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HAIF Ad Design Opinions


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That's a good idea. I'll put one together and post it here.

Again, I need high-resolution versions of these images in order to use them. That means at least 1500x1000 pixels.

Also, Cite e-mailed me and said that the committee is meeting tomorrow to decide what the 2006 publishing schedule will be, so hopefully we'll know when we can see HAIF on the newsstands soon.

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editor, i like the jeebus gateway picture and copy better than the skyline shot from eleanor tinsley park, that shot is so played out we dont even pay attention to it anymore. did you try to barter with cite and promote subscription sales through banner ads on haif instead of paying full price? trade ads or trade checks and both can show revenue.

did you contact the rda and promote the mod tour on the website for free ads? you need to leverage what you have to get what you want. just ask, all they can say is no. good luck.


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editor, i like the jeebus gateway picture and copy better than the skyline shot from eleanor tinsley park, that shot is so played out we dont even pay attention to it anymore.

Absolutely agree. If no one had ever been to Houston they must think it resembles a theater backdrop.

There's other angles, such as from Sesquicentennial Park, that are more 3-D. That would be a refreshing change.

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I haven't tried to barter with RDA yet. We already have the money -- most contributed by HAIFers and the rest by me. So money for placing the ad isn't a problem right now.

I guess you're all right about the skyline picture being overused. I'll see what else I have.

Here's the ad with a different Houston picture I had nearby, and with Jeebus' text.



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I really like the Jeebus image. The skyline shots are just kind of overdone [plus I have a special connection to that ring ;) ]


BTW, how much money do you have and how much more do you need?

Edited by nmainguy
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That's kind of cute. I like it. Expecially when paired with the odd last picture.

I'm still waiting to hear back from Cite. Until then, I'll take more suggestions and then maybe do a poll for the final designs.

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I like everything you've come up with. My only suggestion is that the picture you choose, if you choose one similar to the ones above, is one that is more "full" with midrise infill buildings.

Oh, and I love that last one. It's perfect.

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i like the second picture, the one above the "caroon" image. if u want i could do some photoshop images of the city if u sent me some pictures....i have a lot of time to kill between classes sometimes and it could give you other ideas or you might just like it. just let me know

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Cite just wrote back. The deadline for the ad is May 22, so I'd just like to get it in in a week or so just to be done with it. It would appear in the issue that comes out at the end of June.

I like the last picture, but with the new slogan and a slight change in text positioning.

With any luck, the ad will attract enough new people that we can afford to buy an ad in the following magazine, too. Then we'll be able to use a different picture then.

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I finally got around to looking at the marketing materials Texas Monthly sent. I think maybe our next ad after Cite should be there. We can get one of those one-inch display ads in the back of the magazine in color for a very reasonable rate -- not terribly much more than a black-and-white ad in Cite. Of course, the Cite ad is three times as large, but the Texas Monthly ad is color and reaches about 50x more people than cite.

Anyway.. just something I'm chewing over for the next time.

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There's a check for $50 in the mail for the ad.

I like the subliminal exclamation point. It is definatly an eye catcher. :o


I got the check. Thanks so much for contributing.

I got the contract from Cite today. We should have everything finalized soon.

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