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New Show "great Day Houston"

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I am glad they are keeping the show. Houston is big enough for a show.

But why do we attract such yahoos in thne local talent department?

Prime example is this Kristin2Go bimbo on Chron.com. They sent her to Rich's last night "in search of celeb spinner DJ AM."

She's Rosanne Rogers Jr. who I'll never forget asking Pamela Anderson "HOW DO YOU LIKE HOUSTON?!?"

Our local celebs need to drop the Okie mannerism. They ain't in Tulsa anymore!

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I am sure she is a very nice person. I just guess I expect our local celebs to have some training instead of this constant OJT approach we see.

At least she isn't Michael Garfied! Oooo!

Speaking of OJT. How about that Michael Berry? Nary a lick of experience and he's the GM of 740AM.

As far as media is concerned this is a town of amateurs.

Edited by MidtownCoog
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I am sure she is a very nice person. I just guess I expect our local celebs to have some training instead of this constant OJT approach we see.

At lease she isn't Michael Garfied! Oooo!

Speaking of OJT. How about that Michael Berry? Nary a lick of experience and he's the GM of 740AM.

As far as media this is a town of amateurs.

Michael Berry is TERRIBLE. He sounds like such a hack wannabe with the way he spouts cliches and tired arguments. I agree with a lot of the positions he advocates, but he's just really bad on the radio... AND, he was the guy who fired Chris Baker, who was also something of a cliched hack himseld, but at least he was a lot more entertaining and funny than Michael Berry. Ugh. The Michael Berry show is just a big vanity project for that guy from what I can tell.

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Is that the chick that fills in/co-host for Casey?

She is definitely a step up. I only checked out this thread hoping to read news that Casey will be leaving. :D

Yep. She's not a rocket scientist nor a supermodel but she's better than average looking and perky. She's guest hosted a couple of times and can handle the show on her own, too.

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She actually came here FROM New York. It seemed to me that she couldn't cut it in the Big Time and came and took this job because it was something of a chance to be a big fish in a small pond, so to speak. Maybe she was using it as a stepping stone to something bigger and better, but I would see leaving for something bigger and better as taking a network job or getting her own a nationally syndicated show, not quitting to write a book about relationships.

I think she came to Houston from Atlanta, or somewhere or a town near Atlanta. I think the last job she had before Great Day Houston was at CNN Headline News in Atlanta.

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I think she came to Houston from Atlanta, or somewhere or a town near Atlanta. I think the last job she had before Great Day Houston was at CNN Headline News in Atlanta.

No, she was on a local ABC morning news show in NYC.

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Great Day Houston host Whitney Casey said Thursday she will leave KHOU (Channel 11) in early March to write a book, and station officials said the show will continue with a new host. Casey, who will announce her departure plans to viewers in a show that was taped Thursday and airs at 9 a.m. today, said her final day on the air will be March 6, the show's second anniversary. Don Graham, Channel 11's director of local programming and production, said the station will consider local and national candidates to succeed Casey.

ch 11 invested quite a bit in the show...i'll bet their peaved.

They're not peaved. They're relieved. Anybody who believes she's leaving of her own accord should call me because I have some land in Florida I want to talk to you about.

Nobody in the TV business walks away from a paying job to write a book. No way I believe that. I'm betting someone in KHOU's brass hierarchy finally got tired of the air-headed way she did that show and the fact that almost no one was watching. In fairness to her, she was running third against The Today Show and Live With Regis and Kelly, so a local show didn't have much of a chance to start with.

There is also a very strong chance that KHOU's corporate brass weren't happy over the image she was giving the company in the Houston Chronicle. Have you ever read some of her columns? In one recent column she quoted, and agreed with another writer who indicated that "shedding your clothes" on a first date isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Now I realize a lot of people around here don't disagree with that, but Belo Corp is a very old and conservative outfit, and Casey's young urban "swinger" personna may not have resonated well in Belo's home offices in Dallas. What works in New York and Atlanta doesn't always work down here in Texas.

