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Nagin billboard

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Is there a challenger to the throne?

No, there is no challanger... there are about a bazillion challangers :lol:

Mayor, City of New Orleans

1 to be elected

Norbert P. Rome, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 P. O. Box 742327,New Orleans, LA 70174, 504/259-1855

Robert Couhig, Republican, Filed:03/01/06 6333 Prytania St.,New Orleans, LA 70118, 504/269-1789

Greta Gladney, No Party, Filed:03/01/06 834 N. Hennessey St.,New Orleans, LA 70119, 504/390-2139

Marie Galatas, Independent, Filed:03/01/06 720 Gen. Taylor St.,New Orleans, LA 70115, 504/895-0004

Carlos J. Hornbrook, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 700 S. Peters St., Apt. 315,New Orleans, LA 70130, 504/908-6177

C. Ray Nagin, Incumbent, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 1615 Poydras St, Ste. 660,New Orleans, LA 70112, 504/304-8196

Leo Watermeier, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 812 N. Rampart St.,New Orleans, LA 70116, 504/529-2367

"Mitch" Landrieu, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 2336 Octavia St.,New Orleans, LA 70115, 504/872-0415

Ron Forman, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 1806 Palmer Ave.,New Orleans, LA 70118, 504/861-2006

James "Jimmy" Lemann, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 5462 N. Rampart St.,New Orleans, LA 70117, 469/744-2304

"Johnny" Adriani, Democrat, Filed:03/02/06 818 North Blvd.,Baton Rouge, LA 70802, 504/421-1854

F. Nick Bacque

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No, there is no challanger... there are about a bazillion challangers :lol:

Mayor, City of New Orleans

1 to be elected

Norbert P. Rome, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 P. O. Box 742327,New Orleans, LA 70174, 504/259-1855

Robert Couhig, Republican, Filed:03/01/06 6333 Prytania St.,New Orleans, LA 70118, 504/269-1789

Greta Gladney, No Party, Filed:03/01/06 834 N. Hennessey St.,New Orleans, LA 70119, 504/390-2139

Marie Galatas, Independent, Filed:03/01/06 720 Gen. Taylor St.,New Orleans, LA 70115, 504/895-0004

Carlos J. Hornbrook, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 700 S. Peters St., Apt. 315,New Orleans, LA 70130, 504/908-6177

C. Ray Nagin, Incumbent, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 1615 Poydras St, Ste. 660,New Orleans, LA 70112, 504/304-8196

Leo Watermeier, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 812 N. Rampart St.,New Orleans, LA 70116, 504/529-2367

"Mitch" Landrieu, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 2336 Octavia St.,New Orleans, LA 70115, 504/872-0415

Ron Forman, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 1806 Palmer Ave.,New Orleans, LA 70118, 504/861-2006

James "Jimmy" Lemann, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 5462 N. Rampart St.,New Orleans, LA 70117, 469/744-2304

"Johnny" Adriani, Democrat, Filed:03/02/06 818 North Blvd.,Baton Rouge, LA 70802, 504/421-1854

F. Nick Bacque

Edited by DJ V Lawrence
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and the one on 45:


I guess it's supposed to be inspiring, but if I was displaced from my home all these months, there's nothing that would make me want to vote LESS for Nagin than seeing his mug on a billboard. It would just me of the dire situation I'm in, and make me miss my home. Further, it would make me angry to see him so concerned with his own re-election instead of putting my city back together.

I just think the whole thing is surreal. Can you imagine one year ago someone telling you that there would be a catastrophe of such magnitude that the mayor of NEW ORLEANS would be campaigning in HOUSTON, because that's where his city fled for safety? It boggles the mind and leaves a gross feeling in my stomach. These are strange times.

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I guess it's supposed to be inspiring, but if I was displaced from my home all these months, there's nothing that would make me want to vote LESS for Nagin than seeing his mug on a billboard. It would just me of the dire situation I'm in, and make me miss my home. Further, it would make me angry to see him so concerned with his own re-election instead of putting my city back together.

