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Also in LGW's favor for me, i dont usually have to leave the airport grounds. I only have to walk over to the airport Hilton ;) Ever stay there? If so, try to avoid shopping at the "Whistle Stop" store. that place is a rip off on prices!!!! :angry2::angry2::angry2:

Yeah, spent the last night of my vacation in London there last year. Didn't hit the store though.

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Yeah, spent the last night of my vacation in London there last year. Didn't hit the store though.

Spent many days and nights there in the past. I hope you got one of the refurbished rooms, and a room that was facing the outside and not the interior bar/lobby/gathering area. It can get a bit loud ;);)

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I have found the Li'l Buddy Store on White Oak at Usener has a wine section that meets my needs. And, there is almost always several connoisuers out front if you need help making your selections.

Yep, I am with you there Red, a nice screw cap vintage is always nice. *hic*

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Yep, I am with you there Red, a nice screw cap vintage is always nice. *hic*

LOL. Actually some very good wines are starting to use screw caps now. I see a lot of them from Australia and New Zealand.

But I do remember the drunken haze a bottle of Boone's Strawberry Hill could give you for about $3 in my college days. And the headache that came with it the next morning. :o

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I stayed in the newer wing, not the original part of the hotel. It was quite a long walk from the lobby, but a very nice, quiet room with a huge bathroom.

Good man!! If you ever stay there again, always request a room away from the lobby/bar area. This hotel is one that has the 24 hr bar now, so the party continues around the clock!!!

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Good man!! If you ever stay there again, always request a room away from the lobby/bar area. This hotel is one that has the 24 hr bar now, so the party continues around the clock!!!

I'm staying there again in January -- booked a pretty cheap weekend trip to London on a fare mistake I found out about on another site last night. And yes, I remember that bar being LOUD when I checked into the hotel about 23:00 last time I was there. I've read reviews on another site about it being very loud, and the rooms in the newer wing being MUCH nicer than thsoe in the original part of the hotel.

Don't worry... won't be smuggling any wine, or much else, back on this trip. Due to the circumstances of this trip, I'll be traveling very light, probably with just a small duffel bag with a couple of changes of clothes and toiletries, and my computer bag. Won't have to worry about any 80 pound suitcases full of wine this time!

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Don't worry... won't be smuggling any wine, or much else, back on this trip. Due to the circumstances of this trip, I'll be traveling very light, probably with just a small duffel bag with a couple of changes of clothes and toiletries, and my computer bag. Won't have to worry about any 80 pound suitcases full of wine this time!

Uh oh, sounds like me. Are we in the same line of work? ;);)

A few cans of Carling beer wont tip the weight of your baggage too much ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I used to entertain quite a bit, B.B. (Before Baby). I've had expensive stuff and cheap, and imho, the best white wine out there is Beringer Chenin Blanc. Randall's has it sometimes two for $9. It seems to be a perfect blend, not too sweet and not too dry, with a good crisp flavor and no bite. A good, solid house wine that has gotten a lot of compliments. I was at Spec's several years ago over on Memorial and it was recommended as a "best pick" for 1999 and that they (the winery) had one of their best years ever. I bought several bottles and have never looked back! To me, 2005 is just as delicious, I don't notice a difference at all. I also cook with it all the time!

Sometimes you just find something and stick with it I guess. :)

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I do love Vinho Verde, but IMHO that's more of a hot summer night wine.

I like Yalumba Viognier - tangy/citrusy and just a little bit different than a Chardonnay, I think it runs about $12/bottle.

Edited to add - also worth checking out are the New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs. They'll probably cost between $15-20 (Kim Crawford is a reliable brand), they go really well with seafood and with spice.

Edited by sunsets
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I like Yalumba Viognier - tangy/citrusy and just a little bit different than a Chardonnay, I think it runs about $12/bottle.

A viognier would be great. Get a recommendation from Specs, or choose the one listed above. These are really making a comeback after nearly going out of production many years ago. I spent this past summer trying every one I could find and found them all to be excellent drinkers and good matches for food, too. If your tastes run to pinot grigios or sauvignon blancs, you'll be right at home with a viognier. Most are crisp, with a fine sense of the fruit, without being overly sweet. Just clean and full. The madness to derive an oaky quality out of the wine, as in most California chardonnays, has also, thankfully, been absent in the viogniers I've tried.

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