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Austin can be an interesting place. My wife lived there for seven years and loves it. I lived there for three and never found it to be more than a college town with some nice hills. If that is what you want, then Austin is the place to be. Obviously, lots of people like it a lot. Houston has the size and complexity and culture of a more urban place (albeit that it should be more urban), and those are things that are important to me. When people talk in the manner of that article (the city is "soulless"), they sound just a little over the top.

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...nobody actively seeks to live in Houston; still, it's where people and corporations end up.
Huh? All of my friends who are not native Houstonians are here by choice, not because they were forced to move here by their employer. Several, including myself, first planned to locate here, and then set about finding a job in this city so we could make the move. There is no basis to the author's claim on this; it's just his personal opinion.
Austin has the intellectual ferment of a world-class university; Houston has an open enrollment university, a respected medical center and a thriving writer's community.

Excuse me, but what about Rice? Is it not good enough? Sure UH isn't the best university around, but there are certainly much worse state universities in Texas. And we've also got St. Thomas and HBU and a number of other speciality graduate programs, including two medical schools. At least the author was complimentary about the Texas Medical Center and writer's community (which I was personally unaware of).

Austin has Barton Springs and Zilker Park; Houston has Memorial Park (which is not really comparable), but on weekends you can head down to Galveston's beaches or other towns away from Houston's smoggy clouds.
Let's not also forget Hermann Park, which in my opinion, is excellent, especially with the renovations of the last few years.

Austin has 6th Street Music; Houston has big arena concerts, a respected regional theatre and a bunch of blues legends who come out of the woodwork for the occasional blues or international festival. Austin has youth, Alamo Drafthouse, Dellionaires, and Lance Armstrong wannabees; Houston has River Oaks snobs, the Rodeo, the Orange Show, an astonishing downtown tunnel system, art car parades, moon rocks and an infinite variety of ethnic restaurants and video stores.

I don't mean to convince people that Houston is somehow superior to Austin. It is not.

So is this person serious? After he has bashed Houston in just about every possible way, he says this. I read little in the article that implies he is trying to make Houston sound better than Austin. Talk about poor writing!

It is an ugly, noxious crime-ridden place populated by armies of SUV's and high school gangs.
Last time I was in Austin I saw quite a few SUVs. I don't consider this city to be crime-ridden; I certainly have never felt unsafe and today's crime rates are a far cry from those of 20 years ago when violent crimes were far more of a problem. As for the high school gangs, I have a hard time believing Austin doesn't have them as well.
No one feels a sentimental attachment to Houston; people just make their peace and feel a sense of triumph whenever they discover an interesting shop at a strip mall amidst the banality.

Again, I find this very untrue; I know many people who take great pride in this city and living here. And I certainly don't feel a sense of triumph whenever I discover a new shop at a strip mall.

I'm not saying one city is better than another, or trying to bash Austin. But things like this anger me because they're really trivial, and I don't get why some people feel the need to bash the place they live when nobody's forcing them to live here. If you're really miserable someplace, quit your bitching and either (1) move someplace where you'll be happy (or at least less miserable), or (2) do something to improve where you live and make it better.

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Ah, but don't you see? The author is more enlightened, more insightful than we mere Houstonians. If all the screeds about Houston written by pompous 20-somethings were gathered together, it would make for a dandy bonfire.

Sounds like the author is making the awkward transition from working part-time at a comic book store on Guadelupe (and that monthly check from Mom) to adult life.

Sometimes I think Austin's leading export is morose, preachy slackers.

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  • 9 months later...

