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More Than 500,000 Rally in L.A. for Immigrants' Rights

Guest danax

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Example ?

:lol::lol::lol: I am way to dilluted to believe that. You Libs kill me. You cry when our Government wants to make sure that no terrorists plots are taking place over phone lines by tapping people that are strictly receiving overseas calls from known terrorists countries, then you cry even louder because now our Gov. tries to do things the Lib way and wants to possibly let illegals get a pass unchecked.


All I want is to feel safe in my own country, double edged sword, we can't isolate ourselves from the rest of the world by building big walls and saying "OK, nobody else can come in. We Are Closed !" We can't send all the illegals that are already here, BACK. We can send the really dangerous ones back, gonna cost some money, but it needs to be done. I would love to build that wall, and one just like it across Canada, let's tow Hawaii back to the coast of California and break off Alaska and position it just off Washington state while we are at it. I don't believe that anyone on this forum or on the Democrats side could do a better job than our current President, MY OPINION, I am entitled to it. I can't explain all of George's decisions, I am not privy to all the information in which is the basis for his decisions. I refuse to believe that that man would ever do anything to intentionally put this country into any kind of harm whatsoever.

BUT, They claim themsleves to be THE RACE ! LA RAZA ! Think they may be full of themselves.

I knew I still had this pic of Me, Red, and Nmain down in Cancun about 1986 or 87.


You delicate flower! You swore you'd never show that pic to anyone! :lol:

TJ, you know I agree with you on a lot of stuff (not the GW stuff, though). But, this is actually a completely internal Republican fight...Frist, Tancreto, and the House on one side, Bush, McCain on the other. Dems, and most Libs AGREE that the system is broken. They are siding with Bush and McCain. Mexicans are generally supporting the DREAM Act, as well.

It is the House bill that calls for deportation of 11 million illegals, as well as making it a felony to offer aid, that is causing the biggest uproar. Personally, I am not in support of amnesty (whatever that means) or citizenship for the illegals. If they want citizenship, they need to do it correctly. If they are here to work and support their family, AND we can use the help, let 'em work. But, since the Repubs control both houses of Congress, the fight is between the ultra conservative wing and the moderate wing of the Republican Party.

I'm supporting the mods.

Now, go burn that picture!

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Red, so are you honestly saying that you'd have no quams with a bill that was targeted at the deportation of 11 million illegals - if nothing about giving aid being a felony was mentioned?

Oh, and I knew there was something special about the donkey shows in Cancun that summer. :)

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Red, so are you honestly saying that you'd have no quams with a bill that was targeted at the deportation of 11 million illegals - if nothing about giving aid being a felony was mentioned?

Oh, and I knew there was something special about the donkey shows in Cancun that summer. :)

No Jeebs, I'm saying I'd have a big problem with that. It's expensive and dangerous. And, it doesn't make us safer. It really doesn't do anything but antagonize a border neighbor. Who says we have to grant citizenship to everyone that's here? Unbelievably, Lou Dobbs said it best. Secure the border, identify the immigrants, and raise the h1b limits to realistic levels. But, if they want to be citizens, they need to start over and do it correctly.

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I knew I still had this pic of Me, Red, and Nmain down in Cancun about 1986 or 87.


OUCH! I thought I had destroyed all of those pictues! ;)

Anyway, back on topic. A wall won't work. They never have throughout history. Second, I'm wondering if this isn't another fake "War On _________" [fill in the blank]

Third, the politicians will never come up with a solution because they know whatever they do will piss off someone.

Fourth, isn't it all really just about economics and not terrorism? Terrorists that fly planes into skyscapers didn't wade across the Rio Grande so the scare tactic of "Gee Wally! Did you hear old sammy benloadin might be comeing to Hooterville by way of the Mexican border?????." No Wally, you didn't hear that because it doesn't work that way. Many of 'old sammy's' surrogates came into this country legally by way of a porous immigration system.

Economicly, regardless of what the far right wing says, the base of both partys do not want to deport these people that supply such cheap labor. It's a fact-perhaps a nasty and dirty fact but a reality none the less.

