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You would probably be wrong. A constable patrol program has been in discussion for well over a year.
i find it interesting that a realtor is taking the lead. maybe prospective buyers have mentioned crime in the area and as a result she's trying to help the situation

i know where i live in proctor plaza, a program has een discussed before and quickly dismissed.

karen derr is taking the lead on this, but it involves a lot of business owners in the hood. even if the program has been a topic for some time, the vandalism on white linen night (glass wall's windows getting shot out and my new car getting egged) is driving this push. it looks like this time something will actually get done. i think $255 is a small price to pay for some added security. i don't live in a new or large house, but i still think a constable will provide me some extra peace if mind--- especially now that i have an infant at home.

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FWIW, since so many like to make statements of fact off of an observation, I have seen cops all over the place the last 10 days...at least in my section of the hood. Some days, I will see 2 or 3 just in one trip down the road. Now, I do not personally believe that this means the Heights has been flooded with extra police, but if some complain that there are no police just because they have not seen one, I should be fair and point out the increased number of police cruisers that I have seen lately.

And, certainly those that think there is not enough of a police presence should pony up the $255. It can't hurt...unless you are in the habit of parking the wrong way on the street. ;)

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Good Afternoon All,

I have a question for those who have had their cars broken into, homes,

garages or items taken off their front porch.

Would you say most of the unfortunate incidents occurred during the

day or evening? Were your vehicles doors locked? Did you have a car or home alarm?

What about a dog that barks to alert? Is your home surrounded by fence?

What about the back yard fence how high is it?

The person who works on my yard had some equipment stolen during the day and during the week while parked on the street in front of my home.

Should he have chained and bolted everything down ? Maybe pull in the driveway ?

Never leave your vehicle unattended ?

In other words . . my question is do you think many of us make it too easy for

thieves in our big and growing city ?

My dog roams around my house what happens if my dog bites an uninvited guest ?

Thank You

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There's two types of thieves.

The Pot Head: The Pot Head will usually strike between 11:00 PM -2:00 AM

The Crack Head: The Crack Head will usually strike between 3:30 AM -10:00 AM

EDIT: Don't leave your newspapers in the drive way!

Edited by Marty
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Car break in: sometime over night

Car theft: 11:30 PM

Porch planter theft: ?

Bike theft:?

I've heard of one particularly brazen guy stealing a compressor from a worksite in broad daylight (he held off the workers with a knife).

The one rule I follow religiously in this neighborhood is never, ever leave anything that looks like it might be valuble in your car.

The other rule is always chain or glue down the planters.

I don't know that dogs or alarms are foolproof, but I'm sure they help somewhat.

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The one rule I follow religiously in this neighborhood is never, ever leave anything that looks like it might be valuble in your car.

I don't know that dogs or alarms are foolproof, but I'm sure they help somewhat.

The bit about the valuables in the car is very solid advice. My car was broken into overnight when it 'looked like' I had a valuable black case in front seat that was really a first aid kit. Unfortunately it doesn't stop the break-in if someone just wants to cause some damage, but having something in there in plain sight is asking for trouble no matter the time of day.

The dogs aren't foolproof, but more than once I've found evidence of someone 'checking out' my house but no break in's yet...most likely thanks to the two very angry sounding dogs inside (they don't like thier day-long naps disturbed.)

The other advice I'd give out is to have visible locks on any gate/garage that doesn't have a deadbolt on it. The owners before us told us this advice as thier garage was only broken into when they forgot to put the lock back on. None of my locked fences or garage has been penetrated to this point (knock on wood) but our neighbor has who doesn't have the locks visible. It's rare for someone to carry a lock/bolt cutter with them thus making them move on.

Also, our fence in the back is 4ft chain link, but we're thinking of replacing it. It's a debate of security vs. looks as a nice wooden fence gives a pleasant look but gives misleading security. A chain link isn't hard to penetrate (a wooden fence isn't either) but the bad guys are constantly visible while in the yard and many don't like that.

On a side note, why is it that workers from Centerpoint always go into the yard without knocking on the front door first? One went in my yard this weekend and about had his leg torn off when my dogs saw him out there and I let them out not knowing who he was. He got lucky I saw the meter reader and his shirt and called them off before they got to him but man was he moving quick to get back over that fence. You'd think they'd let you know that they were going to be back there when you're obviously home at the time.

