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Big Head On Main Street By David Adickes


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can you imagine waking up and throwing open the blinds to that face staring right at you? i'd slowly close the blinds, crawl back into bed and repeat........"it's only a dream, it's only a dream".

Out my bedroom window.....

(I hate it BTW...it stares at me night and day.... :wacko: )



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Out my bedroom window.....

(I hate it BTW...it stares at me night and day.... :wacko: )

Welcome to HAIF, RustyB.

I'd hate it too, but! what an opportunity!

Ever think of rigging up a couple of laser pointers, so you could make her eyes glow when people stop to admire her? :D

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She reminds me of those things from "Neverending Story"; the scene where Atreyu has to walk through a path of "big heads on Main Streets" lined up on each side. They shoot things at him, then begin to crumble all around. That scene always scared me.

Big head is very sinister looking.

RustyB, you have a happening view. ;)

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She reminds me of those things from "Neverending Story"; the scene where Atreyu has to walk through a path of "big heads on Main Streets" lined up on each side. They shoot things at him, then begin to crumble all around. That scene always scared me.

ooh the oracles :D

on an unrelated note, every time i drive through the two tall beams with the blue lights at UH (near 45) i think of the oracles (only ONE person i know has ever known what i was talking about :unsure: )

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ooh the oracles :D only ONE person i know has ever known what i was talking about :unsure: )

the main street head reminded me of that too. i think the material seems the same. photo

i instantly thought it would be neat if there more things like that around, yet more in

honor of something historic. the head annoyed me until i associated it with hulda.

i was pretty surprised by "the oracles" in the neverending story. they were pretty

hot to be in kids film... not to mention dominating. :mellow:

the oracles

Edited by torvald
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.... Big head is very sinister looking.

RustyB, you have a happening view. ;)

Thanks all for the welcome...I stumbled across this forum and can't stop reading it. There are few other places I'd rather be than downtown Houston, and there's so much interesting stuff to read here.

My apartment is nothing great, but the rent is cheap and the view is amazing...at least until that aweful hunk of concrete started peering into my windows 24/7. :D I guess this building will be sold soon, and I'll have to start paying the big bucks for someplace further into town, but at least that statue won't be watching me anymore.

The laser pointer comment had me cracking up. I'm going to have to find a couple of the biggest ones I can afford, and light her up! :D:D

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't want to seem ungrateful for the Houston Press mention, but I checked the logs and it appears to have had zero impact on the number of people coming to HAIF. Still, it's nice when members of HAIF are recognized for their contributions.

It's not the chronicle, or the times... :lol::ph34r:

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...

On at least four seperate (non-HAIF) occasions, I've heard this sculpture referred to as "Big Head On Main Street".

Thank goodness no one has marked the spot by writing these words on the sidewalk.

That would be wrong.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Oh no! We may have made fun, but we never wanted it to go away. I was actually fond of the crazy-assed Big Head on Main Street! I wonder if Mr. Addickes would like to place it in my back yard for safekeeping?

BTW, this was one of the all-time great HAIF threads. I miss those days. Now, the subject matter is....well, you can see what it is.

Edited by RedScare
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BTW, this was one of the all-time great HAIF threads. I miss those days. Now, the subject matter is....well, you can see what it is.

Eviscerated. What's left is an amalgam of tripe and fatty tissue. Perhaps not surprisingly, a real estate implosion will do that to an architecture forum.

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Man, I'm sorry to hear this.

The big presidential heads get stuck in the mud in Pearland, the big Beatles never made it to their spot off I-10, and now Big Head gets shipped back to the studio. Does Houston no longer have a place in its heart for big things?

The good news maybe is that this may be a chance for the Big Head to find a more fitting and visible location. Main at Leeland was always a bit isolated for something so...unique. I would like a location next to one of the freeways, perhaps 45N immediately north of downtown. That way people stuck in traffic would look up and think, "Hey! There's that big head!"

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The good news maybe is that this may be a chance for the Big Head to find a more fitting and visible location. Main at Leeland was always a bit isolated for something so...unique. I would like a location next to one of the freeways, perhaps 45N immediately north of downtown. That way people stuck in traffic would look up and think, "Hey! There's that big head!"

Well, since you claim to be a proponent of elaborate attention-getting aesthetics that are in questionable taste, how about we take the head over to the Beatles site, lay it on its side, sculpt some entrails coming out of the neck, and paint the ground red. Maybe carve a swastika in its forehead for good measure.

And as for the Beatles, we can just go ahead and knock over John and George. For good measure, John could be placed face-down and have four water jets that squirt out his back at random intervals.

Why not? That'd be a good way to stick it to the "Good Taste Police".

Edited by TheNiche
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Oh no! We may have made fun, but we never wanted it to go away.

Well, I didn't really mean it as a reproach. I guess I accidentally slipped in the indefinite article a, which entirely changed the meaning of what was supposed to be a joke.

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Well, I didn't really mean it as a reproach. I guess I accidentally slipped in the indefinite article a, which entirely changed the meaning of what was supposed to be a joke.

I'm pretty sure that the a was originally in brackets or parentheses, or otherwise indicated the double meaning. This was probably a stealth edit by an overzealous moderator trying to "make the world more beige."

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I'm pretty sure that the a was originally in brackets or parentheses, or otherwise indicated the double meaning. This was probably a stealth edit by an overzealous moderator trying to "make the world more beige."

My comment was changed from a not so clever double entendre to something a bjtchy third grade teacher would say?

Man, I feel hella safer.

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