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If you like Target you will love this, I couldn't download the file on here b/c it was too big...It's another ORR Commercial job...It'll be located just north of the railroad tracks near the Social with its east and west borders being Heights and yale respectively, It's northern border will be E. 2nd street! Walking Distance. Sorry, I can can only give you the website until this is public, they should post it soon. IM me for an email of the file.



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Wow! All I have to say is THANK GAWD it's not going to be one of those faux Tuscan or stucco things that are everywhere or anything like that new fake art deco eye sore on Washington. It looks like some thought was actually put in to this building. At last, something interesting being built...

Edited by heights_yankee
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onaqualitymattressdeliveredtoday!! ??

Everyone else has got them. Why no mattress stores in the heights? What's your secret?

Oh, we have two or three. It's just that I want a wider selection. You can never have too many mattress stores to choose from!

If not a mattress store, what do you think the chances of a cell phone superstore might be? I don't think I have one of those within 200 feet of my house.

Edited by RedScare
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Oh, we have two or three. It's just that I want a wider selection. You can never have too many mattress stores to choose from!
... and I'm sure someone up in Mattress HQ is working feverishly to meet your needs, Red!
If not a mattress store, what do you think the chances of a cell phone superstore might be? I don't think I have one of those within 200 feet of my house.
Watch the crazy talk, mister. Now you're talking about precious space we need for a Smoothie King!
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If you like Target you will love this, I couldn't download the file on here b/c it was too big...It's another ORR Commercial job...It'll be located just north of the railroad tracks near the Social with its east and west borders being Heights and yale respectively, It's northern border will be E. 2nd street! Walking Distance. Sorry, I can can only give you the website until this is public, they should post it soon. IM me for an email of the file.

YEA!!! More retail and food, I can barely contain my excitement. So when will this all be official? Thanks for the heads up.

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Looks like they are putting the finishing touches on the new bank on 11th where the old HEB was. Do they really think they need that much parking? It's not like the parking lot is going to be jammed pack with customers once they open unless they are giving money away. As a long time Heights resident, we could have used something more useful than another bank...maybe a newer HEB. With online banking now. Who goes to their bank anymore?

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Looks like they are putting the finishing touches on the new bank on 11th where the old HEB was. Do they really think they need that much parking? It's not like the parking lot is going to be jammed pack with customers once they open unless they are giving money away. As a long time Heights resident, we could have used something more useful than another bank...maybe a newer HEB. With online banking now. Who goes to their bank anymore?

I go to the bank from time to time... usually to make deposits and stuff... I just feel comfortable dealing w/ a teller face to face. But, I agree the last thing we need is another bank... they are popping up everywhere.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that was a waste of such a huge piece of land. I drive by there and see it and think to myself do they really need that much space? I was amazed that so much land was cleared for such a small bank building. It's a whole of of concrete with the teller lanes and parking.

Agreed, we could have used something else other than another bank. Or a cell phone store. Or a mattress store.

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I've been screaming at that friggin bank since they started it. When the bank slab went in, you could see 3/4 of the lot open, and it was clear that they would just pave it. Considering that there is NEVER more than half a dozen people in any of these branch banks, there is no justification whatsoever for a CVS sized lot. I don't mind the bank per se (even though I'll never use it), and I am glad the ugly building before it is gone, but that parking lot is ridiculous.

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My wife and I both had the same comment. I was hopeful they would flip the eastern half of the land to a developer for houses. What a total waste. I hope the HHA gave them communicated that their design was not viewed positively by the community.

Not to get off topic, but every other major city in the country uses a design / planning board as leverage against developers for just this type of situation . . . .

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While I also had high hopes for residential on this lot, I heard a piece last year on NPR that discussed how banks were moving out of this one area in another city, adding to the blight having given up on the residences. The point was that banks leaving a neighborhood is a bad sign for the area. They were suggesting that, even with online banking, the prescence of banks makes for a strong neighborhood economy. With that in mind, I have accepted the new bank in to my mental neighborhood. :rolleyes:

Also, not to defend the bank, but this isn't "another" bank. The Regions branch at Shepherd and 11th will be closed (if it's not already) and the space will be part of the new Kroger mega-renovation.

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While I also had high hopes for residential on this lot, I heard a piece last year on NPR that discussed how banks were moving out of this one area in another city, adding to the blight having given up on the residences. The point was that banks leaving a neighborhood is a bad sign for the area. They were suggesting that, even with online banking, the prescence of banks makes for a strong neighborhood economy. With that in mind, I have accepted the new bank in to my mental neighborhood. :rolleyes:

Also, not to defend the bank, but this isn't "another" bank. The Regions branch at Shepherd and 11th will be closed (if it's not already) and the space will be part of the new Kroger mega-renovation.

Well... that IS my Kroger... so I guess it's a good thing in the end. ^_^

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Living on that street, I imagined a hundred better things and thousands of worse things going in there...I'm pleased, overall.

The vacant building (and the grocery before) weren't the best neighbors -- not bad as a grocery, and I miss the convenience, but not the best either.

The bank has more green space than the store. They're using the lot they rented -- that's ok -- the bank does not own the lot, so it was not up to them to divide it. The parking was full the other day, so perhaps it is needed?

The bank employees are very nice and we plan to take advantage of its proximity. (As we did the grocery before...)

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