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New Parking Meters

Houstonian in Iraq

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I tried searching for an existing thread, but no luck(mod, merge if it's found)

Anyways .....anyone else hear about these cool meters. They are suppose to start being installed this month. They will be solar power and I think you can use your credit card. You can even recharge your meter via cell phone. I also heard they might have day long passes avaible.

Well I look forward to it. All my existing tickets are parking tickets a good 400 dollars. I got most of them while in class at UHD when I couldn't get out of class. Just yesterday I had to go through my car to try to find some change and then go into a deli to get enough change for the remainder of my parking stay.

Will easier parking make street spaces more scarce?

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I think we could have come up with better ways to spend 15mil.


Read the article:

Council members voted unanimously to approve the contract, praising Rambo for using a transparent process and creating a project that will pay for itself. The meters, tested in downtown last year, will be paid for with revenue they collect.

"This is what taxpayers want ... a project like this that is fiscally sound," said Councilman Adrian Garcia.

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I did. You can't belive everything you read, although some dummies always will.

A rubber-stamp by city council should get everyone's attention.

I work in IT, and deal with Wireless networks all the time. Uptime is not 100% by any means.

How do you update a meter when the network is down?

Sometimes it's best not the be the "first customer" in the US.

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They have these in Chicago, but not owning a car, I haven't had a chance to use them. I think one of the ways they help save money is on maintenance, because they only put one meter on each side of the street on each block, so there's fewer meters to break, and fewer to collect money from.

There is a side-effect: Many fewer places to lock up your bike. But it does make the streets much nicer to walk down.

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that's like the existing meters around minute maid, although last time i tried to use one it was hard to operate (i think someone had bashed the typepad).

i never understood why they installed these new-ish meters without the money-technology component (or at least didn't wait)...

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I did. You can't belive everything you read, although some dummies always will.

A rubber-stamp by city council should get everyone's attention.

I work in IT, and deal with Wireless networks all the time. Uptime is not 100% by any means.

How do you update a meter when the network is down?

Sometimes it's best not the be the "first customer" in the US.

Some people look at the glass and see it as half empty.

Some people look at the glass and see it as half full.

And some people look at the glass and say "It's glass. It's probably going to get broken anyway, so why bother? Everything sucks. What a bunch of morons."

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  • 6 months later...


Related to this, have you seen how fugly the new solar powered parking meeter stations are?

These are tied in to the network.

Anyone have a pic? They sure ain't pretty.

Yeah I snapped a couple pics before I headed out of town yesterday.



Edited by Houstonian in Iraq
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