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Hey! Hey! Hey! Lookie what we found!

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Over 500 WMDs were found in Iraq according to newly released documents. They were discovered last April, and consist of filled as well as previously filled shelled containing serrin gas and mustard gas. There is also evidence of other WMDs that have yet to be found.

It seems the Bush administration has known this information for months, but they chose not to release the information for whatever reasons. Rick Santorum and another congressman have been fighting for the release of the documents, and the declassification pertains to only a portion of the documents on the WMDs. More are expected to be released later.

This was just reported on FOX in a news conference by Santorum, so it is still a developing story.

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Over 500 WMDs were found in Iraq according to newly released documents. They were discovered last April, and consist of filled as well as previously filled shelled containing serrin gas and mustard gas. There is also evidence of other WMDs that have yet to be found.

It seems the Bush administration has known this information for months, but they chose not to release the information for whatever reasons. Rick Santorum and another congressman have been fighting for the release of the documents, and the declassification pertains to only a portion of the documents on the WMDs. More are expected to be released later.

This was just reported on FOX in a news conference by Santorum, so it is still a developing story.

Maybe the Bush Administration is waiting to find the motherload before going to print ?

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Over 500 WMDs were found in Iraq according to newly released documents. They were discovered last April, and consist of filled as well as previously filled shelled containing serrin gas and mustard gas. There is also evidence of other WMDs that have yet to be found.

It seems the Bush administration has known this information for months, but they chose not to release the information for whatever reasons. Rick Santorum and another congressman have been fighting for the release of the documents, and the declassification pertains to only a portion of the documents on the WMDs. More are expected to be released later.

This was just reported on FOX in a news conference by Santorum, so it is still a developing story.

I'm skeptical. There must have been a reason Bush didn't want this released and I don't believe a word that comes out of Santorum's mouth, especially since he is fighting for his political life in the next election. We'll see how the story unfolds.

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If you heard it from Senator "man-on-dog" Santorum on FOX then it HAS to be true!!! :wacko:

Seriously, I'd have to see the rabbit to believe anything Cheny and Bush says.

"Fool me once, shame on-shame on you. Fo

GW Bush' alt='>GW Bush'>

They must have found it to be bogus because there is no mention of it on their website. :blink:

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FOX Story - hot off the press!

The weapons found were pre-Gulf War and contained both mustard and serrin gas. According to a couple of former weapons inspectors (Hannity and Colmes), the mustard gas is probably not harmful, probably having turned to jelly. However, the serrin gas would still be lethal.

The argument from the Left, I am sure, will be that these WMDs are not what we went to war over. I would beg to differ. The US and the then coalition knew about these weapons, and, under the agreement with Saddam after the Gulf War, these WMDs were to have been destroyed, but we never had proof that they were destroyed.

It doesn

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The argument from the Left, I am sure, will be that these WMDs are not what we went to war over. I would beg to differ. The US and the then coalition knew about these weapons, and, under the agreement with Saddam after the Gulf War, these WMDs were to have been destroyed, but we never had proof that they were destroyed.

It doesn

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I was thinking Cheney but they're one and the same so no biggie.


I was impressed by the asking the question and answering it himself, but the Cheney impression of linking Saddam and al Qaeda is pretty good, too.

Funny, I never knew Bush was a liberal. He ignores the connection, too. :huh:

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Pre early '90's Gulf War or Current?
The current one, but not sure the exact age.
Definate connection. Such as?
There has been much mention of it recently, and I believe the evidence of the connection was found in the safe-house where al-Zarqawi was killed.

My only source of information is from cable news - FOX, CNN and MSNBC. When I hear a report, I make a judgment on the validity, and then I form an opinion. However, I can

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BTW, I discount rhetoric from the Right as well as the Left in my attempt to be unbiased. However, the Left seems to be doing much more rhetoricizing lately. Perhaps that is the Nature of those in the minority.

No, the Left is talking so much because the Right has suffered a daunting string of setbacks over the last year. Therefore, the Right toned it down, and the Left filled the void. Plus, it is coming up on election season, so both sides will be talking trash until November.

As for this report of WMDs, Rick Santorum is down 18% in his re-election bid. He is desparate. Since he is the only one to say anything, it is very suspect. I will wait until someone more believable says something before I have any opinion at all.

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The current one, but not sure the exact age.

There has been much mention of it recently, and I believe the evidence of the connection was found in the safe-house where al-Zarqawi was killed.

My only source of information is from cable news - FOX, CNN and MSNBC. When I hear a report, I make a judgment on the validity, and then I form an opinion. However, I can

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This stuff was found prior to the gulf war and the news is just getting out now? This whole story smells funny. Why is Santorum announcing this? Why didn't the White House announce this? It all doesn't make sense and doesn't add up.

