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christians suck!


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i'm ready to vent. allow me to for go the niceties.

why is it that christians must constantly ascertain their prominance? the christians i most admire would never wear their heart on a sleeve (sp?). the true christian IMHO behaves in a way that moves people without getting on a soap box and telling others what's up. it's in the example. it works because you/i live it.

i'm perplexed at the moron's who demonstrate at gay pride parades or abortion clinics. what TF are they trying to prove? maybe they should be more concerned with the kids in their families or their churches who are dealing with issues that make them want to off themselves! damn! take care of your own. quit making the rest of us miserable. i take responsibility for my family and we are honest enough to tackle teen pregnancy or homosexuality because we love each other. get real and take care of your own. it's your alienated kids who come to me and want direction while you're too caught up in making a point to notice that your kids are suffering.

yes, i have kids i didn't ask for. yes, i'm blessed to have the opportunity to direct them in productive ways. yes, i am a christian. yes, i do not judge them for who they are. yes, i'm disgusted at the way people who define themselves as "christian" behave.

there is no temptation common to mankind that god has not given me the tools to handle. many would assume that that scripture pertains to dealing with vice or sin. for me, it is about stomaching the vile "good intentions" of my brother's in christ.

believing in the message of christ is not a rejection of people. it's a, sometimes difficult, embrace of everyone.

thanks, once again haifers, for letting me vent. B)

Edited by bachanon
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i'm ready to vent. allow me to for go the niceties.

why is it that christians must constantly ascertain their prominance? the christians i most admire would never wear their heart on a sleeve (sp?). the true christian IMHO behaves in a way that moves people without getting on a soap box and telling others what's up. it's in the example. it works because you/i live it.

i'm perplexed at the moron's who demonstrate at gay pride parades or abortion clinics. what TF are they trying to prove? maybe they should be more concerned with the kids in their families or their churches who are dealing with issues that make them want to off themselves! damn! take care of your own. quit making the rest of us miserable. i take responsibility for my family and we are honest enough to tackle teen pregnancy or homosexuality because we love each other. get real and take care of your own. it's your alienated kids who come to me and want direction while you're too caught up in making a point to notice that your kids are suffering.

yes, i have kids i didn't ask for. yes, i'm blessed to have the opportunity to direct them in productive ways. yes, i am a christian. yes, i do not judge them for who they are. yes, i'm disgusted at the way people who define themselves as "christian" behave.

there is no temptation common to mankind that god has not given me the tools to handle. many would assume that that scripture pertains to dealing with vice or sin. for me, it is about stomaching the vile "good intentions" of my brother's in christ.

every time my family or friends complain about the immaturity of others; i've come to a point where my first reaction is.............i have big shoulders. lean on me. i can take it.

believing in the message of christ is not a rejection of people. it's a, sometimes difficult, embrace of everyone.

thanks, once again haifers, for letting me vent. B)

How about we just condense the title to something a little more accurate? Might I suggest, "Whiny shallow people suck!" or "Loud stupid folks suck!", or something along those similar lines. That more fully and accurately conveys the true extent of the problem across several contexts.

Unfortunately, Christianity implictly promotes 'loud' behavior via the whole preaching experience. Those with a little less than they really need upstairs turn right around and think that they've been endowed with the ability to pass the word along...doesn't work like that. Politics is very similar in that respect...if you doubt that this is so, listen to Rush Limbaugh for a few days. You'll pick up on the same trend, but you'll also notice that the host knows about it too and tries to stomp it out whenever possible.

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i realize your point; however, my beef is with christians, specifically. i was raised in this environment. the very people they/we try to "help" they alienate. my intention was not to create a hate fest towards conservatives but to vent my constant frustration with people who don't want to get their hands dirty.

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i realize your point; however, my beef is with christians, specifically. i was raised in this environment. the very people they/we try to "help" they alienate. my intention was not to create a hate fest towards conservatives but to vent my constant frustraion with people who don't want to get their hands dirty.

Well there's not that much I can say about that. Wishing it different wouldn't make it so. Just gotta shrug and let them be. You're different.

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no. i've been visiting fellowship of the woodlands and enjoying a particular small group and the job support ministry. these people are great. they are completely different from the hard-ass, legalistic, world that i grew up in. i'm also reconnecting with friends from the gay community who might not feel so welcome in the circles i benefit from. there is a stark contrast between these two worlds and it irks me. i had some friends up for the woodlands waterway arts festival yesterday and we had a difficult conversation over gay marriage and gay adoption. we all have gay friends and some in our group are gay. i'm having a hard time comparing and contrasting the genuine compassion i receive from the local woodlands community and the hardships i see in the gay, minority and/or poor communities.

my rant is purely internal. creating a thread in this internet forum is simply a venting mechanism. your opinions are greatly appreciated.


