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Shootings In Grand Lakes

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No doubt an inside-job. I wouldn't be surprised if there are drugs involved. Seems like police should do a little checking into the homeowner's financials. Find out what was in that safe. I feel bad for the neighbors.


Gun Battle Erupts After 2 Home Invasions In 2 Days

2 Die In Shootout

POSTED: 4:26 pm CDT April 24, 2006

UPDATED: 4:41 pm CDT April 24, 2006

KATY, Texas -- A homeowner fired back, killing two suspects, when his house was the target of two home invasions in as many days, officials told KPRC Local 2 Monday.

Fort Bend County sheriff's deputies said several armed suspects broke into a home in the 5500 block of Maybrook Park Lane shortly before 2 a.m. Saturday and tied up a teenage girl and her boyfriend.

As the robbers were stealing a safe, the homeowners arrived, officials said. One of the gunmen opened fire, grazing the head of one of the homeowners. The crooks fled the scene.

On Sunday, shortly before 10 p.m., the crooks returned for a second home invasion at the same house in the Grand Lakes Subdivision, according to deputies.

The homeowner and robbery suspects exchanged gunfire, officials said.

A female suspect was killed.

The other suspects fled the scene. The body of a man was found dumped on the side of the road in the 20700 block of Cranfield about 30 minutes after the home invasion. Deputies believe the man, identified as Omar Medrano, 23, was involved in the crime.

"One suspect was wearing a bullet-proof vest. The bullet that killed him missed the vest by inches. The lady was hit in the forehead -- a direct, head-on shot," said Sheriff Milton Wright with the Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office.

Officials believe the homeowner was targeted by a disgruntled former employee who knew he had a safe in his home. The homeowner is in the used car and repair shop business.

Neighbors are worried for their own safety.

"My wife and son are scared to death. I'm scared, too," resident Todd Burch said. "You move in an area like this, that's nice and quiet and calm, and you get relaxed and you don't think about stuff like this happening. And then it happens and you're on edge."

The homeowner is not expected to face any charges.

Edited by mrfootball
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I LOVE IT ! I wish every person that breaks into someone else's home in order to do harm to the homeowner or steal any property of that homeowner that is NOT theirs should share the same fate ! Of course, this is just mytwo-cents-worth2.jpg.

Edited by TJones
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Ah, that's the best thing about living in TX. You come onto my property *edit*WITH AN INTENT TO COME INTO MY HOUSE AND ROB/KILL/ASSAULT ME (is that the same as criminal trespassing?)*end edit*, and I have the right to *edit*DEFEND MYSELF, POSSIBLY WITH THE INTENT TO*end edit* shoot you dead (if you're criminally trespassing, of course).

God help you if you just wound one of them though.

Edited by Parrothead
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Well, Red, since I guess I am one of the OBVIOUSLY STUPID "trigger happy yahoos", perhaps you can enlighten all of us as to what the law actually is?

*edited to add*

Okay...I just found this info on a lawyer's website...so basically, the only real beef with my post is that I wasn't specific enough. I have edited my former post to reflect a more specific situation.

An owner is not prohibited, however, from invoking self-help methods in defending property from another. An owner of property is entitled to use reasonable force to prevent someone, or something, from entering onto her property or to remove something from her property. What, under normal circumstances, may constitute a battery, assault, or other intentional tort, will not be considered unlawful in situations where it is performed as a reasonable use of self-help in defense of property. However, the use of force calculated to do great bodily harm, or cause death, is not permitted.

One narrow limitation upon the use of deadly force is authorized. Where an intruder threatens personal safety, as well as a threat to property, or where the intruder is committing a forcible felony, deadly force may be appropriate. For example, if a robber enters a home and, while stealing items, attempts to rape the homeowner, the owner may be justified in shooting the robber. However, an owner who witnesses a neighborhood child stealing a bicycle from the owner's garage, without any threat of bodily harm, is not justified in shooting that child.

Edited by Parrothead
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This is going to be bad PR for the suburb of Katy. I believe there are still plenty of unsold homes in those tacky looking master planned neighborhoods. I mean, no, there won't be any bad PR because it never really happened, it was just a bad dream. Stuff like that would never happen in Katy. Pretend it's still 1990s, take a deep breath, everything will be okay.

