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Aside from the crown being off centered, I think the building is really looking a heck of a lot better

can't wait to see the crown

I'm starting to think that it had to be off centered. The only way to center it is to make the circumference bigger, and have each side of the base touching the edge of the building. I think they're just trying to make it blend in w/ the glass in the front, which i think/hope it'll do nicely when completed.

If they kept the size, but moved it to the center, I think it'd look way worse.

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I'm starting to think that it had to be off centered. The only way to center it is to make the circumference bigger, and have each side of the base touching the edge of the building. I think they're just trying to make it blend in w/ the glass in the front, which i think/hope it'll do nicely when completed.

If they kept the size, but moved it to the center, I think it'd look way worse.

So are you saying the architects knew what they were doing?!? That's pure craziness...haha

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So are you saying the architects knew what they were doing?!? That's pure craziness...haha

I saw something really cool this morning. Blue neon lighting from the top of the glass column on the east side that ran between the glass and the stucco. It ran several floors and looked pretty damn cool. I wonder if they intend to run it down both sides, 'cause that would look really awesome.

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I saw something really cool this morning. Blue neon lighting from the top of the glass column on the east side that ran between the glass and the stucco. It ran several floors and looked pretty damn cool. I wonder if they intend to run it down both sides, 'cause that would look really awesome.

I think they put a few panels of glass on the tower on the western side. It was really reflecting this weekend.

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I think they put a few panels of glass on the tower on the western side. It was really reflecting this weekend.

No, no. It was at 5am, pitch black outside and it was a bright continuous blue neon light on the top 3 floors. After work today I checked it out again on the east side of the glass column windows this afternoon. There is a visible gap between the glass and the stucco that is being filled with a strip that lights up, mark my words they will have it filled with these same lights by weeks end. Bright, blue neon lights.

No, no. It was at 5am, pitch black outside and it was a bright continuous blue neon light on the top 3 floors. After work today I checked it out again and they removed the stripping away from the rest of the east side windows this afternoon. There is now a visible gap where there wasn't before between the glass and the stucco, mark my words they will have it filled with these same lights by weeks end. Bright, blue neon lights.

You can actually see the gap I'm talking about in this picture:


See the thing black gap on the left side of the pick between the glass and the stucco, it's new.

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I actually drove on on Gessner yesterday (in heavy rain, so traffic was crawling) and as I was coming south from I-10 I was stunned to see a structure that looked like it might be a future skywalk (I know we talked about it briefly on here) on the mall side.

As I looked over to the Hospital, I noticed the vertical pillars that seemed matching the lines (more or less) and seemed to confirm this.

I was super early for an appointment so I pulled into the mall (Damn! I forgot my camera!) and as I got closer, I noticed the facade of the mall was well...a fake, complete with fake windows (Yes, I'm at the very top of my eloquence today, its Saturday.) that seemed to cover (DUH!) way for the walkway to directly hit the mall.

I'll try to meander my way back there this weekend to take a few pics.

The walkway is now up. It really changes the look of Gessner as you approach it.

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hey, you're right... i never noticed that before...

I really don't care for the design - it's completely banal at first glance, but quirky enough to be irritating.

Now that I look at it, it is symetrical. The elevator thing on the left side is throwing me off.

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Overdue implosion nominee.

Houtex Inn on 45 South at Griggs/Wayside. On your right as you drive into downtown. Big embarrasment to the city of Houston. Must vanish. Unsitely and dilapidated and just a sad sight. Stare at it and get red eye.

Was somewhat nice when new and appeared as a over grown Motel 6. Built around 1987 then went into to deep decline by early 90's. Yep, that fast. Was finally shut down about 5 years ago because of heavy degenerate crowds, drug dealing, shootings, violence that lurked around it. Ladies of the night (and day) were the norm. We'll leave the red light on for ya.

Hopefully next door Forest Lawn Cemetary will buy the property and zap it from existance? Better to see green pasture and head markers than this. Rest in Peace Houtex. :)

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Guest danax
Overdue implosion nominee.

Houtex Inn on 45 South at Griggs/Wayside. On your right as you drive into downtown. Big embarrasment to the city of Houston. Must vanish. Unsitely and dilapidated and just a sad sight. Stare at it and get red eye.

Was somewhat nice when new and appeared as a over grown Motel 6. Built around 1987 then went into to deep decline by early 90's. Yep, that fast. Was finally shut down about 5 years ago because of heavy degenerate crowds, drug dealing, shootings, violence that lurked around it. Ladies of the night (and day) were the norm. We'll leave the red light on for ya.

