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Big Head On Main Street By David Adickes


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"Gorgeous"? "Peaceful"?

That's not what the dude standing next to me yesterday at lunchtime, said. "What the f*ck is that?", were his remarks. Since I had taken the train down there specifically to look at this...umm..."contemporary art", I practically busted a gut laughing when he said it. I told him we had been debating it. He thought it was a monument to drive-thru banking, as was suggested here.

Now, we know it is a monument to surface parking lots. :o

Well, this is the Chronicle, after all. They're never going to express a negative opinion about something like that. Their goal is to be inoffensive and nice.

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:obach quietly cringes at the thought

Quietly cringes? That's it? Bach, I would've thought you would militantly reject this example of "contemporary art".

Let me be the first, since everyone seems to be afraid to say it...Mr. Adickes, this piece of concrete SUCKS. Just because this is Texas, doesn't mean everything should be oversized. You clearly do not understand the concept of understatement, so the only thing you will understand is blatant rejection. So, here it is...I think your concrete SUCKS!

To call this 20 foot piece of cement 'elegant' is the epitome of oxymoron. However, this is what I love about Houston...that we have chunks of rock to debate as art...not that it IS art, but that we can laugh at it.

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What you slack jawed yokels fail to recognize that it can still be art, even if you don't like it.

And if enough people don't like it, is it still art?

If everyone but the artist hates a piece, is that still art then?

Perhaps, but just becasue something can be labeled art by sombody, doesn't mean it deserves to be put out on a pedastal for all to see.

I haven't seen it yet in person, I'm not gonna judge it one way or another.. but for you to call everyone a yokel that hates something that had been deemed 'art' by you and the artist...

If something is put out for public display, then it has the right to be criticized and questioned.

Edited by Highway6
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And if enough people don't like it, is it still art?

If everyone but the artist hates a piece, is that still art then?


Art is about expression. About tapping into whatever it is that's inside you and then fashioning it into a verifiable medium. People may not like what you have to say or how you say it but if you convey these feelings in such a way, it's still an artistic endeavor.

Nevertheless... LOL @ BHOMS.

Hey... BHOMS sounded out is very similar to BOMBS.

Imagine that.

Edited by The Great Hizzy!
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But it is art nontheless. Why? Becuase people are talking about it.

Thats the determining criteria in being labeled art ?

I'm going to take a monsterous poop on the pedastal of this head and stick a little cocktail umbrella in it the night before the grand unveiling...... People will be talking about it...... Where does the art stop and the krap begin....


Art is about expression. About tapping into whatever it is that's inside you and then fashioning it into a verifiable medium.

" I present to the people of Houston, my artistic endeavor, my poop. "

This would definately be tapping into whatever is inside of me....


Hizzy.. I actually agree with what you have to say.. My complaint was that the critics and the head haters shouldnt be looked down upon and called names becasue they critique and hate the head.

However, Art is like race... That card can be played too much, in the wrong way, as a cop-out and excuse.

If anything can be called art, and artistic expression can be used as an excuse for anything, then those two terms lose their meaning and value.

Edited by Highway6
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What you slack jawed yokels fail to recognize that it can still be art, even if you don't like it.


Cletus' theme song:

Some folk'll never eat a skunk

But then again, some folk'll

Like Cle-tus the slack-jawed yokel

Perhaps we could change it to go along with the BHOMS:

Some folk'll never build a head

But then again, some folk'll

Like Adickes the artistic yokel

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Guest danax
Ugly, gaudy and whimsical. I like it.

It is very "Houston", is it not? It's like," there they go again, trying to be so "big city" with some street art and it's just a goofy idealized head of a Texas hippie-chick. Houston; they are just so pathetic they're lovable".

Has anyone figured out the lower half of the statue yet? It looks like there's one teacup breast and then the black spot on the opposite side, like it had undergone a pubescent masectomy.

I like it for its humor, but this does not strike me as one of Mr Adickes' finest pieces. I think I'll become an artist, if Houston is so desperate for displays of native-son expressions.

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Has anyone figured out the lower half of the statue yet? It looks like there's one teacup breast and then the black spot on the opposite side, like it had undergone a pubescent masectomy.

See below:

What's with the hole in her throat? Did she have a trache?



it's actually some sort of grease/poo smudged on her neck


And you're right about it being right for Houston in some weird way; no self-respecting city would allow such laughably sentimental k-r-a-p, and not many small towns would, either.

Of course, if Mr. Adickes had had the foresight to put 'Elegance' on wheels, it would qualify as an Art Car, and we'd all be ga-ga over it. Imagine 'Looking Forward' breaking loose from its pedestal, unstoppable, silently gliding alone through the deserted streets of Houston under moonlit skies, past palms and live oaks festooned with Spanish moss; pausing to serenely gaze through the sleepless bedroom windows of terrified children, then mutely moving on, on like the Undead. Big Head On Elm Street...?

I digress.

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can you imagine waking up and throwing open the blinds to that face staring right at you? i'd slowly close the blinds, crawl back into bed and repeat........"it's only a dream, it's only a dream".

forgive me, who is julie burrows? i googled it a bit but

only this sort of thing came up:


she'e not really a hand puppet model for basic instinct,

is she?

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forgive me, who is julie burrows? i googled it a bit but

only this sort of thing came up:


she'e not really a hand puppet model for basic instinct,

is she?

Oh, but she is.

From the Chron article:

"Burrows, who as "Julie Bond" appeared in the 1995 movie Once in a Blue Moon and as a hand puppet model in the 1992 film Basic Instinct, lives in Nashville. Adickes worked from photographs he took of her."

Imagine how difficult it must be for her to edit her resume'.

Which leads to a question - would "Big Hand Puppet On Main Street" be too wordy and confusing? And how does it feel to be immortalized in such odd ways twice in one lifetime?

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she'e not really a hand puppet model for basic instinct,

is she?

that's awesome - now i am trying to think of hand puppets + basic instinct :blink:

i think she is a local dancer (not that kind...)


*edit - in the chronicle all it said was "Houston-born dancer and actress Julie Burrows"

i can't find anything else about her, either

Edited by sevfiv
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Oh, but she is.

From the Chron article:

"Burrows, who as "Julie Bond" appeared in the 1995 movie Once in a Blue Moon and as a hand puppet model in the 1992 film Basic Instinct..."

i didn't see basic instict. could someone tell me WHY there

was a need for a hand puppet model? from what i saw of

the previews... and how's a hand puppet model different

from a hand model? weird.

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i didn't see basic instict. could someone tell me WHY there

was a need for a hand puppet model? from what i saw of

the previews... and how's a hand puppet model different

from a hand model? weird.

Let me freeze-frame that famous scene with Sharon Stone. Hmm...

I don't think that's a hand puppet, but the lighting's not too great. Sure doesn't look like that statue, all skweejawed and stuff.

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she had a short stint on broadway - and the porn industry :D

oh no! blissbox link = NSFW

IMDB lists 3 different incarnations for her but

the chronicle combines 2 of them... ?

i couldn't leave the blissbox link up but does

it look like her? does her face look like the

statue, i mean.

Edited by torvald
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oh no! blissbox link = NSFW

indeed - my apologies - i can't look at it either, but the term blissbox is quite amusing...

i seriously doubt that is really her, unless she really did a puppet-double for sharon stone :lol:

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