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American Idol, and the winner is................


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I have seen all seasons of this show, I would say that I am forced into watching because of my wife, but, I will admit that it is a bit of a guilty pleasure. That said, I have seen some funny $h*t go down on this show over the past few years, but tonight took the cake.

..........Seacrest announces that Taylor Hicks is the winner over McFee, and the crowd goes wild ! They cut to a shot of his hometown of Birmingham,Al. going nuts, the cameras show his family in the audience crying and clapping, they show the judges clapping and Paula with the "I'm sooooo proud" look on her face. Then the moment I fall out of my chair comes on. They cut to David Hasselhoff, balling like a little girl. My wife covered her mouth because she was laughing so hard she started Hee-Hawing. I am ROFLMFAO at this point, wondering what the hell is that all about. Great moment in T.V. history. :lol::lol::lol:

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i second that "LMAO" moment.

did anyone notice how messed up paula abdul looked the week before last. she was trashed. her eyes were barely open, randy and simon were putting their hands behind her to steady her as she jumped around and overreacted to things. they were interrupting her in an attempt to cover it up. hysterical.

oh, also tonight, the moment the clay wannabe sees clay akin. good times, good times.

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oh, also tonight, the moment the clay wannabe sees clay akin. good times, good times.

LOL.....I thought she, er, I mean he, was going to pee his pants when Clay came out (no pun intended!!)...I think that was my favorite part.....

I thought the overall show was very well done - they got a lot of "old" stars to mix with the "new" stars...pretty cool....

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oh, also tonight, the moment the clay wannabe sees clay akin. good times, good times.

LOL.....I thought she, er, I mean he, was going to pee his pants when Clay came out (no pun intended!!)...I think that was my favorite part.....

Definetly my favorite part as well. I wonder if they screened him for heart conditions beforehand. Being all nervous and then getting that kind of shock could kill somebody!

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American Idol is like Who Wants to be a Millionaire, just a fad that the media shoves down our throats. I can't believe it's been on this long and still hasn't been shoved into a late night or daytime tv spot due to running it's course of fame. Please, follow that Regie Philbin show. The fact that the American Idol winner is the main headline on the news tickers is proof that our nation's morality is being tested and our ability to be led like sheep exposed. ;)

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American Idol is like Who Wants to be a Millionaire, just a fad that the media shoves down our throats. I can't believe it's been on this long and still hasn't been shoved into a late night or daytime tv spot due to running it's course of fame. Please, follow that Regie Philbin show. The fact that the American Idol winner is the main headline on the news tickers is proof that our nation's morality is being tested and our ability to be led like sheep exposed. ;)

....what does American Idol have to do with our nation's morality ?? :wacko:

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American Idol is like Who Wants to be a Millionaire, just a fad that the media shoves down our throats. I can't believe it's been on this long and still hasn't been shoved into a late night or daytime tv spot due to running it's course of fame. Please, follow that Regie Philbin show. The fact that the American Idol winner is the main headline on the news tickers is proof that our nation's morality is being tested and our ability to be led like sheep exposed. ;)


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....what does American Idol have to do with our nation's morality ?? :wacko:

Well, we're more concerned with a manufactured tv phenomenon than solving the problems with our own country, its environment, and natural resources. That is a moral issue to me.

Also, we are idolizing a tv program as well, just like the name suggests. We're not doing it on our own will, but more like we're doing whatever the media wants us to do, which is gather in front of our tv sets in masses all over America. So, basically we're idolizing the media, which is also immoral.

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Well, we're more concerned with a manufactured tv phenomenon than solving the problems with our own country, its environment, and natural resources. That is a moral issue to me.

Also, we are idolizing a tv program as well, just like the name suggests. We're not doing it on our own will, but more like we're doing whatever the media wants us to do, which is gather in front of our tv sets in masses all over America. So, basically we're idolizing the media, which is also immoral.

