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What Drives You Crazy?


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"Parkinson's should stop all that damn shaking." - this is not a disease of addiction. it's a degenerative neurological disease although it can be caused by toxins.

this ALAN I. LESHNER fellow must be taking money from pharmaceutical companies.

not all depressed individuals are chemically imbalanced.

caffeine is a drug with side effects that millions are addicted to, so i assume a vast majority of the world should be taking medication to combat this.

obesity, recently classified as a disease, afflicts a vast number of americans. i guess these indivials should all be popping pills as well. after all, they are addicted to eating.

this ALAN I. LESHNER only speaks of treatment and not of prevention. he states "What may make addiction seem unique among brain diseases, however, is that it does begin with a clearly voluntary behavior--the initial decision to use drugs. Moreover, not everyone who ever uses drugs goes on to become addicted." so yes, people have every right to be upset and angered over addicts.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • People who post on this board who can't spell and use such incorrect grammar it makes understanding their posts a real chore.
  • People waiting to get on an elevator or MetroRail who rush to get on as soon as the door opens without letting those who are trying to get off do so first.
  • Red light runners.
  • People who block an intersection with their car when the light a block ahead of them turns red and they can't move. This just makes traffic worse and is illegal. You aren't supposed to enter an intersection unless you can completely clear it. I don't care if the light is yellow and about to turn red. Why are you so special that you hold up dozens of other people to get to your destination 30 seconds faster?
  • Drivers who use a shoulder or lane that is moving to cut ahead of a lane that is leading to an exit ramp that is backed up. Then at the last second they slam on their brakes and try to cut back into the exit ramp. This not only makes congestion worse, it's inconsiderate (again, why are you so special you can't be patient and wait like everyone else), and it's dangerous as hell. I almost hit one of these assholes on the west loop the other day when he slammed on his brakes and tried to cut back into the ramp to the Southwest Freeway that was backed up.
  • Tow trucks racing to the scene of an accident. At least the mayor's new towing plan seems to have helped this one.
  • Drivers who don't use turn signals.
  • At this point maybe I should just say "most Houston drivers."
  • Bus riders sitting in the back of the bus who refuse to use the back door to exit at their stop, and then try to squeeze past the people who are getting on as they are paying their fares. Have we not learned what that back door is for?
  • Parents who bring young children to movies that are made for adults and inappropriate for little kids. Yesterday I went to see Saw and had to listen to a five year old screaming throughout much of the movie. A child of that age shouldn't be in a film like that, and it's very inconsiderate of the parents to bring a screaming kid into a movie with other people. Hire a babysitter! If you can't find one, then don't go to a movie made for adults -- go see a kiddie flick. People who don't turn off cell phones in movie theaters rank up there too.

The only one I could add is the people who throw their cigarette butts out the window

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Drunks, druggies, womanizers, addicts of all sorts, and other lazy people.  What do all these people have in common?  They haven't learned the basic frickin premise of life, which is: it ain't about you.  They feel sorry for themselves, moping over ills committed against them in the past, thereby keeping the wounds open, instead of letting them heal.  They can't look in the mirror and see their own faults, so they blame everyone else in the world: their family, their co-workers, the opposite political party, the government, the illegal aliens, the opposite sex, the opposite sexual persuasion, etc.  They'll spend an hour boo-hoo'ing and ranting about something, rather than spend 5 minutes getting off their butts and doing something about it.  Their enjoyment of life is directly based on how easy life is for them, especially if others are catering to them.  So they're happiest when they're doing the least.  So they whine and cry every time life is "hard" for them...which is what it's like whenever they're being forced to get off their ass and actually do something.  So they begrudingly do as little as possible to help themselves out of the mess they're in...and then slip right back to where they want to be...which is back into that mess all over again.  They can't admit to their own brains that they're really AFRAID.  They're afraid of finding out they CAN'T do something, when in reality, if they tried, they could do ANYTHING, and it's probably only that fear itself that is preventing them.  So basically their whole life is spent catering to their own fear, confirming their own fear, and thereby perpetuating the source of that fear.  They don't actually ENJOY their addictions - they simply do them to ESCAPE the fear...but these nitwits never escape it...they only intensify it.  They're the dumbest people on the planet, yet they think they're the cleverest.  They contibute the least to our world, yet they think themselves the most important.  Everything about their lives is a LIE.  They'll spend 60 minutes trying to con someone else into giving them a free ride to go a mile...when they could have walked that mile themselves in 10 minutes.  You try to tell these dingbats that they're worth more than the way they treat themselves, and they come back at you like you're trying to take them down.  You tell them that there's more for them in life, and they turn on you and try to knock you down.  They spend their time SEEMINGLY in love with themselves more than anything else in the world...and you try to tell them that ANYTHING actually loves them...and it scares the ____ out of them.  If you're reading this and you fall into the category of this kind of dumbass, then I have news for you: it's actually a remote theoretical possibility that someone might actually love you.