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I understand your frustrations. I was raised as a Methodist so we were not exposed to alot of fire and brimstone. I just try not to get too worked up when the hypocrites start to rant "it's our way or the highway".

One thing that used to irk me is Bush's proclaimations on his faith-and yet professes to be a Methodist who excuted more men and women in Texas than any other govenor. He seem's so worried about using an embryo that will ultimatly be discarded for stem cell research and at the same time being so cavalier about execution.

Frankly I wish politicians would clamp it and get to work. I have a great tee-shirt someone gave me; it says:

"I've got nothing against god-it's his fan club I can't stand"


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there seems to be a huge disconnect between the "armies of compassion" and being compassionate for those nearest you who don't fit a certain disposition.

recently, i saw a story about the kids in texas who need to be adopted. i went to the website to see who these kids are. they are kids with specific needs. they are kids who have 3 or 4 siblings and want to stay together. they are kids with severe mental and emotional issues. the more i looked over the list of kids, the more my heart sank deep into sadness. these are kids who will never have a real family.

why TF aren't churches and "holy" institutions taking these kids in? i'm wrecked that these "thousands" of kids have no homes. the christian community is so wrapped up in who is the best kind of parent. i'm thinking, who better to love the "unlovable" than the armies of compassion within the gay community. who better knows what it's like to be disguarded? who better knows what it's like to feel like an outsider? if i weren't in the middle of shoring up my family's "disreguarded" (wonderful) kiddos, i would want a houseful.

there are ever present needs in our face-front, immediate communities that are over looked because of shallow, piss-ant egoism. i'm really ticked off today. sorry. :closedeyes:

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i realize your point; however, my beef is with christians, specifically. i was raised in this environment. the very people they/we try to "help" they alienate. my intention was not to create a hate fest towards conservatives but to vent my constant frustration with people who don't want to get their hands dirty.

I completely understand what you're talking about, but I think it is not appropriate to paint all Christians with the same brush. You'll be happy to know that the behavior you detest is pretty much regional, and not indicative of the entire faith. It's mostly a Southern mostly Baptist attitude that you describe. Having lived all over the country and associated with all sorts of Christians, I can say that I have only observed the behavior you describe in Baptists, and only in the South. In fact, I even had a second job at a Baptist church in the North, and the people weren't like this. I think it's some combination of Southernness and Baptistness that causes it.

Regardless, it's unfair to say that all Christians act in the manner you describe.

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no. i've been visiting fellowship of the woodlands and enjoying a particular small group and the job support ministry. these people are great. they are completely different from the hard-ass, legalistic, world that i grew up in. i'm also reconnecting with friends from the gay community who might not feel so welcome in the circles i benefit from. there is a stark contrast between these two worlds and it irks me. i had some friends up for the woodlands waterway arts festival yesterday and we had a difficult conversation over gay marriage and gay adoption. we all have gay friends and some in our group are gay. i'm having a hard time comparing and contrasting the genuine compassion i receive from the local woodlands community and the hardships i see in the gay, minority and/or poor communities.

my rant is purely internal. creating a thread in this internet forum is simply a venting mechanism. your opinions are greatly appreciated.


The problems some people have with the gays........that can be a lightening rod. I get accused of being a hardass and narrow minded for various reasons, but when people hear my views on gays, it tends to make them stand back and re-examine thier opinion of me. Could be the same with Christians you speak of. Im sure all are not anti gay and so on. I have no trouble or problems with gays getting married. If they want to get married and get fat like hetersexual men, i say welcome aboard :) :) I even go a step further, i hired an openly gay man last year to come work for the company. This very man was one of the people to help me get over my ignorance of gay people. I had the great pleasure of meeting him in the military back in the 1980's, and we have been great friends ever sense. Even took me to my first homosexual drinking establishment here in Houston. I think it was called the chicken house or chicken coup or something like that. Perhaps if more of the narrow minded Christians get to know someone who is gay or lesbian, they would change thier minds.

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I understand your frustrations. I was raised as a Methodist so we were not exposed to alot of fire and brimstone. I just try not to get too worked up when the hypocrites start to rant "it's our way or the highway".

One thing that used to irk me is Bush's proclaimations on his faith-and yet professes to be a Methodist who excuted more men and women in Texas than any other govenor. He seem's so worried about using an embryo that will ultimatly be discarded for stem cell research and at the same time being so cavalier about execution.

