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what do you get out of HAIF?


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I primarily like this site for its early notice on most projects. I love knowing what's going on through out the city.

Secondly, I try to avoid the politics, but I get sucked in like most other posters. If there were no politics allowed, I would probably have less than 100 total posts.

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i found haif through an internet search looking for information and pictures of houston buildings. in fact, i think i stumbled across the editor while looking for photos of houston structures before i found haif, maybe even before haif existed. i didn't know until later that the guy selling houston photos was the same guy behind glass, steel and stone, and haif.

for years i've perused the houston business journal, the chronicle, architecture websites, construction/developer websites and others looking for the latest info on upcoming and historic houston structures. haif has reduced my "perusing" time considerably.

several contributors to haif are professionals in the fields of journalism, photography, real estate, development, construction, transportation, historic preservation, etc. occasionally, discussions occur in the least likely threads that are not only informative but entertaining.

i've found that many regulars here are very willing to educate those of us not "in the know" in their particular field. the forum is a great resource not only for entertainment, but for education, public awareness, good advice, opposing ideas that enlighten and intelligent opinions.........lots of opinions. ;)

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current HAIF folks,

how did you discover HAIF?

I found it while deployed in Korea. I was curious at the time about Houston's redevelopments and stumbled onto this forum.

what do you get from HAIF?

I love the talks about Houston's buildings and stadiums, and loved the pictures of renderings. I also love hearing the opinions of other Houstonians debating about how, what, and where they want Houston to improve in the future.

why do you post here,?

Wanna give my 2 cents, and help push everyone's creative buttons. I miss talking to my friends at home, and ended up meeting more friends from back home here. And I have MAD questions about architecture and how the world works, and this forum has the kinds of people that I want to ask, especially those in law.

I also see a difference in international news and Houston/US news, so this forum helps me get my facts straight.

Edited by DJ V Lawrence
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so i guess my questions would be:

current HAIF folks,

why do you post here,?

what do you get from HAIF?

how did you discover HAIF?

I post here for reasons that are beyond my ability to answer...it would seem to be a complete waste of valuable time that could be better spent doing things like WORKING...but it is an addiction of sorts.

I discovered it because it kept coming up in Google.

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When Googling for anything Houston related you're going to get search results leading to this forum.

I love HAIF, because I love Houston. It's my home and love to know what's going on and what's going up. I love reading opinions from fellow Houstonians who are just as passionate about our city and hearing everyone's opinions on how to better our city.

If you can't find the information or the answer you're looking for here, you can't find them anywhere. HAIF is Houston's unofficial official forum. It's a Houston newswire, vistor's center, it's everything Houston. It has real substance. This is the best Houston site period.

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I love HAIF, because I love Houston. It's my home and love to know what's going on and what's going up. I love reading opinions from fellow Houstonians who are just as passionate about our city and hearing everyone's opinions on how to better our city.

If you can't find the information or the answer you're looking for here, you can't find them anywhere. HAIF is Houston's unofficial official forum. It's a Houston newswire, vistor's center, it's everything Houston. It has real substance. This is the best Houston site period.

Preach Sista, preach!!

I've learned more about Houston and Houstonian's opinions on HAIF than I have on any news outlet. Respect to da Houston Chronicle website as well.

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I've enjoyed HAIF for great information from very knowledgable people. I'm generally sitting back, reading the posts and learning. That is until I attempt to comment, hoping not to look to much like a doofus.

Edited by Gary
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current HAIF folks,

why do you post here,?

what do you get from HAIF?

how did you discover HAIF?

This site is like crack.

I found y'all a right after the crash of the first site. Doing a search on the 6th ward. I've been hooked ever since. I'm convinced that the collective people on this forum know EVERYTHING about this city. Through reading this site I have fallen in love with the city. I only recently started posting, its funny, after reading your posts for so long...you start feeling like you are in the know...I'm not, but I blabber about it more now :D

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  • 1 month later...

I don't post a lot, but I pretty much stay logged on to the "new posts" page and hit the refresh button all day long. :)

I found the site by searching "Houston neighborhoods" through Google back when we were looking for a house.

I stay because I'm passionate both about what this city is as well as its future potential. This site is on the forefront regarding information on new/existing projects, the city's history, urban planning....the list goes on. If one wants to know what's happening in Houston, this is the place to be.

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What do I get.........what do I get ?............ I get to express views that even though are not the most popular with the majority on this board, they are forced to read it, or put me on ignore, which I am sure a few have. Nonetheless, I also enjoy the pics of the older Houston. That really perked my interest in this site. I also get jostled around by a couple of gay guys I've never met and some high-priced lawyer that will probably have to get me acquitted someday,these are just a few of my best friends on here, and these are just a couple of reasons why I keep coming here. I accidentally stumbled across this site about 7 months ago I guess, but I now believe I was meant to find this wonderful place, full of some of the best bullshiesters I have ever seen. This is a wacky place, and I love it.

I've enjoyed HAIF
Edited by TJones
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What do I get out of HAIF? For one thing, a numb butt - it's hell trying to keep up with all the posts when you're using dial-up and Windows 98. <_<

Like most of y'all I stumbled across HAIF on Google - first while researching the late, great Ale House (thanks for the pics, Wayne!), then when learning more about the light rail controversy. At first I was hesitant to post, as I have no formal education in architecture, but discovered that anyone who has a sincere interest in Houston's development and history is welcome.

I'm glad that I can reminisce about the good ol' days in Montrose, as I have no grandchildren to bore with my extensive knowlege of the subject, and a captive audience whom I can blissfully believe are actually interested in such tripe.

As a moderator :blush: I'm especially grateful that the majority of the people here possess good manners and largely monitor one anothers' behavior. The diversity of opinions and areas of expertise have led to many revelations and allowed me to better understand points of view which formerly mystified me.

Now if only we could enforce spelling...

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I'm glad that I can reminisce about the good ol' days in Montrose, as I have no grandchildren to bore with my extensive knowlege of the subject, and a captive audience whom I can blissfully believe are actually interested in such tripe.
tripe? puhhleeese. i love your trips (no pun intended) down memory lane. write a book. i'll buy.
Now if only we could enforce spelling...

about that, editor. is it possible to have a spell checker when posting replies?

ditto on the numb butt....and that's with a cable modem.

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about that, editor. is it possible to have a spell checker when posting replies?

ditto on the numb butt....and that's with a cable modem.

As for the spell checker, it's not currently a feature of the software. But if you have a Mac, you can always press Command-; anywhere in your computer, including while typing on web sites, to check spelling.

For those of you falling asleep while the page loads, don't forget the Diet HAIF

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  • 4 months later...

My dad 1-22-1953 4-21-2006 gave me his old computer on my birthday 02- 27-2005 last year. Never been on the internet before and i googled peppermint park and found this forum. So this was the first internet site i ever seen. B)

Edited by Marty
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I was looking for skyscraper photos I could use in my Urban Geography class, particularly Pennzoil Place- instead I found a way to get answers to questions I have had since childhood- I lived in houston from 1953 to 1979. Rarely go there now, but I talk about Houston a lot in my Urban Geography and American Cultural Lanscape classes. Since I joined, I have checked new posts most every day, and started one discussion thread. I plan to start more when I have time. I am also working on scanning and posting historical maps and aerial photographs. I have also joined Kevins austin skyscraper forum and post and monitor that one. I have already learned new things about austin.

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