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christians suck!


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moderator/editor. please delete this thread. i vented. i made blanket statements. i'm done. i'm sorry if i offended anyone. i did not intend to create a thread discussing the morality of homosexuality. :)


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That's IT ! Somebody get a rope. Gary, it was nice knowing you pal. ;):lol:

Phooey, I have "gay" friends also and they aren't all on this website, I got nmain, he doesn't claim me though. I got Redscare also, but we don't talk about him in mixed company, "not that there is anything WROOOOOONG with that."

Hey, TJ??? Claim you as what? ^_^ The only thing I claim you as is a friend. :wub: Now as far as what you and Red got goin' on... :lol:

Although your sarcasm is a little irritating, I'll answer anyway.

As I stated in my previous post, yes he's gay. As I also stated in my previous post, he does not practice or partake in dating men anymore because of his Christian faith.

Glad you got yourself a gay friend...kinda like having a pet, huh? :wacko:


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Wow, thanks for taking the heat off my GD being the Bush's minister! > :)

Is it possible for someone to state a fact as to why Christians, (correct or not) view homosexuality without being slammed? Most healthy Christians do not treat homosexuals with ill reproach like some of the charasmatics do. Just because one may not agree with someone else doesn't mean they have to get in a war.

I certainly don't hate homosexuals at all (see first post).

By the way Wendy, I despise GWB, but thanks for putting words in my mouth anyway.

Edited by Gary
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Is it possible for someone to state a fact in Christianity (see first post) without being slammed?

By the way Wendy, I despise GW.

And you know, being slammed is hard, and there I was trying to make a point in my above post that everyone is entitled to an "opinion", so, for that sorry.

There are lots of "facts" in the bible that are open to interpretation. Somewhere in Timothy is a whole section on women being docile and subjugated. Woops, I'm messing THAT one up!

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And you know, being slammed is hard, and there I was trying to make a point in my above post that everyone is entitled to an "opinion", so, for that sorry.

There are lots of "facts" in the bible that are open to interpretation. Somewhere in Timothy is a whole section on women being docile and subjugated. Woops, I'm messing THAT one up!

Interpretation has nothing to do with this subject. The context of the Bible shows that it doesn't agree with homosexuality. Not only that, it's repleat throughout scripture.

When speaking of your point in Timothy, Paul was tired of women coming back from the Isle of Crete and commiting herasy and gossip in his church. Thus he was not telling women not to speak in church in general, but was specifically telling these women that they could not speak in his church.

In closing, before I get a new whole torn in my backside, I would like to reiterate that I don't dislike gay's at all. I've been in the music industry all my life and have had gay males around me at every turn. Some of them became my friends, some passed by the way side, You know, normal stuff.

As a guy who studied Christian Apologetics and Hermanutics, I was simply stating the legitimacy of what they are saying in reference to scripture. How they react to a homosexual is another story altogether.

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moderator/editor. please delete this thread. i vented. i made blanket statements. i'm done. i'm sorry if i offended anyone. i did not intend to create a thread discussing the morality of homosexuality. :)


All you did was state your frustration with christians who act in a quite un-christian way; be it about gays or abortion clinics. I expanded it a little in my comments on Bush's hypocritical fondness for execution. I think it's important to clear the air alittle once in awhile by exposing the hypocrites like Rick "Man on Dog" Santorum, Phellps mih-small.gif Pat Robertson-all spouting hate and intollerance under the flag of Christianity. Yes, I think it's very important to speak out and expose these types of people...and at the same time rib Gary a little bit :wub: and ourselves while were at it.


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spouting hate and intollerance under the flag of Christianity. Yes, I think it's very important to speak out and expose these types of people...and at the same time rib Gary a little bit :wub: and ourselves while were at it.


Now that's a ribbing I can live with. :P

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Interpretation has nothing to do with this subject. The context of the Bible shows that it doesn't agree with homosexuality.

Does interpretation have anything to do with the millions who have touched a pig-skin football or the billions who have mixed their fabrics? Just wondering if my mom and dad are in hell now and will I be going there one day because I accidently wore a linen tux with satin collars a couple of weeks ago-to a Christian wedding? I just figured I was in the clear because I wasn't struck down by a bolt of lightning.


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Does interpretation have anything to do with the millions who have touched a pig-skin football or the billions who have mixed their fabrics? Just wondering if my mom and dad are in hell now and will I be going there one day because I accidently wore a linen tux with satin collars a couple of weeks ago-to a Christian wedding? I just figured I was in the clear because I wasn't struck down by a bolt of lightning.


Folks, please don't shoot me for stating a belief for a religion. It just so happens that in this case(Christianity), that homosexuality is a sin. Of course the Bible puts lying, stealing and drunkeness in the same bag. I'm a certified beer drinker so I'm in the same boat.

I'm not a practicing Christian but studied Christianity as I stated earlier, so please keep this civil, and quit misinterpreting my statements. It's as if you guys want to argue about this which I don't.

Don't shoot the messenger.

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Does interpretation have anything to do with the millions who have touched a pig-skin football or the billions who have mixed their fabrics? Just wondering if my mom and dad are in hell now and will I be going there one day because I accidently wore a linen tux with satin collars a couple of weeks ago-to a Christian wedding? I just figured I was in the clear because I wasn't struck down by a bolt of lightning.


