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What Drives You Crazy?


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I  hate Truth commercials. Some free society we live in when Tobacco manufacturers can't advertise on anything anymore but billboards and magazines, but we get to watch commercials every hour of the day on every channel about how evil the Tobacco companies are and how smoking kills you.

I've never been cornered by a Tobacco exec, and told I better smoke his cigarettes if I knew what was good for me. My point: people choose to smoke and I chose not too, BEFORE there were any tobacco lawsuits, truth commercials, or bans on adviretisements.

Thats only one of my beefs.. more to follow..

Funny thing about those Truth commercials. They're supposed to make you quit, but every time I see one, it makes me light up a smoke. Never fails.

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Probably. Have you ever worked for a company whose mission statement was:

" We don't want to pressure our potential customers here at ________ Corp. We beleive that if we just put our product on the shelf, that those who like and desire our product will find it. We feel that we don't need to rely on adviretisements to make aware to the unassuming public that our product exists and is out there for their use.

We will simply rely on good natured capitalism to carry our company."

I'd quit if my company put this out. This is a suicide letter if I ever saw one. The point is, Tobacco companies probably are sneaky and underhanded, but so is the automobile industry - which kills thousands a year, the fast food industry - which kills thousands a year, the pharmacutical industry - which kills thousands a year, the petro-chemical industry - which kills thousands a year, the alcohol industry - which thousands a year, the snack food industry - which kills thousands a year, and on and on and on.

I guess if we wanted to be truely fair, the only commercials allowed should be to advocate not using a product. Now how retarded would that be?

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I hate drivers who dont use their blinkers or dont know where they're going.

I hate guys who drive big trucks and act macho behind the wheel of their truck. They think they are so tough. To top it off they don't use their blinkers either.

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I hate drivers who dont use their blinkers

The worst of that nasty bunch are the ones that sit at a traffic light in the left lane. You pull behind, intending to go straight across the intersection. The light turns, and they don't go. THEN they think to use the turn signal, and you're stuck behind them waiting for them to go left.

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The worst of that nasty bunch are the ones that sit at a traffic light in the left lane.  You pull behind, intending to go straight across the intersection.  The light turns, and they don't go.  THEN they think to use the turn signal, and you're stuck behind them waiting for them to go left.

More like the people who run red lights and sit at green (short term) arrow lights with long waiting times. They take their time turning at the green arrow and yet you are stuck waiting forever for the next green arrow cycle.

OR the people who go slow down the street...they see a green light, maintain their speed and when its yellow speed up and you catch the really long red light!

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for some reason, the worst for me are people who don't turn their headlights on in bad weather.

also, a small annoyance are the "inchers" - the ones who inch up and up at a red light, as if that will magically make it turn green, and then when it finally does turn green, they just sit there...

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for some reason, the worst for me are people who don't turn their headlights on in bad weather.

also, a small annoyance are the "inchers" - the ones who inch up and up at a red light, as if that will magically make it turn green, and then when it finally does turn green, they just sit there...

At the West Airport/Eldridge light...you do have to kinda play with the light. It turns green on motion. If you are driving down Eldridge approaching W. Airport and another car is going on Eldridge. Your light will automatically turn red and green for the other driver.

Same light habit for the light on Eldridge before you get to West Airport. there is a corner grocery on the left. If you are to turn...wait about 5 seconds and your light will turn green (arrow) while the other people going in the opposite direction will have to stop.

The same light habit for going further down Eldridge going away from Synott...I can't think of the street name (sorry) but there is a Food Town on the left and a residence on the right. If you are driving and get to a green light. If a car comes out of that residence...your light will turn red for the people pulling out of the residences/neighborhoods.

Dairy Ashford/Westheimer (turn arrow) light...you have to kinda inch sometimes for the light to green. But their light is messed up anyway (early in the morning) :(

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i am not really familiar with any of the intersections you are referring to...but...the point was that the drivers just sat there at the green light...

inch all you want - just follow through! lol

At the West Airport/Eldridge light...you do have to kinda play with the light. It turns green on motion. If you are driving down Eldridge approaching W. Airport and another car is going on Eldridge. Your light will automatically turn red and green for the other driver.

Same light habit for the light on Eldridge before you get to West Airport. there is a corner grocery on the left. If you are to turn...wait about 5 seconds and your light will turn green (arrow) while the other people going in the opposite direction will have to stop.

The same light habit for going further down Eldridge going away from Synott...I can't think of the street name (sorry) but there is a Food Town on the left and a residence on the right. If you are driving and get to a green light. If a car comes out of that residence...your light will turn red for the people pulling out of the residences/neighborhoods.

Dairy Ashford/Westheimer (turn arrow) light...you have to kinda inch sometimes for the light to green. But their light is messed up anyway (early in the morning) :(

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I have two pet peeves:

People who drive 45 mph on the freeway when it is wide open. I am not talking about rush hour or times when you can't help it. But when they have nobody in front of them. Further aggravated when they do it in the left lane! If you don't know how to drive on a freeway, or are intimidated by it or whatever, don't get on one!

