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Crime In Montrose


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I may be misunderstanding here, but I read it as dbigtex hitting a car to alert them they were about to run him down at a crosswalk as they made their right turn. That sounds like self-defense to me.

Whether a pedestrian is crossing the street the car is approaching on, or crossing the street the car is turning into , you're still supposed to look both ways. You never just assume your pedestrian right of way when you're going up against several thousand lbs. Make eye contact with the driver at the stop sign before crossing the street. In Dbigtex's example - If he's not paying attention to you and you don't think he sees you, then guess what.. you wait. You yield your right of way. You don't continue to cross the street in front of the car just because you are "in the right". If you know the driver has not seen you since ""Almost NEVER do drivers check to their right when making a right-hand turn from a stop sign"... then you'd have to be dumb to still step out in front of them.

I read it as dbigtex being ticked that the car wasn't yielding to his pedestrian right of way and pounding the car accordingly. He doesnt have the right to do that. That is not self defense.

Unjustly losing your right of way doesnt justify violence. If my car and another car both stopped at a 4 way intersection at the same time. If I'm on the right, I know I have the right of way... but I'm not just going to assume the other driver knows that I have the right of way. I'd continue slowly while making eye contact with him. If he decides to go for it in front of me, I do not then have the right to ram him just because I had the right of way.

Use common sense.. a pedestrian shouldn't step in front of any moving car, turning or not, right of way or not, if he doesn't think the driver has seen him.

Edited by Highway6
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Pounding on someone's car when they are in it is asking for trouble. Period. You have no right to do that. Period.

Yes, if they came out and assaulted you, you could sue their ass... you'd get rich, but you'd still deserve the asskicking.

Red will have to step in on this one. I believe in tort law - if you pounded a car with the driver in it... the car would be considered an extension of the driver, you would in essence be assaulting the driver and they could file civil charges.

I'm not sure what your actions would have to entail for criminal charges to be pressed. At the least, there would be destruction of property.

If you pounded my car, for any reason, at an intersection. I would immediately phone the cops and follow you till they showed up. I would make you financially regret it as much as I could.


That would be interesting to find out!

I've had some tool pound my car when I was a foot or two into the crosswalk (I had to go forward a tad to avoid being tapped from behind) and some moron did exactly that. I would have screamed something at him if it wasn't for the fact that at that moment someone hit the leadfoot behind me.

Had it done to me again at the rodeo last year when I apparently couldn't inch fast enough to get out of the way for them to jaywalk.

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That would be interesting to find out!

I've had some tool pound my car when I was a foot or two into the crosswalk (I had to go forward a tad to avoid being tapped from behind) and some moron did exactly that. I would have screamed something at him if it wasn't for the fact that at that moment someone hit the leadfoot behind me.

Had it done to me again at the rodeo last year when I apparently couldn't inch fast enough to get out of the way for them to jaywalk.

it used to be very common in NYC (well, a friend told me this, so I'm going on his word) for people to put half empty softdrink cans, or cups on the hoods of cars that would pull into the crosswalk.

In my car, I got tired of being worried about people being able to stop behind me, so I usually start stopping for a red light well ahead of where I could, it also saves my brakes. if people behind me don't like that I am stopping for a red light a couple hundred feet before where they would start slowing, they either go around me, or just sit behind me being pissed that I didn't wait until the last possible second to stop.

doesn't do much to help if I am already stopped and someone waits till the last second to do their stopping, or if I have to slam my brakes after a light changes to yellow.

right of way, and who should have priority is only as good as the other people on the street. that doesn't abdicate the person who didn't yield the appropriate right of way from being at fault in an altercation, but it does make good sense for people to assume everyone else on the street is an aloof idiot to be as alert as possible and give up some right of way to ensure their safety.

keep in mind also that erratic behavior attracts attention, and people will be more likely to give you a wide berth. So as a pedestrian, flailing your arms about madly, and swerving as you walk may look silly, but it may also save your life because the drivers will steer well clear of your path :D

Edited by samagon
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I may be misunderstanding here, but I read it as dbigtex hitting a car to alert them they were about to run him down at a crosswalk as they made their right turn. That sounds like self-defense to me.

I used to live near the intersection where those folks were hit. Walked around with a baby in a stroller a lot. Scary. Where I live now, I've seen a driver run a red light at high speed in front of an elementary school. At 8:00 a.m. I'm sorry, I'm not giving one inch here... the driver ran a red light, the driver is at fault, this should not be a forum about how stupid pedestrians are and how they should be more careful.

it used to be very common in NYC (well, a friend told me this, so I'm going on his word) for people to put half empty softdrink cans, or cups on the hoods of cars that would pull into the crosswalk.

In my car, I got tired of being worried about people being able to stop behind me, so I usually start stopping for a red light well ahead of where I could, it also saves my brakes. if people behind me don't like that I am stopping for a red light a couple hundred feet before where they would start slowing, they either go around me, or just sit behind me being pissed that I didn't wait until the last possible second to stop.

doesn't do much to help if I am already stopped and someone waits till the last second to do their stopping, or if I have to slam my brakes after a light changes to yellow.

right of way, and who should have priority is only as good as the other people on the street. that doesn't abdicate the person who didn't yield the appropriate right of way from being at fault in an altercation, but it does make good sense for people to assume everyone else on the street is an aloof idiot to be as alert as possible and give up some right of way to ensure their safety.

keep in mind also that erratic behavior attracts attention, and people will be more likely to give you a wide berth. So as a pedestrian, flailing your arms about madly, and swerving as you walk may look silly, but it may also save your life because the drivers will steer well clear of your path :D

Thank you. I'm glad that you 'get it'. I'm not interested in insisting on my right of way; if I see a car has been waiting for a break in traffic, I'll wave him ahead. And I do try waving, shouting "hello? HELLO?" before banging on someone's hood. That's a last resort for the truly clueless. The car that broke my leg was at a dead stop when I entered the crosswalk, then inexplicably decided to creep forward. While he was on his cell phone. While looking only to the left. And now I must insist on eye contact, because having your leg broken sucks.

