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Shady Acres Information & Developments

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I love Shady Acres and my home here, but there are a few issues I would like to see addressed. One is littering. Improvements could be made using awareness campaigns on the proper way to dispose of refuse, more city-maintained waste cans at key locations, more careful collection practices on the part of the sanitation department, and more stringent rules on how builders must maintain building sites.

A second issue is closing all the culverts and converting them to proper storm drains. I realize this goes hand in hand with a plan to control flooding, but we are missing a great opportunity now to require the builders to do it on each property where they build, thereby saving tax dollars down the road. At the very least, something should be done to prevent builders from converting rolling culverts into trenches with precipitous gaps. It's easy for a jogger or biker to get seriously hurt if they have to get out of the road quickly and fail to see them.

A third issue is that we need a decent area grocery store. HEB Pantry is to small as is Kroger at 20th. Kroger at 11th is still on the small size but it would be ok if they didn't have so many other problems, like inventory mismanagement, broken freezers, rotten produce, poor customer service, filthy parking lot, putrid odors, and an employee smoking area outside the front door. I've complained to corporate many times. I was told a 50,000 sq ft expansion/repair project was planned this year, but I've seen no sign of it yet. Perhaps we could make some collective appeal to both companies to consider other store options for our area.

On the subject of a dog park, I would love to see one north of I-10 inside the loop, and Shady Acres would be all that much better but where could it go ? I personally would like a dog park more along the lines of Danny Jackson (West Park) than Ervan Chew Park or God forbid, Discovery Green's dog run. I think we need to consider that it would be better to work for a park nearby than necessarily in Shady Acres. Memorial, Eleanor Tinsley or even White Oak Bayou parks certainly have enough space and could be considered close. Of course, Tinsley already has an unofficial dog park of sorts.

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As of Monday, June 16, we have 12 individuals who have RSVP. Shady Acres residents, we encourage your ideas. If you are unable to attend, I will be printing this post and make sure your voice is heard.

We welcome your comments and I totally agree with many of your viewpoints.

At the last City of Houston Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) [where capital projects are proposed and budgeted] meeting, sidewalks are only constructed if it leads to a school or major thoroughfare. Since we don't have any local schools within the Shady Acres boundary, we may be out of luck with sidewalks. Hence, the patchwork will remain.

Personally, I like the open ditches. This was a question asked to Adrian Garcia, our city council member at our last civic meeting.

How come we don't have covered ditches and sewage? We want curbs and gutters.

Neighborhoods must pull resources. There is a petition to get curbs and gutters. 75% of the property owners must support this petition. There will be a cost shared between the city and residents.

Engineers say that ditches can actually hold more water than drain pipes. When streets are converted to curb and gutter, the street is designed to flood more often (to keep the water out of adjacent homes!) Underground drainage systems can create a worse mosquito breeding environment than open ditches or swales.

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I share your concerns, especially where there are houses that sit behind other houses obscured from the road, as being a great design for a future slum. But to be fair though, this design is the only thing that keeps the area even moderately affordable, since we don't have public alleys through our blocks; and it has spurred massive new interest and invest in the neighborhood. And I think if the owners keep up with the maintenance then that issue could be mitigated pretty simply. Also, I personally think the level of density is fairly appropriate and will work as a buffer to the possible "slumming." Since the neighborhood is inside the loop it's still very close to downtown relatively speaking, and given the current trend, the interest in moving back to the city looks very likely continue... at least in the mid-range in my opinion.

I think it's most important that the infrastructure keeps up with the level of growth/density for the survival of the neighborhood, ie improved streets, sidewalk, drainage etc. I can't image how much worse Beall street is going to become once some of the projects in development are finished, included one 100+ home development by itself. The way the city works they make the developer bring their land up to standards, but they don't address improvements that will be needed in the surrounding infrastructure as a whole (just look at our patchwork of sidewalks or flooding issues). In no way am I anti-growth, pretty much the opposite since I realize that I chose to live in an urban area, it's just that in my opinion updating the infrastructure for the needs of today and tomorrow is the most pressing issue we face by far as an overall community... along with the long range trend in home buying preferences, urban vs suburban, but there's not much we can do to combat that, except maybe for cutting crime and improving schools... but I'll leave that for another day. :)

That 100+ development on Beall did replace a trailer park, so it's hard to argue that one, but I do share your concern about traffic. I'm partial to the ditches, but with the added traffic I would be more than happy to pay a little extra in taxes for sidewalks.

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On the subject of a dog park, I would love to see one north of I-10 inside the loop, and Shady Acres would be all that much better but where could it go ?

