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What Drives You Crazy?


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If you want to type them yourself, you just need to buy an international keyboard.  I picked up one for my Windows XP box when I was in Vienna last.  It was really good quality, and really cheap, too at one of the stores on Mariahilferstra
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How about the people who try to pepper their conversations at work with the latest management buzzwords to try to sound smarter?

If you work in corporate America, you probably know at least one.

They say things like.."We have to revisit to peel the onion to drill down & review how the team leaders are leveraging the cross-training synergistic effect in applying the skill set...."

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  • 2 months later...


The vast majority of [mexicans] is illegal and refuses to learn how to speak the main language spoken by everyone else

OOPS!!! i am so sorry, whatever your name is. when your ancestors arrived to this land from Europe, did they show a green card to the native americans? did they start their life in this land by practicing the language of the comanche? kikapoo? iroquois? ... maybe not, right? i don't think english was the language spoken here before europeans invaded this continent. have mexicans kicked you out of your houston and give you some beat up strip of land in north alaska for you and your kind to move to?

let's remember our roots and live in peace.

oh ... yes ... the spanish spoken in mexico is different. if you travel more you will discover how much one language changes from land to land. after all, your nation was the one that changed the spellings of words like organisation, to become organization; centre to center, etc.

you need this kind of feedback if you are trying to teach other people.

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What really drives you nuts?  You know you want to get it off your chest! 

OK I'll start:  Telephone "customer service" lines designed to keep you from ever actually speaking to a human being.  I just got off trying to get some loan information.  Never got it.  They just leave you on hold and a recording suggests you try looking on the internet, but that they really value my business.  Grrr...

Open ended questions.

(j/k) :rolleyes:

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  • 5 months later...

Well, this happens about once a month. A topic that has long taken its course gets dredged up and re-hashed all over again.. I'll give you credit though, you don't normally do as such, so I'm sure it was just an honest inquiry.

Just watch though, if not this thread, then maybe another - but some new member always finds an old post, goes on a 1 post rampage, and then never to be heard again.

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Hey, I resemble that comment! And some of us get really insanely bored at work. Especially when our news pages (yes, even GoogleNews) aren't uploading interesting articles fast enough.

We new members have nothing to do but dredge through old threads and post and hope to God someone answers in a relatively quick manner so that, after we've hit Refresh 50+ times, we can reply and 5 o' clock will roll around that much faster.

... It's still only just barely 2pm, isn't it? :wacko:

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I think some reasons that old threads are dredged up by new members is that when a guest you don't have a view new posts button so they browse the actual forums. This means it is easy to find old ones as when you scroll down the page they are already pretty old. Then when they decide to register they may go post at that topic they saw.

Sometimes if I am board I will go to the bottom of the page and click the last click button to see what people are doing, and a good percentage of the guests are usually looking at older threads. This is just my theory of course.

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And if you're viewing the lofi version - which better resembles "work stuff" than the highfi version from afar - the date doesn't stick out as clearly. I've read some posts where I didn't realize the date. Of course, I'm smarter for it now.

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Right now my biggest BEEF is with Warner Cable. My cable went out due to a power outtage. One time it took 3 days to get it back up and running. We know these workers are at home with the kids watching "DirectTV" -who'd want to watch their own crappy service?!- and when they feel like it will get around to fixing the cable.


Meanwhile I got the blue screen of death on my TV!!

I HATE the Toyota Corrallas who think they are turning a bus and its a wide lane or parking lot!

Those non-signal turners.. oh yea buddy we KNEW you were going to turn!!

How about those people you let in front of you driving who NEVER wave to thank you

Those people in front of you in traffic who let the entire church (or whereever you are) out out of the parking lot! -one car lets in not the entire parking lot!! (Can you imagine someone doing this at the Lakewood Church?)

I hate calling customer service and getting rerouted to India and these people don't speak english so you have to pretty much TRY to comprehend what they are saying. I had that problem trying to set up my phone number when I moved into my apartment.

I hate the "I got nothing to do but prank call my private home number" people. To those people "GET A F----ing LIFE!"