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On a side note, why is it that workers from Centerpoint always go into the yard without knocking on the front door first? One went in my yard this weekend and about had his leg torn off when my dogs saw him out there and I let them out not knowing who he was. He got lucky I saw the meter reader and his shirt and called them off before they got to him but man was he moving quick to get back over that fence. You'd think they'd let you know that they were going to be back there when you're obviously home at the time.

you should invest in some signs saying you have a dog. it sure keeps solicitors out.

Edited by musicman
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On a side note, why is it that workers from Centerpoint always go into the yard without knocking on the front door first? One went in my yard this weekend and about had his leg torn off when my dogs saw him out there and I let them out not knowing who he was. He got lucky I saw the meter reader and his shirt and called them off before they got to him but man was he moving quick to get back over that fence. You'd think they'd let you know that they were going to be back there when you're obviously home at the time.

Takes WAY too much time for a meter reader to knock on each front door. Mine can see the meter over the fence, but back when my gate was accessible (it is automatic now), he was actually very good at making my dog back down. She kept barking, but she did so while backing up. The Centerpoint guys seem much more in tune with how to handle dogs than mail carriers. My mail carrier is simply a wimp....even though my dog is behind the fence!

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you should invest in some signs saying you have a dog. it sure keeps solicitors out.

There are two signs actually...one on the back gate and one on the front. I asked him if he just didnt' see them and he said he did but knew they weren't back there so he hopped the fence anyway. I told him if he see's my car next time to come to the front and let me know he's going to be back there so I don't let them out again b/c you can guarantee if they get agitated by something back there that's not 'supposed' to be there they go out first.

I agree it's time consuming but if I were him and I knew a house had a dog(s), and I had to go into the yard, I think I'd be knocking on the door first just to keep from getting chunks taken out of me.

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I just saw this today. Might make sense as to why the guy was in my yard this last weekend.


I can't believe that they would try to require people in the heights to leave their gates unlocked to thier backyards. No way is this going to fly and no way am I going to do it.

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A quick word to the wise regarding dog signs from your friendly insurance agent: have a neutral sign simply advising that there is a dog in the yard. Anything reading "Beware of Dog" or the cute ones about how your XXXX can make it to the fence in 3.5 seconds could be interpreted in court as harboring a known vicious dog if anything were to happen. Reasonable and attractive metal signs in a variety of colors at http://www.bigdoorproducts.com/

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A quick word to the wise regarding dog signs from your friendly insurance agent: have a neutral sign simply advising that there is a dog in the yard. Anything reading "Beware of Dog" or the cute ones about how your XXXX can make it to the fence in 3.5 seconds could be interpreted in court as harboring a known vicious dog if anything were to happen. Reasonable and attractive metal signs in a variety of colors at http://www.bigdoorproducts.com/

Not only that, but the signs are ineffective. Thieves already know that many homeowners put up fake alarm company signs and fake dog signs. The only thing that gets their attention is the actual SOUND of a ferocious sounding dog, not the sign claiming one.

The SOUND of a pump shotgun being racked is also more impressive and effective than actually having to confront the burglar with your handgun. If you've ever heard one in an otherwise quiet dark room, you know exactly what I mean.

These sounds trigger unpleasant and painful thoughts in the burglar's mind, such as the pain of a vicious dog ripping your leg, or a shotgun blast in the gut. The signs are benign. The sounds are not.

Remember, the two biggest deterrents to burglary are a vehicle in the driveway and a barking dog. Everything else is a distant 3rd.

Edited by RedScare
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Good Afternoon,

hope your week goes well!

It seems there is more talk ,incidents, and crimes among car break in , home break in during the day , or

jumping over fences etc in the Heights area . . .

My question is how a car in the driveway is a deterrent ? What about for the car thief ?

Also the dog can deter I guess only if the dog seems to attack or bite ? Some dogs I have seen

around the neighborhood are really small and can barely hear their bark.

Any attorneys out there -

What is the law about a dog attacking a would be intruder ?

What about a would be thief and meeting an armed home owner ?

Thank You

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My question is how a car in the driveway is a deterrent ?

It makes some thieves believe that someone is home. Many aren't willing to take the chance.

Also the dog can deter I guess only if the dog seems to attack or bite ? Some dogs I have seen

around the neighborhood are really small and can barely hear their bark.