This is my vote for the location of the dog park that I have been pitching to neighbors for a while... don't know how to actually make it work though. Ready? Here it goes: There is an abandoned Eckerd's at the corner of 18th and E TC Jester that is in the floodway. Because it is in the floodway the land is basically worthless and the building is a total eyesore. That being the case, why couldn't the building be demolished and the area converted to a dog park? If the city isn't going to allow people to do anything else with the land then they should at least put it to public use. Just my (wonderful) opinion. ;)

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A third issue is that we need a decent area grocery store. HEB Pantry is to small as is Kroger at 20th. Kroger at 11th is still on the small size but it would be ok if they didn't have so many other problems, like inventory mismanagement, broken freezers, rotten produce, poor customer service, filthy parking lot, putrid odors, and an employee smoking area outside the front door. I've complained to corporate many times. I was told a 50,000 sq ft expansion/repair project was planned this year, but I've seen no sign of it yet. Perhaps we could make some collective appeal to both companies to consider other store options for our area.

I don't live in Shady Acres, proper, but I live right across the bayou and I agree with the need for a nicer big grocery store 100%. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening anytime soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Join us at the third meeting of 2008: Tuesday, July 15th at 7 p.m., at the SPJST Lodge Annex 1435 Beall Street (At W. 15th Street )

City Council member Peter Brown will be the guest speaker.

Read the Summer 2008 News Letter


To see the July 15 meeting agenda, clink the link


Map of Shady Acres



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I think anything like a neighborhood coffee shop, boutique, day spa, specialty grocer, etc would be great but the location isn't really that convenient for a lot of the Heights area residents. A Trader Joes would be incredible but I won't hold my breath. Although, if Tycer can open up Textile on 22nd and Cedar Creek can open on 20th I guess anything is possible.

I'd take anything other than: another tex-mex place, another used car lot, an empty abandoned "Shady" grocery. Townhomes wouldn't be my first pick, but better than what is there now.

Does anyone else think the price is a little high?

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Butcher shop!! With a deli or lunch type place. I want it now.

mmmmm. meat market!

Dad, you should check out Burts in the 5th ward. You will like it. It's like the old stylie east texas/louisiana meat markets, that do their own sausages. They'll cut whatever you want fresh off the hook, if they have it.

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Why did I not know about this before? Seems like a perfect place to get lunch to go on my way to the tour at the new St Arnold brewery, whenever that is finished. I'm going to check it out this weekend, thanks for the tip!

Not sure about their spelling of boudin (boudain on the website), whether that bodes well for their cajun-ness. I've never seen it that way anywhere in S LA, but then again I haven't seen everything everywhere.

Anyway, to pretend I am on topic, something like that where Shady Grocery is would be awesome. Less than a mile away from me.

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Why did I not know about this before? Seems like a perfect place to get lunch to go on my way to the tour at the new St Arnold brewery, whenever that is finished. I'm going to check it out this weekend, thanks for the tip!

Not sure about their spelling of boudin (boudain on the website), whether that bodes well for their cajun-ness. I've never seen it that way anywhere in S LA, but then again I haven't seen everything everywhere.

Anyway, to pretend I am on topic, something like that where Shady Grocery is would be awesome. Less than a mile away from me.

A great meat market a little north of the hood is B&W on about 43 and N Shephard, we've gotten brisket, ribs, and steaks from there. They also have a ton of sausage.

Also, as a more local plug, McCains does do sandwiches for lunch and has some pretty good steaks they'll cut for you.

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edit: I did not know they had a website! At least the visual of the building helps.


As close to the best hamburger for lunch in Houston you can get. They only make 200 so it's 1st come 1st served.


oops I'm thinkin of Guy's Meat Market, 3rd Ward

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Not sure about their spelling of boudin (boudain on the website), whether that bodes well for their cajun-ness. I've never seen it that way anywhere in S LA, but then again I haven't seen everything everywhere.

That's funny. I did not notice. I was, however, hung up on their hypen fetish for hot-deli.

I've had their boudin. While I'm not even close to an expert, I've eaten a lot from all over east TX and SW LA, and it's very good. I buy their smoked andouille for my beans. It's the best I've had in TX, easy.

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  • 1 month later...


Holiday Party and 2009 SACC Officer Election

December 2, Tuesday

From 6-6:30, SACC Officer election

We are seeking 2009 officer nominations. If you are interested in running for office, please send an email to shadyacresnews@yahoo.com by November 24.

A description of officer's duty is located here:


Afterwards, you are invited to stay and pay for the Holiday Buffet.

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Holiday Party and 2009 SACC Officer Election


Corner of W 20 and Beall

December 2, Tuesday

From 6-6:30, SACC Officer election

Afterwards, you are invited to stay and pay for the Holiday Buffet. Cash bar available.

$12 per person for buffet

Once again, SACC is collecting new book donations for Depelchin's Children's Center that evening.

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What a success!

We had 44 paying neighbors who dined on chicken and spinach quesadilla, fried pickle and hot wings. The turnout exceeded expectation. We even had special guest of City Council member Toni Lawrence and City Council candidate for Adrian Garcia's old seat Karen Derr attending this event.

Election of 2009 Officers is as follow:

President: Jay Green

Vice President: Birgit Green

Vice President: Nancy Wilcox

Treasurer: Pam Barbossa

Secretary: Sam Jow

Pictures are coming soon!

