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Red Scare Vs Midtowncoog

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It's not about quantity, it's about quality. Who wants a bunch of one word or smiley replies just to up your post count?

Didn't imply that quantity was more important than quality, but the description of this topic was "The Most Posts", so that what I responded to. I agree with your assessment.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Isn't that photo from the yet to be released movie, "Brokeback Mat"?

Out of everyone from HAIF, you were the last I expected to use the lame (& old) "Brokeback Mountain" gay reference. Your status has dropped from everyday smartass to everyday semi-lame smartass. Congrats on the new stats.

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Hey, Montrose. Why don't you go get that horse you rode in on so's I can address you both at the same time?

I saw no need for your snide, personal attack just because I was trying to be humorous. If you don't like it, then skip on by. Otherwise -

Uh, is that horse there yet?

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Hey, Montrose. Why don't you go get that horse you rode in on so's I can address you both at the same time?

I saw no need for your snide, personal attack just because I was trying to be humorous. If you don't like it, then skip on by. Otherwise -

Uh, is that horse there yet?

Take it easy their cowboy, 'woah now'.

I just simply admire your humor :wub: (no sarcasm.) I just expected jeebus to whip out the ole' Brokeback gay thing before you. Oh, no offense jeebus.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I FINALLY caught up to Trae,

A few weeks ago I was playing around on this site and I noticed that there is a section under my assistant that shows Top 10 posters. At that time I noticed Red Scare and MidtownCoog were neck n neck for the most posts. I have checked back periodically and it seems like they are racing each other.

I think Red Scare has locked his lead, Midtowncoog is just too far behind now, I am now in the top 40 members! :lol:

I was past 110 members 6 months ago. :o

Edited by Pumapayam
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  • 3 weeks later...

Did you ever get the feeling that you were actually a character in some show? That you actually were in it? It dawned on me: we are all internet characters on an internet show, with the world sitting in front of computers instead of television sets, watching and enjoying plots and drama and everything. The main characters may be Redscare and MidtowCoog and Editor and Dibigtex, and several other main characters. And just maybe, I play a supporting role. Yet none of us are being paid for this. So the

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Did you ever get the feeling that you were actually a character in some show? That you actually were in it? It dawned on me: we are all internet characters on an internet show, with the world sitting in front of computers instead of television sets, watching and enjoying plots and drama and everything. The main characters may be Redscare and MidtowCoog and Editor and Dibigtex, and several other main characters. And just maybe, I play a supporting role. Yet none of us are being paid for this. So the
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You laugh. But there is something to this theory, because, if the main characters – defined as the ones who post the most – suddenly stopped participating, then the show would get boring. And then the “ratings” would go down, which is to say that the traffic of all the people hitting the site that just lurk, or just “watch the show” - would drop. Because now it's boring. And then the business side of this show would go down also. And then the show would be cancelled. Yep. That’s what it is. It’s a show. And we’re in it.

I don't think its the # of posts, but rather what they have to say.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I wanted to say to myself, 'Happy 1000th post!"

I am now in the top 33 posters! :lol::ph34r:B):)

Now I am saying "Happy 1400th post!"

It took about 2 months meaning I posted on average about 7 posts a day!

I am now in the top 24, almost 23 posters! ^_^

I will see the rest of you in the top 10 soon! <---I am such the dork I know. :P

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