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Houston Graffiti

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keep on keepin on, give this town REAL culture

That's what I'm talkin bout. Taggin ruining the city? Nah, C.O.H. ruinin the city by buffin all the taggin! So L.A. and New York don't have any taggin right? Makes our city look lame with no urban culture. . .

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keep on keepin on, give this town REAL culture

That's what I'm talkin bout. Taggin ruining the city? Nah, C.O.H. ruinin the city by buffin all the taggin! So L.A. and New York don't have any taggin right? Makes our city look lame with no urban culture. . .

A valid point...about thirty years ago!

Graffiti-as-an-art-form appeared about the same time as Jheri Curls and "Welcome Back Kotter". It reached its peak a good twenty years ago with Basquiat and Hering. They're dead, you know.

What's tired is Verb and KY (or whatever their names are) thinking that they're "urban" or "fresh". It's as much an embarrassment as Rappin' Granny.

Gee, maybe we should applaud people who litter or let their dogs crap on the sidewalk. "Keepin' it real..." :wacko:

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A valid point...about thirty years ago!

Graffiti-as-an-art-form appeared about the same time as Jheri Curls and "Welcome Back Kotter". It reached its peak a good twenty years ago with Basquiat and Hering. They're dead, you know.

What's tired is Verb and KY (or whatever their names are) thinking that they're "urban" or "fresh". It's as much an embarrassment as Rappin' Granny.

Gee, maybe we should applaud people who litter or let their dogs crap on the sidewalk. "Keepin' it real..." :wacko:

If the extent of ur knowledge on taggin is basquiat (thanks 2 mfah) and the extent of ur knowledge on urban culture is the word "fresh", that explains ur ignorant OPINION on the subject. . .

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A valid point...about thirty years ago!

Graffiti-as-an-art-form appeared about the same time as Jheri Curls and "Welcome Back Kotter". It reached its peak a good twenty years ago with Basquiat and Hering. They're dead, you know.

What's tired is Verb and KY (or whatever their names are) thinking that they're "urban" or "fresh". It's as much an embarrassment as Rappin' Granny.

these younger fellas wern't around then --- and if so, they

were too young. part of that familiar cycle -- not to mention

if those artists did get their start that way, why is it surprising

that other folks would find that tempting... what does the fact

that they are dead enter in?

personally, i am mostly upset when something is tagged/

wheatpasted on personal property.

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dbigtex56 makes a valid point


that is a very stately article but i don’t think that most people tagging are really delving that deeply into it. i've known some folks who just have the urge to do tag. some just want to see their "name" on everything, some get really artistic about it by incorporating elements of a site into an odd creature of some sort and some are trying to post a commentary of some sort --- political or otherwise.

i can't really see ant of them thinking -- "basquiat has already explored this facet of work" or" wow, this is so 80's" --- the few of these fellas i do know are college aged, educated people.

there are numerous websites that catalogue their work and it is usually by people that don't know the person making them --- they just like photographing the new tags that pop up.

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i think it is less that tagging is dead, and more that the taggers do not produce aesthetically pleasing things in houston anymore (local examples spoken of are trite-ish scribble in most cases, save the knitting ^_^ )

Ill give u that but there's a reason for that. The taggin yall see is called bombin'. That's all about gettin' up. As many spots as u can hit, done as fast as u can so u don't get caught. But these same dudes can do pieces I've seen in their notebooks and on legal walls thatll blow ur mind. . .

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Ill give u that but there's a reason for that. The taggin yall see is called bombin'. That's all about gettin' up. As many spots as u can hit, done as fast as u can so u don't get caught. But these same dudes can do pieces I've seen in their notebooks and on legal walls thatll blow ur mind. . .

Then they ought to be doing something with their talent besides "bombin", which is just an ego-thrill/rush that 99% of Houston wishes wasn't there.

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Ill give u that but there's a reason for that. The taggin yall see is called bombin'. That's all about gettin' up. As many spots as u can hit, done as fast as u can so u don't get caught. But these same dudes can do pieces I've seen in their notebooks and on legal walls thatll blow ur mind. . .

And that's the part I have a problem with.

I'm not doubting that some people use graffiti techniques in the creation of good art. It's the idea that the motivation is the thrill of getting away with something - of violating others' rights.

Did Winona Ryder have to steal those clothes from a Beverly Hills boutique? No. She could easily have bought them. Instead she did it for the rush - and that makes her a crook. Is it OK to set up hidden cameras in locker rooms and take pictures of unsuspecting people? No, because the thrill comes from violating other people's expectation of privacy. Is it OK to sexually assault children, or to slip date rape drugs into someone's drink? No, because it's for the thrill of violating others to make oneself more powerful. And is it ok to vandalize other people's property just for the thrill of getting away with it? NO. Calling it art is no excuse. Otherwise we'd have to forgive shoplifters, child molesters, peeping Toms and rapists, because they're "expressing themselves artistically".

That's why I'll continue to view graffiti as an act of aggression, performed by cowardly people.