Aw, c'mon, Spring-don't hold back-tell us what you really think. ;)


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- the way amost every subject on this board turns polital

- people booing everytime there is a pickoff throw at a baseball game

- people booing everytime there is a fake pickoff move 1st and 3rd (why boo - it's not a balk...it hasn't been a balk the last 100 times)

- people imitating Dave Chapelle

- those damn redneck comedian shows (IT"S OLD)

- women drive me crazy (You can't live with them and you can't.....hmmmm....live with them)

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I did not mean that statement in an insulting way. It is just the simple truth. If you take a person from Spain and put them next to a person from Mexico then they would barely be able to understand each other. Much like the American English is to the queens English from England. They sound the same but many words have a totally different meaning and all. Believe me this would come over a lot easier if I was not typing it. When typing stuff some things such as feelings and stuff are lost.

I have nothing against the Mexican people in general I just get very upset when someone comes to my place and take me for a ride at my expense and I have no say in the matter. I know that a lot of other people whites and black alike do the same thing but you don't see them or hear of them nearly as much as you do the Mexicans.

I have to deal with the public everyday and it is that group that gives me the most problems. I am now waiting for them to make the demand that we make all of our street signs BI-lingual as well since we did it for the Orientals as well. What not many know is that yes we have a lot of street signs in their language but the Oriental community paid for these signs. The city just installed them.

Yes, England has always wanted the United States to call its official language American. Spain has always wanted Mexico to call its official language Mexican. But since Mexico continues to call their language Spanish, Spain decided to call their official language Castillan Spanish.

In some bookstores, I've seen some dictionaries say: "Dictionary of the American Language." When I was in college, the library had imported from England, the 20-volume edition of the Oxford Dictionary of the English Language.

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You know what drives me crazy?

Computer error messages (especially Microsoft).

Right when I'm in the middle of some complicated operation, the computer will freeze up and this message will be displayed: This program has performed an illegal function and will be closed down.

An illegal function, eh? Well, send in the Feds! Who the hell do I think I am, anyway, performing 'illegal functions'. No wonder you shut me down. I can only hope that you'll show mercy and allow me to bungle it up again. Or should I just turn myself in?

Another: after Windows decides to get all constipated and stubbornly refuses to do anything, the only option is to turn the damn thing off and reboot. The cheerful message you get when it restarts:Because Windows was not properly shut down... - then "In order to avoid seeing this message again, always shut down your computer using the Shut Down function. And how, pray tell, is a person supposed to do that when your half-witted programming is what caused it to seize up in the first place? Smug little bastards! I'd like to hack into every Windows program and do some rewording. To avoid seeing this message again, buy a Mac next time.

And another; First email I ever sent prompted this immediate response: Your message could not be delivered due to a PERMANANT FATAL ERROR.

Not just an error - it's permanant. And fatal. I nearly soiled myself, thinking I'd ruined my friend's computer forever.

Are programmers merely clueless? or do they have a sadistic streak?

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A lot of the blue screen of death and illegal functions are due to poor or bad RAM.

Back in college I had a computer that did this all the time. Some of the guys in the computer engineering department told me to get a higher grade of RAM and you'll see the errors disappear. Higher grade means name-brand and higher costing.

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oriental >adjective of, from, or characteristic of the Far East. >noun often offensive to a person of Far Eastern descent.

-DERIVATIVES orientalism >noun orientalist >noun orientalize (also orientalise) >verb orientally >adverb.

-USAGE The term oriental is now regarded as old-fashioned and potentially offensive as a term denoting people from the Far East. In US English, Asian is the standard accepted term in modern use; in British English, where Asian tends to denote people from the Indian subcontinent, specific terms such as Chinese or Japanese are more likely to be used.


Although I am Hispanic (1/2 Mexican and 1/2 Spanish) I did not take offense to your posts simply because they were much needed comic relief! Based on your poor spelling, grammar, punctuation and overall use of the English language, perhaps you should reserve a seat next to this "Mexican" in English 101.

It drives me crazy when an Asian person is referred to as an Oriental and when any Latin/Hispanic person is quickly pegged a Mexican when in fact Mexico is not their country of origin.

Things that also drive me crazy:

1. Repeating myself more than once

2. People that schedule life around television shows

3. When I have been waiting for an elevator (button lit - obviously indicating it had been pressed) and someone walks up and pushes it again

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On the opposite side, I'll add that it angers me when some (not all) conservatives argue that people who are more liberal aren't religious, don't go to church, and are elitists. That's just as bad.

I'll admit that I'm fairly liberal. I'm also gay. But I'm also a Christian who attends church regularly and I have some very firm religious beliefs. That may shock some people who think that those things don't fit together but for a lot of us they do. On the other hand, even though I consider myself a person of faith, I don't believe some of my personal religious beliefs should be legislated into law and imposed on others who may not share my belief system.

