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Things that irritate me


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Kimberly. Dear.

That's abnormal. It's irrational and unhealthy. You cannot avoid germs. You're a healthy young woman who has less to fear than you think. Germs are not the problem; fear is.

Bacteria are normal; you couldn't live without them. Your mouth, your gut, your skin are rife with bacteria. Lucky you! They protect us, they help us digest food. An utterly sterile environment is not desirable (despite advertising to the contrary).

Cleanliness is a virtue. Like many virtues, it can be perverted.

Not sure I would classify this as abnormal? I mean, I keep hand sanitizer in my desk drawer, the car, and in my laptop bag. I see guys all the time not wash their hands after using the bathroom. They touch door handles, etc.

I tend to use a towel to open the door into a bathroom and if I must touch it going in, I will use a shirt sleeve or something (thank goodness for push-In bathroom doors...) ... often, if I am really paranoid, I will wash my hands BEFORE touching my stuff (my hands are imminently dirtier than what I'll be touching...).. Oh yeah, and I sanitize once I get back to my office desk.

Is that abnormal too?

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Not sure I would classify this as abnormal? I mean, I keep hand sanitizer in my desk drawer, the car, and in my laptop bag. I see guys all the time not wash their hands after using the bathroom. They touch door handles, etc.

I tend to use a towel to open the door into a bathroom and if I must touch it going in, I will use a shirt sleeve or something (thank goodness for push-In bathroom doors...) ... often, if I am really paranoid, I will wash my hands BEFORE touching my stuff (my hands are imminently dirtier than what I'll be touching...).. Oh yeah, and I sanitize once I get back to my office desk.

Is that abnormal too?

i would say that washing hands is required as is using towel to open doors in bathroom. your use of hand sanitizer seems overboard.

concur on design of bathroom doors.

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Not sure I would classify this as abnormal? I mean, I keep hand sanitizer in my desk drawer, the car, and in my laptop bag. I see guys all the time not wash their hands after using the bathroom. They touch door handles, etc.

I tend to use a towel to open the door into a bathroom and if I must touch it going in, I will use a shirt sleeve or something (thank goodness for push-In bathroom doors...) ... often, if I am really paranoid, I will wash my hands BEFORE touching my stuff (my hands are imminently dirtier than what I'll be touching...).. Oh yeah, and I sanitize once I get back to my office desk.

Is that abnormal too?

Yes. It is. But, hey, if swimming against tides is your thing, who am I to criticize?

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I was at a Chinese Buffet and there was a woman getting some noodles. She scooped them up with the serving utensil and then proceeded to pull the noodles off the utensil with her bare hand and put them on her plate. Not her fingers, her entire hand. She grabbed the noodles the same way a person would grab their hair to pull it back into a pony tail. Seeing that almost gave me a panic attack. Her two children were literally rolling around on the floor around the buffet. One of them picked a peice of broccoli that had fallen on the floor and put it in his mouth. At one point one was picking the other's nose, they were screaming, putting their hands in their mom's plate. They made me so nervous. I grumbled under my breath, but then I later felt bad because someone like her can't possibly be sane.


add stair handrails.

Oh no! A nightmare come true: it wasn't a stair handrail, but a rail outside by a parking lot, I put my hand on the rail and when I took it off I had some stranger's big green booger on my hand! I thought I was going to die.

I hate public doorknobs. Especially doorknobs in a public restroom. I always using a paper towel to open the door and then throw the towel in the trash. If there's no a trash can within throwing distance, I hate to do it, but I'll throw it on the floor.

With door handles in a public place, I'll just try to use a little of my hand as possible like my pinky.

Edited by KimberlySayWhat
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Parrot said they put the flag out IN PROTEST of the Fourth of July.

Ok, I have no problem with flying another country's flag, but if its done to protest the VERY REASON that they came here? Doesn't that bother anyone? They are killing themselves to get over here for the freedom that holiday represents. Why spit in the face of it?

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This is a MUST! I can't (literally I cannot) imagine what organisms are living on door handles. But I surely know I do not want to touch them.

You are right, and 100 other folks thought the same thing so they decided to turn the knob with their elbow and swing the door open with THEIR dirty hand, just like YOU just did, never thinking that their are GERMS on the door now also.

You just can't think about the world like that or you will wind up locking yourself in your house and never step foot outside anymore.

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Parrot said they put the flag out IN PROTEST of the Fourth of July.

Ok, I have no problem with flying another country's flag, but if its done to protest the VERY REASON that they came here? Doesn't that bother anyone? They are killing themselves to get over here for the freedom that holiday represents. Why spit in the face of it?

That is real, real, real, irritating.

