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People talking about Olympics waaaaaay in 2016. The way this damn world going we probably won't see a 2016. Houston should of won the 2012 Olympic bid instead trying to go after 2016 bid.

Furthermore, Houston is tooo damn slow. Chicago, NYC, L.A., Dallas, even Atlanta building and furthering their transit, while Houston Metro have to plead to people can they build metrorail down the street.

Houston for 2016 Olympics? Yeah, right. Give me a break! Hell, Atlanta got a better chance on getting it again then Houston.

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People talking about Olympics waaaaaay in 2016. The way this damn world going we probably won't see a 2016. Houston should of won the 2012 Olympic bid instead trying to go after 2016 bid.

Furthermore, Houston is tooo damn slow. Chicago, NYC, L.A., Dallas, even Atlanta building and furthering their transit, while Houston Metro have to plead to people can they build metrorail down the street.

Houston for 2016 Olympics? Yeah, right. Give me a break! Hell, Atlanta got a better chance on getting it again then Houston.

So a city is completely judged on having rail lines? You mean you want to throw rail up any where without research and tests so it can take a 10million dollar a month loss and have pathetic ridrership numbers like our friends in Dallas? What about Atlanta, there own citizens don't understand why they built rail? Give me a break, pal, you have no sense of reality. You just got put on the same list with citykid and plastic.

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Guest Plastic

OH please there are many things which decide a city. Not the one thing but the most fundemental. And city that's about anything has to have rail. only a small but tourist city like Las Vegas can get away without it although the have a monorail between casinos.

To put it simple HOuston is just not there when compare d to other cities. Although we're a big metropolitain city people in LA and New York think about us the way we think about people from Alabama. I've heard many outof towners talk about HOuston. Infact I was talking to a Hong Kong woman last week. I asked her what she thought about Houston and she said she didn't like it......it's too boring.

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Houston has a very good chance. But at the time, we happened to still have a little bit of spite during 2003.

Enron, Allison, Yates, the hilton (run over your husband) woman, etc.

2004 was a complete turn around in media for us.

Light Rail, Super Bowl, All Star, World Series, Katria Help, etc.

We would have been in the #2 spot in the runs, but I am skeptical to say this or not... But alot of the cities yielded to NYC in sympathy for 9/11. San Francisco was ahead of us in that bid, but the way they set up the plans to have everyhintg so close together was far ahead of all the other U.S. bids, and they made sure to point that out to us when the bids were still being considered.

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San Francisco was ahead of us in that bid, but the way they set up the plans to have everyhintg so close together was far ahead of all the other U.S. bids, and they made sure to point that out to us when the bids were still being considered.

Montrose, you're talking about Houston's bid being so close together, right? SF's bid was trashed initially for being too spread out. They reconfigured things and jumped up in the rankings.

Edited by RedScare
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OH please there are many things which decide a city. Not the one thing but the most fundemental. And city that's about anything has to have rail. only a small but tourist city like Las Vegas can get away without it although the have a monorail between casinos.

To put it simple HOuston is just not there when compare d to other cities. Although we're a big metropolitain city people in LA and New York think about us the way we think about people from Alabama. I've heard many outof towners talk about HOuston. Infact I was talking to a Hong Kong woman last week. I asked her what she thought about Houston and she said she didn't like it......it's too boring.

I always enjoy your posts because normally the are a veritable laugh fest-but this time you are...just a silly willy? People from NYC and LA think we're like people from Alabama and someone from Hong Kong informs your opinion? Save your cash and go to the Galleria. You can buy all the same crap in one easy location-except Neimans-they haven't gone slumming in Hong Kong yet-still too communist. :lol:


[i'm still getting a kick out of you Plastic because you seem devoid of the xenophobic and nativist anti-American rancor that has recently plopped it's ugly head on HAIF and other sites :wub: ]


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Atlanta got to host the games for two reasons: Ted Turner, and Ted Turner. His stadium was the opening ceremonies, and you see Atlanta everynight on CNN. Whenever we get our own major tv network headquarters, we may have an equal chance as ATL.

The Games would be the ultimate chance to showcase Houston as a world-class city. It's all about image, really. We don't need an Olympics to improve our quality of life and facilities like other cities, but we need more big events for the world to see that Houston deserves to be mentioned as one of the first cities that comes to mind when you think of an American city, and give businesses a reason image-wise why their conventions should be held in Houston rather than any other.

