

2) Pony up the $255 for a little extra peace of mind.

Sunday morning, I got up early again, and left the house this time at 5:30 - went Right on 11th so I could make legal turns onto Shepard instead of an apparently illegal turn onto Yale and then another left on the I-10 Feeder - the second I pulled onto 11th from my street, I saw headlights fire up, and sure enough - its another cop. He followed me all the way to Shepard before U-turning and heading back down 11th towards Ashland.

I tell you one thing, with the police presence we have right now, I sure would not want to be a thief or an arsonist. You are not going to get out of the area without getting pulled over if its late at night or early in the morning. This arsonist may be bad for the neighborhood, but I think he could be significantly reducing the chance of any criminal getting away with anything. From what I have seen there is no way out of the heights without getting pulled over or shadowed...and I am sure they are writing down plates of the people they are shadowing.

I would be VERY interested to know if every vehicle in/out of the area is getting this attention, or if its just limited to trucks. Both days Ive been out very early, I have seen no other cars out...Im tempted to trade cars with my wife and see how it goes.

On the constable note - I paid to get the Constable Patrol, its not really that much in the long run, and your getting a single officer who is going to patrol just your area. The alarm checks alone are worth the $300. If you have an alarm that has more than 2 falses in a year after the fine from the police department you could have paid the patrol and not had to worry about it.

I haven't had any false alarms yet - but Ive got two big dogs in the house, and the peace of mind of knowing that if something is wrong I can call directly to an officer who is working for me to go check on things is worth every penny.

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We just received a letter from the Heights association that says if 300 families donate roughly $300 each, we can pay a constable to patrol the area five days a week for eight hours per day.

Which 8 hours; can we choose? From 10pm to 6am would cover the fires timeframe, plus some extra night patrol for safety.

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Which 8 hours; can we choose? From 10pm to 6am would cover the fires timeframe, plus some extra night patrol for safety.

I didnt see where you could choose the 8 hours...personally I would rather have the daytime than the night - I am home at night, if someone is dumb enough to break into my house at night while I am there they better do so without waking me or my 2 dogs. If I make it to one of my guns before they do, its not going to go well for them.

The regular police patrols can handle the majority of the calls at night. I mean odds are better that your going to get broken into when your not at home than when you are. Most thieves just want the stuff and the money, I dont think they are looking for a conflict. The constable patrol just gives you more police presence and a quicker response to a call at your address. Its my understanding they respond to alarm calls....the HPD alarm response time is hours, not minutes. I think its worth the money, but thats just my .02.

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We just received a letter from the Heights association that says if 300 families donate roughly $300 each, we can pay a constable to patrol the area five days a week for eight hours per day.

That makes me nauseous. My math is horrible, but isn't that $90,000 for five days a week, eight hours per day? What happend the other two days, not to mention the other 16 hours? Hopefully this means it would be fulltime, round the clock protection. Also, isn't the constable part of the existing law enforcement team that is supposed to already be protecting us?

What do you guys think - do I write them the check? I want to do my part to keep the Heights safe, and I actually like the law enforcement folks I've met in the neighborhood, even the one who wrote me the ticket was professional enough. But has it really come to this? Can't we hire someone like Chuck Norris to come in and keep us safe? Chuck would would bring the arsonist to his/their knees! A constable? Maybe not so much.....

The $90,000 sounds high, but remember that is just not the officer's salary but other things like the health benefits and cost of the equipment like the car. There could even be a cost for the support personnel (dispatchers, mechanics, etc) in there too. As for the hours, the areas were supposed to be able to come up with a schedule they wanted. One idea was that once the East, West, and North areas all got constables then it would be possible for the 3 constables to have staggered shifts covering the entire area.

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The $90,000 sounds high, but remember that is just not the officer's salary but other things like the health benefits and cost of the equipment like the car. There could even be a cost for the support personnel (dispatchers, mechanics, etc) in there too. As for the hours, the areas were supposed to be able to come up with a schedule they wanted. One idea was that once the East, West, and North areas all got constables then it would be possible for the 3 constables to have staggered shifts covering the entire area.

Just a quick note on the math- it's $255 and they hope to get 300 subscribers. So that's $76,500. According to the Constable Program website, one deputy can be contracted for 8 hours a day for 5 days per week for approximately $60,000 which includes the deputy’s salary, vehicle, and gas. I would assume the rest is administrative overhead.


Also, I read somewhere the hours of patrol will be determined by when the crimes are happening. I can't find this anymore, but I think it was in an email I got when the Westside program was first announced.

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But the letter HHA sent out says that residents are responsible for only 80 percent of the costs....an *additional 20 percent* is covered by Harris County

...that's where the nearly $96k comes in ...so administrative overhead is $36k, or about 50 percent of the deputy's cost??