I didn't mean to use my response to you regarding our picture to post my opinion....but I want that picture.

Now, hand it over buddy!!! >:)


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OUCH! I thought I had destroyed all of those pictues! ;)

Terrorists that fly planes into skyscapers didn't wade across the Rio Grande so the scare tactic of "Gee Wally! Did you hear old sammy benloadin might be comeing to Hooterville by way of the Mexican border?????." No Wally, you didn't hear that because it doesn't work that way. Many of 'old sammy's' surrogates came into this country legally by way of a porous immigration system.

Not yet, and with any luck we will never have that scenario...........

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I have a question (actually two) for Heights Guy. You said that illegals pay into our social security system. Don't most illegals get paid under the table in cash? That was my impression. My second question is, do you feel that the amount of money going into Social Security via illegal immigrants balances out the amount of money spent on them with social services offered them in the US?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Parrothead
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Guest danax
No Jeebs, I'm saying I'd have a big problem with that. It's expensive and dangerous. And, it doesn't make us safer. It really doesn't do anything but antagonize a border neighbor. Who says we have to grant citizenship to everyone that's here? Unbelievably, Lou Dobbs said it best. Secure the border, identify the immigrants, and raise the h1b limits to realistic levels. But, if they want to be citizens, they need to start over and do it correctly.

Trying to remove 11 million people would be expensive, dangerous, and stupid. We all know its not gonna happen. Not in one massive, long drawn-out arrest campaign, anyway. But we shouldn't bow down to the law breakers just because they're trying to improve themselves. I know we're a compassionate country and all that but I have a huge problem with letting a country like Mexico, with its world-class corruption and disregard for their own people, determine our policy with regards to our border security, which is what it would be if we rewarded the illegals with anything.

The answer is not to remove them, but to remove all advantages to being here illegally.

First, give them all 5 years to leave. They can get their house in order then go and get to the back of the line. Cutting doesn't fly here. Then, establish databases and forge-proof national IDs to stop them from getting standard jobs. I'm anti-government/Big Brother but we're already checking everyone with the SS card; a silly little scrap of easily-copied paper. This would work in concert with tough fines for hiring them. Driver's licenses, housing, maybe education too, all unavailable without verification of immigration status.

So now the ones who are still here, which is probably 80% of them, are forced to go completely underground. Less work, more guys standing around on Shepherd, so we enforce the loitering laws. Standing around is a reason to check IDs. Expensive for sure for the police, jails, courts etc. But a good deterent once the word spreads. A lot would get picked up during routine traffic stops and little by little they'd be sent back. I was talking to my illegal next-door neighbor tonight who's got his own tile business and he mentioned how lots of people in Mexico think life is easy here but they don't realize how many bills it takes each month to live. Making it not so easy to live here would have an impact.

These are just a few imperfect ideas but they would have to have an effect.

The real problem is that we've lost our ability to utilize such ideas. The protesting would turn violent, the so-called civil rights/my race vs. your race groups would howl endlessly. Mexico would be furious. How dare we stop the flow of their, what, 2nd largest source of income?

This is what gets me more than anything; that's we have been whooped into submission.

And Red, you live on the "nice" side of town, I live on the "craptacular" side. One person's "vibrant" is another's low vibrations, depending on close you get. I see one neighborhood after another that has been dragged down into a watered-down version of the third world, mine included, each day as I drive around. Seeing this, and also seeing through the illusion of race, color etc., you stop making excuses for people. Paint schemes and landscaping are no big deal. Trash piles in the front yard, junk cars, crappy home-based businesses, defiant attitudes towards American standards..I'm active in the civic club and deal with this maybe too frequently, It's all fairly trivial too but all behaviors that I get tired of seeing tolerated and a permanent and growing part of Houston and the country. Mix that with low education and it becomes a formula for Gulfton x 10 in the future. Should we be pretending such a trend doesn't exist and do nothing to stop it for fear of being attacked by special interest groups?

But then, when the heart chakra is pumping out love, like it was today, and a couple of days ago; when I smell the pink jasmine along the fence as I get out of my car, hear the little girls across the street laughing, see the popsicle vendor ride by on his bike (ladies, here's the perfect way to lose weight, by the way) and I feel love for my neighbors and the scattered eyesores become not only tolerable but art, something you'll never see in the suburbs.