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Well all I have to say about this shooting is that Omar had his own money so why would he want a safe? There is much about this story that has not been checked and I think someone should find out. I did not know Omar ("22 yr. old killed suspect") personally but he just lived down the street from me and he seemed like a great guy. Maybe he didn't go down the best road but it's not right for yall to say that that's what yall love about Texas, imagine if that was one of your family members...

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Well all I have to say about this shooting is that Omar had his own money so why would he want a safe? There is much about this story that has not been checked and I think someone should find out. I did not know Omar ("22 yr. old killed suspect") personally but he just lived down the street from me and he seemed like a great guy. Maybe he didn't go down the best road but it's not right for yall to say that that's what yall love about Texas, imagine if that was one of your family members...

serves him right for what he did you'll find no simpathy here. wrong path exactly, we all make choices in life and we all have to pay for them or reap the benifits from them.

obviously not a great guy if he was involved in an armed home invasion. remember the owner was shot at. this was not some petty burgulary for a safe.

if I were you, I would be glad this guy did not live down the street from me anymore!!!!

Edited by westguy76
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for those still curious here is an account of the going-ons from a neighbor.

And here's the rest of the story (almost) if you feel like reading more. Turned out that the guy holding the woman was also shot and his friends dumped his body somewhere around Taylor High School.

Unfortunately, Grand Lakes once again made the local news. Hopefully this family will not decide to move back into the neighborhood. They have been causing uncomfortable problems with the neighbors since they moved in. They bought one of those Coventry Homes that would never sell and was then purchased by an investor. I understand they had to move from their previous homes in Bellaire & Pasadena because they had been targets of home invasions there. It sounds like they just carry trouble with them from one home to another.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Let's go back to Friday night. Home invasion across the street. 3 males break into the house, with the high school daughter at home - parents are not home, but soon to be home. Master bedroom window was shut, but not locked.

The guy with the gun (GWTG), says to the girl "do what I say & I won't kill you."

Phone rings in their house. Brinks security company calling - home alarm went off when window was opened. GWTG says "that's your security company, tell them everything is OK and give them the safe code" She does.

GWTG: "where's the safe?"

girl: "I'll show you"

GWTG: "where's the dope?"

girl "huh?"

GWTG: "nevermind. on the floor so I can tie you up" She does. So does her boyfriend that just got there, because girl called him 20 minutes prior because screwy alarm system kept going off... (now we know why)

GWTG and other guy with him now proceed to rip several hundred pound safe out of the wall. They do. They start taking it outside, where guy #3 (lookout with walkie talkie) is waiting with little black car. They can't lift the wheeled safe into the car. Trunk is too small, safe is too heavy. Girl and boyfriend are tied up on Master bedroom floor, wondering what is going on, but safe and unharmed.

About then, mom and dad drive up. It's about 1:45am Saturday. Mom and dad are pissed because of the car out front... daughter has invited friends over... no wait - why is the safe in the front yard? WHO ARE THOSE GUYS???? Oh no!! Dad, driving pickup, pins black car next to the curb. Lays on the horn. GWTG doesn't like that. GWTG is now in front of truck, waving gun, yelling. Dad thinks to himself - I better back up. Puts it in reverse. Turns around, puts arm over wife's seat. Wife is fumbling for cell phone to call 911. Then, GWTG shoots, through the front windshield, across the forehead of dad (luckily dad was leaning backwards to see behind him), and out the back glass. Blood is going everywhere. Wife is screaming. Dad is screaming "THEY SHOT ME!" Dad backs up about 100 yards. Sits and thinks for a split second "wait - my daughter is in the house", ignoring the fact that he is bleeding and GTWG has just pulled off 5 rounds towards him.

Me? I'm sleeping. Didn't hear a thing. Nobody does in my house. Other neighbor two houses down hears it though - his dog is barking. His dog always barks though... not sure how he can tell the difference. He goes outside to see what the commotion is all about. When bullets start flying, he runs back inside. Smart move. The guy runs a local UPS store. He's probably never moved that fast - I've seen him work in the store. Line is always out the door. Slow as molasses. But I digress.

Dad starts driving slowly towards the house, maybe 20 yards - watches... All three bad guys get in car and speed off. Leave the safe. 20 minutes later, 15 cop cars outside the house, and investigators and who knows who else comb the property until 10am Saturday.

So, I mosey over there around 10:30 - ask what happened, get above scoop. Wow. Tell my wife - she's a basket case now. The vacillating we were doing to get a new dog just got sped up. We've made a decision - at least on the size. big.