I can't help but notice that her "departure" comes less than a week after the Chronicle printed a letter to the editor complaining about that very column. The letter writer said "I expect more responsibility and discretion from someone writing articles for the Chronicle." Couldn't have said it better myself.

I'm betting a day's pay she was fired, and that column was the straw that broke the camel's back. KHOU is letting her leave gracefully, with a nice fat severance check no doubt, in return for a release stating she won't sue them for wrongful termination. They wanted her gone and it hurts no one to let the public think she's leaving to write a book.

Edited by FilioScotia
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They're not peaved. They're relieved. Anybody who believes she's leaving of her own accord should call me because I have some land in Florida I want to talk to you about.

Nobody in the TV business walks away from a paying job to write a book. No way I believe that. I'm betting someone in KHOU's brass hierarchy finally got tired of the air-headed way she did that show and the fact that almost no one was watching. In fairness to her, she was running third against The Today Show and Live With Regis and Kelly, so a local show didn't have much of a chance to start with.

There is also a very strong chance that KHOU's corporate brass weren't happy over the image she was giving the company in the Houston Chronicle. Have you ever read some of her columns? In one recent column she quoted, and agreed with another writer who indicated that "shedding your clothes" on a first date isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Now I realize a lot of people around here don't disagree with that, but Belo Corp is a very old and conservative outfit, and Casey's young urban "swinger" personna may not have resonated well in Belo's home offices in Dallas. What works in New York and Atlanta doesn't always work down here in Texas.

I can't help but notice that her "departure" comes less than a week after the Chronicle printed a letter to the editor complaining about that very column. The letter writer said "I expect more responsibility and discretion from someone writing articles for the Chronicle." Couldn't have said it better myself.

I'm betting a day's pay she was fired, and that column was the straw that broke the camel's back. KHOU is letting her leave gracefully, with a nice fat severance check no doubt, in return for a release stating she won't sue them for wrongful termination. They wanted her gone and it hurts no one to let the public think she's leaving to write a book.

Have you seen Great Day Texas in Dallas? A lot of young people there doing the show just like Casey.

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They're not peaved. They're relieved. Anybody who believes she's leaving of her own accord should call me because I have some land in Florida I want to talk to you about.

Nobody in the TV business walks away from a paying job to write a book. No way I believe that. I'm betting someone in KHOU's brass hierarchy finally got tired of the air-headed way she did that show and the fact that almost no one was watching. In fairness to her, she was running third against The Today Show and Live With Regis and Kelly, so a local show didn't have much of a chance to start with.

There is also a very strong chance that KHOU's corporate brass weren't happy over the image she was giving the company in the Houston Chronicle. Have you ever read some of her columns? In one recent column she quoted, and agreed with another writer who indicated that "shedding your clothes" on a first date isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Now I realize a lot of people around here don't disagree with that, but Belo Corp is a very old and conservative outfit, and Casey's young urban "swinger" personna may not have resonated well in Belo's home offices in Dallas. What works in New York and Atlanta doesn't always work down here in Texas.

I can't help but notice that her "departure" comes less than a week after the Chronicle printed a letter to the editor complaining about that very column. The letter writer said "I expect more responsibility and discretion from someone writing articles for the Chronicle." Couldn't have said it better myself.

I'm betting a day's pay she was fired, and that column was the straw that broke the camel's back. KHOU is letting her leave gracefully, with a nice fat severance check no doubt, in return for a release stating she won't sue them for wrongful termination. They wanted her gone and it hurts no one to let the public think she's leaving to write a book.

So you think Atlanta is much less conservative than Houston and Dallas?

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So you think Atlanta is much less conservative than Houston and Dallas?

Absolutely. Atlanta is one of the most "Yuppy-fied" cities in the country. It's a "young" city, demographically speaking. That usually translates into more liberal attitudes toward entertainment, especially TV and movies.

The urban Demographics are different in Houston and Dallas.

