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Can you say DeLay and Culberson?

Hopefully in a couple of weeks Culberson and his Afton Oakies will be out of the way so we can make some progress on what was voted for.

Let's hope Culberson is out of there. I certainly won't be voting for him (not that I ever have voted for the jerk).

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For the sake of the future of rail in Houston, I dearly hope that METRO is not basing their strategy on the hope of a change in control of Congress. That strikes me as a very weak strategy: (1) It may not happen. (2) Even if it does happen, Culberson will almost certainly still be there and will not be powerless, even if there is a change in control.

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THIS is the key because more than likely he will indeed be re-elected.

This election means so much on so many levels.

Of course he'll be re-elected-he just won't have the power to continue to thwart the will of the voters. Removing a Congressman from power who clearly holds his constituents in distain is always a good idea. An additional benefit is that the wind will be taken out of the sails of the miniscule minority in Afton Oaks who have been hell-bent on overturning the results of the referendum.

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Can you say DeLay and Culberson?

Hopefully in a couple of weeks Culberson and his Afton Oakies will be out of the way so we can make some progress on what was voted for.

Here would be the dream (more realistic) outcome :

- Democrats win the House.

- Sheila Jackson-Lee (or another local Democrat) is made chairman of the commitee.

- Culberson realizes that his power on the commitee has been taken away and moves off the commitee.

- Now Metro has someone who will work with them instead of blackmail them.

- Then we get to watch as the Afton Oaks residents have to pick up the "Culberson is my Hero" signs.

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Here would be the dream (more realistic) outcome :

- Democrats win the House.

- Sheila Jackson-Lee (or another local Democrat) is made chairman of the commitee.

- Culberson realizes that his power on the commitee has been taken away and moves off the commitee.

- Now Metro has someone who will work with them instead of blackmail them.

- Then we get to watch as the Afton Oaks residents have to pick up the "Culberson is my Hero" signs.

It is a good thing I didnt register to vote with my new address... I'd really hate to have to vote for Culberson.

Im sure there are lots of conservatives that do support rail on richmond like myself... however, national politics wins out over local. I'm sure as heck not voting for Ms. Sheila Jackson nor against Senator Hutchinson.

The make-up of Congress may very well change, but most of us here wont directly effect that since I doubt my vote will remove Jackson-Lee nor your vote will remove Culberson.

Here's to Rail on Richmond, Republicans keeping control, and the hope that Metro has more up its sleeves besides just waiting for Culberson to go bye-bye.

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What conservative national policies are you supporting this year?

Last time I checked, the federal government was LARGER than it's ever been before.

Last time I checked, the federal government had more POWER than ever before (states' rights be damned).

Last time I checked, federal taxes hadn't been reduced in any significant manner.

Last time I checked, the federal deficit was astronomical.

Last time I checked, the world wasn't a safer place because we attacked Iraq.

Last time I checked, the military was overburdened, understaffed, and completely stretched too thin. So much for the great protectors.

Seems to me, it would be wise to vote local and national this election.

Of course, the sad part is, even if Democrats do win back control, nothing will change. The two party system is failing us!

Edited by KinkaidAlum
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What conservative national policies are you supporting this year?

Last time I checked . . .

Looks like someone is on a soapbox! :lol:


Try not to digress too much, or AftonAg may bite your head off.

Edited by Pumapayam
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Says you!. . . , last I checked cities other than Houston have internet access too, I have heard the internet is really starting to spread out, eventually all the big cities will have access to it, you just wait! ^_^

*sarcasm* :P

Ok Puma - ya caught me - I confess - it was me that invented the Internet not Al Gore. I was at a friends ranch in the hill country - miles and miles from any city, or town. Apparently WIFI doesn't cover all of the Lone Star State just yet . . . .

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Here's an excerpt from the Chron's back-handed, kinda-sorta endorsement for Culberson:

Culberson says it is not his job to decide the route of new light-rail lines in Houston, yet he opposes at least four alternatives the Houston Metropolitan Transit Agency has proposed along Richmond Avenue and Westpark. If Metro's proposals are unacceptable to Culberson, he should work with local officials to identify a reasonable alternative or stop interfering.

