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The Heights Restaurant And Bar Scene - More Coming


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Chirps Chicken is closing.  Property is up for lease. 


Saw this last week. 


I wouldn't mind seeing the whole building come down and something more dense go up in its place, but given our parking requirements we probably don't deserve anything more interesting than a Chipotle.

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Town in City's tap room is now open Wed-Sun.

Southern Goods is having a soft opening this weekend with limited hours (looks like mostly barbcue for lunch)

Ka Sushi and Black and White are built out, staffing up and should be open before the end of the month.

Build outs are well underway at the Revival ice house concept, the Treadsack trio (Foreign Correspondents, Bernadine's and Hunky Dory) and Lee's Fried Chicken and Donuts.  Alabama Furniture is getting the boot to make way for the new Braun development that looks to have Bernie's Burger Bus as a tenant.

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Shepherd is looking good!

They need to plant some dam trees in Sheppard. These new developments are nice but it is the opposite of green and the opposite of lush. I am amazed they can spend so much money on these developments without a landscape plan!

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Mellow Mushroom coming to a soon to be repurposed tote the note shop.  


I couldn't resist Googling Mellow Mushroom after reading the HBJ description of "an Atlanta-based hippy pizza chain". I envisioned a place where psilocybe cubensis had once been the most popular pizza topping (inevitably leading to an unofficial motto of "our pizza will make you puke, but you won't care"), and judging from the pics at http://mellowmushroom.com/about/roots, I wasn't too far off.


Of course, like many other establishments, it appears to have evolved into just another hipster haven pushing craft beer, its original brand comfortably diluted and sanitized for consumption by those who wouldn't know the difference between a cow patty and Shinola. Oh, the humanity!

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I used to go to Mellow Mushroom after little league games in the 1970s.  The hippie thing was just a marketing gimmick to get people to try some different and odd concoctions on pizzas back when there were very few options for really good pizza.  It will be nice to have something other than Pinks for pizza night. 

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No surprise that the el is getting reshuffled again.


We ate there.  Once. 


Mediocre food (at best), served not necessarily hot, or even warm, at a pace that would have been OK had the place been jammed (as in, "who do I have to take hostage to get my order?" slow).  It wasn't busy - not by any standard - and certainly wasn't "Superior."  I'm usually willing to give a new place a second chance, but the Director of Domestic Bliss was even less impressed than I was (or perhaps more so, since the fish tacos seemed to be a bit "off").

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This is a big deal for beer nerd types. Not sure where all the money is coming from but to be able to pull in a brewer that is currently working with production similar to Saint Arnold is impressive. I would hope that means they are going all out and from the sounds of the press release they are. Along with the multi-million renovation of Fitzgeralds nextdoor it seems this intersection is getting its revitalization revitalized. haha.

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They're going to have to hit the ground running this time because Town in City Brewing is off to a flying start.  My wife and I stopped in on Friday night after dinner and were very impressed.  We only had time for one each so we tried both of the IPA's and they were both good.  The feel of the place was very friendly, very neighborly.  And since it's walking distance from the house, it could be the local we've been looking for.  The crowd was on the younger side, 20's and 30's, but very Heights-esque with several dogs running around.  And at least for now they have parking access in that lot on the corner of Main and Cavalcade. 

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I never ate at The EL.  After hearing that a few people got food poisoning from eating there, I was always afraid to try it.  I'll probably try the beer place when it opens, though. 


Glad to hear that Town & City is doing well.  We've been patiently waiting for them to open, and we plan to make it over there in the near future.

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I ate at the El. I never pay attention to others and their opinions on any businesses in the neighborhood. I thought I'd give it a try because it was new and they had a good location and I like Mexican food. There are way too many crappy folks that like to put down businesses behind their keyboards.

I tried it and I knew that there were other choices close by that were cheaper and the food was better. Beer was nice and the decor was cool.

Fun fact: there was a lowrider bike at the entrance to give it an authentic Latino look. In the early to mid 80's, there used to be kids that would ride these bikes from their home to Stude Park.

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That's weird, he did offer average Tex-Mex! 


If it were average Tex-Mex, life would have been fine.  Unfortunately, it was at Maggie Rita's / Pancho's level, if that.


Manky fish tacos are not part of "average."

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I peaked in the window at the Hunky Dory/Bernadine's building.  Hsu's design is stunning.  Also peaking in the Foreign Correspondents build out, they have some fun murals on the wall.  I hope it is more accessible in terms of an easy place to get in and out for a weeknight dinner without blowing out your budget for the week.  Hunky Dory and Bernadine's definitely look to be very pricey, which is understandable given the cash they put down on building out from the ground up.  But Foreign Correspondents is going in an existing space.  Hopefully that will allow them to have a more moderately priced menu.


Lee's Fried Chicken and Donuts is supposed to be doing a soft opening in the next few weeks.  8 Row Flint looks to be close to completing its build out but no word on an opening schedule.  Southern Goods, Ka Sushi and Black and White are all up and running.  

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So, back to the title of this thread, is it untrue now that there is a lack of diversity? This thread was created in 2006 and I feel like the Heights area has come a veeeeeeeeeeeery long way. I live near Morningstar/Foreign Correspondence so I can't wait!

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So, back to the title of this thread, is it untrue now that there is a lack of diversity? This thread was created in 2006 and I feel like the Heights area has come a veeeeeeeeeeeery long way. I live near Morningstar/Foreign Correspondence so I can't wait!


This thread has long been the unofficial restaurant rumor thread for Heights HAIF.  The title of the thread just adds to the charm given that the restaurant scene in the Heights has so radically changed since the thread was started in 2006. 


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Has Witchcraft closed down? I drove by yesterday and it was closed, lights out. We stopped going when they decided to change their menu. 


bad mistake if you stopped going bc of the menu change - the revamped menu/format is awesome and the chef is the real deal. they're no longer open for lunch, though. they open at 4pm now.

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