It is the noise that might attract attention from neighbors....and consequently police.

What is the law about a dog attacking a would be intruder ?

Laws were recently updated on the dog portion. i know an owner was recently charged with a felony as the result of a dog bite incident.

Edited by musicman
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Laws were recently updated on the dog portion. i know an owner was recently charged with a felony as the result of a dog bite incident.

The law does not apply to dogs that are secured, i.e., behind a fence. It also does not apply to dogs on one's own property. So, an owner whose dog mauls an attempted burglar in the back yard is probably on safe ground.

New Dog Law

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  • 2 weeks later...
yep tru dat

Here we go again...from the WH bulletin board. This is since last Friday from what I understand.

1000 Block of 7th 1/2 -(past week/daytime) An African-American male in old white Oldsm-a-Buick pulls all the way up into neighbors driveway, knocks on the door a few times and then proceeds around back where he apparently pulled boards out of their fence, broke into the house, emptied the contents of the fridge on to the floor for their dog ( a serious Pit/R.Ridgeback?) and cleaned them out of cameras, guitars and guns,etc...

700 Block of 11th 1/2 -(past week/daytime) Thieves come through the alley and break into the back of a house. Upon returning, the elderly neighbor was about to enter the house when she realized something was amiss and that the dog didn't greet her at the door but was barking from somewhere in the back. She had to wait at least two hours for a response unit to see if there was anyone in the house before she could release the dog and see what had been taken.

700 Block of 11th 1/2 -(past week/daytime) AC unit stolen from a house.

Earlier in the day neighbors had seen a caucasion male with short blonde hair pedalling down the street with an AC unit balanced on his handlebars. There was also mention of a large old Lincoln/Cadillac type car hanging out in the area during these last two. I don't remember their names but this reminded me of a father and son crimewave that used to plague our area.


Just received this email from a friend, it is true, lady's name is Sarah:

As many of you have probably heard, I was mugged this morning on a friend's front porch in the Heights. I was meeting her to go running at 6 AM, heard something behind me when I was on her porch, turned around and a guy punched me in the stomach/ribs and stole my purse and rode off with his friends. I got his license plate # and gave it to the cops and I'm happy to say that the police were able to track them down based on the license plate that I gave them and they now have them (the entire entourage consisting of 3 crackheads and 2 crackhead prostitutes) in custody. They had my credit cards in their wallet and one of the prostitutes had on a necklace that was in my purse - very smart. These guys are not, according to the police, the same people that recently pulled off similar robberies around Rice and Midtown (based on the descriptions that those poor women gave the cops). If you live around Rice, Midtown or the Heights - I would strongly caution against you or your spouse (particularly any females with purses which seem to be what they are targeting) going outside alone in the dark, or, at the very least, be very cautious and cognizant of your surroundings. I certainly will be more careful from now on.

Btw - just in case you were wondering - if someone punches you in the stomach and gets arrested - you don't get to punch them back. I asked.


Last Friday 10/19-

This afternoon, about 4:30, I saw a mid 30

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Here we go again...from the WH bulletin board. This is since last Friday from what I understand.

1000 Block of 7th 1/2 -(past week/daytime) An African-American male in old white Oldsm-a-Buick pulls all the way up into neighbors driveway, knocks on the door a few times and then proceeds around back where he apparently pulled boards out of their fence, broke into the house, emptied the contents of the fridge on to the floor for their dog ( a serious Pit/R.Ridgeback?) and cleaned them out of cameras, guitars and guns,etc...

700 Block of 11th 1/2 -(past week/daytime) Thieves come through the alley and break into the back of a house. Upon returning, the elderly neighbor was about to enter the house when she realized something was amiss and that the dog didn't greet her at the door but was barking from somewhere in the back. She had to wait at least two hours for a response unit to see if there was anyone in the house before she could release the dog and see what had been taken.

700 Block of 11th 1/2 -(past week/daytime) AC unit stolen from a house.

Earlier in the day neighbors had seen a caucasion male with short blonde hair pedalling down the street with an AC unit balanced on his handlebars. There was also mention of a large old Lincoln/Cadillac type car hanging out in the area during these last two. I don't remember their names but this reminded me of a father and son crimewave that used to plague our area.


