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Any Texan or local politician as future president?


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I'm talking about a TRUE Texan not at an East Coast wannabe texan. :D

I thought Ann Richards would have had the best shot at that last election for a Democratic nomination, but I don't think she ever had that desire. I CAN see Rick Perry or Huchinson attempting to run, though I don't know their chances. It wouldn't have surprised me if Tom Delay once wished that for himself, but I think he's already Cheney'ed himself on the political bird-hunting range...

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Do you guys see any Texan or local politician Houston as a future prospect for the Presidency of the U.S.A?

Bill White.

Rick Noriega after he runs for Senate against Cornyn in 2008.

Rick Perry. (oops sorry. I just threw up)

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Sister Ann Richards sadly isnt in the best of health these days :(

Bill White

Kay Bailey Hutchinson

T Boone Pickens

James Baker iii

Kay Bailey "I'm only going to serve for 2 terms then I'm out.....errrr....never mind" Hutchison? I'll never forgive her for not running for govenor. She's no prize but she's better than Perry.

Edited by west20th
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Jeb Bush was born in Texas, wasn't he? How about Tom Delay? Ken Lay???

Yeah-those are the kind of people we want to take the spotlight as the next President from Texas: An indicted Republican Congressman, a convicted Republican swindler and a guy from Florida who can't even control his own drunk/drugged/violent children much less his libido-oh wait...his pretzel choking :lol: brother did. Good picks, H2B.


BTW, will DeLay and Lay be able to run for President from a federal jail cell? Just wondering...

Edited by nmainguy
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Yeah-those are the kind of people we want to take the spotlight as the next President from Texas: An indicted Republican Congressman, a convicted Republican swindler and a guy from Florida who can't even control his own drunk/drugged/violent children much less his libido-oh wait...his pretzel choking :lol: brother did. Good picks, H2B.


BTW, will DeLay and Lay be able to run for President from a federal jail cell? Just wondering...

Too bad there is not a sarcastic emoticon. I think that would have told you he was saying those name toungue in cheek. :unsure:

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bill white needs to get the vice presidential nod or at least a high ranking cabinet position (at least national security advisor or sec of the interior). he was deputy secretary of energy during the clinton reign. I could see white as president but all I wonder is if he could see himself as president.

just remember matt santos was houston mayor then congressman and then president (but thats the west wing)

if white ran for governor he would win the election but would the dem party ever nominate a texas governor for president? I would think it could be viewed as a good idea. the dems could say well republican couldnt nominate worth shoot but we can and from texas to boot.

yet white is too into politiking and actual management to run for governor. since all they can do is call special sessions

Rep. candidates that could be envisioned are...ted poe, t boone pickens (a little old), michael dell, john culberson (but what has he done as a congressman)

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