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But do remember that there was an opportunity to widen Yale Street and the group that planted those trees fought it mightily. Now we have no trees and 10' lanes on Yale with two mega-apartment complexes coming on line. Yale is going to get really ugly sitting at that light through multiple cycles and no trees to cool us off or take our minds off the traffic. 

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Ainbinder was supposed to put in a right turn lane on Yale SB at I-10, but the city let them out of it because it was too expensive to move the big utility pole on the corner.  That would help traffic flow a lot.  

I do not see a big traffic burden from the new apartment complexes.  The only possible traffic crunch would be residents who try to turn left into the complex from Yale NB and block a lane.  That would be an evening rush hour problem only.  

I would not want to see Yale St. widened.  The bigger problem with Yale is that people go too fast and use it as an alternative to the highway.  I have seen some really nasty t-bone accidents on Yale St. that should not happen at all if people go the speed limit.  

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The traffic on SB Yale @ I-10 predates the opening of the Walmart retail complex. You can blame TXDOT for extending the feeder road.


Back before you COULD turn right on SB Yale @ I-10, if you wanted to access WB I-10, you either used Studewood (or Oxford) or Shepherd. Those options are still available, and tend to be quicker than waiting through multiple lights at Yale.


Building a right turn lane at Yale, while helpful, is not simple (or cheap) because of the power lines. If Ainbinder HAD done it, it would have added to the cost of the 380 agreement everyone seemed pretty upset about at the time.

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I disagree. I see a huge problem in the evening rush - turning left off of Yale into the complex is the only entrance to the parking area. It will be painfully slow with no protected left turn light, not to mention a dedicated lane. Two maybe three cars will be able to turn on each cycle. This will have cars backed up all the way to the lights at I-10 and probably further. I already stay on Heights after Washington and then cut back to Yale on 4th or 5th to avoid the traffic around I-10. Guess I will have to cut back over after the light in the future . . .

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  • 4 years later...
On 7/23/2009 at 4:30 PM, samiamj said:

Just my personal rant:

My Canadian relatives are visiting and I drove them down N Sheperd from I-10 to 610-N to visit the local BBQ eatery of Gabby's. I have lived in the Greater Heights for about six years now. Can anybody tell me has N Sheperd always been this rundown and ugly? They were asking me why there are so many used car lots in my area. I didn't have an answer and the street streetscape is a poor reflection of what Heights can be. I am wondering why these low rent properties haven't been replaced with more commercial property that refects the everchanging monetary demographics of the Heights.

In other words, why haven't these businesses that helped form this community you decided to move to been run off despite our best efforts to finish gentrifying the area?

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21 minutes ago, Spring Branch Rez said:

In other words, why haven't these businesses that helped form this community you decided to move to been run off despite our best efforts to finish gentrifying the area?


Interesting going after a 10 year old post. 


Unfortunately samiamj's profile says that he hasn't visited the forum in 7 years, so you may not get a reply. 

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Eh, it is there for future viewers to read such as yourself. I do not care if I get a reply. I am just sick of seeing beautiful older homes and businesses getting bulldozed in the name of progress. It's not progress for those whose families settled the area, built it, and gave it the very character that appealed to buyers that then came in droves to crush it and run off the previous mentioned.

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1 minute ago, LBC2HTX said:

If you think janky car dealers are "beautiful" or "gave it the very character that appealed to buyers" then you'll love Airline Drive! 


Yeah, and I'm sure before those arrived people were complaining about the march of progress even then. "Oh this area used to be so much better when it was open fields and now they are putting all these things here!" Rinse repeat. Progress stops for no one. You either adapt or you die. Simple as that.

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2 hours ago, Spring Branch Rez said:

Eh, it is there for future viewers to read such as yourself. I do not care if I get a reply. I am just sick of seeing beautiful older homes and businesses getting bulldozed in the name of progress. It's not progress for those whose families settled the area, built it, and gave it the very character that appealed to buyers that then came in droves to crush it and run off the previous mentioned.


If you aren't familiar with the history of the Heights, it's pretty interesting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houston_Heights#History


I'm definitely sad at seeing the old homes gone, but I'm not sure if any of the business along the Shepherd corridor qualify for me. 

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5 hours ago, Spring Branch Rez said:

Eh, it is there for future viewers to read such as yourself. I do not care if I get a reply. I am just sick of seeing beautiful older homes and businesses getting bulldozed in the name of progress. It's not progress for those whose families settled the area, built it, and gave it the very character that appealed to buyers that then came in droves to crush it and run off the previous mentioned.


Eh, I think actually the heights has done a rather good job of keeping its well maintained single family homes and leveling homes that have deteriorated beyond reasonable feasibility of repairs. There's a good mix of new and old for many of the residential buildings in the area. As for the families that settled the area. I doubt there are many 100 year old plus families still around from the original housing stock in the area, unless youre referring to the 2nd or 3rd, or 4th generation of people who've lived in the heights now. 


Business wise, specifically to Shepherd corridor and in the context of 2009. Which buildings were worth saving? You can actually toggle between 2007 and 2017 (in some cases 2019) on Google street view




And honestly... yeah theres a few run down houses that have been leveled... and to top it off... The current iterations of Shepherd and durham were constructed in the 1960's and didnt even exist in the 1940's. Ariel photography from December 1944 with 2020 map overlay. The vast majority of the buildings lining Sheperd are 1960/1970+ buildings already, with some exceptions at the east side of the road. I'm with @wilcal on this one, I'm not sure which  business on Shepherd qualify



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  • The title was changed to Yale St. Cafe
  • The title was changed to Demolitions In The Heights
  • 11 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
14 hours ago, j_cuevas713 said:

Anyone have info on a hotel/restaurant coming to the Heights on N Shepherd between 13th & 14th? 

This big lot cleared out on the west side of the street is going to be a Terry Black's BBQ

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2 minutes ago, s3mh said:

This big lot cleared out on the west side of the street is going to be a Terry Black's BBQ

Yeah I just got word that the Black family is also building a boutique hotel at the site and they're requesting input from the community 

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