That's why I get so pissed off at these f...ing politicians that actually side with these people. That only fuels the already ever growing anger of locals. Even more pathetic is the fact that anything new we build is to accomodate them and their children. That is like major fkd up. So remember the next time we go out there and demand better schools and better sidewalks and better highways THEY are benefitting from it. But THEY dont go to town hall meetings to push for these things they know we locals will do it. I am so glad the hospitals are finally turning away the freeloaders. If you or I or our children try to get in to emergency, we have to wait a whole day because the whole room is full of non-English speaking new arrivals. I could go on and write a manifesto but everyone has already done it here.

I vented it had to be done. I have a real feeling that the anger towards these people is only going to grow. Its the truth.

Lets just all think hard about how our parents struggled to pay for the schools we attended but these fresh off the boat people will just mooch it all up and gripe and sue the US like the s...t going on down in south Texas. These illegals are putting our patrols behind bars. boiling :angry:

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Lets just all think hard about how our parents struggled to pay for the schools we attended but these fresh off the boat people will just mooch it all up and gripe and sue the US like the s...t going on down in south Texas. These illegals are putting our patrols behind bars. boiling :angry:

I've got one for you: my mom works as an occupational therapist for the school district in McAllen and was recently assigned to evaluate a child that was a Mexican citizen enrolled at the district. She's done this kind of thing hundreds of times, but the mother (who was demanding treatment from the school district) refused to allow the "blue-eyed devil" to touch her child. After much negotiation, my mom was able to do the evaluation and ultimately see the child on a regular basis, but the parent always insisted on being in the same room watching like a hawk to ensure the safety of her child.

...and her hispanic friends can't understand why she's moving north in the next several months.

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Lets just all think hard about how our parents struggled to pay for the schools we attended but these fresh off the boat people will just mooch it all up and gripe and sue the US like the s...t going on down in south Texas.

Actually, I was thinking hard about how my 'fresh off the boat' grandparents worked so hard to make this country a better place for their kids...and, how I'd kick you in the junk if you were standing in front of me.

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Lets just all think hard about how our parents struggled to pay for the schools we attended but these fresh off the boat people will just mooch it all up and gripe and sue the US like the s...t going on down in south Texas. These illegals are putting our patrols behind bars. boiling :angry:

My wife, as well as her parents were once "fresh off the boat". Guess what, they're legal, as are most of those who come here by boat. You want to get mad, try getting mad first at yourself for not getting politically active. You could at least do the little things like voting for those who are for stiffer border control policies, and then writing them when they later "forget" why you elected them.

Coming here and bitching about illegals isn't going to fix anything.

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Things that irritate me, other than Mexican flags. . . well let's see. <_<

THIS, THIS,THIS, and expecially THIS! :huh:

There is a common denominator to all of these, can you tell.

And I am still trying to figure THIS one out. :wacko:

You are absolutely right Puma, those threads are almost as bad as the guy who posted that Midtown Vs. RedScare thread. Oy Vey, where do they come up with some of their stuff, I swear ! :rolleyes::wacko:;)

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Parrot said they put the flag out IN PROTEST of the Fourth of July.

Ok, I have no problem with flying another country's flag, but if its done to protest the VERY REASON that they came here? Doesn't that bother anyone? They are killing themselves to get over here for the freedom that holiday represents. Why spit in the face of it?

Add in they need to learn English.

The guy who does my lawn does not speak a lick of English.

I have to talk to his girlfriend to communicate with him, since my own Spanish is so weak.

How can you even fathom owning a business in America and not know English.

You are absolutely right Puma, those threads are almost as bad as the guy who posted that Midtown Vs. RedScare thread. Oy Vey, where do they come up with some of their stuff, I swear ! :rolleyes::wacko:;)

Talk to Trophy Property about it then, it is not my thread. :P

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Add in they need to learn English.

The guy who does my lawn does not speak a lick of English.

I have to talk to his girlfriend to communicate with him, since my own Spanish is so weak.

How can you even fathom owning a business in America and not know English.

It's gonna be Mexico's northern territories again real soon ... so there's no need for them to learn English, when the real issue is that we'll all need to learn Spanish. Get with the plan man!


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You are absolutely right Puma, those threads are almost as bad as the guy who posted that Midtown Vs. RedScare thread. Oy Vey, where do they come up with some of their stuff, I swear ! :rolleyes::wacko:;)

glue huffing or too much LSD in the day; even funnier, the ones that get their panties all caught up in a bunch & high blood pressure on this forum... pure comedy! :lol: Like Popeye's says gotta luv it! >:)

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It's gonna be Mexico's northern territories again real soon ... so there's no need for them to learn English, when the real issue is that we'll all need to learn Spanish. Get with the plan man!


