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Lawyer Walks Into Cheney's Line Of Fire!


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Ever since a thoughtless lawyer walked into Dick Cheney's line of fire at the controlled release quail hunt at the Armstrong Ranch on Saturday, The Liberal Media has done nothing but what? Try to blame it on Mr. Cheney!!!!! Thank GOD Katharine Armstrong, private citzen, Bush Pioneer and Republican Lobbyist had the good common sense to wait 18 hours to report this lawyer's careless behavior or else The Liberal Media would have once again gotten away with their distortions of the Truth. Why just today, poor Scott McClellan- son of Carole Keeton Strayhorn-once again was forced to endure another barage of pesky questions from The Liberal Media. And NOW that same Liberal Media is trying to bring him down again just because he did not reveal the careless lawyer's shot gun-induced heart attack at todays briefing! The NERVE.


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In an attempt to make this a non-political thread, can anyone think of a good reason to withhold the shooting from the press for 18 hours? And then, to make matters worse, the White House refused to talk about the heart attack today. What appears to be an accident (though the Tx Parks & Wildlife Dept said Cheney was at fault) has blown into a huge controversy because Cheney won't talk. It's making them look guilty of something.

Shouldn't they have just made the announcement and be done with it?

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In an attempt to make this a non-political thread, can anyone think of a good reason to withhold the shooting from the press for 18 hours? And then, to make matters worse, the White House refused to talk about the heart attack today. What appears to be an accident (though the Tx Parks & Wildlife Dept said Cheney was at fault) has blown into a huge controversy because Cheney won't talk. It's making them look guilty of something.

Shouldn't they have just made the announcement and be done with it?

Of course they should have. It's just not in their make-up to learn from their past mistakes and besides, they would have broken their pattern: Deny, lie then blame the victim. The cover-up is always worse than the truth. Unfortunatly, these people seem to have mastered the art of it. At least Nixon and Clinton didn't resort to part 3 [blame the victim].

[i did start this topic in Way Off Topic>Politics, you know...] ;)


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Of course they should have. It's just not in their make-up to learn from their past mistakes and besides, they would have broken their pattern: Deny, lie then blame the victim. The cover-up is always worse than the truth. Unfortunatly, these people seem to have mastered the art of it. At least Nixon and Clinton didn't resort to part 3 [blame the victim].

[i did start this topic in Way Off Topic>Politics, you know...] ;)


Let me start by saying that I think Bush and "The Dick", from the little I've observed, are a couple of lower-level humans. However, I'm with Dick in his ignoring the press' voracious appetite for things like this. He's a rebel in that sense and a lame-duck one at that so screw em. The guy was simply out killing cute little innocent birds for his own pathetic adrenaline rush and another killer walked into his murderous spray. Or so they say. Whatever.

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In an attempt to make this a non-political thread, can anyone think of a good reason to withhold the shooting from the press for 18 hours? And then, to make matters worse, the White House refused to talk about the heart attack today. What appears to be an accident (though the Tx Parks & Wildlife Dept said Cheney was at fault) has blown into a huge controversy because Cheney won't talk. It's making them look guilty of something.

Shouldn't they have just made the announcement and be done with it?

Thank you. Although they are claiming it as an accident and may not see a reason to announce it, I think it is approporiate. Then again, I hate how the media and we liberals can be so predictable in these situations. Everything I have heard from internet forums to bloggers have been so clich

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From David Letterman's website:

Top Ten Dick Cheney Excuses

10. "Heart palpitation caused trigger finger to spasm"

9. "Wanted to get the Iraq mess off the front page"

8. "Not enough Jim Beam"

7. "Trying to stop the spread of bird flu"

6. "I love to shoot people"

5. "Guy was making cracks about my lesbian daughter"

4. "I thought the guy was trying to go 'gay cowboy' on me"

3. "Excuse? I hit him, didn't I?"

2. "Until Democrats approve medicare reform, we have to make some tough choices for the elderly"

1. "Made a bet with Gretzky's wife"

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Let me start by saying that I think Bush and "The Dick", from the little I've observed, are a couple of lower-level humans. However, I'm with Dick in his ignoring the press' voracious appetite for things like this. He's a rebel in that sense and a lame-duck one at that so screw em. The guy was simply out killing cute little innocent birds for his own pathetic adrenaline rush and another killer walked into his murderous spray. Or so they say. Whatever.

