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How's New Orleans Doing?

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You know, I'd understand that a lot of the old high-wage jobs will likely return, if only because various companies (particularly large corporations) will stay put, either out of defiance of the weather or in order to avoid bad press...

...but good luck getting any corporate relocations/expansions (i.e. long-term employment growth) from companies based outside of the region for a good long while.

By the way, from the perspective of a city that has had its share of big sporting events and conventions, let me caution you that their effects are very temporary and relatively minimal when it really comes down to it.

Good luck, though...for what little its worth.

That's nice, but, I'm on several business councils in the City and we're up on what's going on here (and working one on one with the NFL and the NBA)..at least we are trying. And we know we have challenges ahead, but, as mentioned, New Orleans remains a major American city, and we have already been contacted by over a half a dozen companies interested in coming to New Orleans that would bring over 5,000 high paying jobs in the next 3 to 5 years...we can't say anything, and that is just the way it is...but, don't expect any announcements for two years, at least..they know we're cleaning up and we have asked them to give us time. So, don't count us out, just yet..there are serious financial benefits for companies wanting to locate here...provided by the gov't in the form of tax incentives (local and national), in assisting the recovery...

Edited by alon504
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The Saints will more than likely have a better team than the Oilers. The area has made a lot of progress. The news media and reports can all be taken with a grain of salt. We no longer get magazines and junk mail.

Walmart stays open till 8pm. Most places to eat have full menus. You rarely see frigs on the street anymore. Over 300,000 have been picked up. New Orleans is much more than central city and the projects. I have black friends also. The schools will be better because most are gone. Charter schools are in. LSU will more than likely not be able to beat Texas and Texas A&M in basketball again in the same year. The fishing is great but have worked almost everyday since the storm. No vacation here. Could you live in a FEMA trailer for 6 months? Your hospital closed down, your doctor retired,your drugstore flooded. You just go find another one with better parking and pray you dont have to use them. Snowballs are back. A lot of the family eateries are back. The chains are having to pay a decent wage. $10 per hour with bonuses. There are a lot of nice spanish speaking people in town working their asses off, some will more than likely stay. Taco Bell opened last week and the crowd was extremely large. Many people have come from other areas to help people rebuild. A large percentage of flooded areas had older people, Hey when you are 70-90 and loose home,house,car, and only have the clothes on your back,you need some help. You want to live with your mother for 6 months and Uncle Ben on the couch. How are we going to cut the grass once its raining again,it could resemble the jungle. Audubon park is open, the aquarium is open, so you can see its an experience for all of us. Thanks for Houston for having me for that week,met a lot of great people. Got the taste of the malls and Merry go rounds with free rides. Got a new computer, learned how to use a chain saw, repaired roofs of a cuple of friends. My hat goes off to those guys in this heat. Lets thanks the National Guard for the MREs and the water. It will take a while, I was one of the lucky ones. This is my home! :rolleyes:

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If the recovery remains slow NOLA will actually be the poster child city for the New United States without a middle class! Never thought they would be on the cutting edge of American Society.

The rest of the country will now be quickly racing to catch up to NOLA's quality of life.

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