And that's when I say let em all come over, what the hell.

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Since you started this thread I have seen you evolve from someone whose attitude was somewhat rigid and analytical to someone who is still passionate about your concerns but who also has the ability to stop and smell the pink jasmine and hear the girls giggling in your street...you have definatly touched my heart...my heart chakra. ;)



Edited by nmainguy
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DJ, Bush doesn't need an approval rating, he isn't running for re-election my friend.

DJ, Folks like Sean Hannity and O'Reilly, and Mike Savage have been talking about the borders for far longer than the past 30 days. The question is, how do you stop a leaking faucet that has been running for 10 to 12 years now without persecuting well meaning people.

I mention O'Reilly and the media to say that they've been talking about border control being an issue well before 9/11, and to show that this debate is nothing new.

Bush isn't running for re-election, you're right there. But guess who is. A Republican. There's no way that having a president representing your party with a sub 40% approval rating helps your party's chances of retaining power in the White House, unless if that person starts campaigning about how much better he would be than Bush, which would almost be a political hypocrasy and suicide. And the place where the Republicans have the biggest influence on Bush right now is Congress. They HAVE to start passing effective and publicly debated laws; not to make America better, but to make 2008 look better for them. It's sheer politics.

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I mention O'Reilly and the media to say that they've been talking about border control being an issue well before 9/11, and to show that this debate is nothing new.

Bush isn't running for re-election, you're right there. But guess who is. A Republican. There's no way that having a president representing your party with a sub 40% approval rating helps your party's chances of retaining power in the White House, unless if that person starts campaigning about how much better he would be than Bush, which would almost be a political hypocrasy and suicide. And the place where the Republicans have the biggest influence on Bush right now is Congress. They HAVE to start passing effective and publicly debated laws; not to make America better, but to make 2008 look better for them. It's sheer politics.

DJ, it is the Man they don't like not the party. You have to keep that in mind.

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I have a question (actually two) for Heights Guy. You said that illegals pay into our social security system. Don't most illegals get paid under the table in cash? That was my impression.

If you don't mind me jumping in here, Heights Guy, I have a little information on this subject.

The answer is both Yes, and No.

Yes - many illegal immigrants get paid in cash only. That's why they fit so well with businesses like restaurants and small to mid-sized construction companies and landscaping where much of the business is done in cash. Heck, even my accountant likes to be paid in cash. Much like a restaurant owner struggling to stay afloat, I don't ask why.

Then there's the other side -- many illegal immigrants who get jobs in the U.S., say at Wal-Mart or at a small factory, or whatever, use Social Security numbers that are borrowed, stolen, or shared with people they know or don't know. In some cases you can have a business that checks ID and goes through all the proper channels. But getting a fake drivers license, Social Security card, even a passport, is as simple as taking a drive down Harwin. In cases where the illegal alien is using bogus ID and the employer doesn't know it, yes, the correct amount of money gets passed into the Social Security coffers.

Then there's another side to the other side -- those employers who know they have employees using fake or shared social security numbers will take Social Security taxes out of their employees paychecks, but pocket the money rather than turning it over to the government. After all, if you have six employees with the same SS#, that's going to raise a flag. And it's another way to lower the amount you pay the workers. As a small business owner, I can tell you it wouldn't be hard at all to set up a separate payroll that looks perfectly legit to my employees while I'm actually keeping all the money and the government knows nothing about it. The only way for the government to find out is if one of these employees were to file an income tax return, and both the employer and the employee know they won't.

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Guest danax

Since you started this thread I have seen you evolve from someone whose attitude was somewhat rigid and analytical to someone who is still passionate about your concerns but who also has the ability to stop and smell the pink jasmine and hear the girls giggling in your street...you have definatly touched my heart...my heart chakra. ;)



I switch back and forth, nmain. This morning, I did a lot of driving through Magnolia Park and old Harrisburg, seeing old humble but historic homes, tastelessly remodeled with no sense of history, the junkiness etc., and it's obvious to me that the East End is nothing but one gigantic teardown, save for a handful of old neighborhoods.