Frankly I wish politicians would clamp it and get to work. I have a great tee-shirt someone gave me; it says:

"I've got nothing against god-it's his fan club I can't stand"


OMG ! nmain and I have something else in common. He is gonna have me wearing D&G and PRADA any time now. My Grandfather was a doctor, and practicing Methodist, so I always went to church with him and my Grandmother. <-----long story as to why them and not with my parents. Not a whole lot of fire and brimstone, but alot of an eye for an eye and do onto others.

Edited by TJones
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If you're referring to Fred Phelps and his family of followers, I would suggest to you that these people aren't Christians. People can claim to be Christians, but it doesn't mean much if they're guided by hate. Don't get fooled into thinking that these people represent Christianity.

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I completely understand what you're talking about, but I think it is not appropriate to paint all Christians with the same brush. You'll be happy to know that the behavior you detest is pretty much regional, and not indicative of the entire faith. It's mostly a Southern mostly Baptist attitude that you describe. Having lived all over the country and associated with all sorts of Christians, I can say that I have only observed the behavior you describe in Baptists, and only in the South. In fact, I even had a second job at a Baptist church in the North, and the people weren't like this. I think it's some combination of Southernness and Baptistness that causes it.

editor, i see your point of view; however, i think you may not have visited many nondenominational churches. full gospel, charismatic, tongue-talking churches are extremely single minded. the baptists are just the tip of the iceberg.

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I don't spend a lot of time in churches, and I have seen quite a few people who seem to stretch the definition of Christian to fit a narrow minded view, but I know this: If there really is a God, then there's a whole lot of people that are going to find out that He or She is a hell of a lot more omnipotent than they figured. And, when that day comes, and they are heading South instead of North, these so-called Christians need to remember something...they're on MY turf now, and that means no more bitching about hookers and booze and gambling...'cause that's what us heathens do down there...and ESPECIALLY no griping about our smoking!


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OMG ! nmain and I have something else in common. He is gonna have me wearing D&G and PRADA any time now. My Grandfather was a doctor, and practicing Methodist, so I always went to church with him and my Grandmother. <-----long story as to why them and not with my parents. Not a whole lot of fire and brimstone, but alot of an eye for an eye and do onto others.

Both of my great-grandfathers on my mom's side were Methodist circuit preachers but oddly enough my grandparents didn't meet through them. Once they married, there fathers truly came to despise one another :lol:

A little Methodist trivia there-no Prada required...you dog.


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editor, i see your point of view; however, i think you may not have visited many nondenominational churches. full gospel, charismatic, tongue-talking churches are extremely single minded. the baptists are just the tip of the iceberg.

You're right -- I haven't been to many churches outside of my own faith. I've been to a few like you describe, though. Many like the ones you describe were in double-wides the hollars of West Virginia. One, complete with a snake-handling preacher.

I had a girlfriend whose mother was Charasmatic. Beautiful girl, but believed a few strange things; mostly not related to religion.

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I completely understand what you're talking about, but I think it is not appropriate to paint all Christians with the same brush.

you're right. there are times when it feels like i don't want to be lumped in with "god's fan club". i find myself referring to christians as they or them rather than we or us. i had no intention of poo pooing all christians. in fact, the people i've met at fellowship of the woodlands have rejuvinated my appreciation for the christian community.

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Both of my great-grandfathers on my mom's side were Methodist circuit preachers but oddly enough my grandparents didn't meet through them. Once they married, there fathers truly came to despise one another :lol:

A little Methodist trivia there-no Prada required...you dog.


haha! BOTH of my grandfaters were Methodist ministers (CONFESSION - one was even the minister to the young Bush's for a while :o )

1 - MOST christians are indeed very good, helpful and upright citizens. Like any organization, the psycho ones are usually the ones who yell the loudest and embarass the rest.

2 - Judge not lest ye be judged. nuff said.

3 - there are bad people EVERYWHERE you look. wether you are hiding under a religious blanket, a racial blanket or a political blanket. Blanket statements SUCK!

4 - The right to protest something is an American right. Not a religious one. I will be at the Pride Parade next month. I will look at the protesters with nasty looks, but I will not condem an entire group because of a few people's stupid reactions. I doubt they will condem every redhead because they saw me there.

5 - blindly go in to anything and thinking that everything/one there is right and Holy and everyone else is wrong...that is where the cult mentality starts.

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haha! BOTH of my grandfaters were Methodist ministers (CONFESSION - one was even the minister to the young Bush's for a while :o )

1 - MOST christians are indeed very good, helpful and upright citizens. Like any organization, the psycho ones are usually the ones who yell the loudest and embarass the rest.