I AM NOT Fond of Radar the weather dog. Take the dog home not at work!! Its NOT that cute!!! The KTRK Chia pet "Dopplar" was cuter!!

I hate the Pony Express slow outgoing Texas mail!! It once took the Post office 3 MONTHS to deliever my artwork to NY!


Why don't signal lights work properly early in the morning?

I mean seriously...we have the Westheimer light that doesn't turn on green arrow (on Dairy Ashford) early in the morning. So many people including a cop this morning run it!

The Synott (Westpark Tollway) /Dairy Ashford Light... There are NO CARS coming...why is the light green for 10 mins?! (early in the morning)

that's my peeves for now.

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My dad has that problem at 59/610 (I think that's where it is at...near the downtown exit)...anyway he inches closer to the cars so no one can squeeze in!) I mean we all have to wait why can't you? Usually its the people also who let in Campers, giant SUV's, or slow moving cars/trucks

Car Truck ads on the radio/TV are also my number one (dial turner)...especially the ad with:

"Today Sunday tomorrow monday..." -I forgot the car ad.. I want to tell that lady WE KNOW WHAT DAY IT IS TODAY AND TOMORROW THANKS FOR THE REMINDER!!

Oh and the kids in the theatre. I went to see Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory. Yea its a kids movie but the first seat I got behind the woman talks with her children. I MOVE...

Then I try to sit somewhere and this girl saves two spaces and says they are reserved...(EXCUSE ME!!!)

I go one aisle up and I sit down. The preview for Ice Age 2 comes on and the mother explains every last detail to her daughter. "Its a glacier...."


So I moved like 9 aisles up toward the top. People started talking behind me and I definationly had to block them out.

I did go see XMEN 2 and I had this kid running up and down the stairs ALL through the entire movie. Dang it parents control your kids or take them out and go home!! We didn't pay $6 to see your brat ruin the movie for us!

Ah, quite the comprehensive cell phone vent, dbig!  :D  You're right, the worst are the hands-free headsets.  For some reason, people seem to compensate with those by talking very loudly.  I would also add people who talk on the phones in the restroom.  I just find it kind of gross.  Once I was at a movie and a woman behind me was talking on her phone during the movie ("Oh, I'm at the movie theater.  What about you?").  I thought my head was going to explode. 

ssulivan also hit a nail on the head with the drivers who avoid a backup at an exit ramp by driving to the front of the line in an adjacent lane, and then cutting in.  In those situations I maturely react by making sure they don't cut in front of me!

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A related evil is un-handicapped people who park in handicapped spots.  I just saw some people do that.

Okay this I can fight with my mom on.

My mom had a stroke. She can walk and talk (she stutters nowadays) But yet she is legally handicapped. She takes medication, certain things like driving she can't do anymore and some cooking, and she doesn't walk with a cane or wheelchair.

some conditions for the disabled you can't see to judge if they are handicap.

She has a legal handicap parking sticker and some places like Target/Walmart or stores the doctors do not want her walking too far from her car (in case she gets disoriented)

the type of stroke she had was called, "Asphasia" (sorry if I spell it wrong)

but I can see where your coming from.

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driving in this city makes me wish a i had a .50 calibur machine gun mounted in the back of my truck...so the next time i'm trying to change lanes and the asshat in that lane speeds up so i can't mege is gonna get a suprise.

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I usually don't partake in pet peeve threads, but SBC is on my hitlist.

They disconnect my DSL and phone service (their fault) then take TWO WEEKS to set the DSL back up. "Gee, thanks for the one month free credit, but how about fixing whatever broken process creates the delay"...I just want my DSL back!

And while I'm at it, how about SBC forcing DSL subscribers to waste $35/mo on a landline we don't need. I hope they enjoy the money because soon enough residential landlines will be obsolete.

And before you ask, yes, the only high speed option in my building is SBC DSL. :(

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You know I want that $40 with DSL (where you can call Canada/U.S. monthly) from your home phone...but I don't want the package deal with the satalite TV and internet for $99. I'm happy with my:

$10 EV1.net

$15.00 + tax phone

Free Apt cable (when warner Cable doesn't blow it)

only thing is it'd save me on my cel phone and calling cards. I call Canada frequently (surprised? ;) ) and the U.S. as well!

