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City Pest House Detention Hospital At 1914 Clark St.

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Pest House: A shelter or hospital for those infected with a pestilential or contagious disease.

In 1914, the City of Houston built a new pesthouse located in Fifth Ward at 1914 Clark Street. The Pest House was actually a campus and had a total of 3 buildings:

One building will consist of two wards for patients and two rooms for nurses and other purposes. One building will be occupied by the hospital keeper and other employees and the kitchen will be located in this building.

The third building will be known as the fumigating house. A patient will enter one room, where he will leave all of his clothes. The second room will contain baths and in the third room the patient will don new clothes preparatory for leaving the hospital.

The City Architect of the time, Maurice Sullivan, designed the buildings.

Here's a photograph of the pest house in 1914.  Kind of hard to read. You can see the roof slant, and the sky is everything above. Pretty rare image!


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