I think UT is a world-class university! It has an enrollment of about 47,000 students. Its the largest university in the nation. It has superior education. Rice is not word-class it is not good enough. If it were it would be as large and famous as UT. Duh! And Zilker Park is way better than Herman Park. Zilker Park is better because it is all natural. No trees and fountains were constructed there. All that it has that is not natural is Barton Springs Road. Houston may have big arenas and concerts but thats not cultural. We do not need arenas and concert halls to be cultural. It just is. From what I read Austin is more visited and is growing faster than Houston. People obviously like Austin more than Houston. Houston is crime filled. It is the 4th most dangerous city in the US. Austin is only the 37th. Austin is better than Houston because it has its own personality and feel. Not like Houston! Houston does not have heart, personality, nor culture. Its just a big smoggy city! I have lived in Houston for 3 years and I know many people who have and they hated it. It is a nasty ghetto city. And it is. The people who are moving there are wannabe Rap and Hip Hop artists. That is my opinion and i am entitled to it so do not go getting all your knickers in a bunch!

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Did you really say Rice is just ok? And you think UT is world class because it has 47,000 students? Dude, you need to take off the orange colored glasses.

I feel sorry for you and the author of that article. You are both stuck in this hellhole with no friends because you can't get a job in Austin. What a sad way to go through life.

Lucky for me, I moved to Houston because I like the city and the people. I don't have to lead a miserable existence in a town I can't stand.

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Guest danax
I think UT is a world-class university! It has an enrollment of about 47,000 students. Its the largest university in the nation. It has superior education. Rice is not word-class it is not good enough. If it were it would be as large and famous as UT. Duh!

Size might mean something in some circles but not in academic ones. UT has classes of 400, Rice offers classes with 15-20...by design. Duh! is right.
Houston may have big arenas and concerts but thats not cultural. We do not need arenas and concert halls to be cultural. It just is.

Maybe you never got over to the Museum District or the Theater District while you lived here. Austin has a superior music scene but to use that alone as your cultural tape measure is lame. Oh yeah, my daughter goes to UT and she says Austin does have a superior homeless scene too..
Houston is crime filled. It is the 4th most dangerous city in the US. Austin is only the 37th.

There's a topic somewhere on this forum showing Houston as, I believe, the #2 safest big city.
I know many people who have and they hated it. It is a nasty ghetto city. And it is. The people who are moving there are wannabe Rap and Hip Hop artists.

Right. I heard that too from a real estate agent, that all of her relocation clients are all wannabe rappers. Guess the word's out that we're nothin but a big ol' ghet-toh.

Austin obviously has some great aspects but for you to have lived here and not noticed any culture, heart or other attractive features speaks more about the viewer than the viewed. That's just my opinion.

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Living in Katy or Suger Land doesnt count as living in Houston. And venture to say the long commute doesnt endear you to us either.

Hard to qualify UT as a better school than Rice, except in sports but then that has nothing to do with academicsl. Houston also has UH, TSU, St. Thomas, and HBU. Lets see Austin has St. Eds, and the Texas School for the Blind (not even sure if that a high school or not).

Houston isnt verdant? Give me a break Id take the beautiful live oak trees over scruby dry Austin Cedar Trees anyday.

Apparently hippies singing about there weed and beer is culture. Well accourding to some.....

Houston may have big concert venues - yeah - but Austin is quickly following in the footsteps. The recently opened that canvas tent on the south side of "downtown" Austin, for multiple event. Not to much longer till Austins Dellionaires start to want a peice of the lucrative and ridiculus pro-sport circle and then Austin to will have big concert centers.

Dellionaires :lol: need I say more.

Lance Armstrong wannabes? Wow thats something to shot for. "Hey kid what do you want to do when you grow up?" "I want to ride a mountain bike for a living!"

People who ski for a living are Ski Bums - so Austin has Bike Bums! Id take a dozen Hip-hoppers over one worthless bike bum anyday.

I guess having a long standing Symphony, Ballet, art MuseumS (emphasis on the last S), actual ethenic communities, shopping centers and restaurants, a working and easy to use Light Rail (Austin in all of its progressivness has failed for many years to pass a transit plan - until recently, now they project 2,000 daily riders - compared to Houston thats pathetic)

Dont get me wrong Austin is a decent city - but it needs to come off of its high horse and realize its heading (quickly) down the same path that Dallas and Houston took. Except its leaving little room (unlike Houston and Dallas) to fix its mistakes.

