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Houston Texas freeway beautification

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yea yea yea i'm glad sumone finely say it. houston freewys are ugly and look very unkept espeshally on the northside. why does houston have to be so dum? dallas freewys are better beuz they dont use that ugly white freewy concreete top that houston do dallas use the black top witch is more pleasing to the eye. i git tird of waiting on houston to realize it is importint city when houson dont want it for itself this city could be mor than what it is but it dont wannabe. maybe i can either move to dallas or atlanta since houston dont wanna shyne.

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yea yea yea i'm glad sumone finely say it. houston freewys are ugly and look very unkept espeshally on the northside. why does houston have to be so dum? dallas freewys are better beuz they dont use that ugly white freewy concreete top that houston do dallas use the black top witch is more pleasing to the eye. i git tird of waiting on houston to realize it is importint city when houson dont want it for itself this city could be mor than what it is but it dont wannabe. maybe i can either move to dallas or atlanta since houston dont wanna shyne.

I nominate this post for incredible post of the year! :huh:

Hey, zebra, I found this really neat website full of "dum" facts about concrete.

Dum concrete facts

Here's my favorite one....

Fact - By using more heat-reflecting concrete instead of asphalt, Atlanta officials lowered their average city temperature by six degrees!

Hope you have fun when you move to Atlanta! :lol:

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One need only realize that all of those "blighted" businesses are owned by individuals, while all of those pretty shops in Sugarland and the Woodlands are owned by corporations to understand the value of the blight. I'll take the blighted entrepreneur over the minimum wage paying big box every day. I wonder which one contributes more to society?

BTW, I love the palms, as well as the "weeds", also known as "native grasses". :)

I like the palms along I45 too. They're a lot nicer than the anti-abortion signs that keep sprouting up even after the city comes and mows there. More palms. Less abortion signs, please.

Edited by westguy
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I don't know, Red...I think you're forgetting our pal, Plastic.

But I did find a really cool and not "dum" at all website for zebra: http://www.m-w.com/


u mean. why u so mean 2 me? i was just comit on the orig post try 2 idea can go for freewy becuz it true, Houston could stand to butify its landskape. at least cut the grass in frewy medians & lawns. it look too wild in my opinon. try taking look at I-45, E 610. plant shrubry, not those ugly tacky looking weed piles. houston can do better job and i'm just frustratid. but i wil take a look at ur website ok? so leeve me alone

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u mean. why u so mean 2 me? i was just comit on the orig post try 2 idea can go for freewy becuz it true, Houston could stand to butify its landskape. at least cut the grass in frewy medians & lawns. it look too wild in my opinon. try taking look at I-45, E 610. plant shrubry, not those ugly tacky looking weed piles. houston can do better job and i'm just frustratid. but i wil take a look at ur website ok? so leeve me alone

Just read the dictionary and learn to spell. It's better for you and easier for all of us to read your posts.


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Just read the dictionary and learn to spell. It's better for you and easier for all of us to read your posts.


If there's a spell check feature on here, I don't know where it is. I'm in a public library. There's a big dictionary already opened on a podium. If I'm having trouble spelling something, I have to walk over to it, look it up, write it down, then come back here to the computer.

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I like the palms along I45 too. They're a lot nicer than the anti-abortion signs that keep sprouting up even after the city comes and mows there. More palms. Less abortion signs, please.

I've seen billboards advertise vasectomy reversals. If more men driving on the freeway who see those signs will patronize those clinics, then there would be less abortion signs.

But my favorite are booze billboards. I'd rather pull into a liquor store than a vasectomy clinic.

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  • 1 month later...
Are you saying that I spelled "vasectomy" wrong? That's no reason to "cut me off". LOL

Do any of you commute on I-10? It really upsets me to see 90% of the trees TXDOT planted from the Loop to downtown dying. The only things that make it are crapemyrtles (sp) and those miniature pine trees. The money wasted from all of those trees dying is so frustrating. And I don't think its just a lack of water. We've gotten alot of rain recently. Is the exhaust from the cars killing these things? Whatever the case is, if TXDOT is going to plant them, they need to spend the extra effort to maintain them. Our freeways have so much potential... but we're not realizing it.

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Do any of you commute on I-10? It really upsets me to see 90% of the trees TXDOT planted from the Loop to downtown dying. The only things that make it are crapemyrtles (sp) and those miniature pine trees. The money wasted from all of those trees dying is so frustrating. And I don't think its just a lack of water. We've gotten alot of rain recently. Is the exhaust from the cars killing these things? Whatever the case is, if TXDOT is going to plant them, they need to spend the extra effort to maintain them. Our freeways have so much potential... but we're not realizing it.

I'm no expert on car exhaust, and I dobn't claim to be, but I do believe that there's a lot of carbon dioxide in exhaust, and trees, as all plants, breathe that so I wouldn't think that the exhaust would be the issue.

As far as what it is, I really wouldn't know. Disease maybe???

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I'm no expert on car exhaust, and I dobn't claim to be, but I do believe that there's a lot of carbon dioxide in exhaust, and trees, as all plants, breathe that so I wouldn't think that the exhaust would be the issue.

As far as what it is, I really wouldn't know. Disease maybe???

Trees absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.

Some trees are more hardy than others. varieties should be chosen that are able to grow in the harshest conditions. Crepe myrtles can withstand anything...while redbuds can't. I think there are also some bradford pears as well which aren't the strongest trees either.

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i thinking having asthetically pleasing freeways that do block out some of the shitty looking businesses is better for the city in the long run.

if the first glimpse of the city was coming from I-10 (westbound), 45 (either way) or 59 (south bound), i would have a pretty crappy first impression of the city that would linger even after i saw river oaks. houston has a serious image problem as it is and it's blighted freeways decked out with billboards, run down strip malls and surface lots don't help. i understand not every freewway will be picturesque but a little attention would hurt.

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i thinking having asthetically pleasing freeways that do block out some of the shitty looking businesses is better for the city in the long run.

if the first glimpse of the city was coming from I-10 (westbound), 45 (either way) or 59 (south bound), i would have a pretty crappy first impression of the city that would linger even after i saw river oaks. houston has a serious image problem as it is and it's blighted freeways decked out with billboards, run down strip malls and surface lots don't help. i understand not every freewway will be picturesque but a little attention would hurt.

Remember there are a lot of things ot consider here. When were the freeways built? lack of zoning? etc.

many of our freeways were built when the land was relatively easy to obtain. with a lack of zoning, anything could be built instead of requiring greenspace. 288 for instance was built after the fact and required lots of razing homes. but it results in a more aesthetically pleasing look.

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I may have asked this in another thread, but am I the only one who finds it Ironic that City Hall is so worried about Downtown looking like "Las Vegas" with signs and logos... yet... All the neon, blinking, and overall mafia/hooker feel of the signs I see on the freeway make me feel like I took a wrong turn on Las Vegas Blvd.? The Gallery Furniture sign looks like a casino sign. Infact, the building looks like a casino. Perhaps not a glitzy Bellagio (the kind of casino you want).

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