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White Linen In The Heights

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Rather than embracing this influx of new potential customers, a vocal minority of 19th Street vendors complained loudly to the city about their two hours of lost business. It became a big enough stumbling block that the organizers just gave up. Started up after the Heights Crit died was a similar event in Sugarland's Town Square where apparently they are seeing the financial upside of it. My guess is that the White Linen organizers didn't want to go through the hassles of a street closure, and that at least a few 19th Street shops would have complained if they had.

Probably the same "vocal minority" that called the Booze Police last year. The ironic thing is, I'm way more likely to NOT visit a store if there's a crowd out in front caused by people stuffing the sidewalks. I wonder if several of the Heights Civic Clubs could get together to champion the closing of the street?

Edited by Jesse
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Apparently White Linen Night ended with some form of mayhem at Fitzgerald's. I saw two ambulances, a police car, and a crowd of tatooed shirtless guys in the side parking lot around 2:00 AM.

Judging from the general crowd at White Linen Night (that is, extremely yuppy: http://www.houstonpress.com/slideshow/view/28119928), I seriously doubt that they were involved in a rumble with a bunch of shirtless tattooed guys outside of Fitzgerald's. :lol: However, that would have been AWESOME to see.

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Apparently White Linen Night ended with some form of mayhem at Fitzgerald's. I saw two ambulances, a police car, and a crowd of tatooed shirtless guys in the side parking lot around 2:00 AM.

Judging from the general crowd at White Linen Night (that is, extremely yuppy: http://www.houstonpress.com/slideshow/view/28119928), I seriously doubt that they were involved in a rumble with a bunch of shirtless tattooed guys outside of Fitzgerald's. :lol: However, that would have been AWESOME to see.

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i heard that the shuttles stopped running even though there were tons of people still around. I know some people who had to walk from 19th all the way to near onion creek. Apparently they couldn't get a shuttle, this was around 9pm I think.

The shuttles were running till 10pm, albeit you were lucky to actually find one that had room on it. We caught a shuttle on 19th right around Carter and Cooley with 6th St Bar and Grill/Onion Creek area being our final destination (and where our cars were parked) at around 9:55pm. Bet you can guess what happened next. We traveled a whole block down 19th and the bus driver kicked us all out. His shift was over and he wanted nothing to do with the passengers anymore. So his bus was emptied and he went home leaving about 25 people standing on 19th trying to figure out alternative ways to get to their destination. Last year the shuttles were busy, but there also seemed to be way more alternative means of transportation (more pedicabs and motorized pedicabs). We walked from Fitzgeralds all the way up to Berryhills before seeing any type of transportation device. Mind you, it was a nice walk, complete with an extended stop at the St Arnolds free beer tent. Recommendation for people next year: bring a big cup with you. St Arnolds was giving beer away in tiny plastic cups. I had a jumbo cup with me and they freely filled it up for me. Twice.

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  • 3 years later...


I was only out at WLN very early along 19th. Everything looked good to me, except the big soundstage east of Rutland was too much. People did not even want to walk in front of it because it was so loud.

I know nothing about any of the organizers or the people complaining. But I really do not see anything other than someone with very limited experience with directing special events making some mistakes and maybe biting off a little more than he can chew. There have been may larger debacles at other special events in Houston (Beerfest at Discovery Green for one). And it is not like the guy who is the target of the article goes around Texas fleecing arts groups and making money hand over fist.

Anyone know anything about this?

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I was only out at WLN very early along 19th. Everything looked good to me, except the big soundstage east of Rutland was too much. People did not even want to walk in front of it because it was so loud.

I know nothing about any of the organizers or the people complaining. But I really do not see anything other than someone with very limited experience with directing special events making some mistakes and maybe biting off a little more than he can chew. There have been may larger debacles at other special events in Houston (Beerfest at Discovery Green for one). And it is not like the guy who is the target of the article goes around Texas fleecing arts groups and making money hand over fist.

Anyone know anything about this?

