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Nicholson Hike And Bike Trail On W. 26th St.

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Down 7th st and Harvard/Columbia were some signs warning of a construction zone.. No construction as of yet.. but at least the signs are there! I would like to hope it's related to the hike/bike trail..


It looks like construction has begun at the southwestern corner of Lawrence Park. The ground has been cleared and they have begun setting up the concrete frames. That section begins at Shepherd (just east of the overpass) and heads east.

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I have always wondered what the trail will do to cross Buffalo Bayou? Are they really going to reuse the old timber railroad bridge? Hard to believe.

This is going to be a great addition to the area. I am looking forward to taking some serious bikerides with the family.

Man, I sure hope so. That will be cool. As long as it is structurally sound, it shouldn't be a problem. And, considering the weight it was designed to support originally, unless it is completely rotted out, it should support a bike roadbed easily.

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Do you mean White Oak Bayou? I have tried to walk across that bridge before, but the first few steps totally crunched up the huge railroad tie where I stepped. Not a good sign for being able to use it. I assume you mean the bridge behind the Alexan that sort of heads right at Studemont/I-10 toward downtown?

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Do you mean White Oak Bayou? I have tried to walk across that bridge before, but the first few steps totally crunched up the huge railroad tie where I stepped. Not a good sign for being able to use it. I assume you mean the bridge behind the Alexan that sort of heads right at Studemont/I-10 toward downtown?

I agree that it appears unsturdy. It also appears that people have tried to torch parts of it. The underpinnings may be adequate, however.


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Very good question - anyone know whether the bike trail we be able to make use of the old railroad bridge?

I'm guessing that's the only hope the bridge has of being preserved, being a bit of an attractive nuisance as is. I don't know if there were other fires before it, but I remember a fire on the bridge a year or two ago. I haven't tried to walk on the bridge, but I can see why someone would try - close-up, it looks like it might be structurally sound despite the fire damage.

EDIT: Don't know if this can be relied upon, but this August 2006 Chronicle blog post suggests that the existing bridges over both the bayou and Studemont would be used (the fact that both bridges were mentioned I'm reading to mean that the existing bridge over the bayou would not be the Studemont bridge). I think that could have been before the bridge fire, though.

Originally, the SP line on Nicholson Street went down the center median with one-way travel lines on each side. According to the project specifics, the proposed street improvement would recreate that setting. In the place of rail, a pedestrian walkway would be placed in the median. The road surface, which is currently only on one side of the old rail line and strewn with potholes, will be rebuilt to provide one 12-foot travel lane, a 5-foot bike lane and seven feet for parking in each direction.

The MKT or Katy Trail will begin with a trailhead under the Shepherd and Durham bridges at West 7th. The 12-foot wide trail would connect to the Nicholson trail at Lawrence Park. Crossing Yale Street and Heights Boulevard, the trail will be protected with bikeway crossing safety improvements to include signs, flashing lights and a raised speed table. The trail will then continue on to cross already existing bridges over White Oak Bayou and Studemont and connect with the Houston Heritage Corridor Bayou Trail, which is already being constructed along the bayou from downtown to Houston Street. It also will split off to carry bikers and hikers into the neighborhoods being renovated south of Interstate 10 and into downtown after crossing White Oak Bayou at Crockett Street and following the rail lines to Main Street.

Edited by tmariar
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So.. what's going to happen to all those driveways which cross this path? Are they going to doze those up too?

Re: the bridges

The one over the bayou i recall being on fire at one point a few years back.. Would be cool if they could use them, but they'd really study it to see if it can be salvaged..

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So.. what's going to happen to all those driveways which cross this path? Are they going to doze those up too?

They are apparently leaving them. At the bottom of the construction pic I posted last evening, you can see one of the driveways for one of two new $600k McTorians under construction. (The asphalt is covered with mud so it's a bit hard to make out).

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Do you mean White Oak Bayou? I have tried to walk across that bridge before, but the first few steps totally crunched up the huge railroad tie where I stepped. Not a good sign for being able to use it. I assume you mean the bridge behind the Alexan that sort of heads right at Studemont/I-10 toward downtown?

Right, sorry. Lived in the Heights for the last four years and I still get mixed up when I talk about the bayou.

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I've found it very difficult to get interested in this project. However, seeing signs of it beginning and knowing now that it's a reality has cemented giving my husband a bike and trailer for the kiddos (#2 on the way, HAIFers) for Christmas this year!

We just got a trailer and kiddie seat for the baby girl, it'll be nice to take her down this when it's finished!

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A correction on one of my previous posts.. Apparently the construction equipment on 7th and Heights has to do with the construction down Crockett and on 6th.. oh well.. I'm sure it will reach there eventually.

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Better yet, get pics. :)

TxDOT representatives were walking Nicholson between 8th and 9th yesterday talking to the home owners. According to them the earth movers are to start working in that area today. It may slip a day or two because of one of my neighbor's complaints about the trail. TxDOT said they may work up to her property, skip her and then let the City work it out. They would then return and fill in that area.

Interesting points: Where there is a ditch immediately adjacent to and running parallel to Nicholson, there would be no ballards (short posts). Where the ditch is not adjacent to the street, ballards would be installed. Either the ditch or the ballards would keep cars off of the trail.

He said there would be no lighting added except at an underpass or next to the train trestle. I did not ask about landscaping. There was no mention of widening Nicholson.

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Down 7th st and Harvard/Columbia were some signs warning of a construction zone.. No construction as of yet.. but at least the signs are there! I would like to hope it's related to the hike/bike trail..


I am on Nicholson @ 9th. Two TXDOT representatives walked the path on Monday to let the homeowners know what was about to happen. Tuesday they removed my driveway and sidewalk that run perpendicular to the bike trail. They expect to reinstall the driveway and sidewalk next week at the same time the bike trail is being poured. Excellent communication with the neighborhood.

Has anyone heard if any future construction will be allowed to have a driveway crossing the path?

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i hope the people who live along the trail have fun with it. the appalachian trail goes through my hometown and parts of the path literally cut through yards. people leave cookies and water out for hikers, or plant flowers along their part of the trail. it's really nice. i just imagine our bike trail with kids selling lemonaide and neighbors sitting on porches waving to passers by... can you tell i'm from a small town? :wub:

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i hope the people who live along the trail have fun with it. the appalachian trail goes through my hometown and parts of the path literally cut through yards. people leave cookies and water out for hikers, or plant flowers along their part of the trail. it's really nice. i just imagine our bike trail with kids selling lemonaide and neighbors sitting on porches waving to passers by... can you tell i'm from a small town? :wub:

Nice thought, but I fear the folks at the homeless encampment along I10 and Studewood just east of the bayou would be the primary beneficiaries of the kind gesture.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I live on Waverly St, one block over from the Nicholson Hike and Bike trail, and I just have to ask if anyone knows....what is going to happen to all those folks whose garage front to Nicholson? I mean they dont own the land the trail is on, and surely the city is not going to allow them to be backing a car out onto a hiking or biking trail to get back to the street?

I can see lawsuits now...I was riding my bike down the city owned trail, and some homeowner just backed out of their driveway and bam.

So do these people just lose use of their garages?

I came close to buying houses on Nicholson, but did not for this EXACT reason.

Does anyone know how they will handle this?

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I know they are doing it now, but I wonder if they intend to put curbs on it or anything else to put a stop to this? just seems like a bad idea to me...unless you own one of the houses that are affected, in which case your probably livid about it anyways.

from porchman's pics here looks like they are already crossing.
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