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Tom DeLay Says He Will Give Up His Seat


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I think the guy finally realized that, given all the facts, he no longer has anything whatsoever to offer politically.

Hmmmm, that just might make him the perfect presidential candidate for the Dems in 2008!


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"He said he will change his legal residence to his condominium in Alexandria, Va., from his modest two-story home on a golf course here in the 22nd District of Texas."

His devotion to his district and state is touching. :lol:

So the little roach thinks it's going to have a peaceful-and wealthy-life as a lobbiest in DC...we'll see.

BTW...just in case...can you lobby from prison cell?


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Hmmmm, that just might make him the perfect presidential candidate for the Dems in 2008!


Nope. Nope. Keep him. He is a Republican through and through.

His devotion to his district and state is touching. :lol:

So the little roach thinks it's going to have a peaceful-and wealthy-life as a lobbiest in DC...we'll see.

BTW...just in case...can you lobby from prison cell?


And what will his prison b name be? Tammy? :D

Edited by west20th
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Tom Delay.......A dirty wolf cloaked in the guise of morality and Christian values. But what was so stunning was the amount of people who were blinded to his actions by those labels. Yeah, a moral Christian man who developed a reputation that garnered the nickname "The Hammer".

For so very many reasons, I say Good riddance!

By the way, Maxconcrete am I correct in thinking you have a pretty significant interest in Houston Freeways? ;)

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Tom Delay.......A dirty wolf cloaked in the guise of morality and Christian values. But what was so stunning was the amount of people who were blinded to his actions by those labels. Yeah, a moral Christian man who developed a reputation that garnered the nickname "The Hammer".

For so very many reasons, I say Good riddance!

By the way, Maxconcrete am I correct in thinking you have a pretty significant interest in Houston Freeways? ;)

Were you implying that Max has something to gain (financially or otherwise) from new freeway construction or are you asking out of curiousity whether he has an intellectual interest in the subject?

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Were you implying that Max has something to gain (financially or otherwise) from new freeway construction or are you asking out of curiousity whether he has an intellectual interest in the subject?

You are just about the silliest little girl I've ever encountered on HAIF. You take a simple statement like "By the way, Maxconcrete am I correct in thinking you have a pretty significant interest in Houston Freeways?" and try to turn it into some complex conspiracy. The guy doesn't like mass transit as we know it. That's it. That's legit. Too often you try too hard with your convoluted replys to present yourself as an "intellectual thinker".

Now before you reply with your usual demand that we validate every one of your sometimes bizarre pronouncements-such as standing by and watching gunshot victims bleed to death-save your keyboard skills. You have become tiered and tedious. And a bit too "wordy" for your own good.


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You are just about the silliest little girl I've ever encountered on HAIF. You take a simple statement like "By the way, Maxconcrete am I correct in thinking you have a pretty significant interest in Houston Freeways?" and try to turn it into some complex conspiracy. The guy doesn't like mass transit as we know it. That's it. That's legit.

Is it? Was Maxconcrete sitting next to you when you sent this reply? God forbid he get to answer in his own behalf.

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Is it? Was Maxconcrete sitting next to you when you sent this reply? God forbid he get to answer in his own behalf.

No, he wasn't sitting here next to me. I tied him up and threw him in the garage with TheNiche in a HAIF smack-down. Guess who won?

...and to dbig, I would never slight you :D


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You are just about the silliest little girl I've ever encountered on HAIF. You take a simple statement like "By the way, Maxconcrete am I correct in thinking you have a pretty significant interest in Houston Freeways?" and try to turn it into some complex conspiracy. The guy doesn't like mass transit as we know it. That's it. That's legit. Too often you try too hard with your convoluted replys to present yourself as an "intellectual thinker".

Now before you reply with your usual demand that we validate every one of your sometimes bizarre pronouncements-such as standing by and watching gunshot victims bleed to death-save your keyboard skills. You have become tiered and tedious. And a bit too "wordy" for your own good.


You have claimed in multiple posts that I am irrelevant. If so, first of all, why do you still embarrass yourself by responding to me?

I asked the question that you quoted in order to qualify VelvetJ's comments. There'd be nothing more embarassing or costly in terms of my own time than going off on a rant because I misinterpreted a comment. The act is commonly referred to as CYA. If it weren't slightly ambiguous, I'd have simply made a point and been done with it.

I still don't know what VelvetJ's true intention was, but if it was an accusation, then it sounds like a very circumstantial one. Is it really so impossible to think that someone might hold a contrary opinion because they're relying on their own objective analysis? Believe it or not, even honest and objective assessments of complicated issues can ultimately yield uncertainty or conflicting conclusions. If it wasn't an accusation, then I wouldn't really have anything worth saying.

By the way, you have a knack for misquoting me. "Standing by and watching gunshot victims bleed to death" is not a fitting description of my personal response to such a scenario. I made that perfectly clear - you have misinterpreted it repeatedly.

True, I am very verbose, and true, it costs me friends. That's fine. I'm not living and breathing for the purpose of impressing you or anyone else. Love me or hate me, I'll be who I am - nothing more or less. I'd rather be complicated, wordy, thorough, and as intellectually-transparent as possible than shallow, short-sighted, stubborn, and anti-intellectual, as I perceive you to be. If you would like to challenge my conclusions in regard to your personal character, feel free to do so. I'd very much welcome examples of how you've been anything but closed-minded and accusatory in our discussions.

By the way, I don't much like making these kinds of personal attacks. How about we try to avoid personal attacks in the future (especially if their only grounds are that we disagree with one another)? Am I being reasonable, here? I mean, its fine to disagree and argue about things; it just seems like a waste of HAIF bandwidth and of the HAIF community's time to slander one another.

P.S. - If you still want to insult me or my character, you're welcome to...but please PM me on it. Don't waste our collective HAIF bandwidth or time.

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I agree with you: you are very verbose.

I don't feel the need to challange your conclusions about my character-I'll just say I wouldn't step over someone bleeding to death in the middle of the street. Not even Tom DeLay.

[Don't worry, I don't embarrass myself too often and definatly not with you.]


Edited by nmainguy
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I agree with you: you are very verbose.

I don't feel the need to challange your conclusions about my character-I'll just say I wouldn't step over someone bleeding to death in the middle of the street. Not even Tom DeLay.

[Don't worry, I don't embarrass myself too often and definatly not with you.]


Then it appears that we're in at least general agreement:

1) I am very verbose.

2) Neither of us would step over someone bleeding to death in the middle of the street.

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