Here's the whole thing:

Team player needed

Rep. Culberson will likely win his race. To represent this city he must learn to work with others


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WHAT: Reception Honoring Martha Wong

DATE: Monday, October 30

TIME: 5:30-6:30 PM

PLACE: The Brass Maiden 2016 Richmond

REFRESHMENTS: Provided by No Rail on Richmond and The Mobility Coalition

**please specify: for vegans - Threatened-litigation Legumes and Suckup Sprouts from

Democracy Wong/Autocracy Right Foods;

for carnivores - Vented Spleen soup and Sole d'jackboot

from Culberson's House of Raw Meat for the Faithful

for those keeping kosher - please don't come if you are voting for Cohen

RSVP: 713-523-8413

I just know some of the characters on this board will want to attend

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WHAT: Reception Honoring Martha Wong

DATE: Monday, October 30

TIME: 5:30-6:30 PM

PLACE: The Brass Maiden 2016 Richmond

REFRESHMENTS: Provided by No Rail on Richmond and The Mobility Coalition

**please specify: for vegans - Threatened-litigation Legumes and Suckup Sprouts from

Democracy Wong/Autocracy Right Foods;

for carnivores - Vented Spleen soup and Sole d'jackboot

from Culberson's House of Raw Meat for the Faithful

for those keeping kosher - please don't come if you are voting for Cohen

RSVP: 713-523-8413

I just know some of the characters on this board will want to attend

You have crawled to a new low IHB2 -

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You have crawled to a new low IHB2 -

I have been on the high road before now AAg and you know it. If it wasn't Martha Wong, who has really pissed me off by consistently taking the low road, ignoring every one of her constituents south of 59 from the beginning on this issue, and outright lying about other important issues in our district, I wouldn't have posted this. Even so, it's meant to be taken in fun.

if you're offended, maybe you should advise the Mobility Coalition to restrict their email list to only the faithful (they're easy to recognize - they're the ones with a corncob up their collective butts, and a little statue of Culberson on their dashboards).

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WHAT: Reception Honoring Martha Wong

DATE: Monday, October 30

TIME: 5:30-6:30 PM

PLACE: The Brass Maiden 2016 Richmond

REFRESHMENTS: Provided by No Rail on Richmond and The Mobility Coalition

**please specify: for vegans - Threatened-litigation Legumes and Suckup Sprouts from

Democracy Wong/Autocracy Right Foods;

for carnivores - Vented Spleen soup and Sole d'jackboot

from Culberson's House of Raw Meat for the Faithful

for those keeping kosher - please don't come if you are voting for Cohen

RSVP: 713-523-8413

I just know some of the characters on this board will want to attend

It's at the Brass Maiden? Why such a large venue? And why wasn't I invited? After all, I got an invite to the Culberson anti-rail desperate last stand hootenany [see Post #1885 ]


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It's at the Brass Maiden? Why such a large venue? And why wasn't I invited? After all, I got an invite to the Culberson anti-rail desperate last stand hootenany [see Post #1885 ]


if you got the kind of brass balls Wong's got to piss off half her constituency to pander to the other half, only the Brass Maiden will do. :D

and according to the BM owner, she doesn't have enough parking now and the rail will take what she does have, so if you plan to attend I suggest you check the Metro schedule...

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if you got the kind of brass balls Wong's got to piss off half her constituency to pander to the other half, only the Brass Maiden will do. :D

and according to the BM owner, she doesn't have enough parking now and the rail will take what she does have, so if you plan to attend I suggest you check the Metro schedule...

Hopefully Wong will be out of the picture all together and Culberson will be just another minority Congressman after the 7th. BTW, if the BM owner doesn't have enough parking now, she shouldn't have built there in the first place. And the rail won't touch any of her property-she's just like the AOers: she'll say just about anything to get her way. Facts are irrelevant to them.

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BTW, if the BM owner doesn't have enough parking now, she shouldn't have built there in the first place. And the rail won't touch any of her property-she's just like the AOers: she'll say just about anything to get her way. Facts are irrelevant to them.

the BM is east of Shepherd therefore in the narrowest part of Richmond. There is no question that LRT construction and guideway placement will affect her business in some unpredictable way. If I owned the BM I'd be worried and pissed and doing everything I could to keep rail off Richmond.

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the BM is east of Shepherd therefore in the narrowest part of Richmond. There is no question that LRT construction and guideway placement will affect her business in some unpredictable way. If I owned the BM I'd be worried and pissed and doing everything I could to keep rail off Richmond.

I totally agree with that, the only thing is that why doesn't she share some of rear parking spaces that some of her neighbors (I believe) have?

But what I'm curious about, is what the various possibilities could be for him to be weakened.

I realize that if the Republicans loses the majority, he won't be as big of a player, but that doesn't mean he will just just roll over and die.

It's almost a given that he will win unless a major movement can be done to unseat him. The only wakeup call he will get (if at all) is if a substantial percentage of his constinuents vote against him. It would probably be only at that point where he might be more willing to compromise.