You are reading a little too much into American Idol. So, when the Super Bowl is on, all of us chimps gather around so that the media can brainwash us ? WOW, just think if they get there hands on the INTERNET ? GASP ! :o:lol:

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my nephew, who laughs at american idol and those who watch it, asked last night how this could possibly be so big. my answer is: america loves competition, america loves winners and underdogs, america loves to see someone succeed in their dreams or passion.

i would offer that american idol is less like corporate america or advertisers shoving crap down our throats than, say, MTV or the nightly news programs. yes, they (american idol/inventor) have their advertisers, but they couldn't be on the air otherwise. i think that the creators of american idol and american inventor are genuinely interested in the creativity and inventiveness that has, in my lifetime, become mediocre at best. the coming spin-offs may be another story. look at the guests they've had who are or have been mentors to other great talents: burt bacharach, barry manilow, clive davis.

also, anything that becomes a big hit will try to reproduce itself as long as there is money to be made. i don't think that taylor or any of the other contestants are a part of some world wide brainwashing scheme. it's nice to see people (hasselhoff included) get all worked up over talent. i can't stand awards shows like mtv or the academy awards where mediocre musicians get hailed as great artists because they have a big hit that was promoted by mtv or a movie. half the time these people are worthless live.

my opinion is that american idol is changing the popular music business.

btw, i seldom listen to music on the radio or watch music videos. i enjoy more alternative (not grunge, metal pop crap) genres of music. american idol couldn't produce an idol i'd worship. i'm too......alternative.

Edited by bachanon
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The fact that AI is so popular isn't because of our morality (or lack of thereof), from what I've seen of most of the contestants and their backgrounds and it seems that most of them grew up singing in the church in some form or another. So the morality twist is a bit askew..

As one previous poster had stated, one of the reasons is the competition, but I believe it's a bit deeper than that.

it reflects on a relatively innocent competition in which we look upon as pure entertainment.

No one is killing eachother.

No one is cutting up bodies.

No one is out stabbing each other in the back to succeed.

It also gives us a bit of a respite from the day to day tedium we all have to listen to or deal with constantly. It gives us a break from OUR reality.

No war news.

No gas news.

No Crime News.

No Political news.

No Ideological arguments.

No Democrats.

No Republicans.

No Liberals.

No Conservatives.

No Trials.

In otherwords PureAuteur, lighten up!

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well said ricco.

I'll second that!

American Idol is great entertainment...and the show last light was spectacular!

There was a lot of great talent this year. So many that will go far in their music careers. My pick was Taylor from the beginning, meaning, he came closest to the type of music I like to listen to...and I love to see someone enjoy themselves, and be themselves when they perform.

I admit I am getting tired of a few things, like Paula being so wasted they have to hold her up so she does not fall on her face. And I get tired of Simon being so negative, but I have to admit he is usually right. And the "Dawg Pound" is getting on my last nerve... but the contestants are getting amazing opportuninties to prove themselves, and even if they do not win, they will most likely go far in their dreams... and to me, that's the best part.

SOUL PATROL all the way! :wub:

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To be honest, I had never seen the show until this week. My only exposure has been either radio or the occasional appearance on various talk shows. I haven't been impressed by anyone. When Tuesday's "episode" was on, i was surprised that someone like the girl made it this far. I know they are amateurs and trying to sound like some other singer so they can relate to the audience better however I"d prefer that they just sing the song in their own style. It was almost as if she didn't feel the music. Her somewhere over the rainbow was ok but it was clearly an attempt to sound like Eva Cassidy. Taylor on the other hand i think knows he doesn't have the best voice but he knows how to use what he has. I thought there was a little more feeling in him. When they both sang with the gospel choir, she just had no energy while he really took advantage of the gospel setting.

I still think the highlight of the show was the reunion of Burt Bacharach and Dionne Warwick. She didn't have the best voice but i think she knew that and did what she could with what she had. I will say that i did like that the audience showed her and everyone else respect.

Edited by musicman
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