(oh and Warner Cable couldn't find a channel so we have a 24/7 channel of the benefits of the phone they are offering for a certain price. LOL!!!!)

I see DirectTV is showing a reality TV channel (how many times are they airing "Joe Millionaire"?

How many do they show:

"King of the Hill" on FX

"Mad TV" on Comedy Central

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'I AM NOT Fond of Radar the weather dog. Take the dog home not at work!! Its NOT that cute!!! The KTRK Chia pet "Dopplar" was cuter!!"

I SO agree. That dog is enough to make me not like animals (and I love animals).

What drives me crazy?

Those damned ED drug commercials! I do NOT want to watch old people engage in foreplay! Talk about ruining the 'right moment'. This commercial ruins it for me so bad, I'll probably need their drug to get it back up. Maybe that's their approach.

On a related note, ALL drug commercials. 44% of Americans are on a prescription drug. We don't need anymore. All a doctor needs is people saying, 'Hey, I saw this drug on Oprah. I want that.'

Hummer commercials showing people enjoying the environment. Hey, if everyone takes your approach to enjoying the environment, there will BE NO environment left!

GM commercial saying 'GM has never followed the rules. Now, we're rewriting them.' Since when? Which rule do you not follow? The one that says automakers should make autos that people want to buy?!

And my biggest gripe? The OnStar and security ads scaring people into buying their product. My favorite shows a couple of burglars casing a neighborhood, dressed as deliverymen. When they see a house with several days of mail coming out of the box and numerous newspapers in the yard, they break a window, setting off the alarm. The attractive suburban mom and her two cute daughters, no doubt named MEAGAN and AMBER, are in the kitchen, and frightened by the alarm. The phone rings and the operator assures mom that police are on the way. The last scene shows a helpful officer talking to mom, no doubt telling her, 'Hey lady, if you'd get off your lazy a** and pick up your mail and newspapers, this probably wouldn't have happened!'

I watch sports, and these commercials beat me to death for the entire game.

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I hate Truth commercials. Some free society we live in when Tobacco manufacturers can't advertise on anything anymore but billboards and magazines, but we get to watch commercials every hour of the day on every channel about how evil the Tobacco companies are and how smoking kills you.

I've never been cornered by a Tobacco exec, and told I better smoke his cigarettes if I knew what was good for me. My point: people choose to smoke and I chose not too, BEFORE there were any tobacco lawsuits, truth commercials, or bans on adviretisements.

Thats only one of my beefs.. more to follow..

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I don't like the car ads of cars/trucks driving in traffic free roads, slick roads, or unrealistic situations. Show the hummer stuck in traffic and how well it holds up. Show the SUV where 10 kids pile in the car and make a complete mess.

Oh and another issue with cars.. DVD players/video games in the SUVs its okay for portable but those one hanging on the roof....

but aren't those a bit distracting?

Hummer commercials showing people enjoying the environment. Hey, if everyone takes your approach to enjoying the environment, there will BE NO environment left!

GM commercial saying 'GM has never followed the rules. Now, we're rewriting them.' Since when? Which rule do you not follow? The one that says automakers should make autos that people want to buy?!

And my biggest gripe? The OnStar and security ads scaring people into buying their product. My favorite shows a couple of burglars casing a neighborhood, dressed as deliverymen. When they see a house with several days of mail coming out of the box and numerous newspapers in the yard, they break a window, setting off the alarm. The attractive suburban mom and her two cute daughters, no doubt named MEAGAN and AMBER, are in the kitchen, and frightened by the alarm. The phone rings and the operator assures mom that police are on the way. The last scene shows a helpful officer talking to mom, no doubt telling her, 'Hey lady, if you'd get off your lazy a** and pick up your mail and newspapers, this probably wouldn't have happened!'

I watch sports, and these commercials beat me to death for the entire game.

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