My next door neighbor has a crew, one guy with the mexican flag on his antenna, and they're laying ceramic tile over all of the oak floors. It's his house and it shouldn't bother me but it does. No one will ever want to restore this home again. He's also got fake stucco on one side, original clapboards with Hurricane Rita plywood over the windows on the other. He wants to put the fake stucco on the whole house but he doesn't have the money right now. The stucco (EIFS) has a tendency to crack and retain moisture causing rot, mold and termites. On his pier and beam foundation, I figure the cracks will start at about the same time his ceramic tile starts to crack.

Add to that the garrish concrete and wrought iron front fence/wall and the once cute, 1940 English cottage-style home now looks like something out of Nuevo Laredo. A future tear down.

Sorry to leave the heart chakra vibe so quickly.

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Example ?

:lol::lol::lol: I am way to dilluted to believe that. You Libs kill me. You cry when our Government wants to make sure that no terrorists plots are taking place over phone lines by tapping people that are strictly receiving overseas calls from known terrorists countries, then you cry even louder because now our Gov. tries to do things the Lib way and wants to possibly let illegals get a pass unchecked.


Who is against the wire taps? No one with any sense. Having them done legally would be nice though. Nice try at muddling that topic though. The "Lib" way is to let illeagals get a pass unchecked. Huh? :wacko:

DJ, it is the Man they don't like not the party. You have to keep that in mind.

Naw. It's the party.

Edited by west20th
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Hmmmm......sounds like others interpret the judges words/intent differently. Not a clear vindication of Bush by any means.

The "OTHERS" being the Liberal media, BIG SURPRISE ! Yep, I know both sides will spin it, but Bush is gonna be cleared. Don't worry, I'll be there with a crying towel for you my friend.

......but, you better do the same for me, if he does get the 'ol heave-ho.

Now, back on track, how many illegals does it take to screw in a light bulb ?

Just kidding, I don't really have a joke like that ? I think this protest thing seems to be dying down. My biggest question is that if we let the illegal little ones go to our schools, should we have the "spanish speaking only" classes. Shouldn't it be mandatory that they learn english first then, or do they learn english while they learn their lessons of the day. Is there a period where they do English for an hour or what ?

Edited by TJones
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Newsflash West, as of March 30, 2006 . Judge Kornblum...well, here, read it for yourself.


I thought a smart guy like you would have investigated what NewsMax was all about.

Check out the facts:

NewsMax's Fiction Writer

James Hirsen takes a break from plugging his new book to advance a couple of bogus claims.

By Terry Krepel

Posted 10/14/2005

When you're in the middle of a book tour, the last thing you want to do is generate publicity by getting caught making factually inaccurate, easily contradicted claims.

Yet NewsMax's James Hirsen -- currently plugging his new liberal-bashing book, "Hollywood Nation" -- has done just that. Twice.

An Oct. 10 NewsMax article cited Hirsen as the source for a claim that rock band U2 was holding a fund-raiser for Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Rick Santorum:

Teaming up with the legendary rock group U2 for a one-night only appearance will be Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Penn.).

The thousand-dollar-a-seat concert has been put together by Sean and Ana Wolfington and will take place at the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia in support of Santorum

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I have a friend that works for the government in D.C. My friend mentions that, "Bush will pass the bill, and do what it takes to get rid of the 11 million immigrants in America. That's his goal, and he will do." My friend continues, "Bush suppose to meet with the House next month(May), instead of a nasty turn out in New York, L.A., and Texas. They decided to push the meeting up to April of next week on the Bill. So, Bush will meet with the House next week to discuss about the Bill."

Furthermore, our lawn caretakers are Mexicans, and they give me a early notice that they can not continue to work for me. He got a letter from the government stating that he need to return to Mexico, cause of the immigration. Beleive me, that was very sad to hear. I wish him and his family well.