Wow, there's a side of you I've never seen.

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The vice president shot a lawyer.

I'm so conflicted.

You don't have to be conflicted. Hell, you gotta start somewhere, Cheney was using a "single-shot" 28-gauge, and he is very myopic, now, if he had had an over & under or a 12 gauge pump, he may have been able to finish the job. Give the old man a break.

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In an attempt to make this a non-political thread, can anyone think of a good reason to withhold the shooting from the press for 18 hours? And then, to make matters worse, the White House refused to talk about the heart attack today. What appears to be an accident (though the Tx Parks & Wildlife Dept said Cheney was at fault) has blown into a huge controversy because Cheney won't talk. It's making them look guilty of something.

They didn't talk for 18 hours probably because they were trying to hide the news from Letterman and Leno.

Also, I think the big story isn't even the fact that they tried to hush it up. The story still is that Dick Cheney went NRA on a 78-year old lawyer.

Now, I think in honor of this incident, it's time to give Dick Cheney a gangster name. Here's a few suggestions from myself...

The Notorious V.P.


D. Cheney


Weapon of Mass Destruction

The Elderly Assasin

Heart Stoppa

Cheney, Texas Ranger

Da Lawyer Destroyer

The Conservative D.C.

Busta Dick

DJ D Cheney

Da Bird Flu

Trigger Cheney

Trigger Dick

Bush's Protection

Those were some that came off the top of my head. Sorry if anyone was offended (I'm neither Conservative nor Liberal. I'm Texan).

Curious if anyone else got a few...

Edited by DJ V Lawrence
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Wow, there's a side of you I've never seen.

I normally stay away from news and politics because it's all so negative and our world's leaders seem to be mostly examples of liars and people out for personal power, such as Bush and Cheney, so I suppose my disgust jumped out in that post, although the gossip-hungry media and the equally gossip-hungry media consumers love to take stories like this and overblow them so I'm behind Cheney's "leave me the .... alone" attitude. At least it's a genuine response instead of the usual professional lies, although I think his avoidance is likely what his handlers told him to do as they feared he'd bungle the situation even worse if he had a press conference. And hunting "controlled release" quails? How would he explain the validity of that to his grandchildren?

One day, many centuries from now, we'll have leaders who are ruled by wisdom, selflessness, truthfulness and are attuned to a "higher power". People much higher up on the evolutionary food-chain than Bush and Cheney.

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One day, many centuries from now, we'll have leaders who are ruled by wisdom, selflessness, truthfulness and are attuned to a "higher power". People much higher up on the evolutionary food-chain than Bush and Cheney.

Danax, you are SUCH a "Trekkie" ! <_<:lol:

BTW, Cheney was about 90 feet away from the man he accidentally shot. I'm gonna try to find the stats on how many people get "peppered" per year, as a result of a quail or duck hunting incident. Alot of you people are making it out like he MEANT to shoot the guy. Cheney is not the only person this has happened to this year or any other, I assure you. He just happens to be possibly the most recognizable.

I know someone right off the bat is gonna say, "well, why didn't he report it for 18 hours ?" Why didn't the man that was shot report it before 18 hours if he was in fear of his life ?

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I know someone right off the bat is gonna say, "well, why didn't he report it for 18 hours ?" Why didn't the man that was shot report it before 18 hours if he was in fear of his life ?

Um....because he was shot. ^_^

I'm not convinced though that Busta Cap...itol was trying to cover it up.

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Ever since a thoughtless lawyer walked into Dick Cheney's line of fire at the controlled release quail hunt at the Armstrong Ranch on Saturday, The Liberal Media has done nothing but what? Try to blame it on Mr. Cheney!!!!! Thank GOD Katharine Armstrong, private citzen, Bush Pioneer and Republican Lobbyist had the good common sense to wait 18 hours to report this lawyer's careless behavior or else The Liberal Media would have once again gotten away with their distortions of the Truth. Why just today, poor Scott McClellan- son of Carole Keeton Strayhorn-once again was forced to endure another barage of pesky questions from The Liberal Media. And NOW that same Liberal Media is trying to bring him down again just because he did not reveal the careless lawyer's shot gun-induced heart attack at todays briefing! The NERVE.