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Just emailed one of the organizers to ask for additional info on this calculation. Here is the response...


The new cost of the Constable Patrol Program is $70,277 per year. The brochure needs to change to reflect this cost. We did not want to raise the fee since the East Side had already agreed to $255. The 70,277 figure is after the 20% amount that Harris County has contributed.

If we get more than 300 households then we will lower the cost.

The administrative cost for this program has been kept to a minimum. This is why we are asking for volunteers to help. The major amount of administrative costs have been for the mail out.

Some of the bookkeeping costs are being handled by volunteers keeping track of the names etc....

Chris did speak to the Constable Program Captain to see if we could lower the cost, and we are at the minimum.

The admin costs ae covering items such as the 1900 mail out to everyone on the westside. But we are working hard to keep those cost down. As of noon today we ahve 85 subscribers.

- Lanna vonBaden


Perhaps another forum topic should be created to discuss the fact that the salary of a deputy increased so dramatically in a recession. But it sounds like the portion of the Constable Program that is overhead is pretty small ($76,500-$70,277= $6223)

Edited by kat_zor
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Just emailed one of the organizers to ask for additional info on this calculation. Here is the response...


The new cost of the Constable Patrol Program is $70,277 per year. The brochure needs to change to reflect this cost. We did not want to raise the fee since the East Side had already agreed to $255. The 70,277 figure is after the 20% amount that Harris County has contributed.

If we get more than 300 households then we will lower the cost.

The administrative cost for this program has been kept to a minimum. This is why we are asking for volunteers to help. The major amount of administrative costs have been for the mail out.

Some of the bookkeeping costs are being handled by volunteers keeping track of the names etc....

Chris did speak to the Constable Program Captain to see if we could lower the cost, and we are at the minimum.

The admin costs ae covering items such as the 1900 mail out to everyone on the westside. But we are working hard to keep those cost down. As of noon today we ahve 85 subscribers.

- Lanna vonBaden


Perhaps another forum topic should be created to discuss the fact that the salary of a deputy increased so dramatically in a recession. But it sounds like the portion of the Constable Program that is overhead is pretty small ($76,500-$70,277= $6223)

Thanks for the clarification. When and if the North area gets started then I will definitely sign up. The $255 amount is really a good deal to me. The problem that some of the people I know have is the idea that a few people end up paying for something that benefits the entire area. So they are less concerned with the amount of money as to the fact that some of their neighbors may not end up paying.

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Thanks for the clarification. When and if the North area gets started then I will definitely sign up. The $255 amount is really a good deal to me. The problem that some of the people I know have is the idea that a few people end up paying for something that benefits the entire area. So they are less concerned with the amount of money as to the fact that some of their neighbors may not end up paying.

It only takes one incident to make the $255 seem like a bargain:


I wish it were available up in Sunset Heights

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The 17th recent suspicious fire in the Heights area burned a garage before dawn this morning, firefighters said.

The blaze broke out around 4:30 a.m. at the garage in the 900 block of West 19th Street. Firefighters were able to put out the flames quickly.

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The 17th recent suspicious fire in the Heights area burned a garage before dawn this morning, firefighters said.

The blaze broke out around 4:30 a.m. at the garage in the 900 block of West 19th Street. Firefighters were able to put out the flames quickly.

I wonder if OutfieldDan has an alibi? Its usually those who accuse others who are most guilty. j/j

I heard bout it while I was getting dressed this morning...Thought to myself...well the cops pretty much have 11th shutdown between 2 and 5 - the arsonist is going to have to move in another direction. It seems the presence is working pretty well. I think the arsonist just got wise that he cant use 11th or the neighborhood streets anymore without being stopped, so he has moved to Shepard.

He probably thinks the cops cant stop everyone on Shepard b/c of how heavily trafficked it is. Its going to be interesting to see how this plays out. Fox26 said the police were stopping every vehicle in the area for questioning. Pretty soon your not going to be able to drive through the area at all after dark without being stopped.

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An alert and quick-thinking officer is being credited with saving a teen's life. Police said a young girl was being assaulted by a possible sex offender in broad daylight on Wednesday.

Geez, the story says the girl was walking on Studewood around 4pm. This is the second sexual assualt attempt in a month and another fire in the Heights yesterday. Perhaps the increase in police presence helped prevent a serious crime, but the increase in violent crimes is getting old, frustrating and quite frightening.


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The only police presence I noticed this morning was the FOUR cop cars - one guy/car with the speed gun and THREE additional cop cars parked in a row next to him - pulling over would-be speeders on Yale and maybe 6th (?) street...between 7:30-8 am.

Of note, they were stationed well below the school zone, which - to me - would have made more sense to monitor.

so of course the arsonist was probably long gone by this time...but still FOUR cars...

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