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Port of Dallas Developments

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This has to be the funniest thread ever on this board.

Jason, 713, and Banking, try not to take yourselves (and Dallas) so seriously. You'd have to go to the Tulsa board to find people as who are as defensive about their little burg as you guys.

And the fact that the local media illustrated the story of "The Port of Dalls receiving its first shipment" with photos of an ocean liner unloading was too precious for words.

Oh, and, by the way, Johnson Space Center is indeed in the City of Houston.

Please, point out a post where I was defensive of Dallas. It's been quite the contrary. I sit back and read (with much laughter, I might add) while many posters, here, make VERY defensive statements about Houston, and make MANY unsolicited, nasty comments about Dallas. It doesn't bother me. . .and why would it? It's just a bunch of ranting from people who, arguably, spend too much time in front of their computer, and probably can't/won't do anything to solve the perceived problems, anyway.

Dallas is Dallas. Houston is Houston. The funny thing that most here can't seem to figure out for the life of me is, most Dallasites don't care about what's going on in Houston, until your next All-Star Weekend, Superbowl, etc. However, the cross section of Houstonians on this board would give the impression that most Houstonians worry, obsessively, about whether they will wake up tomorrow and the people of Big D have done 'something else' to steal Houstonian's thunder. My advice: "Get rid of the chip on your shoulder, and think pleasant, happy thoughts."

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Could you point out lines specifically where I was defensive about Dallas? Very curious.


You're joking, right? How about every one of your posts on this thread? How about the fact that you felt compelled to come onto a Houston board to "defend" Dallas's "port" against nothing but some light-hearted ribbing? Lighten up, man.

I just realized I left Dallasboi off my list of those who need to take themselves (and Dallas) less seriously; an inexcusable oversight on my part. ;-)

Zaphod, you are quite right; Tulsa does have a river port, just as do all of the cities along the Mississipi River and other rivers. And trust me, Tulsans think they have a port comparable to the Port of Houston or Port of New Orleans, handling ocean-going cargo, etc, etc. If one were to go onto the Tulsa board and merely point out that the Port of Tulsa is more comparable to, say, the Port of Memphis or the Port of Muscatine, Iowa, you'd set off a defensive flame-war like nothing you've ever seen.

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"I will not...be...ignored!"

Seriously, why so interested in Houstonians' opinions? All this talk about lurking and obsession is a little creepy.

Dallas has a nice website. Use it.

I'm interested in Houstonians opinions because:

1. Grew up here, to a certain extent;

2. I own property here;

3. I have family that live here (3 generations);

4. I have client's here;

5. I'd like to see the City get better and better;

How do you know Dallas has a nice website?. . .Have you been lurking there?

IMHO, forum.Dallasmetropolis.com is a nice website. It has become an "institution" where City Council members, developers, investors, industry insiders actively participate in the discussions, newspaper columnists, and TV. reporters come to find news stories, and where lurkers can come and find information on just about anything going on in the metroplex. If you've been lurking there for a while, you'll notice a stark contrast between the two sites. . .on the Dallas forum, threads about Houston are rarely brought up, unless someone from Houston brings them up. When topics regarding Houston are brought up, 90% of the time it's a thoughtful discussion, with no bashing. Those forumers don't really seem to care too much about what's going on in Houston, and when something good happens for Houston, kudos are usually plentiful. Maybe it's the average age of the forum participants or something, I don't know, but the discussions are more thoughtful and productive, as opposed to much of this "they got it, so we should have one too." Some of the posters here could learn a thing or two from lurking/participating over there. However, I suspect that a few of you already have. :)

Now, I've noticed that there are a few posters here who have a habit of reading posts and then accusing the poster of stating something totally different than what he/she stated. So, for those of you tempted to label this post a bashing of Houston/Houstonians, or a defense of Dallas/Dallasites, please read this post carefully. What I am stating here are 1) my reasons for participating on this forum, 2) my agreement with dbigtex that the Dallas forum is a "nice website," 3) my reasons why I think it's a "nice website," and 4) a comparison of the kinds of posts/posters on HAIF and Dallasmetropolis.

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I'm interested in Houstonians opinions because:

1. Grew up here, to a certain extent;

2. I own property here;

3. I have family that live here (3 generations);

4. I have client's here;

5. I'd like to see the City get better and better;

How do you know Dallas has a nice website?. . .Have you been lurking there?