We already have a major television station DJ, The WB39, are you kidding me ? We are a cinch to win. <_<:lol:

We will get the Olympics the day that Katie Holmes admits she got her "fever blisters" from kissing on Tom Cruise. :blink:



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Suppose it's later in the year and the IOC has announced that Houston is the host city for the 2016 games. WHat all do you suppose has to and is going to happen? What will the city and other private entities around the city do to get this city ready?

The Olympiad will probrably change the course,image, and landscape of the city forever. But just how?

Actually Plastic, a lot less than you think. Houston was a serious contender the last time, and can be again, mainly because we already have many of the venues needed in place. Not many cities can boast two 60,000+ seat stadiums a hundred yards from eachother. One of the strengths of our 2012 bid was the low cost of construction. My personal favorite part was the proposed archery range in front of Rocket Park at NASA. By 2016, I'll bet one of the current Space Shuttles will have a resting place there as well. What other city can boast an olympic venue with a Saturn V Rocket and a Space Shuttle as a backdrop?

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Guest Plastic

You guys act like if we jus tdo alittle work The Olympics are ours. We're not just a little behind but faaar behind.

Yes we got to the last national list. WHen compared to little cities like Portalnd,Kansas City, and Buffalo Houston has a chance. But when compared to cities of eqaull of greaer size we have rally no chance. There's so much more in a small city like Kas Vegas that our population and entertainment are far out of ratio.

Put it to you like this, they day you turn on The Travel Channel or watch a gameshow and see a trip to Houston as a prize trip for one of the contestants then you will know we have a chance at the Olympics. Infact only once have I seen a gameshow giveaway a trip to Houston and it was to The Galleria "Resort".

I mean, could Housotn handle an Olympics. it would certainly change our way of living. The only way I see us getting it is if the premier cities are not on the list,the IOC flet sorry for us, or the just wanted to do something different.

I mean, would you want Houston to be the first impression people from over the globe get of America?

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You guys act like if we jus tdo alittle work The Olympics are ours. We're not just a little behind but faaar behind.

Yes we got to the last national list. WHen compared to little cities like Portalnd,Kansas City, and Buffalo Houston has a chance. But when compared to cities of eqaull of greaer size we have rally no chance. There's so much more in a small city like Kas Vegas that our population and entertainment are far out of ratio.

Put it to you like this, they day you turn on The Travel Channel or watch a gameshow and see a trip to Houston as a prize trip for one of the contestants then you will know we have a chance at the Olympics. Infact only once have I seen a gameshow giveaway a trip to Houston and it was to The Galleria "Resort".

I mean, could Housotn handle an Olympics. it would certainly change our way of living. The only way I see us getting it is if the premier cities are not on the list,the IOC flet sorry for us, or the just wanted to do something different.

I mean, would you want Houston to be the first impression people from over the globe get of America?

Houston is not a tourism based economy. Theres no need for fake facia to get people to come here for tourism. This is a more white color city, and not an amusement arena.

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I always enjoy your posts because normally the are a veritable laugh fest-but this time you are...just a silly willy? People from NYC and LA think we're like people from Alabama and someone from Hong Kong informs your opinion? Save your cash and go to the Galleria. You can buy all the same crap in one easy location-except Neimans-they haven't gone slumming in Hong Kong yet-still too communist. :lol:


[i'm still getting a kick out of you Plastic because you seem devoid of the xenophobic and nativist anti-American rancor that has recently plopped it's ugly head on HAIF and other sites :wub: ]


nmainguy can't handle the truth.

This is a more white color city


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You're right that Houston's reputation has improved a lot since the Olympic bid. And if everything else you say is true (I'll have to accept it since I haven't read the bid myself), then the Bayou City has a good shot next time.

But is there the political will?

Did you miss the part where redscare said basically, Houston lost because it is ...Houston?

Houston has no chance in hell to get the olympics. Once the Olympics are over, noone gives a darn about where they were held anyway.

NBC had the lowest winter olympic ratings ever. During every Olympics you hear about how the venues have tons of unsold seats for the events.

If Houston wants to become a "world class" city...there are better more effective ways than hosting a frick olympics.

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Why laugh on what Houston1stword mention, Midtowner? He is totally right. Houston is a business hub, an white color and collar city. H-town is not a tourist trap, they're trying to make it a tourist trap, but have alot of catching up to do.