The second one is high-pitched screaming babies at restaurants. Especially if it is a nice restaurant. I had one the other day that I swear could shatter glass with it's voice. The parents sat oblivious to it, so I guess they expected the rest of us to put up with it. They obviously could care less. It was completely un-nerving! Everyone else is paying for more than food, but for a dining out experience. Get a sitter and leave the kid at home or at least take them outside until you can quiet them down. Don't ruin it for everyone else!

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I agree on the screaming kid in the resturant. What irratated me lately was:

I went to the Musuem to see the Lord of the Rings Exhibit and this Asian family (mom and two kids) were hogging the gemstone area (in the giftshop) and when I inched over the completely blocked the area. I moved away from the area and they went away. I was like "YES FREE CHANCE!!" and when I went back over there the Asian family went RIGHT back over there like they couldn't get enough. So I inched my way too. They want to be hogging the area...I can squeeze, inch my way in too. I politely/rudely said "excuse me" -and they knew English b/c they were speaking it- but every rock they picked up the kids showed their mom. They just wouldn't give the other musuem guests a chance to see the gems. Its not a big ordeal but some of us who don't go to the musuem too often would like to shop in their tiny giftshop too and give us some space to look around and see the gems (well again not a big deal as a screaming kid in a resturant or a citizen Nascar driver on the freeway)

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Young children (especially ages 7-8 and under) at R-rated movies in the evening are one of mine. Not only is the film usually not appropriate, but the kids often don't understand the film and as a result act up most of the time by crying, talking, and playing. Often the parents are oblivious to how disturbing their kid is being. I'm sorry, but I don't pay $10 to go see a movie and hear some idiot with no parenting skills's four-year-old talk and make noise the entire movie. Hire a sitter and leave that child at home! If you can't do that, then wait for the movie to come out on DVD. These are usually the same people who not only forget to turn off the cell phone before the movie starts, but answer it and talk in a loud voice in the theater when it inevitably rings during the middle of the movie.

My other big one with kids has fortunately only happened twice, and hopefully will never happen again. Babies and really young children on airplanes can be bad -- but at least noise-cancelling headphones connected to my iPod or the in-flight entertainment system drowns out most crying. However, when nature calls and it's time for the baby to be changed, please please PLEASE go to the aircraft's lavatory to do it! Don't do it on the tray table at your seat where dozens of people have to endure the odor! There is nothing more disgusting than a baby's diaper being changed after it's done a #2 in a closed space like an aircraft cabin. I once was sitting directly behind the seat of the mother who did this once, very early into a flight from Houston to Seattle, a trip of just over four hours. The smell lingered for at least two hours after the diaper was changed.

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only problem is, children 6-18 must be accompanied by a parent -

so imagine kids, plus parents that would dare bring their kids there...lol

on an upnote, last time i was there, i had a good, un-annoying time.

they also play interesting features on special nights

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only problem is, children 6-18 must be accompanied by a parent -

so imagine kids, plus parents that would dare bring their kids there...lol

no no no no no no no no...

I've been at least 20 times - I've yet ONCE to see kids there. Maybe some teenagers on a date, but NO children. Just go to the late show on the weekends, and its all good.

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OMG!!! people change their kids diapers on the plane AT THEIR SEAT?!! Where is the respect on that?!

That is disrespectful.

I must admit I did have my screaming cat (or a crying) cat when I flew from Houston to Dallas but I did everything I could to calm it down (and he wasn't that bad as a screaming kid)...cat just wanted out of his cage and hates being confined. I actually talked to the person in the next seat next to me who owned cats. But I figured there is something called, "Feliway" to control my cat's stress I could buy to control that. :)

Wish there was something like that for humans (other then a sedative)

I haven't been inside Alamo Drafthouse but its just a bit out of my way from where I live. If I go to the movies I go on Sat. morning where there are no kids. Most people are sleeping or watching Sat. morning cartoons. (which I hardly find on TV anymore)...On Sat morning cartoons last Sat. I noticed Golf took the place of Lizzie McQuire, That's so Raven and Kim possible :(

I mean really I grew up watching cartoons from 6-12 noon!

Now even Channel 11 has news until 9 I think?

Fox is mostly all anime



The only thing I really hate on the plane are the seat kickers! Can't people put their feet on the floor on their own seat? (Wait I had that happen in theatres too)

I once had this guy sitting next to me play cell phone games throught the entire previews of the movies. (I politely told him it was a bit loud and he of course looked annoyed at me and ignored me)

One time they had this autistic guy watching "Scary Movie" alone and well he screamed at all the scenes and I could either hearing giggling or people mad b/c they couldn't hear the movie. I don't have any qualms against the mentally challenged watching movies as long as there is some caretaker to watch them as well.

