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Hey Torvald you are kinda cute, who is that goofy looking guy you are with ? ;)

OK, I've been here at Tamalehill's Berries for 2 hours already and I am pretty liquored up, and I have asked about 6 people if they are haifers, and all I get are some weird looks. Where are you guys ?

I'm 2 bloclks down the street. Give me about 10 minutes to put on some lipstick.


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I can't be there as I have my regular Friday night divestiture of funds from my poker buddies :D but I told a few friends and they'll be there for sure!


BTW-watch out for the guy in the middle-couple of 'ritas and you can't get his hands off ya :lol:


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Looks like I WILL be able to make it (sorry), sooner rather than later.

I'll be wearing something inconspicous so as to not be easily identified...


Unfortunately I won't be able to make it, had an emergency come up, but I hope I can make the next mixer if I can't get done in time!


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To all H.A.I.F. members -

Looking forward to meeting you!

i just wanted to say that i admire your efforts to get us all together.

i guess the magic in a forum is everyone contributing when it is

convenient for them. syncing us up in real-time, though --- looks

as if HAIFers will be a challenge to round up.

i would love to hear some comments from the folks from tonight’s


Hey Torvald you are kinda cute, who is that goofy looking guy you are with ? ;)

if i had a dollar for everytime i heard that...

i could buy that pasedena bank building myself.

Edited by torvald
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i just wanted to say that i admire your efforts to get us all together.

i guess the magic in a forum is everyone contributing when it is

convenient for them. syncing us up in real-time, though --- looks

as if HAIFers will be a challenge to round up.

i would love to hear some comments from the folks from tonight

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sorry i couldn't make it. i had previous plans. :(

how many turned out? was it a good mix of new people or people who already knew each other?

gee - there were about...10-15 (?) there...i only knew one other h.a.i.f person before showing up - and i didn't even meet/talk to everyone :mellow:

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how cool. did anyone take pictures? any lampshade action going on? ;)

Too bad you and I weren't there because I was looking forward to a lampshade tango with you :wub:

[...but I did manage to rake in $75 from my poker buddies and buddiete tonight-I'll gladly treat you to a night on the dance floor! :D ]


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Had a great time! An attractive and lively crowd, and wish I had more time to spend with each of you. Both genders were amply represented. Was amused that 'large texas' thought I was a girl - I had to explain that I'd simply put my underwear on backward, which might account for the confusion (actually he thought I was a girl prior to meeting me. What he thinks now is anyone's guess. :D )

And yes, 'Heights Yankee' really does talk like a Yankee, but is pleasant nethertheless. And 'RedScare' is not red, and is scary only at first. '2112' cheated - wore a t-shirt with his name on it, but would have known him anywhere, regardless. MarthaG, please submit some pictures of your eccentric next-door neighbor's house - enjoyed your description of it. 'sev-five' did you take pictures? or don't you do that in places that actually let you in the front door? :D 'mancuso' did the moderating duties, which he performed admirably. Special thanks to 'native_houstonian' for pulling this together. Maybe next time you'll toss some spiffs my way? :rolleyes: hehe!

Sorry that I'm overlooking several of you, but be sure to attend the next one - promises to be even HAIF-ier!

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Great time last night. It was a lot of fun putting faces with the names. I was surprised at the number of posters that I thought were male, who turned out to be women (who knew MarthaG was a woman?).

Good to see sevfiv, our intrepid reporter on all things abandoned, there. Also good to see 2112, the author of HAIF's funniest ever thread, 'The Port of Dallas'. Interesting to see that many of the handles used here bear little or no resemblance to the person, though not all. For instance, dbigtex is in fact very tall. LargeTexas, on the other hand, is not large. Native_Houstonian did not look at all like the natives I used to see on Tarzan, but heights_yankee looked like...well, a Heights Yankee. :P jmancuso looked pretty much like J. Mancuso, as did lwood. Cabanaboy...well, let's not go there. :lol:

For those that missed it, try to make the next one. It really was a fun, harmless group. I don't think we even discussed politics. We even got a free hat.

I have to admit, I never knew there were so many 'Family Guy' fans out there, though.

EDIT: Oh, I almost forgot. Wendyps was there to tell us about her cute little dog! Now, aren't you all sorry you missed that?

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I'm so glad that we had such a good turnout! We will definitely do this again, perhaps sometime in June.

There were no fist-a-cuffs and everyone behaved themselves quite well. There were free hats distributed, compliments of LWood, and free t-shirts promised by Editor. Now we'll see if Editor is really a stand up guy!

i knew i was missing out! how about a saturday afternoon next time? a patio somewhere maybe? we could reserve the patio at mo mong, or maybe somewhere in midtown.

I think a Saturday afternoon in Midtown would be a great idea for the next one. What is Mo Mong? :huh:

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I'm so glad that we had such a good turnout! We will definitely do this again, perhaps sometime in June.

There were no fist-a-cuffs and everyone behaved themselves quite well. There were free hats distributed, compliments of LWood, and free t-shirts promised by Editor. Now we'll see if Editor is really a stand up guy!

I think a Saturday afternoon in Midtown would be a great idea for the next one. What is Mo Mong? :huh:

mo mong is a vietnamese restaurant behind hollywood video on westheimer, across from slick willie's near montrose. they have a great menu, great martinis and an uber cozy patio downstairs near the bar. they also have a second level patio that could be nice. mo mong is privately owned and is very laid back.

citysearch link

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mo mong is a vietnamese restaurant behind hollywood video on westheimer, across from slick willie's near montrose. they have a great menu, great martinis and an uber cozy patio downstairs near the bar. they also have a second level patio that could be nice. mo mong is privately owned and is very laid back.

citysearch link

HAIF mixer was a blast!

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I'm just waiting for the list of winners.

Thanks for the T-shirts dood! I saw the one dbigtex56 had, and it was pretty cool. Oh, by the way, I forgot to submit my size....XXL (thanks). I know I will wear mine proudly, and all my co-workers will look at me with envy and say "huh?"


The mixer was indeed a total blast. I hope we do it again, and possibly make it a periodic thing.

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