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The Woodlands

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Taken about 4 weeks ago on a sunday:

The Tinseltown:


Six Pines @ Lake Robbins:


The Mall:


Anadarko Tower & Some memorial:


The Waterway (facing the new lofts & marriot hotel):


Anadarko Tower:


The Waterway again:


The Bridge Elevator:


Light Pole:


The Monument again:


The Waterway (facing East):


Office Building (Fingers & Camera string in picture):


A. Tower & Parking Garage:


I liked the tint:


Pedestrian Bridge & Brio:


The Mall:






The Mall:


The Cheesecake Factory:


I wish the trees would bloom:


The Marriot & Construction around it:


The end :)

(*I didn't have much time, but I thought I would take a few pictures)

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Guest danax

The Woodlands is definitely trying to maintain itself as our #1 edge city. The waterway looks great. What is the source of it? Did they divert a natural creek?

I pity the city without natural,year-round flowing bodies of water.

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The Woodlands is definitely trying to maintain itself as our #1 edge city. The waterway looks great. What is the source of it? Did they divert a natural creek?

I pity the city without natural,year-round flowing bodies of water.

I think its diverted from a creek. The waterway's water comes from Lake Robbins (I think). Good question actually...

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most significant woodlands' water features were determined by environmental studies which examined natural runoff occurrances. the woodland's waterway was a runoff ditch which became a focal point for town center. the waterway has been in the development game plan for over 20 years. there are public buildings that are accessed from off roads near the waterway (second phase) that the woodland's development company convinced to not face the road, yet be accessable from the waterway (at that time a runoff ditch). when the waterway is completed, a town center resident will be able to take the waterway to pay their water bill or renew their license plate.

the woodlands created lake robbins, lake woodlands and the woodlands' waterway to control runoff and, simultaneously, regenerate underground water supplies.

what has happened is a corporate determination to respect the environment and make money at the same time. god forbid!!!!! unfortunately, this combination of thought comes at a great cost and will most likely never occur again.

Edited by bachanon
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This waterway looks great!

It is in many ways similar to the canals that were built in the Las Colinas Urban Center in the 70's/80's, which are now very much deserted (although surrounded by several full and vibrant office towers).

I think the current difference is that The Woodlands has the energy of the nearby retail to provide activity. The canals in Las Colinas were originally surrounded primarily by offices, although there is currently a residential boom in the area that may revive the life along the canals.

I think the lesson to be learned is that The Woodlands must maintain the delicate balance of life in the waterway through retail, residential, and office uses; or risk creating the ghost town atmosphere that Las Colinas canals has experienced recently.

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The waterway connects Lake Robbins and Lake Woodlands. Lake Woodlands was created by damning Panther Creek which does not have a continous stream flow.

Also, remembre that these lakes were filled by pumping ground water into them and then capping the well, they aren't really resupplying ground water to the aquifers. The lakes are providing storm water quality by letting polutants settle to the bottom.

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my mistake. i thought that part of the environmental reason for greenspace and storm drainage containment was to allow water to return to an aquifer. glad to see you back kjb434.

btw, i enjoyed your pictures montrose. thanks for posting them.

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