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New Show "great Day Houston"

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Ugh! Yep, the woman's uber annoying. That Whitney Clueless :wacko:.

Surely they wouldn't get someone over 35. He's way past the expiration date. Who cares if he's experienced.

Like I said, I really want this show to work, but I think some changes are desperately needed. There's not a lot of substance there pertaining to Houston. I don't see why they can't have that and have fun at the same time.

I wonder how the first week ratings went?

BTW, what killed "Deborah Duncan"? I didn't see it much, but I heard nothing but good things about it.

I hate the daytime talk shows with a passion ("The View", "Regis..."), but I want a good, quality local one so bad.

Duncan's show went the way most of these local cheesy shows. The stations won't shell out the $$ to make a first class product so you end up with a second rate product. Bad sets in a too-small studio with a mediocre host and boring topics.

You are right about Berlin. His 15 minutes were up 30 minutes ago.

You are also right when you say there should be more about Houston.

If 11 was ever really serious about this they would have a better host with a better studio in a different time slot. It's almost as if they set this thing up to fail. They don't even mention her show on their home page but they give that Walton's World two prominent links. Did they really think Ms. Collagen 2006 with her annoying personality is going to beat out the Today Show or even the annoying Regis?

Advertisers want good ratings....or else.

I think it's time to get out the vaudeville hook.


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the show is an embarrassment to the city of houston. the host looks like she's on too many prescriptions and never seems to know what's going on. somebody, please, cancel the damn show! i saw them scooping ben and jerry's and tossing it into a barrel for cirque du soleil tickets. one cohost had the barrel on her head. one contestant was aiming for the host's face. it was hysterical. cirque's pr people should be ashamed. i despise this show. :angry:

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What is the deal with women like Casey and paint? They are freakin obsessed with paint rollers.

(1) They're marking their territory; like Animal Planet, but with housewives.

(2) It's a Freudian thing.

Edited by dbigtex56
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I havent seen the show yet. But it has that feel of what you would expect from the big leagues. Unlike Debra, which felt small time. The only wierd thing about GDH is thier commercial where the she-host sits down on her chair, smiling, and tosses one of her legs - really high - and then crosses them, but then, changes her mind and tosses her other leg, just as high. (She changes her mind on which leg looks or feels better crossed). It kinda reminds me of that SNL skit, where the licensed "joyologist" throws her legs and pretty much all of the rest of herself all over the place: on the chair, backwards, forwards, upside down, etc. etc., followed by the chanting "I love it I love it I love it I LOVE IT. (or something like that)

Why any of this is important to me, no one could say......

[sound of 2112's footsteps as he leaves confidently from the forum]

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The only wierd thing about GDH is thier commercial where the she-host sits down on her chair, smiling, and tosses one of her legs - really high - and then crosses them, but then, changes her mind and tosses her other leg, just as high. (

Cut the woman some slack. It's hard to fit in those itty-bitty chairs when you're nearly seven feet tall.

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They've still got some time to put the show together.

No matter what it's a good try to bring a good local show to Houston.

Their time was up before it ever started because it was never a good try to begin with.

The show is a pathetic embarassment as a representative of Houston.

I urge everyone to lobby Belo at the very least to remove the name "Houston" from the show and change it to "It's a Great Day in Hell" and move it to Dallas. :lol:


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  • 3 weeks later...

So it looks like GDH is a success.

So far, it appears that women are watching. Great Day Houston is finishing No. 2 in the ratings at 9 a.m., safely ahead of Channel 2's third hour of Today but far behind Channel 13's Regis and Kelly.
Despite how I or others feel about this show sometimes (or all the time), I wish GDH would tear "Regis and Kelly" up.
But if it wants to compete for No. 1, Great Day needs to calm down.


Full article:


It's almost been a month. Still room to grow and improve. Hopefully. Like I said...

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I haven't seen the show but from what I read on industry websites the show is basically an infomercial. A trend has been growing toward this sort of morning show for several years. It's good revenue for the station and very low cost to produce. Advertisers pay to get a segment on the show -- not just a spot.

From what I've seen of the promos, the audience reacts like an infomercial audience.

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Their time was up before it ever started because it was never a good try to begin with.

The show is a pathetic embarassment as a representative of Houston.

Considering the quality of the show, it is a pretty good representation of Houston.=(

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I'm watching this right now just because this is my only chance to see what everyone is talking about.

This lady does seem fake, she has a bit of a creepy smile >:)

I think the idea of having a Houston base show like this is pretty cool. There just needs to be a Houstonian host or some one who has lived in Houston long enough to know whats going on....I'm sure they'll be able to find one if they look a bit harder.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I gave the woman a chance.

She still scares me.