The White House hasn't announced it, for these exact examples that you are seeing being posted here. The nay-sayers, totally shrugging it off as a ploy. They blame Bush and Bush hasn't even said a word about it, then the nay-sayers get all in a tizzy because "The White House HASN"T said anything about it, and why haven't they, if they've had this information for awhile ?" The White House wants to make sure that there will be no mistake as to whether these alleged WMDs are, and where they came from and is there anymore out there ? The White House is gonna wait to get all the ducks in a row so that there can be NO disputing the evidence.

Santorum got to read a report about a stash of WMDs found, and since he is down in the polls, you bet he is gonna try to be a goldenboy, and stir things up to garner some attention.

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The White House hasn't announced it, for these exact examples that you are seeing being posted here. The nay-sayers, totally shrugging it off as a ploy. They blame Bush and Bush hasn't even said a word about it, then the nay-sayers get all in a tizzy because "The White House HASN"T said anything about it, and why haven't they, if they've had this information for awhile ?" The White House wants to make sure that there will be no mistake as to whether these alleged WMDs are, and where they came from and is there anymore out there ? The White House is gonna wait to get all the ducks in a row so that there can be NO disputing the evidence.

Santorum got to read a report about a stash of WMDs found, and since he is down in the polls, you bet he is gonna try to be a goldenboy, and stir things up to garner some attention.

Hmmmm....so your saying Sanatorium released this info w/o the White Houses blessing? Talk about not supporting your president in a time of war and politicising the war for political gain.

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Talk about not supporting your president in a time of war and politicising the war for political gain.
Not that the Democrats would ever do that! :lol:

I have heard it suggested that the countries of origin of these weapons were - well, I don't remember two of them, but the third mentioned was France. It was also suggested that is why Bush didn't want to make an issue of them, because it might upset an already fragile alliance.

One of the other sources might have been Russia, but I am not sure of that.

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Hmmmm....so your saying Sanatorium released this info w/o the White Houses blessing? Talk about not supporting your president in a time of war and politicising the war for political gain.

I won't say that The White House didn't know, besides if it IS true, how does this hurt the war effort ?

I don't suppose you got that line from Keith Olbermann's show on MSNBC last night, did you?

Nope, I swear on a stack of bibles, I didn't plagiarize. I would have put quotations if I had stolen it.

Rick sure screwed this one up. Wasn't he aware that this was not to be released to the public til late September to coincide with the news that we captured Bin Laden?


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You have to wonder why most news sources don't seem to think this is worth covering. Even the rabid, Bush loving talk show hosts on the radio are not even mentioning it today.

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You have to wonder why most news sources don't seem to think this is worth covering. Even the rabid, Bush loving talk show hosts on the radio are not even mentioning it today.

C'mon west, you know full well that the Liberal-biased media isn't gonna cover this. They will jump all over it however if it turns up to be untrue or over-exaggerated.

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C'mon west, you know full well that the Liberal-biased media isn't gonna cover this. They will jump all over it however if it turns up to be untrue or over-exaggerated.

It aint just the liberal biased media (so called). It isn't being covered ANYWHERE today. Got some coverage yesterday not today. They all must have realized there wasn't much to the story and what a political stunt this was on Santorum's part. I hope that loser gets spanked next November.

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It aint just the liberal biased media (so called). It isn't being covered ANYWHERE today. Got some coverage yesterday not today. They all must have realized there wasn't much to the story and what a political stunt this was on Santorum's part. I hope that loser gets spanked next November.

I don't know enough about Santorum to feel one way or another. I'll do a little research on him, and then tell you how he is a great Republican American. :P:D

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It aint just the liberal biased media (so called). It isn't being covered ANYWHERE today. Got some coverage yesterday not today. They all must have realized there wasn't much to the story and what a political stunt this was on Santorum's part. I hope that loser gets spanked next November.

It's on FoxNews website-right above another hard-hitting story about Kevin Federline's [K-Fed] fight to save the penny and wearing a mask of Lincoln to boot! Looks like he left Britney in the double-wide to get her education from Fox all by her self.

(Britney says to the sound of Double Bubble smacking):

Them there Fox peoples gots some hard hittin reportin out there.


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I don't know enough about Santorum to feel one way or another. I'll do a little research on him, and then tell you how he is a great Republican American. :P:D

Santorum? He's the genius that came to the conclusion that if you allow gay marriage people will want to marry their dogs next. One of the deep thinkers of our time.

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