I just think the whole thing is surreal. Can you imagine one year ago someone telling you that there would be a catastrophe of such magnitude that the mayor of NEW ORLEANS would be campaigning in HOUSTON, because that's where his city fled for safety? It boggles the mind and leaves a gross feeling in my stomach. These are strange times.

"Surreal"-a perfect description.

These ARE strange times indeed.


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I guess it's not the only example of this type of "outreach," if you will.

I just saw an ad on the Fox network telling hurricane evacuees across the nation how they can file their tax returns over the internet. Just amazing.

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Has anyone else seen the nagin billboard on 45? It says re-elect "our" mayor, with a huge picture of nagins big shiny bald head. So do you think "our" meant white people? Lolx20!

This reminds me of those late-night commercials for the chatline, where the girl smirks and says pointedly "And best of all, it's just for us." <_<

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Just saw an ad on CNN for "Louisiana Rebirth." Encouraging people across the country to visit again. Seems like a good idea, but I wonder if it's a little premature. Anyone been to New Orleans in the last couple of weeks?

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Just saw an ad on CNN for "Louisiana Rebirth." Encouraging people across the country to visit again. Seems like a good idea, but I wonder if it's a little premature. Anyone been to New Orleans in the last couple of weeks?

I don't think it's premature considering most visitors stick to the French Quarter which had minimal damage. I was there last November and enjoyed it. Friends of mine went for Mardi Gras and much more is open including Harrah's.

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If the people of NOLA actually re-elect that buffoon, they deserve everything they've gotten and will continue to get.

Same goes for the Louisiana moron-in-chief, Kathleen Blanco. I'm surprised she hasn't "disappeared" yet....I'd have thought for sure someone would have deep-sixed her smug self off Lake Ponchartrain.

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Surprise, Surprise.

Miss Blue Hair seemingly only has a problem with the way Democrats responded to Katrina.

Where is your "smug" disdain for the federal government, especially considering there is clear evidence that the official Republican fall-guy Michael Brown warned the Bush Administration days before landfall of the potential devastation to New Orleans?

The entire response, at all levels and from both parties, has been nothing short of abysmal. The fact that the government can find the money to produce tv commercials to tell victims how to file their tax returns at a time when some families are still having to RECOVER their own relatives' dead bodies in person because FEMA can't find the funding for full recovery efforts is flat out DISGUSTING.

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Um...yeah. Wha? The topic is RAY NAGIN. Not GEORGE BUSH. I am responding to the two morons in charge of THEIR STATE and CITY. They did a shi*ty job, period. Please...don't blame their multiple incompetencies on the White House. The fact that they are Democrats is merely a coincidence. Or is it...LOL.... :lol:

Is "Miss Blue Hair" supposed to be some sort of jab or joke? If it is, I don't get it. I wore a wig at Fantasy Fest in Key West surrounded by a bunch of gay men. .....and? What's the point of saying something like "Miss Blue Hair"? It's juvenile...but can I expect anything less from a Kinkaid Alum? Especially one who has to make it their user name?

What's even better is there I am on Duval Street, drinking it up and smoking like a Sin City drag queen and you all have me pegged as this right-wing zealot. It's pretty humorous. :lol:

...and Red Scare, I see you snooping in here. You be nice. :lol:

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Um...yeah. Wha? The topic is RAY NAGIN. Not GEORGE BUSH. I am responding to the two morons in charge of THEIR STATE and CITY. They did a shi*ty job, period. Please...don't blame their multiple incompetencies on the White House. The fact that they are Democrats is merely a coincidence. Or is it...LOL.... :lol:

Is "Miss Blue Hair" supposed to be some sort of jab or joke? If it is, I don't get it. I wore a wig at Fantasy Fest in Key West surrounded by a bunch of gay men. .....and? What's the point of saying something like "Miss Blue Hair"? It's juvenile...but can I expect anything less from a Kinkaid Alum? Especially one who has to make it their user name?

What's even better is there I am on Duval Street, drinking it up and smoking like a Sin City drag queen and you all have me pegged as this right-wing zealot. It's pretty humorous. :lol:

...and, some of her best friends are Black.