IMHO, forum.Dallasmetropolis.com is a nice website. It has become an "institution" where City Council members, developers, investors, industry insiders actively participate in the discussions, newspaper columnists, and TV. reporters come to find news stories, and where lurkers can come and find information on just about anything going on in the metroplex. If you've been lurking there for a while, you'll notice a stark contrast between the two sites. . .on the Dallas forum, threads about Houston are rarely brought up, unless someone from Houston brings them up. When topics regarding Houston are brought up, 90% of the time it's a thoughtful discussion, with no bashing. Those forumers don't really seem to care too much about what's going on in Houston, and when something good happens for Houston, kudos are usually plentiful. Maybe it's the average age of the forum participants or something, I don't know, but the discussions are more thoughtful and productive, as opposed to much of this "they got it, so we should have one too." Some of the posters here could learn a thing or two from lurking/participating over there. However, I suspect that a few of you already have. :)

Now, I've noticed that there are a few posters here who have a habit of reading posts and then accusing the poster of stating something totally different than what he/she stated. So, for those of you tempted to label this post a bashing of Houston/Houstonians, or a defense of Dallas/Dallasites, please read this post carefully. What I am stating here are 1) my reasons for participating on this forum, 2) my agreement with dbigtex that the Dallas forum is a "nice website," 3) my reasons why I think it's a "nice website," and 4) a comparison of the kinds of posts/posters on HAIF and Dallasmetropolis.

The thing is, this is not really bashing. I tried to keep things at a subdued level, where only facts are presented regarding Ports and their relationship to water. My discussions have been cordial, respectful, and informative. I have stated all along that this is a great economic venture between the two cities, and it brings me great joy seeing Dallas and Houston grow in a cooperative manner. But it

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The "All Water Route" is taken out of context in this argument. They are not suggesting Dallas is building a canal, but instead that is name given to the route from Asia to the East and Gulf coasts through the Panama Canal. What has been proposed and agreed to is shifting some of the processing of Houston's Port to Dallas to help allivate some of the congestion. In turn this gives connection to the infrastructure already established in Dallas and what is being built. The Air Cargo at Alliance, DFW and surrounding airports, connecting with I-20 and other Freeways, the huge rail intermodal system being built onto in the Southern sector of Dallas. Here's a quote from the story:

"...In April, the Port of Houston Authority, the U.S. Maritime Administration and the city of Dallas signed an agreement establishing Dallas as an inland port for Houston.

"We believe the Port of Dallas will benefit international trade and will be an effective means to serve the anticipated traffic and growth of the 'All-Water Route,'" said Canal Administrator and CEO Alberto Alem

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Youre not gonna like this. But I know what's going on. You see, by saying "The Port of Dallas", you conjure images of a Port city and all that that implies. It brings up images of what you see on TV of a baddass city, with all kind's of excitement and all that. The next step is to instantiate another phrase: "Port Authority" And while youre there, you might as well talk of things like tunnels, trains, and bridges. All of a sudden, you have this image of this gritty urban city with all that kinda' jazz, if you know what I mean. It reeks of New York. And that is the image that is being formed: Dallas, the New York of Texas. Heck, I bet people like to mention Houston Street too while they're at it, because it has that kinda "sound". You know, SoHo, NoHo, stuf* like that. It's really funny. And I'm laughing my ass off.

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I'm interested in Houstonians opinions because:

1. Grew up here, to a certain extent;

2. I own property here;

3. I have family that live here (3 generations);

4. I have client's here;

5. I'd like to see the City get better and better;

How do you know Dallas has a nice website?. . .Have you been lurking there?

IMHO, forum.Dallasmetropolis.com is a nice website. It has become an "institution" where City Council members, developers, investors, industry insiders actively participate in the discussions, newspaper columnists, and TV. reporters come to find news stories, and where lurkers can come and find information on just about anything going on in the metroplex. If you've been lurking there for a while, you'll notice a stark contrast between the two sites. . .on the Dallas forum, threads about Houston are rarely brought up, unless someone from Houston brings them up. When topics regarding Houston are brought up, 90% of the time it's a thoughtful discussion, with no bashing. Those forumers don't really seem to care too much about what's going on in Houston, and when something good happens for Houston, kudos are usually plentiful. Maybe it's the average age of the forum participants or something, I don't know, but the discussions are more thoughtful and productive, as opposed to much of this "they got it, so we should have one too." Some of the posters here could learn a thing or two from lurking/participating over there. However, I suspect that a few of you already have. :)

Now, I've noticed that there are a few posters here who have a habit of reading posts and then accusing the poster of stating something totally different than what he/she stated. So, for those of you tempted to label this post a bashing of Houston/Houstonians, or a defense of Dallas/Dallasites, please read this post carefully. What I am stating here are 1) my reasons for participating on this forum, 2) my agreement with dbigtex that the Dallas forum is a "nice website," 3) my reasons why I think it's a "nice website," and 4) a comparison of the kinds of posts/posters on HAIF and Dallasmetropolis.