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UT is not the largest Universtity in the Nation, just Texas. Univerisity of Ohio or Ohio State takes that prize with nearly 100,000 students or more.

Overall I just feel his elitist condescending attitudes to be quite obnoxious. It's one thing to be proud of your city. It's a completely different to proud of your city because to belittle another one. If you must do that, you must not be truly pround of your city.

It mainly why I never get into arguments about this city is better than the other. They are completely pointless conversations.

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I find Austin rather boring actually. How many times can you go to Sixth Street or the lake? To me, Austin appeals to the college aged and those in their early 20's. Houston is much more sophisticated and appeals to us grown ups. With that being said, Houston offers much more in terms of culture, museums, theater and amazing venues.

In my opinion, Austin is and always will be a small town complete with the small town mentality. Austinites are resistant to change instead longing for the days of yesteryear when things were much simpler. Unfortunately change is coming and they are no where near prepared for it. Just look at the "freeway" system there. It is way way over capacity. Austin also lives in the shadow of UT. There will never be a professional sports team of any kind well unless you count the IceBats. You quickly learn that when living in Austin all entertainment/culture options revolve around UT.

Perhaps I biased, I did go to A&M, but I have gotten over my initial crush on Austin. The thrill is gone and I am very happy to live the great city of Houston.

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The Ohio numbers were for main campus. It's something they boast about.

I had a roomate in college thinking of getting his doctorate in physics over there.

I need to look into whether it was Ohio State or University of Ohio.

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Looks like he may have been correct up until this year.

Top 10 as of Fall 2004:

50,995: Ohio State University - Columbus, OH

50,954: University of Minnesota Twin Cities - Minneapolis, MN

50,377: University of Texas at Austin - Austin, TX

49,171: Arizona State University - Tempe, AZ

47,993: University of Florida - Gainesville, FL

44,836: Michigan State University - East Lansing, MI

44,435: Texas A&M University-College Station - College Station, TX

41,289: Pennsylvania State University-University Park - University Park, PA

41,169: University of Wisconsin, Madison - Madison, WI

40,360: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - Champaign, IL

Top 10 as of Fall 2003:

51,426: University of Texas at Austin - Austin, TX

50,731: Ohio State University - Columbus, OH

49,474: University of Minnesota Twin Cities - Minneapolis, MN

48,901: Arizona State University - Tempe, AZ

47,585: University of Florida - Gainesville, FL

44,813: Texas A&M University-College Station - College Station, TX

44,542: Michigan State University - East Lansing, MI

41,795: Pennsylvania State University-University Park - University Park, PA

41,595: University of Wisconsin, Madison - Madison, WI

39,031: University of Michigan-Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor, MI

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How many times can you go to Sixth Street or the lake?

There's nothing like it near Houston's urban center, though. . .and don't try to say Main Street either. Give Austin some credit having a successful entertainment district (yes it's mostly marketed to young adults). You actually are one of very few people that I've noticed, from Texas or any other state, who has something bad to say about the city.

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You actually are one of very few people that I've noticed, from Texas or any other state, who has something bad to say about the city.

I'm not a big fan of Austin, either. I used to enjoy the occasional trip there in college (of course it helped that everyone I knew had their own "indoor gardens"), but for the last 10 years I've noticed a pretentiousness about Austin that I can't stomach. Everyone I met there was extremely interested in telling or showing me how "cool" and "wierd" and "unique" they were. How about just letting me be the judge of that?

I also think that sprawl has taken over to the point where much of it is not all that different than a mini-Houston.

You gotta give Austin props for their music scene; they do have a ton of music going on there. It's also got some natural beauty that is amazing. I love that about Austin.