I think it's important for people on both sides to stop bullying around those who disagree with them. I was quite disgusted with both sides of the recent political campaign for the nasty, childish bullying that went on. Neither "liberal" nor "conservative" are bad words, yet both sides felt the need to demonize the other. Too many people these days try to even understand those who share different beliefs, and that's really sad. How can we ever expect to move forward if we can't even come together and discuss our differences and try to reach a middle ground?

I can't stand it when you're talking to someone on the telephone and they're eating while they're talking. I tell them to finish eating first then I'll call them back.

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It drives me crazy when an Asian person is referred to as an Oriental and when any Latin/Hispanic person is quickly pegged a Mexican when in fact Mexico is not their country of origin.

Things that also drive me crazy:

1.  Repeating myself more than once

2.  People that schedule life around television shows

3.  When I have been waiting for an elevator (button lit - obviously indicating it had been pressed) and someone walks up and pushes it again

funny that my ex-wife is from Mexico and she takes offense that she is now lumped in with "Hispanics". Then again, she takes offense at pretty much anything... :P

The elevator phenomenon is a sign of frenzied restlessness, a disease that is epidemic in modern cities. See if anyone can ride 2 floors in the elevator without either grabbing their keys, shifting several times, hair, etc...

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*Lights and Television left on when no one is watching or for that matter even there!

*People who dont wash after using the toilet! Thats just being a slob!

*People who dont signal when they get over (while driving) - I guess Im supposed to know what your thinking!!!

*Seats on Airlines --- COME ON --- taking out just 1 row of seats will free up atleast an inch or so for every other row - and I know that they wouldnt lose that much money in the process......!!!!

*The overly religious - sorry if you think thats you. People who think if their nose bleeds because they hit themselves with a hamer that God is telling them they are bad.... those types.

*Old political stickers - whether or not your guy/gal won or lost - take them off, who cares who you supported

*Idiots who design restrooms so you have to touch the handle to open the doors after youve washed your hands.

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*Seats on Airlines --- COME ON --- taking out just 1 row of seats will free up atleast an inch or so for every other row - and I know that they wouldnt lose that much money in the process......!!!!

No kidding. I'm 6'5" and just about every week. Fortunately I've only had one really uncomfortable flight this year. I usually am able to get lucky and get an exit row seat with plenty of legroom or a complimentary first class upgrade.

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  • 1 month later...

1. bad drivers ... and houston seems to be filled with a bunch of them!

2. dirty public bathrooms when i really have to 'sit'

3. shaking people's hands ... adrian monk has NOTHING on me.

4. walking my dog and her not going to the potty ... like why did you scratch the door down to get out?!?

5. leftovers! yuck!


i'm sure there are a lot more, but those are some that come to mind.

Edited by bruce_oneal
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  • 1 month later...

OK, you know what drives me crazy? I know this is picky, but I can't stand it when people twitch their feet while they are sitting. The reason I think of this is I just got out of a meeting with a guy whose feet were shaking the entire time. It was all I could do not to jump up, slap him upside the head, and yell "Sit still!!"

Glad I got that off my chest.

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People who jingle thier keys or change in their pocket.

People who don't have the courtesy to turn their cell phones to vibrate. You're in a movie theatre, and someone's cell phone rings. I read on Cinematreasures.org that some organization of theatre owners is wanting to get Congress to let them install technology in theatres that would jam cell phone signals inside. I agree with that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I LOVE hearing the word redevelopment and Houston in the same sentence. That being said, I CAN'T STAND when places in Houston that need a kick in the ass NEVER get mentioned. Example: Reliant Park is nice, but what about Kirby, Old Spanish Trail, etc? There's about 40 neighborhood or busy streets that need a boost, and I never hear ANYTHING about a world-class apartment complex being built there or anything.

And one thing. I go CRAZY when I hear something being built in Housto but is not extravagant. Either make it the best, or go elsewhere. :angry2: Baby Stewie, can i get a witness? <_<

What drives me crazy? When neighbors come home at 4 in the morning, stand in the courtyard and speak as if no one is asleep. THAT drives me crazy.

I actually miss that :(

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the neighbor thing can be annoying, especially when the 1984 caprice is buzzing so much the primered door is about to fall off.

and i am not so sure about "world-class apartment complexes," but that is probably just me ^_^

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here's another one i just thought of:

people that SHAVE in the gym!

they stand at the sinks and shave as if they're at home

i am not a prude or anything, but i do not want to use the sinks where skin, blood, hair, and lawd knows what else may have contaminated the place.


that is gross. i guess that's a benefit to working out at home

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people that SHAVE in the gym!

Especially in these times, when any place that grows hair is considered fair game for the razor.

Tell the management that you want 3-way mirrors installed, because you're having trouble shaving your back. Perhaps that will prompt them into establishing some sort of policy on this matter.

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