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Shady Acres Visioning Meeting Priority List 2009

This list will guide the officers for future Shady Acres development.

Map of Shady Acres: http://www.shadyacres.org/index.php?page=12


1. Maintain 19th and 20th street within Shady Acres as two lane streets

2. Create a tree lined boulevards along 19th and 20th Street between Durham and Bevis

3. Install a traffic light at 18th Street / East TC Jester

4. Install a traffic light at Bevis / East TC Jester

5. Widen side walks over the 18th Street bridge

6. Fix traffic pattern where 18th/ 19th, and 20th Street meet

7. Improve drainage throughout Shady Acres

8. Petition CoH Parks and Rec to incorporate the dead end parcels at 22nd, 23rd, and 24th into Little Thicket Park

9. Replace picnic tables at Little Thicket Park

10. Upgrade play park at Little Thicket Park

11. Create a Dog Park in the Shady Acres area

12. Provide upgrades to the playground equipment at Little Thicket Park.

13. Check on status on the Wright Bembrey Park plan.

Thoroughfare Plan:

1. Maintain 19th and 20th Street within Shady Acres as two lane streets

2. Widen side walks over the 18th Street bridge

Mayor's Assistance Program:

1. Establish restrictions for commercial traffic through residential areas with signage and possibly blocking or "dead ending" certain streets.

2. No Parking Signs along streets that are too narrow to allow for safe parallel parking.

3. Begin the process to establish a vibrant business district along 19th and 20th which could support a Trolley on weekends running along 19th Street in the Heights all the way into Shady Acres to Rainbow Lodge, Cavatores, Tony's and Tecates.

Shady Acres Parks Committee Initiatives

1. Follow-up for the Bright Bembry Park CIP Grant

2. Plan and arrange for the twice yearly clean-up of Little Thicket Park, Wright Bembrey and the White Oak Bayou Trail, including the Trash Bash at Little Thicket.

3. Petition CoH Parks and Rec to incorporate the dead end parcels at 22nd, 23rd, and 24th into Little Thicket Park.

4. Arrange for reforestation initiative to replace trees lost to Hurricane Ike at Little Thicket

5. Hold plantings that provide food for the birds and other wildlife at Little Thicket, Wright Bembrey and WOB Trail

6. Provide for trail maintenance at Little Thicket

7. Provide for deck maintenance at Little Thicket

8. Replace tree signage along the walkway as an educational component at Little Thicket

Parks Department:

1. Dog waste bag stations along White Oak Bayou

2. Additional trash cans along White Oak Bayou Trail

3. Water fountains with dog water bowls along trail

4. Assist with maintenance of medians along Ella Blvd. and E.T.C. Jester

5. Replace picnic tables and acquire play park upgrades for Little Thicket Park

Beautification Projects:

1. Signage for Shady Acres in medians

2. Adopt medians along Ella

3. Adopt medians along East TC Jester

4. Assist with maintenance of medians along Ella Blvd. and E.T.C. Jester

5. Spread wild flower seeds along the White Oak Bayou Trail

Block Captains:

1. Report builders that do not keep their sites clean

2. Contact 311 to enforce vacant lot upkeep (trash/ mowing)

3. Report builders that abandon their projects (311)

4. Report streetlights out

5. Report potholes

6. Report any signage that needs to be replaced.

7. Distribute information i.e. newsletter/ flyers

Social Events:

The goal is to establish social activities that are re-occurring annually

1. Monthly farmer's market with art sale at Cedar Creek

2. Community Picnics at various locations to include as many members as possible.

3. Membership Drive (January)

4. Crawfish Boil at Shady Tavern (Spring)

5. Community Garage Sale (Spring / Fall)

6. Pumpkin Patch in the fall at Cedar Creek (Fall)

7. National Night Out (October)

8. Election of Officers and Holiday Gathering (December)

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I personally disagree with installing an intersection light at Bevis and TC Jester. I never wait more than ten seconds to cross this rarely used street.

I was confused by that recommendation. Thumbs up for putting a light in at W18/ETCJ, though.

Thumbs up to fixing the 18th/19th/20th mess, too. Careful, though. COH might give you the SAC - Shady Acres Circle. ;)

I agree that 19th and 20th should remain two-lane streets, however good-sized turn lanes should be put in at Bevis and Beall.

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Join us at the first meeting of 2009: Tuesday, January 20th at 7 p.m., at the SPJST Lodge Annex 1435 Beall Street (At W. 15th Street )

Feel free to comment.

I personally disagree with installing an intersection light at Bevis and TC Jester. I never wait more than ten seconds to cross this rarely used street.

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1. Maintain 19th and 20th street within Shady Acres as two lane streets

2. Create a tree lined boulevards along 19th and 20th Street between Durham and Bevis

Most of that sounds great. For #2 above, has it been determined that there's sufficient ROW to do boulevards? It appears their would be but I haven't taken a close look at it. Anyway, I think it would be a tremendous improvement to the overall look of that (my) area.

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