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Ill give u that but there's a reason for that. The taggin yall see is called bombin'. That's all about gettin' up. As many spots as u can hit, done as fast as u can so u don't get caught. But these same dudes can do pieces I've seen in their notebooks and on legal walls thatll blow ur mind. . .

there are galleries in houston which have graffiti based shows, like aerosol warfare. wouldn't that be better than getting picked up for scrawling their initials on someone's fence, while there are these more grand artistic ideas waiting to be let out of their sketchbooks?

77017 -- so do these fellas have anywhere they won't bomb? somehow, i can handle folks tagging signal boxes and dumpsters much more than the side of someone's house or the front of an apartment complex... seems very frivolous and selfish to use someone's home as a hit --- i'm not sure what to call it.

so afterward how is bombing seen by the other folks who do it? they drive through and figure they need to outdo the other fella(s) or what?

i find this quite interesting, as its a layer of urban culture that affects everyone on this forum whether we agree with it or not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's art. but not all of it.

GY has been around for a bit, it's not new.

it's not from New Orleans.

GY and BK get up the most. They are well respected.

Do not knock writing if you haven't lived the subculture.

I do not condone writing on businesses and on cars, but anything else

is free game and it makes Houston diverse.

New crews that have no skill are just a bunch of toys and should go back to

the drawing board and practice before they try to get up.

No, I do not write. but I am an artist and appreciate new age expression of artistic skill.

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Guest danax
It's art. but not all of it.

GY has been around for a bit, it's not new.

it's not from New Orleans.

GY and BK get up the most. They are well respected.

Do not knock writing if you haven't lived the subculture.

I do not condone writing on businesses and on cars, but anything else

is free game and it makes Houston diverse.

New crews that have no skill are just a bunch of toys and should go back to

the drawing board and practice before they try to get up.

No, I do not write. but I am an artist and appreciate new age expression of artistic skill.

Art? Spray painting initials? They're kidding themselves if they think that's art. I'd rather have kindergarteners paint up the freeways. The new 59 freeway section is already a work of art. The idiots who are painting on it need to put the crack pipe down and see that their additions are nothing but ugly.

These people are not artists dabbling in criminal behavior but criminals dabbling in art. Another subculture exists inside the county jail.

I suppose one could argue that they have their place in a "diverse, urban, multi-cultural", or whatever the current adjective is for excusing all kinds of behaviors, city. I see their role in the urban ecosystem as that of decomposers, sort of like termites or mold. They don't improve the areas they hit but likely bring down property values by adding a perception of lawlessness and ugliness which turns a lot of people off. Most people can't distinguish between "bombing" and gang-tagging.

Or maybe I should just open my mind and embrace this "subculture". Yeah, it's very "urban". It's all how you view it. Having a homeless guy urinate downtown is brilliant performance art; the smell as it wafts through the skyscraper winds, the way it runs in small rivulets into the streets. And trains blowing at 4 am are music, each one has a slightly different pitch and volume, and each conductor has his own rhythm and style.

Luckily our city doesn't seem to be graffitied as bad as a few others I've seen so it's not a huge deal but calling it art is pathetic.

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It's all how you view it. Having a homeless guy urinate downtown is brilliant performance art; the smell as it wafts through the skyscraper winds, the way it runs in small rivulets into the streets. And trains blowing at 4 am are music, each one has a slightly different pitch and volume, and each conductor has his own rhythm and style.

hooray danax!

i was hoping to get an answer to my query above from someone familiar with this bombing stuff to explain a bit more (see 3 posts up). the folks i have known who bomb basically like to see their initials/name on things --- period. they are very arrogant about it. Love to brag about it but don't like explaining WHY it is so great and WHY other people who don't know what is for should respect it (and them for doing it) as well.

i can respect a sarcastic or witty slogan , even an artistic tagging attempt but the initials with a paintmarker are totally beyond me.

if anyone familiar with this can explain why we should take this so seriously --- please do so.

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there are galleries in houston which have graffiti based shows, like aerosol warfare. wouldn't that be better than getting picked up for scrawling their initials on someone's fence, while there are these more grand artistic ideas waiting to be let out of their sketchbooks?

77017 -- so do these fellas have anywhere they won't bomb? somehow, i can handle folks tagging signal boxes and dumpsters much more than the side of someone's house or the front of an apartment complex... seems very frivolous and selfish to use someone's home as a hit --- i'm not sure what to call it.

so afterward how is bombing seen by the other folks who do it? they drive through and figure they need to outdo the other fella(s) or what?

i find this quite interesting, as its a layer of urban culture that overlaps everyone on this forum whether we agree with it or not.

Taggin is all about fame. Like when NEXT won the houston press award for best Houston tagger his fame level shot up. Or when "REBS" and "RITE" got on the news for taggin all the freeway signs and causin 10s of thousands of dollars worth of damage, their fame level shot up. And if you remember what rebs tag looked like, you'll see you don't need a lot of skill to get a lot of fame. Taggin is about gettin your piece on a 150 foot tall billboard. Graffiti art is about skill. Like what you see in their blackbooks, or on the legal walls, or art galleries like aerosol warfare. So as far as TAGGERS callin themselves "artists", ha, you rarely catch a tagger runnin around sayin "I'm an artist, I'm an artist!" That's more of myth kept alive by graffiti detractor nerds to prove their point, which is moot anyway cuz if the bombin was replaced by extremely technical multi-colored 3D masterpieces, they still wouldn't want the "ugly graffiti" up there. . .