I being Learning Disabled (and grew up around those with challenges (and actually some of these people can be so much sweeter then people who don't have a disabliity) would never want to put myself in a position to insult the mentally challenged. (just a little FYI)

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  • 4 weeks later...
What really drives you nuts?  You know you want to get it off your chest! 

OK I'll start:  Telephone "customer service" lines designed to keep you from ever actually speaking to a human being.  I just got off trying to get some loan information.  Never got it.  They just leave you on hold and a recording suggests you try looking on the internet, but that they really value my business.  Grrr...

One of the things that drives me crazy is when someone tries to talk to you while they are eating. I wish that they would swallow their food before they speak. At least I don't have to hear that when someone is "talking" to me on the Internet.

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Drunks, druggies, womanizers, addicts of all sorts, and other lazy people. What do all these people have in common? They haven't learned the basic frickin premise of life, which is: it ain't about you. They feel sorry for themselves, moping over ills committed against them in the past, thereby keeping the wounds open, instead of letting them heal. They can't look in the mirror and see their own faults, so they blame everyone else in the world: their family, their co-workers, the opposite political party, the government, the illegal aliens, the opposite sex, the opposite sexual persuasion, etc. They'll spend an hour boo-hoo'ing and ranting about something, rather than spend 5 minutes getting off their butts and doing something about it. Their enjoyment of life is directly based on how easy life is for them, especially if others are catering to them. So they're happiest when they're doing the least. So they whine and cry every time life is "hard" for them...which is what it's like whenever they're being forced to get off their ass and actually do something. So they begrudingly do as little as possible to help themselves out of the mess they're in...and then slip right back to where they want to be...which is back into that mess all over again. They can't admit to their own brains that they're really AFRAID. They're afraid of finding out they CAN'T do something, when in reality, if they tried, they could do ANYTHING, and it's probably only that fear itself that is preventing them. So basically their whole life is spent catering to their own fear, confirming their own fear, and thereby perpetuating the source of that fear. They don't actually ENJOY their addictions - they simply do them to ESCAPE the fear...but these nitwits never escape it...they only intensify it. They're the dumbest people on the planet, yet they think they're the cleverest. They contibute the least to our world, yet they think themselves the most important. Everything about their lives is a LIE. They'll spend 60 minutes trying to con someone else into giving them a free ride to go a mile...when they could have walked that mile themselves in 10 minutes. You try to tell these dingbats that they're worth more than the way they treat themselves, and they come back at you like you're trying to take them down. You tell them that there's more for them in life, and they turn on you and try to knock you down. They spend their time SEEMINGLY in love with themselves more than anything else in the world...and you try to tell them that ANYTHING actually loves them...and it scares the ____ out of them. If you're reading this and you fall into the category of this kind of dumbass, then I have news for you: it's actually a remote theoretical possibility that someone might actually love you.

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"Drunks, druggies, womanizers, addicts of all sorts, and other lazy people."

I blame no one else for the fun I am having! :P

EDIT: H-Town posted this on another thread, and I felt it to be an appropriate response to Spring Tx's post. Sorry, if it offends.

"**** WARNING H-Town Man is about to wax philosophical WARNING ****

To me it says so much about the innocence of childhood that our standards were so low and a few colorful decorations and a man with a smile at the counter could make us so happy. Perhaps, if we were to step back far enough, we would see that the difference in quality between a McDonald's hamburger and a prime steak is really only very miniscule, and that it is the vanity and falseness that we have acquired that makes one so intolerable, and the other so essential. I know certain relatives of mine who have largely retained this innocence through most of their lives, and still happily enjoy certain things that I have rejected through my sophistication (especially after going to college with a bunch of rich kids). In a way then, we are the authors of our own misery, and even the most seemingly hideous conditions of life could be made happy and pleasant if we were to recover this innocence and naivete...

**** WARNING H-Town Man has waxed philosophical WARNING ****"

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I don't like those little kids phing candy for money (not the school/church groups the other kids) on street corners. I mean I was sitting at a turn left light on Wilcrest and one kid was talking to someone in a car. It held us all back and therefore I missed a VERY long light.

I don't like the "send our kid to camp by giving us money" (on the street corner) either. I mean I'm going to send your kid to camp (or whatever the project is by begging instead of realistic fund raising. At least school kids donate their time and energy to give us door to door (I think) projects like Christmas wrap, packaged cookies, or something. Not .50 cent candy they sell for $1 (they bought at Sam's).

But anyway that's just me and I agree with whoever said that the "Whoa is me" attitude is bad. I am kinda getting out of that and I do try and get out and do things more. My friend once told me, "Well I am not going to talk to you because all you do is put yourself down and I don't want to associate myself with someone like that" and you know what it worked? So I started changing the way I talk and lost the "whoa is me" ...but every now and then I do have a good cry (is any cry ever good?)

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