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More Than 500,000 Rally in L.A. for Immigrants' Rights

Guest danax

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Knowing that, I vow to no longer insult you as I've done in the past. I won't respond to you for fear of showing your ignorance. I don't want to hurt your feelings. And, it is against the forum rules.

1. You appear to be the only who's feelings are hurt here.

2. Thanks for finally owning up to your usual childish pattern of insulting those who don't agree with you.

3. I eat people like you for breakfast everyday. Noting ,you have directed towards me has ever hurt my feelings. You just try to come across too many times as a "know it all." From time to time, I feel the need to expose you, to the rest of this forum's members, not to be so.

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3. I eat people like you for breakfast everyday. Noting ,you have directed towards me has ever hurt my feelings. You just try to come across too many times as a "know it all." From time to time, I feel the need to expose you, to the rest of this forum's members, not to be so.

Uh, if you're powerful enough to eat lawyers for breakfast, what are you doing slumming around with us architecture aficionados? (I used that last word to try to impress you)

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3. I eat people like you for breakfast everyday. Noting ,you have directed towards me has ever hurt my feelings. You just try to come across too many times as a "know it all." From time to time, I feel the need to expose you, to the rest of this forum's members, not to be so.

I usually find that people who say "I eat people like you for breakfast everyday", are usually the first ones to be eaten.

If you want to be the self-appointed exposer of "know it alls" for HAIF's membership, I suggest you should first take a long look in the mirror.


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I usually find that people who say "I eat people like you for breakfast everyday", are usually the first ones to be eaten.

If you want to be the self-appointed exposer of "know it alls" for HAIF's membership, I suggest you should first take a long look in the mirror.


All of a sudden, people feel the need to come to Redscare's defense. Let me offer some advice. Let others speak for themselves. Redscare has never come across to me as the type of individual who needs help stating what he/she wants to state.

Find a post from me where I didn't present my thoughts and opinions as just that. . .thoughts and opinions. I go out of my way not to come across as a know it all. Get over trying to attack me. It's becoming really over done.

Let's focus on the issue at hand, shall we?

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All of a sudden, people feel the need to come to Redscare's defense. Let me offer some advice. Let others speak for themselves. Redscare has never come across to me as the type of individual who needs help stating what he/she wants to state.

Find a post from me where I didn't present my thoughts and opinions as just that. . .thoughts and opinions. I go out of my way not to come across as a know it all. Get over trying to attack me. It's becoming really over done.

Let's focus on the issue at hand, shall we?

Uh, I wasn't sticking up for Redscare, I was making fun of your boast. You kinda threw a softball there, we couldn't resist hitting it.

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So Mexicans are we going to have to eat, each, to solve this little illegal immigration problem?

From what I understand 713 will be the only one eating people for breakfast-Mexican or otherwise. I for one, enjoy Mexican cusine but am really not big on eating actual Mexicans. I thank god that we have people like 713 to do the heavy lifting when it comes to cannibalism. Aren't you?


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OK, I'll get it going again with an excerpt from a 1909 speech that sounds eerily similar to a lot of the talk today, though in a much more colorful way than people would speak in the more polite time we live in. On a side note, I absolutely love the fact that Rep. Tom Tancredo's grandparents emigrated to the US from Italy at about the same time as this speech:

During this century, down to 1875, then, there had been scarcely any immigration to this country except from kindred or allied races, and, no other which was sufficiently numerous to have produced any effect on the national characteristics, or to be taken into account here. Since 1875, however, there has been a great change. While the people who for two hundred and fifty years have been migrating to America have continued to furnish large numbers of immigrants to the United States, other races of totally different race origin, with whom the English-speaking people have never hitherto been assimilated or brought in contact, have suddenly begun to immigrate to the United States in large numbers. Russians, Hungarians, Poles, Bohemians, Italians, Greeks, and even Asiatics, whose immigration to America was almost unknown twenty years ago, have during the last twenty years poured in in steadily increasing numbers until now they nearly equal the immigration of those races kindred in blood or speech, or both, by whom the United States has hitherto been built up and the American people formed.

This momentous fact is the one which confronts us to-day, and if continued, it carries with it future consequences far deeper than any other event of our times. It involves, in a word, nothing less than the possibility of a great and perilous change in the very fabric of our race.

From "The Restriction of Immigration" (1909)

Henry Cabot Lodge

Massachusetts Senator 1893-1924

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From what I understand 713 will be the only one eating people for breakfast-Mexican or otherwise. I for one, enjoy Mexican cusine but am really not big on eating actual Mexicans. I thank god that we have people like 713 to do the heavy lifting when it comes to canabalism. Aren't you?


Don't worry, I heard Kobayashi can eat 23 in 10 minutes. All we have to do is make it a contest.

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Jeebus: I seriously considered Kobayashi


but I think 713 could beat him any day-especially at breakfast...

...things have clearly gotten out of hand...now I have this 714 person PMing me...and it has made me kind of hungry...Oh Susto rojo....

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Well that was fun for a few hours but it has now grown tedious...back to buisness.


i feel bad that i have been reading this thread off and

on for the past few days and haven't written much.

even if i don't agree with one of you fellas, as long

as it's genuine it's an interesting read. basically, any

of my views have been stated here much better

than i would have explained.

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more protests from houston students...this time some fled when told to go back to school...



if the high school kids are going and recruiting the middle school

kids, i hope the authorities ask the high school kids who's recruiting


is that school (dowling) close to where the protest is or were they

going to drive them to westbury school? seems pretty dangerous,

if some high school kids were trying to persuade middle school kids

to leave school campus with them without the parent's permission

--- is that technically abduction?

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is that school (dowling) close to where the protest is or were they

going to drive them to westbury school?

looks like dowling is about three or four miles from westbury, but on the other side of 90 (s. main)

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Just to set any record straight, I may be pro-immigration and pro-amnesty, but I am by no means pro-fly-the-Mexican-flag on a government-owned school property. The principal at Reagan High should be fired for that stunt.

Do you have a link to that story?

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Just out of curiousity, who's snatching our kids out of school, stuffing Mexican flags in their hands, throwing them on buses and dumping them at City Hall (of all places)?

Gee, even we homosexuals don't have such sophisticated recruiting techniques.

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