Just received this email from a friend, it is true, lady's name is Sarah:

As many of you have probably heard, I was mugged this morning on a friend's front porch in the Heights. I was meeting her to go running at 6 AM, heard something behind me when I was on her porch, turned around and a guy punched me in the stomach/ribs and stole my purse and rode off with his friends. I got his license plate # and gave it to the cops and I'm happy to say that the police were able to track them down based on the license plate that I gave them and they now have them (the entire entourage consisting of 3 crackheads and 2 crackhead prostitutes) in custody. They had my credit cards in their wallet and one of the prostitutes had on a necklace that was in my purse - very smart. These guys are not, according to the police, the same people that recently pulled off similar robberies around Rice and Midtown (based on the descriptions that those poor women gave the cops). If you live around Rice, Midtown or the Heights - I would strongly caution against you or your spouse (particularly any females with purses which seem to be what they are targeting) going outside alone in the dark, or, at the very least, be very cautious and cognizant of your surroundings. I certainly will be more careful from now on.

Btw - just in case you were wondering - if someone punches you in the stomach and gets arrested - you don't get to punch them back. I asked.


Last Friday 10/19-

This afternoon, about 4:30, I saw a mid 30's guy, blue jeans and tee shirt, walking north on Watson at Byrne. He turned West on Byrne. Then he walked down my neighbor's driveway, to the back of their home. I know he had no business there. I called the police. They were very nice. I also got my digital camera. He came out of their driveway, empty handed. He continued walking West on Byrne. He went down one of my neighbor's driveway. I knew he had no business there. He came walking up her driveway a few minutes later, with a weed eater and leaf blower in hand. He set those down on the lawn on the corner. I suspected he may have noticed I was watching him, and set them down in case the police came. Now he walked down another driveway. He came out a couple of minutes later, empty handed. He picked up the two items and approached some young guys at Byrne and Julian offering to sell them. They declined and he walked North on Julian. I saw the Police car and flagged him down. I told him what the man looked like and where he'd gone. When I got to Euclid and Julian, the Officer had the guy on his face in the yard. The man had tried to sell those people his goods. In all three police cars showed up. They cuffed him, and got him in the back seat. The Officers were very nice and got all the details. So, if you live near Byrne and Watson, check your things. And always keep an eye out for your neighbors.



The stoopy pellet gun shooters rode down Julian last night/this morning shooting out car windows. They got 4 last night. Police say they've been taking similar reports around the neighborhood for several weeks.

The perps make no attempt to break into the vehicles, nor do they trip the car alarms. They apparently only want to do drive-by shootings.


The breakin despite the dogs in the house (and the 2 hour police wait) sounds identical to my situation last month. The thiefs were kind enough to return and break into the garage last week. I still don't think the police or City Council, or the Mayor's office are taking the situation seriously.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good Afternoon,

hope your day goes well!

With last weeks news on Ch 13 about lack of police in The Heights is it possible more people

will be on board for paying the constable program ?

Also with the people who have fallen to these criminals on garages being broken into, cars broken into,

homes invaded, plants stolen from porch etc . . . . .

Were there any neighbors that were able to witness and assist to call the police on time ?

Did the home alarms go off ?

What about dogs . .did any bark wild to alert and get peoples attention or maybe attack ?

Are these criminals jumping these 8 feet fences or cutting through the fences ?

Just curious what was the target homes that these criminals look for or go after and stay away ????

Thank You

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If any of us knew the answers to those questions, we wouldn't have any more crime around here, would we?

Sorry to sound snarky, but I think the truth is that you can do everything you can to try and make your home and your stuff safe and secure, and some tweaked-out meth-head could target your place anyway.

I've had stuff get stolen because it was easy to grab, but my neighbor had a locked bike stolen from inside his garage and the cops figured the perp must've been hacking at the chain for hours to get it loose. Same neighbor had his briefcase stolen in broad daylight at the bus stop, but a neighbor driving by gave chase and caught the thief.

People on the neighborhood boards talk about 2-3 hour response times from police, yet I've seen cops show up in minutes (and use the helicopter) when an burglar alarm went off down the street.

I can't figure it out, and the best I can do is lock everything and keep an eye on my house and on my neighbors' places.

I've signed up for the constable program, figuring that some help is better than nothing, but I harbor no illusions that it's going to completely prevent more robberies. The nabe is simply "too transitional" right now, and with the economy continuing to tank, I think it's only going to get worse.

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