Hopefully next door Forest Lawn Cemetary will buy the property and zap it from existance? Better to see green pasture and head markers than this. Rest in Peace Houtex. :)

You'll be getting your wish soon. Not implosion, but a complete gut redo and then it'll be turned into a Single Room Occupancy complex. The developer came to the Eastwood Super Neighborhood meeting and gave a pitch and I was there. The architect did a similar project on Canal that we talked about here (Canal Place?) and the design was modern so this could end up looking cool. Cool design or not though, at least the crack-ho hotel is history.

As for the subject of this topic, it looks like a giant skin polyp. Maybe some dermatologists had some design input :lol: .

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You'll be getting your wish soon. Not implosion, but a complete gut redo and then it'll be turned into a Single Room Occupancy complex. The developer came to the Eastwood Super Neighborhood meeting and gave a pitch and I was there. The architect did a similar project on Canal that we talked about here (Canal Place?) and the design was modern so this could end up looking cool. Cool design or not though, at least the crack-ho hotel is history.

As for the subject of this topic, it looks like a giant skin polyp. Maybe some dermatologists had some design input :lol: .

There is a some what new building near Canal and Jensen that is about 5 stories high and only allows single occupants to live there. Very strict rules. I imagine this is what they are planning to do here? That specific place has an office everyone must pass through and sign in before visiting the occupant. Sounds strick but it seems to work well. That old Houtex would have to have some serious remodeling or additions as this place has to make that work. It would be fantastic if it will be expensive living quarters right? Perfect for downtown workers.

No more Happy Hooker goes to Houtex Inn or "live porn films" being made next door to you as you watch the tele? At least this is a positive move. Tks.

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I think everyone is judging this structure too fast. I look at it everyday from my office window. Driving by it at night, I can see that they are working on some cool fiberoptic lighting effects from the crown. The cross walk will allow family of patients to easily walk from the hospital / hotel complex over to the mall with out a car. This area is the next medical center of Houston. Give it time - it is going to be great.

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<A name=OLE_LINK1>The fiber optic(?) lighting referenced above can be seen here in vertical strips and in two small spot fixtures on the NE corner of the crown. This shot does not include the blue strip lighting between the glass and cast panels on the freeway elevation. This should be interesting.



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<A name=OLE_LINK1>The fiber optic(?) lighting referenced above can be seen here in vertical strips and in two small spot fixtures on the NE corner of the crown. This shot does not include the blue strip lighting between the glass and cast panels on the freeway elevation. This should be interesting.

Awesome, nice pics man.

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Driving by this morning, there were several new lights on the crown. The lights were transitioning from red, to purple, to blue, to white. Two of the lights were points, the third was a long strip. They all transitioned through similar shades but they were not in sync. It will be very interesting to see the final product. I may bring a camera tomorrow morning to get a few pics.

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Could we just get rid of all of Memorial Hermann's buildings and start from scratch? Perry Homes could design something better! Probably the best building in the whole system is the old Memorial Hospital that is now completely hidden by a post-modern copycat that is very mediocre.

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Has this building reminded anyone else of the Shamrock Hilton? I.e., designed to impress, but not really doing a good job of it.

Anyway, once the comparison came to mind, I started to think that they even look alike. The (to me) ungainly proportions, the setbacks ... and now even the crown on the MH tower seems reminiscent of the huge sign that sat atop the Shamrock.

It was certainly homely, but I have to admit I have a sort of nostalgic fondness for the Shamrock now that it's gone. So ... maybe those of us who don't like this new building will eventually find some things to like about it (I hope).


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I think if we all give it time and don't judge the look until it is complete we will all like it...it is kind of like saying you don't like the style of a new car when all you have to look at is the frame...

I think if we all give it time and don't judge the look until it is complete we will all like it...it is kind of like saying you don't like the style of a new car when all you have to look at is the frame...

I think if we all give it time and don't judge the look until it is complete we will all like it...it is kind of like saying you don't like the style of a new car when all you have to look at is the frame...

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I think if we all give it time and don't judge the look until it is complete we will all like it...it is kind of like saying you don't like the style of a new car when all you have to look at is the frame...

I think if we all give it time and don't judge the look until it is complete we will all like it...it is kind of like saying you don't like the style of a new car when all you have to look at is the frame...

I think if we all give it time and don't judge the look until it is complete we will all like it...it is kind of like saying you don't like the style of a new car when all you have to look at is the frame...

While it may be more attractive when complete, I don't think it's fair to say all we're looking at is a frame. The exterior of MH is complete with the exception of the crown, and I for one think it's a sub-par building. The curtain wall looks like it was built on the cheap with it's standard stucco beige, and imo the crown looks way out of scale with the exception of viewing it from the North.

Hopefully we'll all like it better once complete, but I for one don't like it at this point.

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