Hell no!

They need to educate themselves. If they like Spanish and the Spanish culture so much, why are they here then. If they want to make a better income, they can make so much more if they spoke English.

Think about all those illegals at the gas stations. The ones that can understand and communcate in English are preferred over the Spanish speaking only.

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The guy who does my lawn does not speak a lick of English.

I have to talk to his girlfriend to communicate with him, since my own Spanish is so weak.

How can you even fathom owning a business in America and not know English.

sounds like he's doing just fine.

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sounds like he's doing just fine.

Businesswise yes.

Does he own a computer, or even know how to use one, nope.

He hand types the invoice seasonally on a old school typewriter (crooked margins and mispellings) and slides it under my garage.

I have had 3 different mobile phone numbers from him, becuase he keeps changing it. It is like he has credit issues or his is hiding from people.

Even his girlfriend, who speaks English, does not have something as basic as a email address.

You don't even need a PC to have an email address, that is what a library or community center can be used for.

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Businesswise yes.

Does he own a computer, or even know how to use one, nope.

He hand types the invoice seasonally on a old school typewriter (crooked margins and mispellings) and slides it under my garage.

I have had 3 different mobile phone numbers from him, becuase he keeps changing it. It is like he has credit issues or his is hiding from people.

Even his girlfriend, who speaks English, does not have something as basic as a email address.

You don't even need a PC to have an email address, that is what a library or community center can be used for.

it doesn't surprise me that people don't have a computer, email, etc. i know many that refuse to have one. what does that have to do with not knowing english?

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Hell no!

They need to educate themselves. If they like Spanish and the Spanish culture so much, why are they here then. If they want to make a better income, they can make so much more if they spoke English.

Think about all those illegals at the gas stations. The ones that can understand and communcate in English are preferred over the Spanish speaking only.

Puma I am not saying I agree with my statement, but demographically that is the shift that is occuring. Houston is not the same city it was 10 years or 5 years ago. Not just Spanish culture and language, but all cultures that are moving here in droves. It's just that Spanish-speaking folks (legal or otherwise) are immigrating more than others (by my unofficial estimates) and they WILL BE the dominant culture throughout Texas and much of the southwest.

I am not trying to scare anyone or make light of the situation, but we'll need to learn Spanish just as much as they'll need to learn English.

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What does that have to do with not knowing english?

It just branched off with my difficulties with him.

There is a plus, he is affordable and does great work.

But it is such a struggle to communciate with him. The phone is always off, no voicemail, phone numbers changes, no email, no English.

It is hard.

I am not trying to scare anyone or make light of the situation, but we'll need to learn Spanish just as much as they'll need to learn English.

That is why ESL is "English as a second language" in elementary school, and Spanish classes in middle school and high school are "electives", i.e. optional.

Nope, I took Spanish in high school and I can manage, but I will never be fluent.

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The ultimate dream would be to start having Canadians infiltrate from the north then there would be some balance.

Learn French? any day! and that culture isn't so low down. The women are gorgeous too.

On the flip side it would be a dream come true if we got the rich Latin people moving in here, at least they present some cooth and class. Like the ones you see on the Spanish stations. We are getting the lowest of the low people, cannot deny it. Try living next door to some and then wake up to reality. I have to laugh at them as they come here not learn a thing and even funnier retain that fkd ridiculous Charo accent. Har dee har har. They will never be taken serious in a professional setting men will keep seeing them as cheap stereotyped floozie's and most of them like that, just watch any show on channel 45. Sayonara!

better yet Coochie...Coochie, boom, boom like Charo says!

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My Mexican National neighbor told me they were disgusting with CISD....that the white kids should be REQUIRED to learn spanish so they could communicate with them. :mellow:

Hubby ran and hid. The room got really quiet. I just did the old school "oh my" response. In my head I was popping a cap in her ass.

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It just branched off with my difficulties with him.

There is a plus, he is affordable and does great work.

But it is such a struggle to communciate with him. The phone is always off, no voicemail, phone numbers changes, no email, no English.

It is hard.

it may be a struggle but not enough for you to go someone else to get your grass cut. ;)

That is why ESL is "English as a second language" in elementary school, and Spanish classes in middle school and high school are "electives", i.e. optional.

Nope, I took Spanish in high school and I can manage, but I will never be fluent.

i think being fluent in proper spanish is manageable (i am more comfortable if i practice with those who know it properly), i say stuff sometimes where people just stare. i.e. i don't know "street" spanish. one word i can think of is perezoso. for some reason it isn't commonplace for many.

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