When will Houston host another big event? NCAA FINAL FOUR in 2012, right?

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Guest Plastic

I don't mean for Houston to become a tourist trap but to have a reasonable amount of tourist. Even Atlanta has a good amount of tourists.

Austin is in the processof building a train system. If they just build a few venues and hotels they might have as good a shot as we do.

And it's Winter Olympics that are geting low ratings not summer.

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Why laugh on what Houston1stword mention, Midtowner? He is totally right. Houston is a business hub, an white color and collar city. H-town is not a tourist trap, they're trying to make it a tourist trap, but have alot of catching up to do.

When will Houston host another big event? NCAA FINAL FOUR in 2012, right?

We host the Final Four in 2011, but I think you're right that it's the next big scheduled sports event for Houston. Not as big, but I think we're hosting a regional or two before 2011. I THINK they'll be played at Toyota Center, but not sure what the details are. Can someone clarify?

I mean, would you want Houston to be the first impression people from over the globe get of America?

Actually, yeah.

You guys act like if we jus tdo alittle work The Olympics are ours. We're not just a little behind but faaar behind.

Yes we got to the last national list. WHen compared to little cities like Portalnd,Kansas City, and Buffalo Houston has a chance. But when compared to cities of eqaull of greaer size we have rally no chance. There's so much more in a small city like Kas Vegas that our population and entertainment are far out of ratio.

Put it to you like this, they day you turn on The Travel Channel or watch a gameshow and see a trip to Houston as a prize trip for one of the contestants then you will know we have a chance at the Olympics. Infact only once have I seen a gameshow giveaway a trip to Houston and it was to The Galleria "Resort".

I mean, could Housotn handle an Olympics. it would certainly change our way of living. The only way I see us getting it is if the premier cities are not on the list,the IOC flet sorry for us, or the just wanted to do something different.

I respect your opinion, but WTF was this? You really think Houston is only slightly more known than Portland, Kansas City, or Buffalo? (Insert Rick James Slap Here). WAKE UP! I like your wishful thinking, but Houston is not as unrecognized a city as you think. Take it from me, a guy who has been watching Houston's world coverage from the outside looking in. The world KNOWS we exist, but they don't know all Houston has to offer, and THAT'S why Houston wants to host the Olympics.

Seriously, take a second to think of all the cities we beat to get into the top four 2012 USOC list in the first place. Los Angeles, Tampa Bay/Orlando, Cinninati, Dallas, etc., then after that, think of all the cities that didn't even bother to run because they didn't think they had a chance. We were in the TOP FOUR of ALL the major cities in the US. Can you think of any positive reason why, because there were many.

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Guest Plastic

You're just repeating what I said. While yes we could beat a city like Portland we have to take on bigger cities like New York,CHicago, and San Fransisco.

That's the thing about Houston, big enough to be considered a world class city but lacks many of the qualities.

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You're just repeating what I said. While yes we could beat a city like Portland we have to take on bigger cities like New York,CHicago, and San Fransisco.

That's the thing about Houston, big enough to be considered a world class city but lacks many of the qualities.

That's exactly where we difer, Plastic. How exactly is Houston lacking a World Class quality?

To me, Houston has the qualities of a World Class city, but is lacking the recognition as such. That's it. I really would like to see theme parks in Houston, taller skyscrapers, and a more improved nightlife, but not having those things in Houston right now don't take away from the fact that Houston kicks the ass of MANY major cities in terms of quality of life and sense of community.

I feel Houston is very underrated, and I hope that if we get an Olympics or not, we stay underrated.

And one more thing: re-read what I said in the last post about Houston being in the top 4 in the USOC's 2012 bid. We beat all but four major cities. We're capable of doing it again with the right plan. How in the world is that repeating what you said?

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Guest Plastic

We didn't really beat Los Angeles. LA didn't get it cause it had it in 1984.

Transport,culture,and nightlife are important things that make any world class city. We also have to have a big international airport. You have to have lots and lots of major events,fistivals,and conventions, and of course recognition.

Oh may I admit theat you need a change in your grammar?

having those things in Houston right now don't take away from the fact that Houston kicks the ass of MANY major cities in terms of quality of life and sense of community.
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So IAH is not an International airport. We may not be that big in transportation, but we are getting there. But hell, we do have nightlife and lots of culture.

We did beat L.A., althought they came at this thing half-hearted.