Hell, the guy would have been just fine, if Cheney hadnt gutted him!!!

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I just saw part of the interview with poor Dick Cheney. It was touching, sincere and heart-warming but the most facinating thing was the way Britt Hume was able to conduct the entire interview with his nose firmly planted in Cheney's ass.

I was and remain, verklempt. :unsure:



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I know someone right off the bat is gonna say, "well, why didn't he report it for 18 hours ?"

That's easily explained.

This was an accident. It wasn't done maliciously. There was nothing to cover up or lie about.

And Cheney's never found himself in that position before. No wonder the poor guy was confused!

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That's easily explained.

This was an accident. It wasn't done maliciously. There was nothing to cover up or lie about.

And Cheney's never found himself in that position before. No wonder the poor guy was confused!

Ya know, bigtex, people like YOU are what's wrong with this country. You seem to be accusing poor Dick Cheney of being MALICIOUS in the past but then you turn around and say he didn't lie or cover-up. You people always want it both ways!!!

All he did last Saturday was throw back a couple of quarts of Colt45 and do some bird shootin with his buddies. OK, so one of his buddies was kidding around and shouted out "HEY DICKO! I'M A QUAIL!!!" So of course he took a shot. Who wouldn't? I bet they all had a good chuckle afterwards.

I think it's time for PEOPLE like YOU to get on board or go back where you came from!!!!


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I think it's time for PEOPLE like YOU to get on board or go back where you came from!!!!


Go back where I came from? Talked it over with my 89 year old mom, and frankly the idea creeps both of us out. :D

Another inadvertantly humorous remark, this time on the "Today" show from Mary Matalin, Republican spin doctor. She said that the VP's delay in reporting the incident was correct, and that he had a responsibility to make an accurate, fulsome [sic] report. Hey, Mary! Don't use big words if you don't know what they mean.

fulsome \FUL-sum\, adjective:

Offending or disgusting by overfullness, excess, or grossness; cloying; insincere or excessively lavish; esp., offensive from excess of praise.

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The spin doctors and apologists are amusing enough, but what strikes me is the seemingly complete and utter collapse of the Bush/Cheney publicity machine. These guys swept to power with a tightly controlled and well-executed message. A large part of what frustrated opponents was the inability to trip them up, even when mistakes were made.

Now, they are in the midst of a year long series of mistakes and missteps. And apparently, Cheney's office and Bush's office don't even talk to each other. The shooting itself was regrettable, but the big story is the collapse of the publicity machine, not the shooting itself. Clearly, Bush and Cheney do not listen to their experts anymore. This firestorm is the result.

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Go back where I came from? Talked it over with my 89 year old mom, and frankly the idea creeps both of us out. :D


Another inadvertantly humorous remark, this time on the "Today" show from Mary Matalin, Republican spin doctor. She said that the VP's delay in reporting the incident was correct, and that he had a responsibility to make an accurate, fulsome [sic] report. Hey, Mary! Don't use big words if you don't know what they mean.

fulsome \FUL-sum\, adjective:

Offending or disgusting by overfullness, excess, or grossness; cloying; insincere or excessively lavish; esp., offensive from excess of praise.

We just watched poor Mary's unsuccesful spin on Today as well. It made us both dizzy. I almost expected her to throw both legs behind her neck as she twisted and turned her spin.

I thought her performance was absolutly fulsome as usual.

And Red, as far as Cheney and Bush talking, I'm betting Cheney does most of the talking while Bush listens.

And don't forget Rove has been "busy" these days...a bit off his game.


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And Red, as far as Cheney and Bush talking, I'm betting Cheney does most of the talking while Bush listens.

And don't forget Rove has been "busy" these days...a bit off his game.


No, the suggestions are that the two offices rarely speak at all. Though, this also came off as Cheney does what he wants, and Bush doesn't, or can't rein him in. The whole thing is amazing, if you are interested in the mechanics of the White House, as opposed to just who resides there.

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