Well, it's before Labor Day, so you can get away with that, so you are forgiven, you fashion victim you. <_<:P:lol:

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Interpretation has nothing to do with this subject. The context of the Bible shows that it doesn't agree with homosexuality. Not only that, it's repleat throughout scripture.

When speaking of your point in Timothy, Paul was tired of women coming back from the Isle of Crete and commiting herasy and gossip in his church. Thus he was not telling women not to speak in church in general, but was specifically telling these women that they could not speak in his church.

In closing, before I get a new whole torn in my backside, I would like to reiterate that I don't dislike gay's at all. I've been in the music industry all my life and have had gay males around me at every turn. Some of them became my friends, some passed by the way side, You know, normal stuff.

As a guy who studied Christian Apologetics and Hermanutics, I was simply stating the legitimacy of what they are saying in reference to scripture. How they react to a homosexual is another story altogether.

yes, I have heard that interpretation before. I have also heard it interpreted literall, and heard it interpreted that it is an inherant difference between men and women....

olks, please don't shoot me for stating a belief for a religion. It just so happens that in this case(Christianity), that homosexuality is a sin. Of course the Bible puts lying, stealing and drunkeness in the same bag. I'm a certified beer drinker so I'm in the same boat.

actually, just to beat a dead horse, it isn't a sin in all of christianity. maybe in certain denominations or certain belief systems. but not all of christianity. There is a perfect example of this on Harold St in Montrose. Wonderful christian church with a majority gay congregation. And I'm pretty sure there are some pretty drunken priests out there... :D

Edited by wendyps
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yes, I have heard that interpretation before. I have also heard it interpreted literall, and heard it interpreted that it is an inherant difference between men and women....

This particular passage cannot be interpreted literally if one understands proper hermanutics, and the culture of the time in which the passage was written.. That's the problem with Christians today, they don't know there own faith or how to defend it.

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A lot of christians have been given a really bad rap by other christians, its sad. Especially the multi-millionaire frauds on t.v. who con poor people into sending them the last of their money by suggesting to them "I feel god is tellin some of yew out there ta send 10,000 dollers! You know who yew arre!" Those people make me rationalize murder.

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A lot of christians have been given a really bad rap by other christians, its sad. Especially the multi-millionaire frauds on t.v. who con poor people into sending them the last of their money by suggesting to them "I feel god is tellin some of yew out there ta send 10,000 dollers! You know who yew arre!" Those people make me rationalize murder.


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This particular passage cannot be interpreted literally if one understands proper hermanutics

So who decides which hermeneutics are proper? If one passage cannot be interpreted literally, who's to say that others - such as those which seemingly oppose homosexuality - likewise cannot be interpreted literally?

On the other hand hermanutics


when used in conjunction with gomezutics


almost always lead to incontestable truths about mid 60s camp-horror television.

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  • 1 month later...
A lot of christians have been given a really bad rap by other christians, its sad. Especially the multi-millionaire frauds on t.v. who con poor people into sending them the last of their money by suggesting to them "I feel god is tellin some of yew out there ta send 10,000 dollers! You know who yew arre!" Those people make me rationalize murder.

Where did you find all of the christians? I havent seen one in a long time!

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Here's the deal. Anyone that has to point out to you that THEY are a christian, and that You need to understand that. Is not, I repeat, IS NOT, a true Christian.

Ohhhhh! Then there are ALOT of untrue Christians in my area.

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Ohhhhh! Then there are ALOT of untrue Christians in my area.

I know that was a pretty VAGUE statement. I mean that you shouldn't have to explain yourself to anyone as to WHY you are a Christian, let your actions to your fellow man do your talking for you. I would probably NOT be a TRUE Christian either. I commit sins all the time, I am not gonna beat myself up over it. I just keep trying to do my best and have faith that my good deeds outweigh the bad ones. Tough to walk that straight and narrow, with so much temptation. :blush: I try though, boy do I try. I am not really worried though, I have already been to Hell once, I got kicked out because I tried to take over ! :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

About a month ago I was putting my 20 dollars of gas in at Wal-Mart when this SUV pulled up. A woman probably 35 years plus in age gets out and walks over to me carring a pamplet. She starts rambling on telling me that I look like a good looking young church goer and her christian church was trying to bring in more young men to some meetings they were holding. I found it difficult to get a word in as I was tightening the gas cap. She paused for a second to hand me the piece of paper in her hand. When she did, I told her I was not interested. She continued on to say that it would benefit me to take the paper. I told her "I'm Jewish and cannot accept it". She had this upset look on her face when I told her that. She responded with "well, sorry for trying to help you!" real sarcastically. Her statment kind of pissed me off so when she started to walk off I said to her "One thing ma'am", she turned around, I continued with saying "I'm glad about what my people did to Jesus!" with a smile on my face. I hopped in my truck and left, but the look on her face with her mouth dropped open was hilarous.

What is even funnier is that I'm not even Jewish. I don't belive in anything, and don't care to convert or be converted. I usually tell people that I am Jewish so that they leave me alone. But she definately was being a bad representative of christians by harassing me.

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