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I have a friend that works for the government in D.C. My friend mentions that, "Bush will pass the bill, and do what it takes to get rid of the 11 million immigrants in America. That's his goal, and he will do." My friend continues, "Bush suppose to meet with the House next month(May), instead of a nasty turn out in New York, L.A., and Texas. They decided to push the meeting up to April of next week on the Bill. So, Bush will meet with the House next week to discuss about the Bill."

Furthermore, our lawn caretakers are Mexicans, and they give me a early notice that they can not continue to work for me. He got a letter from the government stating that he need to return to Mexico, cause of the immigration. Beleive me, that was very sad to hear. I wish him and his family well.

I hate to tell you this, but Bush will NOT "do what it takes to get rid the 11 million immigrants in America". He simply wants to convert them into legal status by calling them "guest workers". If he really gave a rat's behind about illegal immigration he would have done something substantial while he was Governor of Texas. Both he and Rick Perry (who is grooming himself for...something) believe we need the illegals that are here.

Were your illegal lawncare workers trying to establish their citizenship or alien status?

I never heard of the government "sending a letter". :huh: Doesn't sound too effective to me, but it wouldn't surprise me.

As for the holocaust statement, dbigtex. I'm not so sure this is the same thing.

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I have a friend that works for the government in D.C. My friend mentions that, "Bush will pass the bill, and do what it takes to get rid of the 11 million immigrants in America. That's his goal, and he will do." My friend continues, "Bush suppose to meet with the House next month(May), instead of a nasty turn out in New York, L.A., and Texas. They decided to push the meeting up to April of next week on the Bill. So, Bush will meet with the House next week to discuss about the Bill."

Furthermore, our lawn caretakers are Mexicans, and they give me a early notice that they can not continue to work for me. He got a letter from the government stating that he need to return to Mexico, cause of the immigration. Beleive me, that was very sad to hear. I wish him and his family well.

The president does not pass bills, Congress does, so Bush will not be passing anything. Second, as Parrothead wrote, Bush' plan essentially allows the aliens to stay. He does not advocate deportation.

Finally, NO bill has become law yet, so any letter your lawn caretakers received was NOT a result of the current debates. Sounds like Parrothead called this one right, too. They likely were not successful in applying for Resident Alien status.

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The forced removal of millions of people; isn't this how the Holocaust got started?

I think there were more evil intentions at heart when the Nazi's started moving Jews. If anything, our leadership (Bush & company) seems to be doing the opposite by encouraging them to stay with a guest worker/amnesty program.

On a historical note, can anyone tell me more about Reagan's amnesty plan back in the early eighties?

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DJ, it is the Man they don't like not the party. You have to keep that in mind.

Bush so far seems to be doing a good job of handling this issue, but some of them dudes in Congress? I dunno, man. Some of them conservatives seem fired up, yo.

Are the Democratic congress members unified on the illegal immigration issue, or are they also divided? Trying to see where they all stand...

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Guest danax
I think there were more evil intentions at heart when the Nazi's started moving Jews. If anything, our leadership (Bush & company) seems to be doing the opposite by encouraging them to stay with a guest worker/amnesty program.

On a historical note, can anyone tell me more about Reagan's amnesty plan back in the early eighties?

Mass removal and deportation has been done before by the US.It was in 1954 and was called "Operation Wetback". :rolleyes: Even in 1954 this was controversial and the uproar eventually caused the program to end, although it was very successful in terms of numbers deported and discouraging illegal immigration for years to come (see chart at bottom of page in this link). LULAC, one of the current Latino organizations rallying for "immigrant rights" at that time was for Operation Wetback as they realized that 1) cheap labor was hurting Americans and 2) rewarding cheaters, regardless of their motivation, was anti-American and wrong.

All I remember about the '86 amnesty was that I was in the process of getting my Mexican wife her green card, which took about 3 years, and they were saying that this would be a one-time amnesty and there would be a crackdown on the border from here on in. Millions upon millions later, we're hearing about the same thing. I was living in L.A. but I don't remember much controversy surrounding this issue at the time. I do remember thinking that, since it was a one-time deal, what the heck. I'm thinking a lot of other Americans felt the same way. This time, it's going to be obvious to everyone, including future illegals, that this has a chance of being a regular event.