Someone on this thread appears to be an angry, aggressive driver. Slow down and enjoy life.

Excellent advice. Driving is transportation, not a competitive sport. When it becomes a contact sport people get hurt - or killed.

I'm confused, is the spur 529 the same spot that is now called spur 527 on GoogleEarth? or was the accident near another location...

It's Spur 527. The accident happened on W Alabama, about a mile west of the Spur. Personally, I see no connection.
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Thank you. I'm glad that you 'get it'. I'm not interested in insisting on my right of way; if I see a car has been waiting for a break in traffic, I'll wave him ahead. And I do try waving, shouting "hello? HELLO?" before banging on someone's hood. That's a last resort for the truly clueless. The car that broke my leg was at a dead stop when I entered the crosswalk, then inexplicably decided to creep forward. While he was on his cell phone. While looking only to the left. And now I must insist on eye contact, because having your leg broken sucks.

Excellent advice. Driving is transportation, not a competitive sport. When it becomes a contact sport people get hurt - or killed.

It's Spur 527. The accident happened on W Alabama, about a mile west of the Spur. Personally, I see no connection.

The connection is that West Alabama was reconfigured as part of the 527 and 59 reconstruction project 5-6 years ago. When 527 was shut down, the plan was to route all downtown traffic from 59 onto Shepherd, and then to Richmond, Alabama, and Westheimer for a couple of years. People freaked, and they at least added the Main St. exit and some other modifications. Alabama went from a 2 lane road with middle turn lane to a 3 lane contraflow street. TxDot and the city assured everyone that the changes were temporary, and all the realignments would be returned to their original condition after 527 reopened. Years later, they have never been changed back.

So I think what Sidegate is saying is that the temporary reconfiguration of Alabama (which is now permanent) has contributed to more traffic and higher speeds along Alabama and that having two westbound lanes of traffic create a greater opportunity for accidents than when there was only one lane in each direction.

Edited by capnmcbarnacle
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  • 1 month later...

Got an email today about 2 different houses on Garrot street having their doorbells rang at 5am with a guy in a hoodie holding a newspaper-- both houses asked the guy to put the newspaper down--he continued to ring doorbell and police were called--be aware-- this happened this week--

Edited by trymahjong
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  • 1 year later...

Great example of technology and social media teaming up to nail someone. The problem with security cameras has always been twofold...early versions did not show enough detail to be useful in identifying suspects, and, more importantly, no one was watching the cameras. The combination of jmontrose' excellent quality digital camera and Heights Yankee's army of moms (and, of course, ABC13 News) allowed the suspect's mug to actually be seen by many. A 24 hour turnaround is actually very quick.

And an apology goes out to Heights Yankee. I commented on another thread that is was unlikely that this guy in the Heights, since he was all the way down in Montrose. His arrest in the middle of the Heights makes my assumption clearly a mistaken one. Obviously, the use of the white van seen numerous times near burglary scenes means these guys are mobile.

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Great example of technology and social media teaming up to nail someone. The problem with security cameras has always been twofold...early versions did not show enough detail to be useful in identifying suspects, and, more importantly, no one was watching the cameras. The combination of jmontrose' excellent quality digital camera and Heights Yankee's army of moms (and, of course, ABC13 News) allowed the suspect's mug to actually be seen by many. A 24 hour turnaround is actually very quick.

And an apology goes out to Heights Yankee. I commented on another thread that is was unlikely that this guy in the Heights, since he was all the way down in Montrose. His arrest in the middle of the Heights makes my assumption clearly a mistaken one. Obviously, the use of the white van seen numerous times near burglary scenes means these guys are mobile.

Hope they catch him, security cams. Have come a long way, now they use motion sensors to activate and snap photos then. Even emailing them to you

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I just noticed that right next door to the apartment complex that this guy lived at is a pawn shop. I would bet 10 bucks that at least some of his loot was pawned there. He may have traded some of it for crack, but it is also possible that he took some here. jmontrose, you should check it out. It is First Cash Pawn, 12320 Beechnut, near the corner of Beechnut and Cook.

It is worth a try. I have seen more than a few burglaries solved by the resident finding their pawned property themselves, and notifying the police once they found it. Good luck.

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  • 6 months later...

So I was enjoying Jason's Deli on Westheimer/Shepherd last night, and as I was leaving at about 9:30ish I heard fireworks going off, and as I turned my gaze towards the northwest, and I saw the fireworks as well. Best I can guess from my vantage, I'd say they were coming from River Oaks CC, or thereabouts.

It was definitely a professional display, not just some people shooting off some left over bottle rockets from Independence Day.

Anyone know what the big deal was?

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  • 4 years later...

I attended the Central One Division PIP last Tuesday (always first Tuesday each month 1600 State Street 7pm)

Capt Bennett announced that There were more  BMV's in Montrose during February than anywhere else in HOuston.


The Stats are available on line-- and attendees at meeting are given a booklet that lists: Date, Type of Crime and location.


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