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Crime In The Heights


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Washington Avenue and Midtown are in serious danger of the West Nile threat as their uninformed continue to believe that Grey Goose Vodka Tonics (diet tonic at that) are adequate protection against WN.

To make matters even worse there have been reported sightings of dead Popov bottles in Washington area parking lots, symbolic of the panic and misinformation that is being spread. The example below is being transported to Spec's Center for Inebriation Studies for gas-chromotology testing to determine if it is indeed a carrier.


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Yeah I saw a lot of commotion last night.  My house is so close to where this happened (like a few houses away), I can't figure out how I didn't hear the gunshots.  I saw the cops tape off the street, and then the police photographers, and eventually saw the medical examiner truck (thats when I knew it was bad stuff).  There really weren't that many police there though, and with a killer was on the loose I would have appreciated a heads up by the police...

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Yeah, not much information there or on Khou.com either. 


Man, that must have been scary.  I too would have liked a heads up that the killer was on the loose in the neighborhood - especially if they thought he/she was on foot.  There really isn't a good mechanism for that.


What I have learned from all of this so far - that corner of the heights is jinxed...





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What else happened there?  One of my neighbors dogs was ran over there last year...   also khou 11 keeps calling it an "up and coming" neighborhood near the heights.... lol.  Pecore's south side is considered Woodland Heights....  this area is up and came.  falling down crap shack is going for 350 just for the lot value across from this. 

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oh, that was a good bit down pecore closer to studewood, but yeah still very close. We also had a lady with a giant kitchen knife chasing after a man holding a baby one morning. This sounds almost as if a drug deal gone wrong or something.

Dang...maybe the Historic folks need to focus on banning circumcisions in the Heights.

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Comes with the territory. While some people call old homes "historic", others just call them cheap. Cheap homes provide residence for troublemakers. It will take a while for property values rise to the point that the troublemakers are priced out. Until then, we just have to hope the occasional stray bullet doesn't have our name on it.


SilverJK, I know you know this, since you live there, but I think the "up and coming" neighborhood is actually Brookesmith, on the other side of North Main. But, both side of North Main are a little rough around the edges still.

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luckily the stray bullets are few and far between - what we get to deal with much more frequently is the petty crime - the car break ins, bike theft, etc...I dont ever see that going away.  The Heights has an awesome street grid.  It ensures that there is not too much traffic, BUT, that grid is also extremely easy for thieves to navigate in/out of the neighborhood. 


When you think about it, our grid is a thief's wet dream...upscale neighborhood surrounded by 3 major thoroughfares (I-10, 610, 45) with literally hundreds of streets that almost all access a major thoroughfare out...its easy to lose someone chasing you by making turns, and every turn will eventually drop you onto a major thoroughfare out of the hood.   Its b/c of this I never seen the petty crime going down much...we can reduce it with patrols, and vigilant neighbors, but it will never be as crime free as a neighborhood that is not easily navigable in/out.

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Yeah, you got to take the cons with the pros for living in the city... but still, I'd like to not have cartel style executions happening nearly in my front yard. 


The only "pro" of living in the city for me is that I get to stay married....if my wife was willing to commute to work without divorcing me I would be long gone.  I would miss the diversity of food, the trails and the parks, - but I wouldn't miss much else.


I have enjoyed my time in the city but the crime is outrageous compared to anywhere else I have ever lived.  That said I don't feel that its dangerous...just that you always have to lock EVERYTHING up.  That is frustrating.  I'd just like to start shooting the jerk off's who are committing the crime.

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The only "pro" of living in the city for me is that I get to stay married....if my wife was willing to commute to work without divorcing me I would be long gone.  I would miss the diversity of food, the trails and the parks, - but I wouldn't miss much else.


I have enjoyed my time in the city but the crime is outrageous compared to anywhere else I have ever lived.  That said I don't feel that its dangerous...just that you always have to lock EVERYTHING up.  That is frustrating.  I'd just like to start shooting the jerk off's who are committing the crime.


You sound frustrated indeed.

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I feel like I might have seen that guy around a few times.


Things I'd like to know...  were they in the car together, where were they coming from/ going too, do either of them live actually live in the area,  priors?


The HPD news release has some additional information.  This link will answer your questions.



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That is just the basic search link.  What do we enter into the boxes to bring up the info?




You have to register to actually search. Once you've done that, do a criminal search for whatever name you are interested in. Really useful site.

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The only "pro" of living in the city for me is that I get to stay married....if my wife was willing to commute to work without divorcing me I would be long gone.  I would miss the diversity of food, the trails and the parks, - but I wouldn't miss much else.


I have enjoyed my time in the city but the crime is outrageous compared to anywhere else I have ever lived.  That said I don't feel that its dangerous...just that you always have to lock EVERYTHING up.  That is frustrating.  I'd just like to start shooting the jerk off's who are committing the crime.


I think part of the problem is that you live in the Heights. I've never been able to understand why the Heights continues to climb in value despite the crime problems we always hear about. Yes, there are a ton of awesome properties with amazing people... BUT, the neighborhood is still transitional. There are other neighborhoods in the loop where you can get more for your money and deal with far less crime.

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Crime isn't that bad in the Heights. What is bad is that the neighbors blow every little theft into a full blown crime wave. Montrose crime is much worse, but they don't blow it as much out of proportion. There is certainly some transitional areas, but it isn't as bad as some make it out to be.

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I think part of the problem is that you live in the Heights. I've never been able to understand why the Heights continues to climb in value despite the crime problems we always hear about. Yes, there are a ton of awesome properties with amazing people... BUT, the neighborhood is still transitional. There are other neighborhoods in the loop where you can get more for your money and deal with far less crime.


I have lots of friends in the Heights, its full of good people, young families, its got good food all around, a great location, good parks, trails, and nice houses that are not the same generic tract home that is being built everywhere...that is what makes the heights attractive to me....I assume its what makes it attractive to others as well.  I loved the diversity of homes when I moved here (which is why I loathe the historic districts) - As to the hood being transitional...ehhh - 5 years ago when I moved in it was transitional, now I would say its transitioned, but it still has hold outs.  The hold outs are the minority now by a long shot, and many of those hold outs are old and just not willing to move.


The crime is another story though...its actually gotten worse as the neighborhood has gentrified.  I blame it on the access in/out and the vast quantity of construction which brings in the opportunity criminals....I had my garage broken into about a year ago - came through the alley - not surprisingly there were 3 houses under construction at the time that backed up to my house but on the other side of the alley.  The construction was the bait, a visible bike in my garage just made collateral damage.


I don't think the Heights is transitional or dangerous, I think its filled with homes where both owners (if applicable) work full time, nice things and easy access, for those reasons its frequented by opportunistic criminals who generally know that nobody is home.  Also, older homes are less likely to have alarms....this is changing FAST, but its still basically true.

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We are near Oxford and 8th. According to the Constable, none of them have been reported as stolen. If these sound like yours or someone you know, I have a case number with the Constable.


Mongoose XR-J5

Schwinn Meridian adult tricycle

Schwinn Windwood

I've also posted on the Inner Loop Houston Crime Alert Facebook page and on Heights Kids.

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