Jump ahead to this afternoon (Sunday). Dad and mom drive up from being at the Sheriff's office all afternoon, doing sketches, telling stories, blah blah. Dad comes over while I'm pulling weeds and tells me that they just might be moving to another town. I pause, and ask, in a nice way, how soon? When schools out. OK. I can handle that.

Jump ahead to 9:30pm tonight. While my wife is doing bills in the study (where I sit right now...) - room closest to neighbor. Bang! Bang! Bang! And it didn't come from Yul Brynner's gun from the Magnificent 7 western video my son and I are watching. Oh, crap!

Drive-by car is black coupe. Fancy wheels, spoiler, 4 guys, I think. First two times they drive by, no lights on, but it's already dark. Third (and last, hopefully) time, lights are on and they are moving fast. I look at the neighbor's house. Lights are on, front door is wide open (kicked in), and the house alarm is going off. Uh, oh. What now?

We call 911. 10 minutes, maybe less, first of 9 cop cars shows up. No one is watching the back door. Someone is still in the house. First cop goes inside, gun drawn. Yells some, then wife comes out in jammies. Runs to opposite side of cop car. 20 seconds later, cop and dad come out, they too hide behind cop car. Somene is still in the house.

Other cops show up. When 7 get their, they huddle up, and go in, in force. Search the house. No one to be found. Duh. person in house had 10+ minutes to go out the back.

15 minutes later, helicopter shows up. No sign anyone has been caught. darn.

It's after midnight here, and there are 1/2 dozen+ police vehicles out my front door. Yellow tape everywhere, investigators looking for casings in the street. I don't know if the shots were fired from the car or in the house. Will get that scoop tomorrow, I'm sure.

So, slept with the shotgun last night, in my nice upper middle class master planned neighborhood, with all the pretty people and all the nice cars, and kids that ride their bikes to school every morning...

Fun in the 'burbs. Gotta love it.


Well, unfortunately, I need to change my subject line from "fun" to "death".

A lady was shot last night in my neighbor's house. Here's the background and gory details. Plus, a few more details to the previous email, with some events that I was not aware of.

My neighbor, "dad" as I referred to him earlier, is in the used car/ car rental / car repair business. Owns his own business. Many months ago, he works with this lady, I'll call her "Y". Y is (well, was) the ambulance chaser type. She would listen to police scanners, hear about an auto wreck, go take license plate numbers, give out business cards to people with damaged cars for a body shop, and if/when the people came in, she gets a kickback. Her and "dad" (remember - not MY dad - the dad across the street) were in business a while back, and then for some reason, Y disappears. 5-6 months goes by, and then Y calls dad last week "hey, let's have lunch, I've started a new business - let's get back together".

Dad calls his lawyer friend - "hey, what's up with Y - where has she been" Lawyer says "I can't say anything - but stay away from Y, she is bad news." So, what does dad do? He has lunch with her on Friday. Just this last Friday.

Dad shows up at lunch and there is Y and Y's other friend, her female new business partner, and they talk and chat. Y asks dad for $1000 - she is late on her bills, yada, yada, etc.. Later in the conversation, Y ups the request for $6000 - now she not only does she needs to pay her electric bill, but now needs a breast lift and tummy tuck. dad tells her she has her priorities all wrong, gets up, pays the bill, leaves.

Friday night, when dad and mom are out for the evening, Y calls dad multiple times. "What you doing? Where are you?" intermixed with other small talk. Y knew daughter was home, as that came out during lunch, so was the fact that mom and dad were going out Friday night. Y calls so much that dad ignores the calls after while.

Then, you know what happened Friday night already.

But, one other thing I learned was about the 5 caps that were popped off. 4 were found right next to my neighbor's driveway. The fifth was found two houses further down the street, in front of barking dog's house. Dad was chased down the street as he was in reverse!!

Okay, back to Sunday afternoon. Y calls dad. "Hey, I heard you were invaded, that happened to me once - I'm so sorry - can I bring a cake over?" Dad says sure. Dad sends the kids to the house across the street (next to me) to spend the night. Kids are scared - don't want to sleep there tonight. Sure, come on. Don't blame 'em.

Y shows up later. Comes in the house, meets mom for the first time. "Hi, how are you doing, I've heard so much about you, I love your house", blah blah blah. She probably even said "...such a nice neighborhood...". Y tells them, "I need to go out to the car to get the cakes, I'll be right back." She takes off her shoes, in the house, and goes outside, barefoot. Humm..