Reading this post, I couldn't help but feel like my mother was lecturing me about playing nice. 713, you're attempt to sound above the fray is nice, but no one on this board who has read your previous posts is buying it.

Here's the deal. We're Houstonians. We live here. We post on a Houston board. Sometimes we crack jokes, like the one about Dallas having a port. Often, we are brawlers. But, remember, this is a Houston Board populated by Houstonians. If you throw out bait to see what will eat it, don't be surprised if someone does. Frankly, several of the Dallas based posters exhibit trolling behavior. We don't get upset. We make fun. If you cannot handle the fun, either don't post the thread, or don't respond to it.

I, for one, am not going to stop posting jokes or legitimate comments just because a Dallas poster might get offended. I ESPECIALLY will not stop posting because a Dallas poster thinks it might be childish. I spend my entire day dealing with serious crap in a criminal courtroom. I'm not going to get serious here. When the mods kick me off, I'm gone. Until then, you guys are just going to have to deal with my jokes about "The Port of Dallas", because....dammit, it's FUNNY! :lol:

PS - I really don't care who posts on Dallas forums. If I did, I would post there.

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Or does it go by county, perhaps everyone in Tarrent and Denton Counties are cool but Dallas and Collin are not?

You are to some extent confirming his disdain. Your monicker is Jason DFW but you cannot even spell TARRANT correctly. Nice.

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Ok.................Let's change the name for the Houstonians...I don't want anybody to think dallas is progressing...The new name is.....(drumroll)..............."The Dallas Container Drop yard that's far from real water"......Different name,same success. My point is, even if they changed the name it still will be a successfull operation.Face it, We are moving forward.

B.T.W Oh and of course the Houston space center is in Houston city limits, Everything in the bottom half of Texas Is. :D

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Please, point out a post where I was defensive of Dallas. It's been quite the contrary. I sit back and read (with much laughter, I might add) while many posters, here, make VERY defensive statements about Houston, and make MANY unsolicited, nasty comments about Dallas. It doesn't bother me. . .and why would it? It's just a bunch of ranting from people who, arguably, spend too much time in front of their computer, and probably can't/won't do anything to solve the perceived problems, anyway.

Dallas is Dallas. Houston is Houston. The funny thing that most here can't seem to figure out for the life of me is, most Dallasites don't care about what's going on in Houston, until your next All-Star Weekend, Superbowl, etc. However, the cross section of Houstonians on this board would give the impression that most Houstonians worry, obsessively, about whether they will wake up tomorrow and the people of Big D have done 'something else' to steal Houstonian's thunder. My advice: "Get rid of the chip on your shoulder, and think pleasant, happy thoughts."

See my response to JasonDFW (that apparently crossed paths with your question to me)

The really funny thing is all of you Dallas guys coming onto a Houston board pondering why Houstonians care so much about what is going on in Dallas, why Houstonians care so much about what Dallasites think of them, and declaring that Dallasites don't care anything about Houston. Ironic, no?

IMHO, forum.Dallasmetropolis.com is a nice website. It has become an "institution" where City Council members, developers, investors, industry insiders actively participate in the discussions, newspaper columnists, and TV. reporters come to find news stories, and where lurkers can come and find information on just about anything going on in the metroplex. If you've been lurking there for a while, you'll notice a stark contrast between the two sites. . .on the Dallas forum, threads about Houston are rarely brought up, unless someone from Houston brings them up. When topics regarding Houston are brought up, 90% of the time it's a thoughtful discussion, with no bashing. Those forumers don't really seem to care too much about what's going on in Houston, and when something good happens for Houston, kudos are usually plentiful. Maybe it's the average age of the forum participants or something, I don't know, but the discussions are more thoughtful and productive, as opposed to much of this "they got it, so we should have one too." Some of the posters here could learn a thing or two from lurking/participating over there. However, I suspect that a few of you already have. :)

I took you up on your invitation and went to the Dallas website and looked around. In my brief perusal, the main difference I noted was the lack of interjections by defensive and humorless people from outside the subject city (people who, one might say, seem to have chips on their shoulders).

