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Flag Burning Gone Wild


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Has anyone ever seen someone burn a flag besides on TV or in another country?

Being the young age of 40 uh.... 50 I cant ever remember seeing anyone burn a flag. I've seen them hang them on thier cars till they are about to fall off. And hang them on a pole till they are ragged, but never seen anyone burn one.

There must be a rash of them somewhere since the Senate is taking the important issue up.

Hell, even if I wanted to burn a flag, I couldnt afford the gasoline to light it!

God Bless our Senators for tackling such an important issue.

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Has anyone ever seen someone burn a flag besides on TV or in another country?

Being the young age of 40 uh.... 50 I cant ever remember seeing anyone burn a flag. I've seen them hang them on thier cars till they are about to fall off. And hang them on a pole till they are ragged, but never seen anyone burn one.

There must be a rash of them somewhere since the Senate is taking the important issue up.

Hell, even if I wanted to burn a flag, I couldnt afford the gasoline to light it!

God Bless our Senators for tackling such an important issue.

I saw Mattrass mac wearing one made into a shirt jmcingvale.gif and I saw a trucker blow his nose into one the size of a handkerchief at the Wendys truckstop on Patton but I've never seen anyone burn one.

Maybe this topic needs to be merged with the existing one?

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I saw Mattrass mac wearing one made into a shirt jmcingvale.gif and I saw a trucker blow his nose into one the size of a handkerchief at the Wendys truckstop on Patton but I've never seen anyone burn one.

Maybe this topic needs to be merged with the existing one?

If we set Matress Mac on fire, would that count?

Off Off Topic: Matress Mac used to say "Solid wood furniture" while knocking on the furniture. Then they found out that the furniture had plywood. Mac's defense was "We didnt say ALL of it was solid!" really.

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Those with the time to research such trivia suggest that only about 50 or so flags have been burned in protest on US soil in over 200 years, including one in all of last year. Passage of this amendment will cause the number of political burnings to soar, as people protest the amendment. Patriotism is a heartfelt love or support of one's country. It is not something that can be mandated by law...at least, not in a free society. Once flag burning is outlawed, patriotism will be reduced to a legal requirement, similar to the requirements of Cuba or the old USSR. It's symbolism of a free republic will be forever lost, as the flag itself will come to symbolize the outlawing of free speech.

As such, I pledge to never fly THAT symbol. As a symbol of the loss of free speech, flying THAT flag will only symbolize that one condones such actions. I will not participate...at least until they change the law and FORCE me to.

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Passage of this amendment will cause the number of political burnings to soar, as people protest the amendment. Once flag burning is outlawed, patriotism will be reduced to a legal requirement, similar to the requirements of Cuba or the old USSR. It's symbolism of a free republic will be forever lost, as the flag itself will come to symbolize the outlawing of free speech.

exactly...it's all an orchestrated "stir tactic."


Being the young age of 40 uh.... 50 I cant ever remember seeing anyone burn a flag. I've seen them hang them on thier cars till they are about to fall off. And hang them on a pole till they are ragged, but never seen anyone burn one.

and, yes, i have seen countless acts of "flag abuse" (on cars, people, homes, advertising), but none in flames...

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So, 34 brave Senators rescued the Bill of Rights from 66 barbarians, intent on looting the most important document in US history for their political gain....

I may fly Old Glory next Tuesday, after all...in honor of the 34 men and women who still recognize what the flag represents.

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The truth is, the flag has lost a great deal of its importance, and reverence in this country.

You can find a site on the net that lists all the recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor, as well as the act they performed to earn that medal. In the Civil War, most of the medals were given to persons who died carrying the flag, or who did some miraculous maneuver to retrieve the flag from a fallen flag bearer.

Protecting the flag or even carrying it in battle was on the same level as falling on a grenade in WWII. Not exactly on the same plane in my mind. In fact, there were so many flag associated medals given out consideration had actually been given to revoking those medals, even though they were given nearly 150 years ago. I think that idea was abandoned.

It may be a shame that we have lost the importance of the Stars and Stripes. However, I would put a heck of a lot more reverence in the Constitution than I would a piece of cloth, even if that cloth does represent America.