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Guest Plastic

And as I said LA can't wind cause they had it just a few years down the road.

Intercontinental is not on the scale of Ohare,JFK,Lagaurdia,or LAX.

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And as I said LA can't wind cause they had it just a few years down the road.

Intercontinental is not on the scale of Ohare,JFK,Lagaurdia,or LAX.

You realize IAH handles many more passengers than LaGuardia, and only slightly fewer than JFK. Also the fact that you would correct someone else on grammar is laughable (see post #111). Not to mention you have a spelling error in the same sentence where you tell him he needs a change in his grammar. Granted spelling and grammar are two different things, but the point still stands.

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Oh may I admit theat you need a change in your grammar?

Theat's the best advice theat I've ever recieved from someone theat knows what theay are talking about.

Back on subject, IAH is a pretty damn world-class airport. I can't speak for Hobby, because it was revitalized after I last went through it, but I'd rather have IAH's design and size as an airport than most others in America, including Laguardia, JFK, and LAX. I've never been through O'Hare, but Atlanta's airport is the best airport I've been through in the US other than Houston's Terminal E. Trust me, IAH can handle the Olympics.

Quick question: has any of the cities including Houston put their 2016 plans online yet, or is that too preliminary?

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On the other hand you have to at least acknowledge that Houston would have an uphill battle on the World stage, which is what scares the USOC.

Exactly. Houston suffers from guilt by association.

It's an American city -- Strike one!

It's in Texas, president Bush's home state -- Strike two!

It's the home of Enron -- Strike three! You're out!

It doesn't matter how good the Houston bid is on paper, the USOC won't put up a city that doesn't stand a chance internationally. Although the majority of people in civilized nations like the United States, the very vocal, very political crowds that hate America are the ones that get all the attention these days. The IOC, being a European-style NGO, will always bow to pressure, whether it makes sense or not. I doubt ANY American city will get the Olympics for a while just because Europe and European-wanna-bes haven't shaken their misguided brand of political correctness yet.

Can you imagine the uproar in places like Islamabad, Paris, and London if the Olympics went to Houston? They'd call it "Bush's Olympics" and berate the IOC for rewarding someone they see as a "war criminal." They'd compare it to when the Olympic games were held in Nazi Germany, because the minds of these street thugs and the politicians who placate them, there's no difference between the United States of today and Germany under the Nazis.

Then, there's the conspiracy theories -- The Americans rigged the games bid to draw in a big international contingent so the Zionist Jews and the CIA can crash planes into the stadium!

There are people out there who think like this, and thousands more non-thinking people who think their every word is Gospel. What do you think the French rioters are doing when they're not marching in the streets? They're not working on ways to get to the moon, or inventing the internet, or putting on deodorant. They're sitting in cafe's bitching about America because their empire collapsed and their country has been relegated to the status of being a quaint backwater tourist attraction.

That's why Houston won't get the Olympics. And there's nothing Houston can do about it but wait.

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Exactly. Houston suffers from guilt by association.

It's an American city -- Strike one!

It's in Texas, president Bush's home state -- Strike two!

It's the home of Enron -- Strike three! You're out!

I partially disagree.

Enron was a big scandal, but the media and people around the world realize and recognize that it's not all of Houston's businesses that were corrupt; it was the executives of the company. I seriously doubt that the Enron scandal will have any effect on the USOC and IOC, especially since by 2009/2010, it probably won't be a big international topic.

Bush's home state? Bush will not be president in 2009/2010 when the votes come to play. At that time, whoever the President is, Democrat or Rebublican, will have their own PR to contend with, and THAT President may give their home state a weaker chance. For example, if Hilary Clinton were in office (not saying she's running), I think New York state would have a tougher shot. In fact, the only person from either party that I think could help Olympic chances while in office is Obama from Illinois, and that's going out on a limb. I think the only way Bush Jr. could have an effect is if he or Bush Sr. were part of the Houston Olympic commitee.

It's an American City: I think this is the main reason why Houston (and America for that matter) have a weak shot at 2016, but it has nothing to do with politics. The 2012's will be in England, an English-speaking nation. I think the IOC would try to pull a FIFA and try bring the Olympics to nations that never hosted before. FIFA's last World Cups was in Korea/Japan (1st time in Asia), and 2010 will be the first time in Africa. I think IOC would probably want to bring the Olympics to South America or Africa. I predict Rio De Janeiro 2016.

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