They get ZERO props for 6th Street, though. That place is just a mini-Richmond Strip if you ask me, and that's not a good thing. Too many "shot bars" pumping out horrible music and charging way too much money for a bland experience.

In my opinion, it's a decent place to visit, but I'll take Houston over Austin any day. I'd much rather be in the hills camping, though.

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I'm in the music scene, and have played Austin many times including SXSW, and I'm here to tell ya that the music scene is not as big as it used to be. In fact far from it.

6th street although cool is ravaged by college kids which can make it rough for someone actually interested in watching bands. It's loud and rambunctious, and quite frankly doesn't apeal to me and many of my felloe musicians. In fact many of the larger touring (regional) club bands don't play in Austin but play in San Antonio for this very reason.

713 to 214 made the comment that Main Street is nothing like 6th street, this is true, however the amount of people visiting both is very similar so I think this is a matter of taste, not fact.

Austin has some wonderful attributes, mostly natural but all in all it can be very boring and VERY overrated when it's entertainment culture is measured.

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WestGrayGuy: It's your opinion, but it's just as misinformed as AlcazarSypder04's opinion. There is no need to bash Austin just because AS04 bashed Houston. It's not Austin's fault that AS04 likes Austin and is a dick. If you ever find any place boring, it's because you just don't know where to go find the right entertainment. There is not one day on my calendar that doesn't have at the least three things that I want to go do or see. Austin absolutely appeals to every age group, not just college students. If you're a college student, you're gonna go to 6th. That's just where you go. The over twenty-five and gay crowds go to the Warehouse District on the west side of Congress. It's much more upscale and adult. There aren't police on every corner waiting for a fight to break out like on 6th. The lake is fun, but not all the time...unless you are a lakerat. Lakerats love their lakes. They go constantly, or live there. Sure there's not as many museums as Houston. Houston is considerably larger than Austin, and also has a whole hell of a lot more people and organizations with the money to get and support those museums. Austin does have the Harry Ransom Center, the LBJ Library, and the Blanton Museum among others. Like Houston, there is a resident symphony, ballet, and opera. There are also just too many theaters to even count. There will be change in Austin, but that doesn't mean that we can't try to presevre some of the city's past and natural beauty. The highways and streets in Austin have traffic, but what city doesn't. The fact that are aren't a lot of highways in Austin is beginning to help the city in its efforts to get more mix-use and infill developement with better mass transit. Lemons to lemonaide. But, there are some tollways under construction now, and soon there will be many more. With sports, why would Austin ever need a professional sports team. Who wants billionaire owners swindling taxpayer money for stadiums that they are gonna want replaced or renovated in five years time, or millionaire players who play child's game, gets paid unbelievable money, and somehow still complains about it. If someone in Austin wants professional sports, there are at least ten teams within a three hour drive (Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio). UT sports kickass. No matter the season of the year, there is always a team to support. The football team is top 5 ranked and men's baseball won the College World Series this year. I wish the Astros would win a World Series (it's Roger's last chance for a home town win). Hey, and there's no danger of UT getting up and leaving if it didn't get enough money to stay in town. Houston does get the short end of the stick on all too many occasions (and that just infuriates me to no end), but it's no reason to take it out on Austin. I just wish I could live in both places at once.

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Houston does get the short end of the stick on all too many occasions (and that just infuriates me to no end), but it's no reason to take it out on Austin. I just wish I could live in both places at once.

Very good pair of sentences. And I agree that the impact of both 6th Street and Main on the overall experience is about the same but they are not the same in terms of how it goes about providing the experience. 6th Street is a bit more quirky and "weird" where as Main Street tends to be more subdued, and I think it's because 6th Street, being older, has developed more of a comfort level and is willing to try any and everything. Main Street, on the other hand, is just finding out what it's capabilities are and is a bit more conservative in how it handles its evolution.

Of course, all bets are off when it's a "special" weekend, then it's like Bourbon Street.

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