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Taggin is all about fame. Like when NEXT won the houston press award for best Houston tagger his fame level shot up. Or when "REBS" and "RITE" got on the news for taggin all the freeway signs and causin 10s of thousands of dollars worth of damage, their fame level shot up. And if you remember what rebs tag looked like, you'll see you don't need a lot of skill to get a lot of fame. Taggin is about gettin your piece on a 150 foot tall billboard. Graffiti art is about skill. Like what you see in their blackbooks, or on the legal walls, or art galleries like aerosol warfare. So as far as TAGGERS callin themselves "artists", ha, you rarely catch a tagger runnin around sayin "I'm an artist, I'm an artist!" That's more of myth kept alive by graffiti detractor nerds to prove their point, which is moot anyway cuz if the bombin was replaced by extremely technical multi-colored 3D masterpieces, they still wouldn't want the "ugly graffiti" up there. . .

i don't know how urban it is to have a newspaper vote you "best tagger".

if tagging a 150ft billboard is honorary then tagging the front of an old lady's

house shouldn't be. the $150 she has to pay to get some fella to pressure

wash it off her house is a big deal to her budget. yet, she has to because if

she doesn't its embarrassing and she'll get fined by the city.

it is more self-promotion than art, yes?

i've see a show at aerosol warfare and thought it was great --- but i have

only seen that person's work on call boxes and the boarded windows of

empty properties.

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i don't know how urban it is to have a newspaper vote you "best tagger".

if tagging a 150ft billboard is honorary then tagging the front of an old lady's

house shouldn't be. the $150 she has to pay to get some fella to pressure

wash it off her house is a big deal to her budget. yet, she has to because if

she doesn't its embarrassing and she'll get fined by the city.

it is more self-promotion than art, yes?

i've see a show at aerosol warfare and thought it was great --- but i have

only seen that person's work on call boxes and the boarded windows of

empty properties.

When next won that award he didn't go around tellin everybody "look yall, I won houston press best tagger! Isn't that "urban"? Instead people were comin up to him sayin, "damn, you were in the houston press and on the news man, you know how big your name is now?" Fame. . .

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When next won that award he didn't go around tellin everybody "look yall, I won houston press best tagger! Isn't that "urban"? Instead people were comin up to him sayin, "damn, you were in the houston press and on the news man, you know how big your name is now?" Fame. . .

ok, self promotion then.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Im a up and comming graf writter and tha name is solo reppin tha RSC click. Im here in houston to make a name for myself so be on tha watch!!!

Thanks for the warning. Now that we know who you are, you will be much easier to arrest and throw in jail. You should be easy to spot...the one who cannot spell.

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solo.. when is your birthday, man ?

yay for voluntary public information :rolleyes:


Smith Street


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Birthday 4 November 1987

Location Houston, TX

Interests Gamming and Bombing my school

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yay for voluntary public information :rolleyes:



AIM No Information

Yahoo wrightkevin50

Birthday 4 November 1987

Location Houston, TX

Interests Gamming and Bombing my school

Thats what I needed... Thanks !

There is only one Kevin Wright with that birthday in Texas.

If some punk kid is stupid enough to put his personal information on his profile, then act like a moron, and brag about crimes he wants to commit.....

He has this coming to him...


License number *********

Address 8446 BIGWOOD

City/Zip HOUSTON 77078

DOB Nov 4 1987

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Thats what I needed... Thanks !

Only 1 Kevin Wright from Houston born on that date.....

on that note... riding my bike down fairview on the way to work today and see JKOP of GY tagging the hell out of someone's fence this morning. is there any reason it needs to be 4x3 feet large in red lettering? someone lives there and has to remove it now... the fella was in broad daylight, getting a little daring, yes?

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  • 1 month later...

why do so many people care about wat buildings look like that they dont own...?y live in such a material world. does graffiti on a gas station thats on the way to work really bother u that much? u can still go to that gas station and get gas... did it really affect u that much? u fools that dont do graffiti need to realize that your only looking at it from one perspective.. most real writers dont consider their work in graffiti to be art and dont care. alot of level-headed people that do graffiti have some standards and moral guidelines. places of worship, houses, personal cars, and even small businesses are usually avoided. altho there arent laws within the graffiti community so its up to the individual and the rules become fuzzy lines. the main targets are big business(doesnt affect individuals as directly), city property, public propert, abandoned buildings... coog is the type of person who needs his ____ vandalized.. dude sounds so bitter about ____ and very un-educated on the topic. you actually mentioned something about "putting a cap in their helmets", are u serious? these are people just like you, they live their lives differently but dont deserve to die. you dont realize that vandals fit into society like any other, u might kill the kid that serves you food at a resturant...

i think people need to lighten up. why should people care so much about places and walls and bullshit they dont own. you must be a weak person if u need a spotless neighborhood to feel secure and happy.

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