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General Casey to cut and run from Iraq


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So much for the cut and run one-liner.

General Casey presented plan to cut and run


Senate Democrats reacted angrily yesterday to a report that the U.S. commander in Iraq had privately presented a plan for significant troop reductions in the same week they came under attack by Republicans for trying to set a timetable for withdrawal.

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) said that the plan attributed to Gen. George W. Casey resembles the thinking of many Democrats who voted for a nonbinding resolution to begin a troop drawdown in December. That resolution was defeated Thursday on a largely party-line vote in the Senate.

Imagine that. So while the Republicans were using the resolution as a political football, they were endorsing the very same resolution from General Casey.

I wonder when they will have a picnic in Arlington?

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All they have is one-liners.
You mean like "cut-and-run", the one-liner made famous by Kerry?
Oil - er.. Freedom
I hope to shout, we are fighting about oil. We are fighting to keep so much of the world's oil reserves out of the hands of terrorists. Edited by Heights2Bastrop
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You mean like "cut-and-run", the one-liner made famous by Kerry?

I hope to shout, we are fighting about oil. We are fighting to keep so much of the world's oil reserves out of the hands of terrorists.

Now that is an excuse for the invasion that I have never heard!

Very thought provoking.

Keeping oil out of the terrorist hands.

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Today's "Snow Job" from the FOXNews room at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. was hilarious.

Question: Tony, you had Democrats over the weekend -- Sen. Kerry, Sen. Boxer -- saying that even the framework of a plan would kind of fly in the face of Republican [claims that] the Democrats want to cut and run. Do you have any response to that? I mean, the president, himself, has implied it, Rove has said it outright.

Snow: There's still a pretty significant difference between what Sen. Kerry or even Sen. Levin had proposed and what Gen. Casey is talking about, simply because one is driven by a calendar and the other is driven by events on the ground. So there is a significant difference.

Question: But doesn't Gen. Casey -- like, part one of his plan has a significant number of troops, two combat brigades, coming out in September. Doesn't that give the enemy --

Snow: Well, actually, he has one, and it -- you know, again, this is not, I believe the way, at least it was reported, is you've got two brigades by the end of the year, September being short of the end of the year. But I may be misreading it.

You should look it up.

Edited by nmainguy
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we are fighting to stabilize a region in order to secure a free flow of oil to the US and other western countries. it is a war of economics.

I dont understand why people are complaining about high crude prices and not wanting to fight a war or do something to stabilize a region which houses these supplies. dont get me wrong the region will never stabilize but at least we can find the balls to do something about it. a few things could be to (1) stop the stranglehold which saudi arabia has on us and actually fill in the gaps with iraq, iran, jordan, and other producing nations. (2) destroy the corruption in saudi arabia and take away their 'birth right' and give it to the people (3) emphasize to the people that the West is not the enemy but rather their totalitarian govt (4) a stronger justice dept in the US to end the merging of large oil companies, so that more competition can arise in the production of crude (5) globalize so more competition can arise (the oil trust of russia, saudi arabia, and china are raising the prices of crude) (6) again make an effort with iran that does not involve military coups (reminds me a little of Vietnam)...as I recall the middle east used to be a trusted ally and not an 'axis of evil'...britain and france were the bad guys (7) learn from our mistakes and when all else fails go to war

financing the war through tax cuts on the other hand emphasizes the fact that bush did not pay attention in the lectures at harvard or took a page from johnson's book that said that we can fight a war and not have to worry about inflation.

since there is no form of new supply to fuel our houses and our cars we have nothing to rely on but crude. if more government subsidies went to alternative fuel research than to ethanol, it would curb some of the effects. remember the $1.1 billion for hydrogen? isnt that what we spend per day on a war which goes no where?

the only person who has made any sense in this debate is joe biden and his plans for the region.

always remember if talks fail there cannot be more and more talks but action. peace will not come from inaction. just wait until all of us are drafted to fight a war against 2 bil Chinese because there is no doubt if things progress as they are now that this will happen.

and remember...to keep your whites your whitest use ultra fresh Gain

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A plan to move 7,000, out of 150,000 troops, in two phases by the end of this year is hardly "cut n run". Geez Loise coby, who is "grasping for straws" now ? C'mon Cheif, I expect better from you. :P

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we are fighting to stabilize a region in order to secure a free flow of oil to the US and other western countries. it is a war of economics.

Now that is a better excuse for the war! And one that I have never heard before. I doubt seriously that the American people would have gone to war on this excuse. They needed more, like allegations that Sadaam could have, thought of having, did have, weapons that would be used against our families unless we wrapped our homes in duct tape and plastic.


A plan to move 7,000, out of 150,000 troops, in two phases by the end of this year is hardly "cut n run". Geez Loise coby, who is "grasping for straws" now ? C'mon Cheif, I expect better from you. :P

Just what the terrorist wanted to hear. You gave them a timetable.

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oh pulleeeeze..............

Could you at least expand your retorts to a couple of sentences so they are at least have a little credibility to them.

You are the funniest little man on this forum, thinking that a recommendation to withdraw 7000 troops is a "timetable" to withdraw from Iraq, that is just so darn cute. What is the weather like on your planet ?

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Just what the terrorist wanted to hear. You gave them a timetable.

We gave no "timetable" the 7000 are not set to move out, this proposal was not instituted, it was merely reviewed, so the Terrorists know nothing. Again, nice try.

pssssst, just so you know, I am still rooting for you to make a convincing arguement, keep pluggin at it ! ;)

Edited by TJones
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