2 - Judge not lest ye be judged. nuff said.

3 - there are bad people EVERYWHERE you look. wether you are hiding under a religious blanket, a racial blanket or a political blanket. Blanket statements SUCK!

4 - The right to protest something is an American right. Not a religious one. I will be at the Pride Parade next month. I will look at the protesters with nasty looks, but I will not condem an entire group because of a few people's stupid reactions. I doubt they will condem every redhead because they saw me there.

5 - blindly go in to anything and thinking that everything/one there is right and Holy and everyone else is wrong...that is where the cult mentality starts.

ditto. except for the methodist ministers in the family.

i'm finding i have a bad habit of using blanket statements. :blush:

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I think your generalizing this subject way to much

The reason Christians have a problem with homosexuals is because of passages like Leviticus 19:4-5, 24-25. In other words there are quite a few places in The Bible that speak against it no matter how you cut it.

I know you guys will butcher me for using this cliche, but one of my best friend's is gay. I've known him since high school and He's a fine man who's got a lot of character. Interestingly enough, he's a Christian who stopped his practice of homosexuality.

It's true that there are some intense freaks out there that think it's there job to envagelize the world. However don't lump all of us into one pot.

I don't have a fraction of a percent of homosexuality in me, yet I love the gay as I'm commanded, whether I agree with the lifestyle or not.

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It would seem that some people leave the "Christ" out of the word Christian. Jesus kept company with the "sinners" as these were the ones who needed to hear his message of love and tolerance. The people who condem the gays and those of other faiths do so, I believe, out of fear and ignorance. The opposite of love is not hate, it is fear. Fear motivates any reaction that is not based on love. So, those who put down other people's life styles might want to take a good look at themselves. WWJD? I think he would tell us to be compassionate, teach our families good values, and mind our own business. It's up to whatever Higher Power there is (God, the Universe, etc.) to do whatever judging there is to be done. I have a sister who is Jehovah's Witness. One of her daughters is gay. The church and the family ostracized her. She didn't kill anybody. She isn't a child molester. How can family turn on family over something like that? I just don't get it. This is an interesting thread. I live in Northeast Texas now. There are 57 churches in this rural county. You outta hear the preachin' up here! Lordy! I pretty much keep my opinions to myself in this berg.

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one of my best friend's is gay.

Interestingly enough, he's a Christian who stopped his practice of homosexuality.

I love the gay as I'm commanded

so is he or was he gay? and what's this "practice" stuff you speak of?

and secondly, whaaaaaa? :unsure:

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I think your generalizing this subject way to much

The reason Christians have a problem with homosexuals is because of passages like Leviticus 19:4-5, 24-25. In other words there are quite a few places in The Bible that speak against it no matter how you cut it.

I know you guys will butcher me for using this cliche, but one of my best friend's is gay. I've known him since high school and He's a fine man who's got a lot of character. Interestingly enough, he's a Christian who stopped his practice of homosexuality.

It's true that there are some intense freaks out there that think it's there job to envagelize the world. However don't lump all of us into one pot.

I don't have a fraction of a percent of homosexuality in me, yet I love the gay as I'm commanded, whether I agree with the lifestyle or not.

That's IT ! Somebody get a rope. Gary, it was nice knowing you pal. ;):lol:

Phooey, I have "gay" friends also and they aren't all on this website, I got nmain, he doesn't claim me though. I got Redscare also, but we don't talk about him in mixed company, "not that there is anything WROOOOOONG with that."

Edited by TJones
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That's IT ! Somebody get a rope. Gary, it iwas nice knowing you pal. ;):lol:

Phooey, I have "gay" friends also and they aren't all on this website, I got nmain, he doesn't claim me though. I got Redscare also, but we don't talk about him in mixed company, "not that there is anything WROOOOOONG with that."

I'm Gay?

Damn! News to me.

(Psst. TJ. Not all liberals are Gay. Keep it to yourself, though.) ;)

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so is he or was he gay? and what's this "practice" stuff you speak of?

and secondly, whaaaaaa? :unsure:

Although your sarcasm is a little irritating, I'll answer anyway.

As I stated in my previous post, yes he's gay. As I also stated in my previous post, he does not practice or partake in dating men anymore because of his Christian faith.

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Although your sarcasm is a little irritating, I'll answer anyway.

As I stated in my previous post, yes he's gay. As I also stated in my previous post, he does not practice or partake in dating men anymore because of his Christian faith.

i must just be naturally irritating, because i wasn't being sarcastic :mellow:

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