Both Bush and Clinton are for the Guest Worker program. Makes me wonder what common agenda these guys are following.

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Both Bush and Clinton are for the Guest Worker program. Makes me wonder what common agenda these guys are following.

Bush has been remarkably consistent in his support of wealthy business owners. The Dubai ports deal and the guest worker program both support wealthy business owners, as does Bush's tax policy. The so-called "base" thinks Bush has gone astray, but the reality is that the "base" is demanding policy that conflicts with the intended beneficiaries of Bush' policies. In the past, Republicans would present a united front. Now, they are trying to get reelected, so you hear more of them openly defying Bush. But, Bush' policies haven't really changed much.

Clinto is consistent, as well, in supporting the low-wage workers. Since business and immigrants are both for guest workers, albeit for different reasons, Bush and Clinton end on the same side.

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The following is TheNiche's response to everything:

Border/immigration issues are extremely complicated, and btw, concern more than just Hispanics. There is a big illegal Asian population as well. Here goes...

The upside to immigration is basically summed up in saying: CHEAP LABOR. Where would the American economy be without cheap labor? Do you think that all this housing construction would be possible? No...and forget about rebuilding New Orleans. There are secondary benefits, such as the assuredness that we won't slip below ZPG for a long while, and also the flow of drugs.

Of course, drugs are also a downside, and a lot of the crime problems that immigrants seem to bring with them are connected to contraband trade. Large families are also a problem, because they severely burden schools, hospitals, and other public goods. The possibility of terrorist immigration is remote, but completely plausible, and probably something that should be addressed.

So I've got a four-pronged approach to addressing the issues.

1) De-incentivize the immigrants from bringing families. Cut off access to all schooling, health care, and any other social services to those that cannot prove citizenship or a work visa. If they're dying of a gunshot wound, let them...that's a very good deterrent to coming here illegally.

2) Issue many many many more work visas, not just to Mexicans, but to a diverse mix of nations from around the world. These work visas will not guarantee that minimum wage laws and provide a way for authorities to trace immigrant criminal offenders through an electronic database. Tracking these folks also allows for the IRS to collect taxes. If these people on work visas can demonstrate that they can support themselves and a family without entering poverty status, and that they are generally upstanding citizens without a criminal record after five years, then let them bring in or create a family. Five years later, if all is well, they become citizens.

3) Erect massive poles at intervals along the border with thermal imaging cameras and spotlights affixed to the top. If movement across the border is detected, have a remote operator turn on the spotlight and electronically track the movement. This will allow quick response by Border Patrol. Speaking of which, the BP can presently be sued by non-citizens for causing injury or bodily harm...that needs to be curtailed.

4) To address the drug issue, legalize them. This will solve a myriad of related and unrelated crime problems. The trick is to legalize, then regulate. That way, consumers of drugs can buy precisely the quantities/qualities that they want from licensed distributors, like Wal-Mart. Of course, distributors would have to pay a massive sum for each permit and even then, the product would be taxed to the point of monopolistic pricing, almost like cigarettes are right now. The funds raised would essentially come straight from the pockets of Columbian druglords and go right into the government's coffers. The government could then set that money aside for any number of programs, including drug education and drug rehabilitation. The strategy would be to legalize, but educate.

I know that a lot of people won't like my approach...but all things considered, I think that a policy of "we'll allow basically anyone to work here, but we want to keep a tab on you, tax you, and make sure that you aren't becoming a burden on our society...then, with earned trust, you gain citizenship" is a fair one. I also advocate point #4 regardless of what happens, because people that want drugs will find them...and we should at least reduce crime and pocket a big chunk of cash if drug use is going to happen anyway.

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The problem is the double standard. I too used to want to throw illegals out on their butts with no support what so ever. The reason I've changed my mind is that I've realized that we've allowed them to assimilate into our society without meeting certain criteria. Now we just can't decide to uphold said criteria against those we allowed in. They have to be grandfathered in. Either through a guest worker or citizenship program. Its the right thing to do.

Now, I'm still a firm believer in building the wall and manning it with US troops. This way the original criteria is now upheld for all future attempts at entry, and no more will illegal immigration be allowed.

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