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I have been on the high road before now AAg and you know it. If it wasn't Martha Wong, who has really pissed me off by consistently taking the low road, ignoring every one of her constituents south of 59 from the beginning on this issue, and outright lying about other important issues in our district, I wouldn't have posted this. Even so, it's meant to be taken in fun.

if you're offended, maybe you should advise the Mobility Coalition to restrict their email list to only the faithful (they're easy to recognize - they're the ones with a corncob up their collective butts, and a little statue of Culberson on their dashboards).

Then start a movement and vote them out of office . . . . oh nevermind it is so much easier to complain - which is exactly why the Democrats are where they are today - it is the only thing that they have truly mastered. The art of WHINING.

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Then start a movement and vote them out of office . . . . oh nevermind it is so much easier to complain - which is exactly why the Democrats are where they are today - it is the only thing that they have truly mastered. The art of WHINING.

I am a registered Republican. The Republicans are where they are today (worried about losing national power, an incumbent Gov w/support in the low 30s) b/c elected reps like Wong forgot their constituents and voted the national party line.

For the last month I've walked the blocks in my neighborhood asking people to vote against Wong. If she wins, then I'll whine. ;)

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It's almost a given that he will win unless a major movement can be done to unseat him. The only wakeup call he will get (if at all) is if a substantial percentage of his constinuents vote against him. It would probably be only at that point where he might be more willing to compromise.

He absolutly will win re-election. He has too many people like the AOers voting for him and against their own economic intrests not to win. The point is his power and influence will be severly reduced.

It will be very important for those of us that who are determined to get this thing through on Richmond to keep in contact with the Democratic reps from Texas who are on the appropriations committee-like Bush's very own Congressman Chet Edwards.

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It's too late to register, but Mr. Frank Wilson will be speaking at the Greater Houston Partnership luncheon at the Hilton Americas today (see the METRO Solutions NewsFlash, linked below). Hopefully, the presentation visuals will be up on the METRO Solutions website shortly afterwards. If any of you are already registered to go, please let us know what he says. Apparently, they are "very excited" and "very proud" about the presentation, so it must be really good.


(Issue 26, but also mentioned in Issues 24 and 25)

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From the Afton Oaks newsletter:

* MetroRail - Yesterday's tremendous rally -- attended by more than 200 people -- with Rep. John Culberson sponsored by the Mobility Coalition (www.mobilitycoalition.org) underscored the need to remain vigilant and united in opposition to rail on Richmond Avenue. Rep. Culberson and Mayor White are the two key elected officials involved in this decision, as the Metro board is unelected and largely appointed by Mayor White. Metro staff is understood to be planning another major push to line up interests in support of the Richmond alignment, but Rep. Culberson has maintained his stance against it. We urge you to continue to write Mayor Bill White (mayor@cityofhouston.net) or the Metro Board to voice your opposition.

I too urge you to contact the mayor and METRO to counter-act the efforts of Afton Oaks to overturn the majority supported referendum. I would'nt waste too much time on Culberson, however. Hopefully he'll be relegated to the back of the bus on this after Nov. 7.

OH! Check out their petition http://www.mobilitycoalition.org/sign.html

Look out! 42 mad dogs on the loose!!! >:)

Edit: take particular note of the logic used in post #37:

37 AftonAg I say no rail on Richmond because I am a old stuborn fart. Who is opposed to it because every one else is. :wacko:

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From the Afton Oaks newsletter:

I too urge you to contact the mayor and METRO to counter-act the efforts of Afton Oaks to overturn the majority supported referendum. I would'nt waste too much time on Culberson, however. Hopefully he'll be relegated to the back of the bus on this after Nov. 7.

OH! Check out their petition http://www.mobilitycoalition.org/sign.html

Look out! 42 mad dogs on the loose!!! >:)

Edit: take particular note of the logic used in post #37:

37 AftonAg I say no rail on Richmond because I am a old stuborn fart. Who is opposed to it because every one else is. :wacko:

Nmain - are you attributing that post to me? If so do your research - Post #37 in this thread was posted on 14 February 2006, by Redscare - I didn't post anything until July of 2006. But thanks for keeping me in your thoughts.

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Nmain - are you attributing that post to me? If so do your research - Post #37 in this thread was posted on 14 February 2006, by Redscare - I didn't post anything until July of 2006. But thanks for keeping me in your thoughts.

I stand by what is posted on the petition-NOT this forum, you old "fart" [your word; not mine].

Besides, Red called me a slut in post 37 and it cut me to the bone!!! :(

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