Flag burners make me want to burn them alive. But I still acknowledge a person

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you would think that year-after-year of being ____-canned in congress, the anti-flag burning folks would find another way to degrade the constitution. oh...wait...they already have; gay marriage ban...


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So, 34 brave Senators rescued the Bill of Rights from 66 barbarians, intent on looting the most important document in US history for their political gain....

I may fly Old Glory next Tuesday, after all...in honor of the 34 men and women who still recognize what the flag represents.

Its one thing to serve poison koolaid to others, but something totally different when you begin to sip your own poison.......

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well, not too many worries (kinda like the preceding gay marriage amendment).


The narrow defeat of a proposal to ban flag desecration marks the second time in a month Senate Republicans have lost bids to amend the Constitution in ways designed to inspire social conservatives to vote in the midterm elections.
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Those with the time to research such trivia suggest that only about 50 or so flags have been burned in protest on US soil in over 200 years, including one in all of last year. Passage of this amendment will cause the number of political burnings to soar, as people protest the amendment. Patriotism is a heartfelt love or support of one's country. It is not something that can be mandated by law...at least, not in a free society. Once flag burning is outlawed, patriotism will be reduced to a legal requirement, similar to the requirements of Cuba or the old USSR. It's symbolism of a free republic will be forever lost, as the flag itself will come to symbolize the outlawing of free speech.

As such, I pledge to never fly THAT symbol. As a symbol of the loss of free speech, flying THAT flag will only symbolize that one condones such actions. I will not participate...at least until they change the law and FORCE me to.

I would submit that the flag should mean more to you than simply, "if they tell me I can't burn it then I won't fly it." The American flag represents everything America is, freedom, diversity, opportunity, our armed forces, our children, our entrepreneurs, I could go on. I think you're forgetting that the American flag represents all these things. Regardless of whether you agree with the amendment, it shouldn't stop you from paying respect to what the flag represents.

I think you're generalizing flag burning to represent a lack of patriotism. Don't let the acts of a few dictate your respect for our flag.

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Its one thing to serve poison koolaid to others, but something totally different when you begin to sip your own poison.......

Quote from the distinguished senator from Texas...

But Cornyn said flag desecration is a "a real issue. It is not contrived." He cited a report by the Citizens Flag Alliance, a group favoring the constitutional amendment, that found 17 cases of flag desecration during the past two years.

Who's drinking the koolaid, now?

Flag Amendment Dies In Senate

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i'm sorry folks but the flag is just a peice of cloth...one that was mostly likely cranked out in some sweat shop in qingdao, china.

patriotism is ok but when people take it to the extreme, it becomes nationalism...and that's scary stuff.

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The American flag represents everything America is, freedom, diversity, opportunity, our armed forces, our children, our entrepreneurs, I could go on. I think you're forgetting that the American flag represents all these things.
ProHouston, you are correct in your pronouncement. However, The Constitution represents all those things as well. So do the Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials. The Capitol Building and White House, even the Statue of Liberty can represent some or all of those things you mentioned.

Because we have so many representations of our country, perhaps that is why the flag has lost some of its significance.

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Because we have so many representations of our country, perhaps that is why the flag has lost some of its significance.

I dont believe thats the reason. The reason it is not significant is because we have a spoiled society of free people that most of which hadnt had to make sacrifices to earn freedom or to stay free. Rather than using the freedom we have here to honor our flag, a symbol of American freedom, some choose to use thier freedom not only to destroy such things as the flag but also other symbols of America. I do not support the freedom to be dumb and ignorant and abusive to a country-America- or its symbols-the flag etc...-

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Nope. I have a problem with comparing this great land to the atrocities of nazis no matter where they are or were. Nationalism doesnt scare me one bit.

I would never compare The Greatest Country in history to nazi Germany, I am just saying that is what is scaring him.

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Still sipping your own poison? I will read the obituaries column for your funeral announcement.....

Yes. You can feel secure in the knowledge that I will never be drinking your grape juice. I know your kind. You seem to be of the opinion that you are the only former government employee on this board.

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