Edited by Houston19514
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Face it, We are moving forward.

...and the Port of Houston is pleased to help you out with that.

I think many of the posters are over looking that fact. This "Port" is an annex of the Port of Houston. If it makes the people of Dallas feel better to call it The Port of Dallas-have at it. Just don't get all flustered when you are laughed at-because it is funny.

I would imagine if in the future we choose to have an annex in San Antonio, the same tiered arguments will pop up in a new thread as well.

Yes, 713. I read your posts. They are redundant, preachy and too long. This is just a thread in a forum-not War and Peace.


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...and the Port of Houston is pleased to help you out with that.

I think many of the posters are over looking that fact. This "Port" is an annex of the Port of Houston. If it makes the people of Dallas feel better to call it The Port of Dallas-have at it. Just don't get all flustered when you are laughed at-because it is funny.

I would imagine if in the future we choose to have an annex in San Antonio, the same tiered arguments will pop up in a new thread as well.

Yes, 713. I read your posts. They are redundant, preachy and too long. This is just a thread in a forum-not War and Peace.


ok I've noticed that you Houstonians are failing to realize that if the Houston port was non existant that this would still take place. I mean don't get me wrong we will be helping out the port of houston as well but it is not the main artery of or project. And another thing I've noticed is houstonians will argue a point all the way until they run into a post that speaks the truth like 713to214's,and then they become silenced with no rebuttal so they then harp on how serious the thread is getting and the forum is supposed to be fun crap,when in accuallity it's because some realistic thinking poster shuts them up. In other words,The"SERIOUS"rant is merely an excuse to change the subject because they can't reply to the post that shut them up......face it!!!!!it's True!!!!!!

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And another thing I've noticed is houstonians will argue a point all the way until they run into a post that speaks the truth like 713to214's,and then they become silenced with no rebuttal so they then harp on how serious the thread is getting and the forum is supposed to be fun crap,when in accuallity it's because some realistic thinking poster shuts them up. In other words,The"SERIOUS"rant is merely an excuse to change the subject because they can't reply to the post that shut them up......face it!!!!!it's True!!!!!!

What in the world are you talking about? :rolleyes:

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ok I've noticed that you Houstonians are failing to realize that if the Houston port was non existant that this would still take place.

Yes, that's true.

And we would still be laughing, because it is called "The Port of Dallas". :lol:

You guys really don't get it, do you? That's all this thread is about. We find the name amusing. Nothing more. And every time you go "serious" on us, we laugh even harder. Aren't you growing tired of being the butt of our jokes? Every comedian needs a straight man, and y'all have performed admirably. But, for cryin' out loud, why do you keep coming back for more? You're killin' me! :lol::lol::lol:

NOTE to Hizzy: This thread got bizarre awhile ago. Funny....but bizarre.

Edited by RedScare
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Youre not gonna like this. But I know what's going on. You see, by saying "The Port of Dallas", you conjure images of a Port city and all that that implies. It brings up images of what you see on TV of a baddass city, with all kind's of excitement and all that. The next step is to instantiate another phrase: "Port Authority" And while youre there, you might as well talk of things like tunnels, trains, and bridges. All of a sudden, you have this image of this gritty urban city with all that kinda' jazz, if you know what I mean. It reeks of New York. And that is the image that is being formed: Dallas, the New York of Texas. Heck, I bet people like to mention Houston Street too while they're at it, because it has that kinda "sound". You know, SoHo, NoHo, ____ like that. It's really funny. And I'm laughing my ass off.

I like your post a lot 2112. I like it because its pretty much on topic and it at least tells others where you're coming from. It doesn't fit me, as I personally have a negative connotation of port authorities and the whole scene you're describing, but there indeed may be some in Dallas that actually think like you're suggesting. As if the concept was somehow to match Houston or perhaps New York. No thanks for me, but it may match some and like I said tells me where a lot of the weird remarks from others come from. This is an opinion, but I personally don't think thats it at all, but more an attempt to organize huge amounts of expected activities in this one area. If the "Port of Dallas" hasn't grown substantially in 10 years the term port would be a bit overkill.


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The thing is, this is not really bashing. I tried to keep things at a subdued level, where only facts are presented regarding Ports and their relationship to water. My discussions have been cordial, respectful, and informative. I have stated all along that this is a great economic venture between the two cities, and it brings me great joy seeing Dallas and Houston grow in a cooperative manner. But it
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