Edited by FilioScotia
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Hey, I was surfing the web and came across you're discussion about Great Day Houston. I work at KHOU and wanted to let everyone know to BOYCOTT THIS SHOW!! Whitney is the most arrogant and shallow person I have ever met. She degrades her staff members and constantly bickers with the producers, directors, and even the executive producer (who is also her boss). One day she and a producer took a catfight out to the parking lot that got pretty loud! She has the personality of a 14-y/o whiny girl (no offense to those out there!). When she doesnt get exactly what she wants (say a specific shot), she will whine and argue with the director in front of the audience. If she still does not get what she wants, she will storm off to her office and shut the door. I have heard the show director complain about having stomach pain after the show's tapings because he was so frustrated with her. The show is actually well written, but she does not follow the script and tries to improvise and ends up sounding very bad. She insults people on air and always makes the show about herself. When a guy was giving his e-mail out on air, she was saying "blah blah blah" very loudly. The rest of the staff is very degrading and arrogant as well. After talking with several people, and reading this forum, I get the impression that Houston does not like this show overall. The only way we will see it disspaear, however, is to change the channel!

I just wanted to bump this priceless insider review of Great Day Houston up to today's discussion. It says all that needs to be said about why I believe absolutely that they're showing Whiney, excuse me, Whitney, the door at KHOU. Judging from what htownguy says about "life with Whitney", her last show in March won't come a day too soon for our brothers and sisters at KHOU.

She says -- and KHOU says -- she's leaving to write a book. That's their story and they're sticking to it, but I don't believe it.

Edited by FilioScotia
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I just wanted to bump this priceless insider review of Great Day Houston up to today's discussion. It says all that needs to be said about why I believe absolutely that they're showing Whiney, excuse me, Whitney, the door at KHOU. Judging from what htownguy says about "life with Whitney", her last show in March won't come a day too soon. They can stick to that silly story about her leaving to write a book if they want to, but I'm not believing it.

Wow, that insider information is pretty harsh, but, I guess I have to say that I'm not surprised at all to hear details like that. Her personality just seems to exude, "diva."

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As far as media is concerned this is a town of amateurs.

There are some quality media figures in Houston, but it's hard to find them because they aren't as numerous as they once were. Nancy Holland and Doug Miller were the stand-outs at KHOU after it decided that nothing ever happens in the capitol and closed its Austin bureau, leaving Charles Ogg adrift. And if you have a hankerin' for KTRH back when it still did local news, Dennis Spellman is still churning out quality stores over on CW39.

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  • 1 month later...
Do you get the broadcast?

No, but when Debra Duncan had the Debra Duncan show on abc13 we go that show in Bryan/College Station. The only Houston stations we get now are abc13, channel 8 PBS, and the Houston feed of the Fox Sports Network.

Bryan/College Station has its own ABC, and PBS, but we still get Houston's also. abc13 is not showed all the time, when our abc is showing the same thing as abc13, abc13 turns into an infomercial channel. When I was younger I remember getting WB39 form Houston also and I sure years ago we could get all of Houstons channels.

I'm just interested in local talkshows. I have always wanted to own my own cable network based out of Houston, where I would tape all types of television shows and produce movies.

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Debra Duncan? Yech. That will just ruin the show.

I'm not saying that Whitney was great or that she shouldn't have been run off, but that show's vibe is based on a bunch of near-hotties (ie 7's and 8's... if they were 10's they'd be on Today or GMA) running around and drinking mojitos at 10:00 in the morning (or whenever they taped it) and talking about shoes and makeup and blind dates. Debra Duncan just wants to be Houston's own local Oprah. She failed once and she'll fail again I bet... NOT the same thing as Whit.

(and yes, I am male and married with a kid and straight as a board... I just like this show)

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arrgh.. another slide down the slippery slope ...

I don't look forward to DD on this show at all. I'm really afraid she's gonna want to sing on it.

I'm surprised that WC went out the way she did. I kinda expected her to show up on one of those annoying celebrity expose' type of shows.

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