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Splashtown USA Water Park At 21300 Interstate 45 N.

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For those who have been to both, which is better? I have not been to either yet.

The transportainment is at Schlitterbahn Galveston is awesome, no waiting in lines outside.

Edited by Pumapayam
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I grew up on the one in New Braunfels. Great memories! I loved that place back then.

For us Houstonian's, driving to the original one in New Braunfel's was the most fun part! We would reserve a room in those little cottages or nearby motel and just enjoy the weekend.

My fav section was the adult section where all the singles/couples could have drinks ie; Pina Colada's in that outside pool/bar. (They better have added plenty of chlorine in cases someone couldnt hold it). :o

I also like the children's Pirate Ship with the jets of water shooting around and just the creativity that went in to the design. Quite clever.

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For us Houstonian's, driving to the original one in New Braunfel's was the most fun part! We would reserve a room in those little cottages or nearby motel and just enjoy the weekend.

My family always stayed at Landa/Schlitterbahn resort with several other families/friends. The yellow cabins where the tube chutes from the waterpark run in front of and dump into the river. Us (or is it "we"?) kids loved roaming around at night after the park closed. Of course we couldn't get into the main park, but we still played in some of the empty rides.

My fav section was the adult section where all the singles/couples could have drinks ie; Pina Colada's in that outside pool/bar. (They better have added plenty of chlorine in cases someone couldnt hold it).

You mean the big hot tub outside of Chuck E. Cheese? That felt dirty to me. Something about it. I think maybe because it had the umbrella tables in the water and there were always puddles of cool water on the table tops. Reminded me of cold saliva or something. Once there were some soggy playing cards floating around. Gave me the creeps.

Down the street from the resort there was always a place selling funnel cakes. Sometimes we'd go there in the evening after the crowds in the area had died down.

Yep, some of my favorite childhood memories.

Edited by KimberlySayWhat
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I remember the year Schlitterbahn first opened in New Braunfels. They only had 4 slides, and they were kind of boring. My family was staying at Landa (Landau?) just down the road, long before Schlitterbahn bought it and Warneke. I miss the days when New Braunfels was less popular.

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  • 4 months later...
The hydra was the slide with the blue tubes that you went thru. It would get so hot in there during the summer it was hard to breathe. I LIVED at Splashtown every summer when I was a kid. Thanks for the memories!

I lived at Splashtown too - loved it! And I hate to be a Splashtown nerd, but the Hydra was the first set of white slides to the right when you walked in the park. I know because I HATED to work that set of slides...there was a huge beehive at the top and guests were stung left and right. The Hydra had 3 body slides - one that went straight down (much like the Texas Freefall), and two others that had a couple dips in them. I remember those blue pipe body slides too and yes, they would get SO hot in the summer. The lifeguards would rotate which slides/areas they watched during the day, and when a lifeguard would replace you, you would have to ride the slide down to the bottom, and that was my least favorite. Those blue tubes made me feel so claustrophobic because they were very narrow. Those were closed in the late 90's I believe (like '98 or '99)

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I lived at Splashtown too - loved it! And I hate to be a Splashtown nerd, but the Hydra was the first set of white slides to the right when you walked in the park. I know because I HATED to work that set of slides...there was a huge beehive at the top and guests were stung left and right. The Hydra had 3 body slides - one that went straight down (much like the Texas Freefall), and two others that had a couple dips in them. I remember those blue pipe body slides too and yes, they would get SO hot in the summer. The lifeguards would rotate which slides/areas they watched during the day, and when a lifeguard would replace you, you would have to ride the slide down to the bottom, and that was my least favorite. Those blue tubes made me feel so claustrophobic because they were very narrow. Those were closed in the late 90's I believe (like '98 or '99)

The blue body pipe slides were near the Texas Freefall (you climbed the same stairs). They looked narrow, and I guess I was right. Also a little unstable...

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Whoa - that teased hair is waaaaaaay 80s! The top pic with the dude on the yellow board...what was the name of that ride? I can't remember! I do remember that ride was located to the left of the entrance. You would have to carry that heavy board all the way up the stairs and then go down that steep slide. When I was a kid, that ride was so scary to me!

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Fun facts from the 1999 Splashtown website:

The Hydra!

Screamicles: A free-fall cliff dive.

(54-degree drop, 66 feet tall, 223 linear feet)

Weaknesicles: Speed Slide

(66 feet tall, 320 linear feet long)


(66 feet tall, 320 linear feet long)

And the Blue Beast!

Enclosed Body Slide

Four flumes

Approximate tower height -- 54 feet tall

Two twin loops -- approx. 214 linear feet

Two serpentines -- approx. 376 linear feet

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Fun facts from the 1999 Splashtown website:

The Hydra!

Screamicles: A free-fall cliff dive.

(54-degree drop, 66 feet tall, 223 linear feet)

Weaknesicles: Speed Slide

(66 feet tall, 320 linear feet long)


(66 feet tall, 320 linear feet long)

And the Blue Beast!

Enclosed Body Slide

Four flumes

Approximate tower height -- 54 feet tall

Two twin loops -- approx. 214 linear feet

Two serpentines -- approx. 376 linear feet

Ok, now it's all coming back to me! I remember that Weaknesicles was the "baby" ride of the 3 Hydra slides. Yes - it WAS the Blue Beast! They built the Texas Freefall on the same structure, then tore the Blue Beast down. When I worked there, lots of people would get major scratches, slide burns and other injuries from the Blue Beast slides. I'm sure that's why they were torn down. As a lifeguard there, I saw many things, a lot of nasty things...especially in the lazy river and kiddie pool area. I saw lots of "hooking up" happen in that river (in the middle of a packed Saturday afternoon) and lots of poop in the kiddie pool!

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Ok, now it's all coming back to me! I remember that Weaknesicles was the "baby" ride of the 3 Hydra slides. Yes - it WAS the Blue Beast! They built the Texas Freefall on the same structure, then tore the Blue Beast down. When I worked there, lots of people would get major scratches, slide burns and other injuries from the Blue Beast slides. I'm sure that's why they were torn down. As a lifeguard there, I saw many things, a lot of nasty things...especially in the lazy river and kiddie pool area. I saw lots of "hooking up" happen in that river (in the middle of a packed Saturday afternoon) and lots of poop in the kiddie pool!

I'm pretty sure that the Blue Beast was not functional in 1999 when I saw it. It looked narrow and somewhat unstable. The stats didn't give the diameter of the Blue Beast...bummer.

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The Hydra was dismantled between 2002 and 2004: see here, see here. A more recent Google photo shows that the Hydra is now gone and the pool backfilled. (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Spring,+TX&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=42.85226,74.970703&ie=UTF8&ll=30.07048,-95.431672&spn=0.001435,0.002288&t=h&z=19). The Blue Beast must have been torn down around the same time...when Six Flags took over.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • The title was changed to Splashtown USA Water Park At 21300 Interstate 45 N.

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