Seconds later, she comes back in, but this time not alone, and, apparently, uner duress. Now a shooter is with her. Y is being held in front of the shooter, in a choke hold with the left arm - elbow out in front style of hold. In the right hand, shooter has an automatic gun with laser sights. First shot was fired right at the threshold. Later that night my neighbor (the one with dad's kids) can see the little triangular tent-card over the casing. This will be Exhibit 1 of 4. Cant' find #5.

With the above shot not fired yet (sorry, I'm jumping around here..) dad hears whispering and sees a red dot flashing on the walls. Bang! Exhibit 1 misses dad, as dad runs into the master bedroom to get .38 special. Dad comes back, and is looking. Bang, Bang, Bang Bang. 5 shots in all. One of the shots hits Y in head. Coroner said it probably took 4 minutes for her to die. Brains all over the wall.

Not sure what happened next. Shooter either exits the front or out the back. No one saw. Mom and dad don't come out until later when police goes in. I told you that already.

My neighbor, who has the kids, can see Y's foot with his binoculars from inside his house. He can also see exhibit 1. Exhibit #5, dad's shot, was never found, but we think dad shot Y.

I go to bed, cautiously, at 1:40am. This all started around 9:30. Cops taking pictures everywhere outside. 5:45am, we watch as mom, dad, daughter and brother drive off, escorted by police, as directed by police - leave, go, don't come back, you are not safe.

Scuttle has it the move out of town has been improved dramatically.

The good news (good news?) is that mom and dad have a surveillance video camera running at all times pointed out the front of their house. The kind that wraps when it

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Westguy76, that is one of the best reads I have come across in awhile, very intriguing. Thanks alot !

GL, dude, no need for name calling, I don;t think Red had all the facts until now. I agree 100% that the homeowner should have been Charles Bronson, I doubt those jackasses will be back, it appears as if the homeowner was able to dispatch the 2 main characters in this whole scenario.

Edited by TJones
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TJ, thanks, but no need to rush to my defense. Grand Lakes apparently did not read the original post closely. Being a new poster, he also could not have known that the post I responded to has since been edited...so it no longer contains the incorrect interpretation of Texas law that I was commenting on.

Grand Lakes, I am glad you are so well versed in the circumstances under which one may use deadly force. Hope you are never so unlucky as to have to put it to use.

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You obviously have no clue what you are talking about - read the self defense laws of Texas below, idiot.

Welcome to HAIF, GrandLakes.

Speaking of reading things, please acquaint yourself with the guidelines for posting on this forum. Name-calling, 'flaming' and personal attacks are frowned on at HAIF.

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TJ, thanks, but no need to rush to my defense. Grand Lakes apparently did not read the original post closely. Being a new poster, he also could not have known that the post I responded to has since been edited...so it no longer contains the incorrect interpretation of Texas law that I was commenting on.

Grand Lakes, I am glad you are so well versed in the circumstances under which one may use deadly force. Hope you are never so unlucky as to have to put it to use.

RedScare, I apologize for the name calling and was not aware that there was a previous post that you were responding to that had since been edited. We are moving to Grand Lakes in a few months (we are building a house out there) and it is frustrating that this kind of stuff goes on in a decent neighborhood. Yes, I know it happens anywhere and it is obvious this was not a random act but the people were specifically targeted. I also hope that I am never so unlucky to be put in a situation where deadly force is the only option, but the way I read your post (which I know now was in response to someone elses) it sounded like you were saying that people did not have the right to protect their own homes in the middle of the night. Trust me - I am no gun slinging yahoo but am a believer of the second amendment.

Thanks for the welcomes - i'll be nice going forward!!!

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...it sounded like you were saying that people did not have the right to protect their own homes in the middle of the night. Trust me - I am no gun slinging yahoo but am a believer of the second amendment.

Thanks for the welcomes - i'll be nice going forward!!!

Far from it. I am a former prosecutor, and current defense lawyer. I know from talking to burglars that they fear an armed homeowner more than anything else, including the police. I can certainly understand the frustration and concern of seeing your future neighborhood in the news this way. Hopefully, knowing that this homeowner apparently made questionable business associations makes you feel just a little bit better.

At any rate, moving along, hope you enjoy the forum. Glad to have you on board. :)

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