Texas Beer Fest at Discovery Green went great, actually, a wonderful event by good people. Houston Beer Fest at Hermann Square and Tranquility Park was a disaster in 2011, but went fairly well this year.

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Texas Beer Fest at Discovery Green went great, actually, a wonderful event by good people. Houston Beer Fest at Hermann Square and Tranquility Park was a disaster in 2011, but went fairly well this year.

Right. I had them backwards. I meant the 2011 Beer Fest that left everyone waiting in line to get in.

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I didnt even know there was a beer fest.... so... what went wrong with WLN?

Nothing. I didn't read anything unusual about injuries or crimes, just a few merchants felt they got ripped off for a c-note by some Cohen dude, chaulk it up to experience and use your brain next year. I believe there were more visitors than last year with the increase being mostly twenty-somethings. The crowds seemed friendly and white (clothes) and we hung with them until near midnite celebrating a coincident birthday. Up north you had more white linen suits while down south it was more white shirts and skirts. Next year I am going to push for a toga sector to fully de-link from New Orleans White Linen Night.

EDIT: Don't knock it, we could have had this instead:


"As always, fashion watching was part of the attraction and the streets were well stocked with splendid sartorial polar bears and snow foxes. There is an almost Zen-like wardrobe conundrum among many WLN attendees. If one cannot achieve both white and linen in one’s ensemble, then which should it be? This tribulation gives rise the occasional pink linen jacket or white seersucker mash up....."

Edited by fwki
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I've got to say that article was missleading and wrong in many ways. They were quoting the boom boom room lady as if what she said was the gospel truth. The complaint that WLN is now to "spread out" is completely bogus, 5 years ago it included Kaboom Books on Beauchamp and nia moves on pecore which is even more spread out that now. (Kaboom wants to be part of WLN still but they won't send the shuttle that far). The author also uses the "austin-like" phrase as synonym for cool. It really bugs me to compare austin to the heights as a reason why the heights is cool. The heights is its own thing, and it is cool because of that. This brings me to my issue with Cohen... why the change of slogan from the "steamy, sultry, exotic etc." to "local blah blah blah" Obviously it's local, it is a neighborhood event supported by neighborhood businesses. The Heights is NOT Austin, please don't steal their silly slogans to try to turn our neighborhood into something it isn't. If i see a "keep the heights weird" sign anywhere i will be forced to rip it down and shred it.

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I've got to say that article was missleading and wrong in many ways. They were quoting the boom boom room lady as if what she said was the gospel truth.

I'm not really sure which of her claims are in question. The main one seems to be that she paid $100 for placement on a map and was never added to it. Cohen doesn't seem to dispute this, and ended up refunding her money. So what's not true?

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formerly owned by mexican mafia, event getting more spread out than before. If your going to spew things like that you better have some facts backing it up.

BTW I take threats by machete pretty seriously... did anyone report her for this (as it seems she was not on her property), who does she think she is... Danny Trejo?

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formerly owned by mexican mafia, event getting more spread out than before. If your going to spew things like that you better have some facts backing it up.

BTW I take threats by machete pretty seriously... did anyone report her for this (as it seems she was not on her property), who does she think she is... Danny Trejo?

To be honest, I never really got to the part where Cohen was a bad guy. I read "neighborhood Heights b**ch takes machete and threatens beer drinkers, then steals property from under them." Then I read "neighborhood Heights b**ch with a wine bar wants to steal WLN". Most of the commenters seem to have read it the same way. Don't know who this broad is, since I never patronize her joint, but most assuredly I never will now. Frankly, I root for her demise. We have enough a-holes in the Heights trying to impose their will on everyone else already, we don't need another armed with a machete.

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formerly owned by mexican mafia, event getting more spread out than before. If your going to spew things like that you better have some facts backing it up.

Well the mafia bit is about the former owner of her business, nothing to do with WLN or Cohen. More spread out, haven't they added White Oak in recent years, like the past year or two?