Do we really want this woman representing Houston? :wacko:


I do just look at her she's HOT, the show isn't that bad just give it a chance and leave the poor woman alone, what does she have to do to win your respect give out cars like Ophra? LMAO The show is ok hey its better than notting or The View for that matter LMAO

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  • 3 months later...

Hey, I was surfing the web and came across you're discussion about Great Day Houston. I work at KHOU and wanted to let everyone know to BOYCOTT THIS SHOW!! Whitney is the most arrogant and shallow person I have ever met. She degrades her staff members and constantly bickers with the producers, directors, and even the executive producer (who is also her boss). One day she and a producer took a catfight out to the parking lot that got pretty loud! She has the personality of a 14-y/o whiny girl (no offense to those out there!). When she doesnt get exactly what she wants (say a specific shot), she will whine and argue with the director in front of the audience. If she still does not get what she wants, she will storm off to her office and shut the door. I have heard the show director complain about having stomach pain after the show's tapings because he was so frustrated with her. The show is actually well written, but she does not follow the script and tries to improvise and ends up sounding very bad. She insults people on air and always makes the show about herself. When a guy was giving his e-mail out on air, she was saying "blah blah blah" very loudly. The rest of the staff is very degrading and arrogant as well. After talking with several people, and reading this forum, I get the impression that Houston does not like this show overall. The only way we will see it disspaear, however, is to change the channel!

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Hey, I was surfing the web and came across you're discussion about Great Day Houston. I work at KHOU and wanted to let everyone know to BOYCOTT THIS SHOW!! Whitney is the most arrogant and shallow person I have ever met. She degrades her staff members and constantly bickers with the producers, directors, and even the executive producer (who is also her boss). One day she and a producer took a catfight out to the parking lot that got pretty loud! She has the personality of a 14-y/o whiny girl (no offense to those out there!). When she doesnt get exactly what she wants (say a specific shot), she will whine and argue with the director in front of the audience. If she still does not get what she wants, she will storm off to her office and shut the door. I have heard the show director complain about having stomach pain after the show's tapings because he was so frustrated with her. The show is actually well written, but she does not follow the script and tries to improvise and ends up sounding very bad. She insults people on air and always makes the show about herself. When a guy was giving his e-mail out on air, she was saying "blah blah blah" very loudly. The rest of the staff is very degrading and arrogant as well. After talking with several people, and reading this forum, I get the impression that Houston does not like this show overall. The only way we will see it disspaear, however, is to change the channel!

Good to see that Willy Walker is doing her usual bang-up job over there.

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Good to see that Willy Walker is doing her usual bang-up job over there.

I met her at WareHouse Live a few months back at a Houston Magazine party and I said hello to her, and congratulated her on her show, and then this was her response:

she said "thanks" or "that's nice" it was really fast, and then turned sideways so she was at a distinct angle AWAY from me, and told another girl "your hair looks really good."

I though MY GOSH I am potential viewer, I could be a potential advertiser, I could have been anyone i mean being at the same party that she was.

that's all. the person who describes her as throwing tantrums and such sounds legit to me.

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I'm not too surprised to hear those things about Whitney. On screen she sometimes comes across as cold, insincere, obnoxious and yes, immature. But maybe she has problems.

I like Houston having a local show again, but I wouldn't mind seeing a new host and a little bit of show tweaking here and there. Mary Lou Retten recently co-hosted an episode of GDH and I thought she did a pretty good job. Plus she lives in Houston and has for years. She even once hosted some children's show from Houston.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm not too surprised to hear those things about Whitney. On screen she sometimes comes across as cold, insincere, obnoxious and yes, immature. But maybe she has problems.

I like Houston having a local show again, but I wouldn't mind seeing a new host and a little bit of show tweaking here and there. Mary Lou Retten recently co-hosted an episode of GDH and I thought she did a pretty good job. Plus she lives in Houston and has for years. She even once hosted some children's show from Houston.

Watched GDH a little today, which is rare (day off) and here's an observation: They had a segment about Youtube and posting videos on the internet, and then another segment "How to tell if your child is being followed over the internet, predators, or involved in illicit rings, something like that",,,,,and when they would pan thru the audience, it was 100%, i really mean all retirees, and these folks had been retired for like 20 years. They were having a good time, but perhaps "Web-site" Wednesday is not quite relevant to that demographic? :lol::lol:

(sorry that's what came to mind. my retired mother would've sat in the audience, and Youtube would be in the same category as rave parties, flash parties, the show "Lost," etc and so on)

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I don't know what audience is their target, but it's clearly not the Oprah audience of middle-aged, white women bobbleheads.

Oprah: "My gas smells like gardenias and bubble gum."

The studio audience smiles and nods their heads.

Oprah: "It's good to let small children ride on the dashboard of the car."

The studio audience smiles and nods their heads.

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