So, there! :blink:

...and Red Scare, I see you snooping in here. You be nice. :lol:

Too late.

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Um...yeah. Wha? The topic is RAY NAGIN. Not GEORGE BUSH. I am responding to the two morons in charge of THEIR STATE and CITY. They did a shi*ty job, period. Please...don't blame their multiple incompetencies on the White House. The fact that they are Democrats is merely a coincidence. Or is it...LOL.... :lol:

Is "Miss Blue Hair" supposed to be some sort of jab or joke? If it is, I don't get it. I wore a wig at Fantasy Fest in Key West surrounded by a bunch of gay men. .....and? What's the point of saying something like "Miss Blue Hair"? It's juvenile...but can I expect anything less from a Kinkaid Alum? Especially one who has to make it their user name?

What's even better is there I am on Duval Street, drinking it up and smoking like a Sin City drag queen and you all have me pegged as this right-wing zealot. It's pretty humorous. :lol:

...and Red Scare, I see you snooping in here. You be nice. :lol:

It's nice to see how enlightened you are.^^^

But you shouldn't make fun of Kinkaid Alum. It's no easy task getting admitted.

Have you looked at your name? What's it take to get into Parrothead Academy? 3 marguritas and a pack of Kool Filter Kings?


BTW: as far as deep sixing Blanco-that sounds more your style :wacko:

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No, honey, at the time, it took Dunhills, a Versace dress, and a Kurant Cosmo with a twist. A sense of humor and a love of Jimmy Buffett helps, but it doesn't get you in the door necessarily.

Enlightened? Yeah, I guess I am. But then, I already knew that. :D

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Has anyone tagged those billboards yet?

Or is Houston not "Big enough of a city"?

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Senora Parrot-

Typical. You can dish it out but you can't seem to take it. Conservatives are always feeling attacked, but what they are truly experiencing is a counter-attack.

As for my username, I thought it would be kind of refreshing for people to see that not every alum of Kinkaid is an aspiring young neo-con. Some of us actually think for ourselves...

Now, back to the topic at hand, I guess this is why Republicans are for states' rights? So that when the federal government (the largest and most secrative and most powerful it has ever been) f&*$s up, they can blame the local cronies?

Gotta give it to ya, that's pretty smart.

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Take what? Please, KA, tell me exactly what I'm "taking" in this conversation that I can't seem to handle. I am really curious now. Amused, most definitely, but curious as hell.

For such a thinker, I would have gathered that you understood how this whole "Republic" thing works, especially in emergency and federal funding cases. I guess not. Take heart--Kathleen and Ray don't either.

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I know full well how a Republic works. More importantly, I am aware when it doesn't work as well.

What you can't seem to take is someone taking a playful jab at you (Miss Blue Hair). You get all huffy and self-righteous and then attack others for being juvenile.

What's really funny is that your entire profile screams SIXTH GRADER. Could you add some bubble lettering and put hearts for the dotted i's to make it more complete? I am fully expecting to see you add my pic with my face Xed out next...Wha? Wha? Whaaaat?

However, my main issue with you is that you use the same old tired line about "I was a liberal when I was young too" as if that gives you the right to be a total ftard today. You weren't liberal back in the day. Drinking and smoking and hanging with queers in Key West doesn't translate to caring about universal health care, housing, public transportation, the environment, human rights, peace, quality public education, and the host of other things that true liberals care about. And, quite frankly, if "growing up" requires one to discard these values, then I want to be a kid for ever!

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I never said I was a liberal, not ever....and if you think conservatives don't care about those issues, you're dead wrong.

It wasn't a "playful" jab at all, anyone can see that in that post as well as this one--but since you've resorted to name calling, you're just a jerk, pure and simple. I'd rather have the fun-loving attitude of a sixth-grader than be a pompous ass who thinks somehow that announcing you went to Kinkaid puts you in some sort of elitist group, when all it does is show what an egotist you really are.

Don't worry about being a kid forever--you'll have no problem with that. Calling gay men "queers" and me an "ftard" (I'm assuming that means "fu*king retard") just about seals the deal on your maturity level. Brilliantly done.

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