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After reading it again and hearing some talk in the neighborhood, all I get is the following:

1. A few businesses thought that for $100 they would get patrons shuttled from far more interesting and active venues to their distant spot on noisy Yale St. Owner of Boom Boom Room calls homeland security, the UN, and Buckaroo Banzai's strike team in to deal with an honest mistake that might be a plot to fleece small business owners out of a few hundred bucks.

2. Cup cake truck gets a bad spot and wants organizers to pay her babysitter.

3. An artist named Mitch Cohen is not very good at designing shuttle routes.

4. Owner of Hello-Lucky is an adult and understands that business owners are also responsible for promoting their White Linen Nights events beyond what they get for a whopping $100 (I do not think you can even get a tiny ad in the Leader for $100).

5. Some non-profit orgs cannot figure out how to structure the festival to compensate Mitch Cohen for bringing in artists for the arts market. (Non-profits can make a profit from a special event, they just cannot distribute that profit to members or officers)

6. Someone mixes up 501©3s and c(6)s and it is again worthy of a special prosecutor, InterPol and the international Criminal Court.

7. Current organizers and Mitch Cohen try to be responsive to the Houston Press, but get slammed anyway

8. Hack crime blotter guy at the Houston Press banks on White Linen Nights 2012 being an unmitigated disaster after organizers candindly admitted to the Leader that things did not go as they wished last year.

9. WLN 2012 was a big success and Houston Press crime blotter guy now looks like a cheap tabloid scandal monger

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Mark this date! s3mh and I wholeheartedly agree about something. As I stated earlier, the best way to punish a-hole business owners is through her wallet. I recommend taking a vacation from Boom Boom Room, whether permanent or temporary, in order to impress upon this woman that we appreciate Cohen's efforts, but not hers.

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s3mh doesn't realize that John Nova Lomax is one of the best reporters in town. I would tend to believe most of what he says as being reasonably accurate.

Red, did you see the part where the machete incident took place after patrons of the bar would not quit blocking/parking in the driveway of the woman's home? Probably far more effective than trying to get an HPD officer to show up, which would take a week or more if they actually cared.

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s3mh doesn't realize that John Nova Lomax is one of the best reporters in town. I would tend to believe most of what he says as being reasonably accurate.

Red, did you see the part where the machete incident took place after patrons of the bar would not quit blocking/parking in the driveway of the woman's home? Probably far more effective than trying to get an HPD officer to show up, which would take a week or more if they actually cared.

Oh! That changes everything! Here I've been thinking that a call to the police or even a tow truck would be appropriate, but really I should be busting out with my machete to solve my parking problems!

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Red, I've tried calling HPD about cars blocking driveways, sidewalks, etc. HPD doesn't care. They won't show up most of the time, and on the rare occasions they do, they get mad at whoever called them (I've had that conversation with a patrol officer a couple of times). You can tow a car that's blocking your driveway without calling HPD first, but then you have a pissed off drunk who is more than ready to trash your house and yard. Sometimes, you just have to make your point the old fashioned way.

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So Red, what do you think the woman should have done, given HPD"s lack of interest in those situations?

I am not going to get into a debate with someone who thinks brandishing a machete at people who block your driveway is a reasonable response. I stated my position...as if I needed to. You are on your own.

Do you also believe that this is the proper response to neighbors playing loud music?


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...Sometimes, you just have to make your point the old fashioned way.

Yeah, the good ole days like the way our society handled racial integration in the late twentieth century. For that problem we tried nooses and burning crosses, but that doesn't work on Mexicans. The only thing that works on those people are machetes and santeria curses.

After she solved the Mexican parking problem with a machete, the Mexcian music and clientele still irked her. Now she's got a problem with a guy named Cohen. I think I see a pattern here.

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you know whats funny.. the only reason I EVER thought about going to The Boom Boom room was because some people at WLN a few years ago told me it was a good place. I will make sure to NEVER go there now.

Ross... you think its a better idea to threaten someone with a machete than have their car towed... because your worried about what they might do to your yard/house. Pulling a machete on someone is a good way to get shot, especially since she wasn't on her property.

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